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Japanese girl(female) name Airinko
Click to speech あいりんこAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Airinko

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:あいりんこ
  • Katakanatip:アイリンコ
  • English transcriptionstip:Airinko, Airinco
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Aichan(あいちゃん)Click to speech あいちゃんRinrin( りんりん)Click to speech  りんりんAirin( あいりん)Click to speech  あいりん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Airinko," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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愛凛子- Airinko -

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means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

means "dignity, majesty, awe-inspiring."

  • Cold - A coldness that makes one's body tense.

  • Impressive - An awe-inspiring and dignified presence.

  • Stately - A stately and dignified presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Cold - This kanji that conveys a sense of coolness and strength.

  • Impressive - This kanji that conveys a sense of awe and grandeur.

  • Stately - This kanji that conveys a sense of dignity and grace.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Name ideas examples

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female - Used as a name for a female.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Adult Male - A respectful title for teachers, masters, and people of high academic or social standing.

  • Philosopher - A person who is knowledgeable in academic studies and their writings or thoughts.

  • Fruit - A seed or fruit, or an animal egg.

  • Small - Something small or fine.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (duke, marquis, count, viscount, and baron).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, representing the north direction and the night time from 12 to 2 o'clock.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac

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