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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!
Akki(あっきー)Akinko( あきんこ)
Akicha( あきちゃ)
This name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
For males, click here.
In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Aki," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
亮 means "brightness, clearness."
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
壮 means "majestic, robust, heroic."
Young And Energetic Man - Refers to a man in his late twenties or early thirties.
Vigorous - Full of energy and enthusiasm.
Bold - Showing courage and confidence.
Impressive - Having a strong impact.
Grand - Impressive and majestic in size or appearance.
Strong - This kanji conveys the idea of strength and vigor, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a strong and healthy child.
Vigorous - This kanji conveys the idea of vigor and energy, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a vigorous and energetic child.
Robust - This kanji conveys the idea of robustness and resilience, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a robust and resilient child.
Bold - This kanji conveys the idea of boldness and courage, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a bold and courageous child.
Grand - This kanji conveys the idea of grandeur and magnificence, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a grand and magnificent child.
彬 means "refined, gentle, elegant."
Harmonious - A harmonious state where the external appearance and inner character are both present.
Clear - Obvious and distinct.
旭 means "rising sun."
Rising Sun - Symbolizing brightness, clarity, and a new beginning.
Brightness - Symbolizing optimism and hope.
Clarity - Symbolizing clarity of thought and purpose.
Brightness - Symbolizing optimism and hope for the future.
Clarity - Symbolizing clarity of thought and purpose for the child's life.
New Beginning - Symbolizing a fresh start and a new journey for the child.
朱 means "cinnabar, vermilion."
Red - A bright, reddish color.
Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.
Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.
Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.
Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
伎 means "art, skill, technique."
Skill - The ability to do something well or efficiently.
Craftsman - A person who is skilled in a particular craft or trade.
Work - Physical or mental effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
Expertise - A high level of knowledge or skill in a particular area.
Performance - The action or process of performing a task or activity.
Skillful - Possessing or displaying skill, having or showing great ability.
Crafty - Clever or cunning, especially in the use of deception.
Industrious - Working hard and energetically.
Expert - Having or showing great skill or knowledge in a particular field.
Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
貴 means "precious, valuable, honorable."
Precious - Highly valued and respected.
Noble - Of high rank or status.
Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.
Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.
Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.
Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.
Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.
Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.
有 means "existence, possession, having."
Exist - To be present or in a certain place.
Possess - To have or own something.
Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.
Furthermore - In addition
To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.
To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
妃 means "princess, consort."
Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.
Princess - The wife of the crown prince.
Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.
Spouse - A partner in a marriage.
To Marry - To become a married couple.
Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.
Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.
Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.
Goddess - A female deity or divine being.
Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.
To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.
Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
幸 means "happiness, good fortune, luck."
Happiness, Fortunate - Being blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.
Cherish, Love - Showing affection and care for someone or something.
Appreciate, Like - Having a favorable opinion of something.
Harvest - Gaining a reward or benefit from nature.
敬 means "respect, honor, reverence."
Respect, Honor - Showing respect and admiration for someone or something.
Reverence - A feeling of deep respect and admiration for someone or something.
Humility - Being humble and modest in attitude and behavior.
Graciousness - Being polite and courteous in manner.
Respect - Showing respect and admiration for others and the world around them.
Reverence - A feeling of deep respect and admiration for life and all its wonders.
Humility - Being humble and modest in attitude and behavior, and recognizing one’s own limitations.
Graciousness - Being polite and courteous in manner, and treating others with kindness and consideration.
旺 means "prosperous, flourishing."
Prosperous - Describes a state of being successful and thriving.
Shining - Refers to emitting light and being radiant.
Vigorous - Describes having a strong energy and momentum.
Prosperous - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of success and abundance. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to have a bright future.
Radiant - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of light and joy, radiating happiness and positivity.
Dynamic - This kanji suggests that the baby will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will have the drive to achieve great things.
Vibrant - This kanji implies that the baby will be full of life and vitality, and will bring joy and excitement to those around them.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
曜 means "weekday, day of the week."
Light - The light of the sun.
Seven Celestial Bodies - The seven celestial bodies (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) combined.
Shining - To symbolize the baby's bright future and potential.
Light - To symbolize the baby's inner light and guidance.
Seven Celestial Bodies - To symbolize the baby's connection to the universe and the power of the stars.
Seven Days - To symbolize the baby's connection to the seven days of the week and the cycle of life.
燦 means "brilliance, radiance, splendor."
Bright - Clear and vivid.
Radiant - Shining brightly.
Glittering - Sparkling and shimmering.
Splendid - Magnificent and beautiful.
Glowing - Shining with a bright light.
Brilliant - Shining brightly and brilliantly.
Bright - This kanji that conveys a sense of clarity and optimism.
Radiant - This kanji that conveys a sense of joy and happiness.
Glittering - This kanji that conveys a sense of beauty and elegance.
Splendid - This kanji that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence.
Glowing - This kanji that conveys a sense of warmth and love.
Brilliant - This kanji that conveys a sense of brilliance and intelligence.
爽 means "refreshing, exhilarating."
Refreshing, Invigorating - Fresh and invigorating.
Different, Divergent - To differ, to make a mistake, to err, to violate.
To Be Hurt, Damaged - To be injured, to suffer a loss, to lose, to be scattered.
Clear, Bright - Symbolizing clarity and brightness, a reminder of the dawn of a new day.
Refreshing, Invigorating - Representing freshness and energy, a reminder of the joy of life.
Different, Divergent - Symbolizing uniqueness and individuality, a reminder to stand out from the crowd.
玲 means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."
Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.
Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.
Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.
Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.
Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.
Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.
Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.
Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.
璃 means "glass, crystal, gemstone."
Jewel - A character used in the name of a gemstone, "Ruri".
Glass - A character used in the name of one of the seven treasures, "Hari".
Crystal - A transparent, crystalline solid with a regular atomic structure.
Glass - A hard, brittle material made from sand, soda, and lime, used for making windows and other objects.
章 means "chapter, section, article."
Writing, Document - A written document, composition, or poem.
Seal, Pattern - A beautiful pattern or mark used to signify something.
Regulation, Law - A set of rules or laws.
Clarification - To make something clear or explicit.
Seal, Stamp - A stamp or seal used to authenticate something.
Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.
Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.
Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.
Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.
Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.
Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.
陽 means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."
Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.
South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.
North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.
Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.
Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.
Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.
Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.
Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.
South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
喜 means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."
Preference - To like, to prefer, to enjoy.
Celebration - To be festive, to celebrate.
Joy, Happiness - To bring joy and happiness to the family, to bring a sense of delight and contentment.
Preference - To show a preference for the family, to express a fondness for the family.
Celebration - To commemorate a special occasion, to mark a joyous event.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
木 means "tree, wood."
Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.
Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.
Material - Wood used as a material for making things.
Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.
Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.
Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.
Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).
Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
来 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.
This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.
In The Future - Something that has not yet come.
Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
枝 means "branch, twig."
Branch - A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or main stem.
Extension - Something that branches out from the center.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
生 means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."
To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.
To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.
Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.
To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.
Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.
Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.
Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.
Student - Student, pupil, disciple.
Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.
Life - Representing the preciousness of life.
Living - Signifying the joy of living.
To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.
To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.
To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.
Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.
Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.
Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
綺 means "beautiful, clean."
Weaving A Pattern With Silk - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric.
Interfering - This refers to the act of interfering or meddling in something.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Weaving - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric, and could be a great name for a baby.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
記 means "record, chronicle, account."
To Record Or Write Down - To make a written record of something.
To Remember - To keep something in one's memory.
To Mark Or Symbolize - To use a mark or symbol to represent something.
Kojiki - An abbreviation for the ancient Japanese chronicle "古事記(kojiki)".
To Remember - It conveys the idea of cherishing and remembering the special moments in life.
To Record - It conveys the idea of documenting and preserving the memories of the child's life.
Symbol - It conveys the idea of representing the child's identity and uniqueness.
Mark - It conveys the idea of leaving a lasting impression on the world.
Chronicle - It conveys the idea of documenting the child's life story.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
貴 means "precious, valuable, honorable."
Precious - Highly valued and respected.
Noble - Of high rank or status.
Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.
Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.
Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.
Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.
Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.
Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
起 means "to rise, to get up, to stand up."
Rise - To get up from a lying or sitting position.
Start - To begin or initiate something.
Depart - To leave a place or situation.
Activate - To cause something to start functioning or to become more active.
Stir Up - To cause something to become more lively or vigorous.
Initiate - To cause something to begin or to set something in motion.
To Rise - This is a positive and uplifting name that symbolizes the potential of a newborn to reach their highest potential.
To Start - It symbolizes the beginning of a new life and the potential for growth and success.
To Activate - It symbolizes the potential for a baby to become active and engaged in life.
To Energize - It symbolizes the potential for a baby to be full of energy and enthusiasm.
To Prosper - It symbolizes the potential for a baby to be successful and prosperous.
To Uplift - It symbolizes the potential for a baby to be uplifted and inspired.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
公 means "public, official, prince."
Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.
Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.
Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.
Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.
Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).
Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.
Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.
Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.
Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.
King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.
Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
城 means "castle, fortress."
Building A Castle - Constructing a structure to protect against enemy attacks and invasions.
Castle Wall - A wall built around a town to protect against enemy attacks.
Protection - This kanji symbolizes protection, which is a great meaning to give to a baby. It conveys the idea that the baby will be safe and secure, and that they will be surrounded by love and care.
Strength - The kanji also symbolizes strength, which is a great quality to give to a baby. It conveys the idea that the baby will be strong and resilient, and that they will be able to overcome any obstacles they may face.
Resilience - The kanji also symbolizes resilience, which is a great quality to give to a baby. It conveys the idea that the baby will be able to bounce back from any hardships they may face, and that they will be able to persevere in the face of adversity.
Security - The kanji also symbolizes security, which is a great quality to give to a baby. It conveys the idea that the baby will be safe and secure, and that they will be surrounded by love and care.
Fortitude - The kanji also symbolizes fortitude, which is a great quality to give to a baby. It conveys the idea that the baby will be strong and brave,
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
木 means "tree, wood."
Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.
Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.
Material - Wood used as a material for making things.
Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.
Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.
Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.
Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).
Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
綺 means "beautiful, clean."
Weaving A Pattern With Silk - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric.
Interfering - This refers to the act of interfering or meddling in something.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Weaving - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric, and could be a great name for a baby.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
記 means "record, chronicle, account."
To Record Or Write Down - To make a written record of something.
To Remember - To keep something in one's memory.
To Mark Or Symbolize - To use a mark or symbol to represent something.
Kojiki - An abbreviation for the ancient Japanese chronicle "古事記(kojiki)".
To Remember - It conveys the idea of cherishing and remembering the special moments in life.
To Record - It conveys the idea of documenting and preserving the memories of the child's life.
Symbol - It conveys the idea of representing the child's identity and uniqueness.
Mark - It conveys the idea of leaving a lasting impression on the world.
Chronicle - It conveys the idea of documenting the child's life story.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
貴 means "precious, valuable, honorable."
Precious - Highly valued and respected.
Noble - Of high rank or status.
Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.
Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.
Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.
Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.
Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.
Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.
吾 means "i, me, myself."
I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.
A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".
To protect/defend.
Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.
Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
來 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.
Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.
A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.
Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.
Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.
Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
喜 means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."
Preference - To like, to prefer, to enjoy.
Celebration - To be festive, to celebrate.
Joy, Happiness - To bring joy and happiness to the family, to bring a sense of delight and contentment.
Preference - To show a preference for the family, to express a fondness for the family.
Celebration - To commemorate a special occasion, to mark a joyous event.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
岐 means "fork, branch, divergence."
To Divide - To split into two or more parts.
A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.
Path - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life full of choices and opportunities, and that they will be able to find their own path in life.
Branch - This kanji implies that the baby will have the potential to branch out and explore different paths in life, and that they will be able to make their own decisions.
Divide - This kanji implies that the baby will have the ability to make decisions and divide their life into different paths, and that they will be able to make their own choices.
Crossroads - This kanji implies that the baby will have the ability to make decisions and take different paths in life, and that they will be able to make their own choices.
Junction - This kanji implies that the baby will have the ability to make decisions and take different paths in life, and that they will be able to make their own choices.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
来 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.
This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.
In The Future - Something that has not yet come.
Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
祈 means "pray."
Pray - To make a request or plea to a higher power, such as a god or deity.
Wish - To express a desire for something to happen.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
娃 means "beautiful."
Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Pretty - Having an attractive face and figure.
Gorgeous - Very beautiful and attractive.
Lovely - Having a pleasant and attractive appearance.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
芸 means "art, performance, skill."
Entertainment - Engaging in activities for enjoyment.
Planting - Planting trees and plants, sowing seeds and cultivating them.
Hermodactylus - A type of grass with a strong scent used to repel insects from books.
Mowing - Cutting grass.
Skill, Technique - A reminder to the child to strive for excellence and acquire knowledge.
Entertainment - A reminder to the child to enjoy life and have fun.
Planting - A reminder to the child to be a responsible steward of the environment.
Hermodactylus - A reminder to the child to be strong and resilient.
Mowing - A reminder to the child to be diligent and hardworking.
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.
Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.
Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.
Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.
Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.
Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.
Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
來 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.
Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.
A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.
Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.
Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.
Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
喜 means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."
Preference - To like, to prefer, to enjoy.
Celebration - To be festive, to celebrate.
Joy, Happiness - To bring joy and happiness to the family, to bring a sense of delight and contentment.
Preference - To show a preference for the family, to express a fondness for the family.
Celebration - To commemorate a special occasion, to mark a joyous event.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
妃 means "princess, consort."
Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.
Princess - The wife of the crown prince.
Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.
Spouse - A partner in a marriage.
To Marry - To become a married couple.
Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.
Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.
Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.
Goddess - A female deity or divine being.
Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.
To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.
Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
来 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.
This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.
In The Future - Something that has not yet come.
Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
生 means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."
To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.
To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.
Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.
To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.
Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.
Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.
Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.
Student - Student, pupil, disciple.
Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.
Life - Representing the preciousness of life.
Living - Signifying the joy of living.
To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.
To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.
To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.
Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.
Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.
Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
記 means "record, chronicle, account."
To Record Or Write Down - To make a written record of something.
To Remember - To keep something in one's memory.
To Mark Or Symbolize - To use a mark or symbol to represent something.
Kojiki - An abbreviation for the ancient Japanese chronicle "古事記(kojiki)".
To Remember - It conveys the idea of cherishing and remembering the special moments in life.
To Record - It conveys the idea of documenting and preserving the memories of the child's life.
Symbol - It conveys the idea of representing the child's identity and uniqueness.
Mark - It conveys the idea of leaving a lasting impression on the world.
Chronicle - It conveys the idea of documenting the child's life story.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
心 means "heart, mind, spirit."
Heart - An organ that circulates blood.
Feelings - Emotions and mental state.
Center - The middle, the core, the central point.
綺 means "beautiful, clean."
Weaving A Pattern With Silk - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric.
Interfering - This refers to the act of interfering or meddling in something.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Weaving - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric, and could be a great name for a baby.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
伎 means "art, skill, technique."
Skill - The ability to do something well or efficiently.
Craftsman - A person who is skilled in a particular craft or trade.
Work - Physical or mental effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
Expertise - A high level of knowledge or skill in a particular area.
Performance - The action or process of performing a task or activity.
Skillful - Possessing or displaying skill, having or showing great ability.
Crafty - Clever or cunning, especially in the use of deception.
Industrious - Working hard and energetically.
Expert - Having or showing great skill or knowledge in a particular field.
Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
來 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.
Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.
A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.
Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.
Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.
Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
喜 means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."
Preference - To like, to prefer, to enjoy.
Celebration - To be festive, to celebrate.
Joy, Happiness - To bring joy and happiness to the family, to bring a sense of delight and contentment.
Preference - To show a preference for the family, to express a fondness for the family.
Celebration - To commemorate a special occasion, to mark a joyous event.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
月 means "moon, month."
Moon - The moon visible in the sky, the satellite of the Earth.
Month - A period of time equal to one twelfth of a year. Every month, monthly.
Monday - One of the seven days of the week.
Moon - A celestial body that symbolizes light, hope, and new beginnings.
Month - A reminder of the passage of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.
Every Month - A reminder to appreciate the beauty of life and the joy of each month.
Monday - A reminder to start each week with a positive attitude and a determination to make the most of it.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
琴 means "koto: Japanese stringed musical instrument."
A Stringed Musical Instrument - This is a general term for stringed instruments such as the koto (Japanese harp) and wagakki (Japanese traditional stringed instrument).
Harmony - This word can be used to represent harmony and balance in life.
Resonance - This word can be used to represent the resonance of sound and the connection between people.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
祈 means "pray."
Pray - To make a request or plea to a higher power, such as a god or deity.
Wish - To express a desire for something to happen.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
綺 means "beautiful, clean."
Weaving A Pattern With Silk - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric.
Interfering - This refers to the act of interfering or meddling in something.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Weaving - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric, and could be a great name for a baby.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
衣 means "clothing, garment."
Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.
Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.
To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.
To Perform - To act or do something.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
貴 means "precious, valuable, honorable."
Precious - Highly valued and respected.
Noble - Of high rank or status.
Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.
Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.
Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.
Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.
Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.
Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
来 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.
This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.
In The Future - Something that has not yet come.
Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
生 means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."
To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.
To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.
Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.
To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.
Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.
Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.
Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.
Student - Student, pupil, disciple.
Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.
Life - Representing the preciousness of life.
Living - Signifying the joy of living.
To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.
To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.
To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.
Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.
Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.
Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
晶 means "crystal, sparkle, clear."
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
晶 means "crystal, sparkle, clear."
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
有 means "existence, possession, having."
Exist - To be present or in a certain place.
Possess - To have or own something.
Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.
Furthermore - In addition
To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.
To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
有 means "existence, possession, having."
Exist - To be present or in a certain place.
Possess - To have or own something.
Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.
Furthermore - In addition
To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.
To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
花 means "flower."
Flower - A general term for flowers of plants and trees.
Something Shaped Like A Flower - Something shaped like a flower.
Blurring Of The Eyes - A feeling of being dazed or confused.
Glare - A feeling of being dazzled.
Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.
Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.
Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."
有 means "existence, possession, having."
Exist - To be present or in a certain place.
Possess - To have or own something.
Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.
Furthermore - In addition
To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.
To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
貴 means "precious, valuable, honorable."
Precious - Highly valued and respected.
Noble - Of high rank or status.
Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.
Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.
Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.
Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.
Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.
Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.
有 means "existence, possession, having."
Exist - To be present or in a certain place.
Possess - To have or own something.
Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.
Furthermore - In addition
To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.
To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
妃 means "princess, consort."
Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.
Princess - The wife of the crown prince.
Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.
Spouse - A partner in a marriage.
To Marry - To become a married couple.
Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.
Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.
Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.
Goddess - A female deity or divine being.
Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.
To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.
Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.
空 means "sky, emptiness."
Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.
Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.
Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.
Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.
Void - An empty space or area.
To Empty - To make something empty or void.
Wide - Having a large area or extent.
Hole - An opening or passage through something.
Gap - A space between two things.
Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.
Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.
Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.
Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.
Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.
Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with
絆 means "bond, tie, connection."
Bond - A connection or relationship between two or more people, places, or things.
Connect - To join or link together.
Bind - To tie or fasten together.
Restrain - To limit or control the actions or movements of someone or something.
Fetter - A device used to restrain an animal, such as a horse or ox, by tying its legs together.
Bond - It conveys the idea of a strong connection between two people, such as a parent and child. It also implies a sense of loyalty and commitment.
Connect - It conveys the idea of a strong connection between two people, such as a parent and child. It also implies a sense of unity and togetherness.
Unite - It conveys the idea of a strong connection between two people, such as a parent and child. It also implies a sense of solidarity and harmony.
Secure - It conveys the idea of a strong connection between two people, such as a parent and child. It also implies a sense of safety and protection.
Attach - It conveys the idea of a strong connection between two people, such as a parent and child. It also implies a sense of attachment and closeness.
空 means "sky, emptiness."
Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.
Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.
Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.
Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.
Void - An empty space or area.
To Empty - To make something empty or void.
Wide - Having a large area or extent.
Hole - An opening or passage through something.
Gap - A space between two things.
Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.
Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.
Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.
Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.
Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.
Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with
輝 means "radiance, brilliance."
Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.
Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.
Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.
Radiance - A bright, glowing light.
Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.
Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.
Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.
Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.
Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.
Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
來 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.
Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.
A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.
Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.
Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.
Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
祈 means "pray."
Pray - To make a request or plea to a higher power, such as a god or deity.
Wish - To express a desire for something to happen.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
稀 means "rare, unusual, uncommon."
Rare - Not common or occurring often
Faint - Very weak or slight
Sparse - Not dense or thick
Thin - Having little substance or strength
Dilute - Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
綺 means "beautiful, clean."
Weaving A Pattern With Silk - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric.
Interfering - This refers to the act of interfering or meddling in something.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive.
Beautiful - This refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Splendid - This refers to something that is grand and impressive, and could be a great name for a baby.
Weaving - This refers to the process of creating a beautiful pattern with silk fabric, and could be a great name for a baby.
絢 means "gorgeous, brilliant, colorful."
Pattern Of Beautiful Fabric - Refers to the intricate and beautiful patterns found on fabric.
Splendid And Beautiful - Refers to something that is dazzling and beautiful in appearance.
Splendid - This kanji conveys a sense of beauty and grandeur, and is a great choice for a baby who is expected to bring joy and light to the world.
Radiant - This kanji implies a bright and shining personality, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring joy and happiness to those around them.
Vibrant - This kanji suggests a lively and energetic personality, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring energy and enthusiasm to their life.
Glorious - This kanji implies a sense of greatness and grandeur, and is perfect for a baby who is sure to bring greatness and success to their life.
Magnificent - This kanji conveys a sense of awe and wonder, and is a great choice for a baby who is sure to bring beauty and joy to the world.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
綾 means "damask, twill, silk fabric."
A silk fabric with a beautiful pattern.
A pattern where lines intersect diagonally.
Pattern - This kanji symbolizes a pattern of intersecting lines, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a unique and intricate pattern of life, or the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual.
Silk - The kanji also symbolizes a type of silk fabric, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a luxurious and beautiful fabric that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate fabric that will be unique to the individual.
Beauty - The kanji also symbolizes beauty, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate beauty that will be unique to the individual.
來 means "come, arrive."
To Come - To arrive or come to a place.
To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.
From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.
Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.
A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.
To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.
Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.
Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.
Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.
綾 means "damask, twill, silk fabric."
A silk fabric with a beautiful pattern.
A pattern where lines intersect diagonally.
Pattern - This kanji symbolizes a pattern of intersecting lines, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a unique and intricate pattern of life, or the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual.
Silk - The kanji also symbolizes a type of silk fabric, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a luxurious and beautiful fabric that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate fabric that will be unique to the individual.
Beauty - The kanji also symbolizes beauty, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate beauty that will be unique to the individual.
樹 means "tree, wood, timber."
綾 means "damask, twill, silk fabric."
A silk fabric with a beautiful pattern.
A pattern where lines intersect diagonally.
Pattern - This kanji symbolizes a pattern of intersecting lines, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a unique and intricate pattern of life, or the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual.
Silk - The kanji also symbolizes a type of silk fabric, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a luxurious and beautiful fabric that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate fabric that will be unique to the individual.
Beauty - The kanji also symbolizes beauty, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate beauty that will be unique to the individual.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
諒 means "understanding, comprehension, sympathy."
Honesty - Being truthful and sincere.
Believing - Having faith and trust in someone or something.
Compassion - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.
Revealing - Making something clear or known.
Knowing - Having knowledge or understanding of something.
Honesty - A quality of being honest and truthful, which is an admirable trait to have in life.
Believing - Having faith and trust in oneself and others, which is essential for a successful life.
Compassion - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, which is a sign of a good heart.
Revealing - Making something clear or known, which can be a sign of wisdom and insight.
Knowing - Having knowledge or understanding of something, which can be a sign of intelligence and insight.
季 means "season, period, time."
Season - Each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) is divided into three months.
End Of A Season - The last month of each of the four seasons.
Youngest Sibling - The youngest of a group of siblings, usually referred to as "伯・仲・叔・季" in order of age.
Season - This kanji is often used to refer to the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will grow up in a season of joy and happiness.
End Of An Era - This kanji can also be used to refer to the end of an era or period of time. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new beginning and a fresh start.
Youngest Sibling - This kanji can also be used to refer to the youngest sibling in a family. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will be the youngest and most beloved member of the family.
Last Month Of The Year - This kanji can also be used to refer to the last month of the year. It can be used to name a baby to represent the hope that the baby will bring a new year of joy and happiness.
逢 means "meet, encounter, come across."
To Meet - To come across someone unexpectedly.
To Greet - To welcome someone.
To Understand - To comprehend someone's feelings.
Big - Having a large size.
Abundant - Having a plentiful amount.
Meeting - It symbolizes the joy of coming together and the hope of a bright future.
Reception - It conveys the idea of welcoming someone into the family and the hope of a warm and loving relationship.
Understanding - It conveys the idea of being able to understand and empathize with others.
Abundance - It conveys the idea of having plenty and the hope of a prosperous life.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
逢 means "meet, encounter, come across."
To Meet - To come across someone unexpectedly.
To Greet - To welcome someone.
To Understand - To comprehend someone's feelings.
Big - Having a large size.
Abundant - Having a plentiful amount.
Meeting - It symbolizes the joy of coming together and the hope of a bright future.
Reception - It conveys the idea of welcoming someone into the family and the hope of a warm and loving relationship.
Understanding - It conveys the idea of being able to understand and empathize with others.
Abundance - It conveys the idea of having plenty and the hope of a prosperous life.
希 means "rare, hope, beg for."
Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.
Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.
Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.
Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".
Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.
Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.
Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.
采 means "picking, plucking, collecting."
Beauty - A beautiful and vibrant color.
Harvest - To pick and gather with one's hands.
Form - The shape, appearance, and hue.
Land - A chosen and bestowed territory.
Dice - A cube with numbers used in gambling.
葵 means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."
Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.
A symbol of good luck and fortune.
阿 means "ah, oh, alas."
Hill - A large hill.
Cove - A curved and winding place.
Flatter - To flatter or fawn.
Eaves - A roof overhang.
Approach - To approach or lean on.
Endearment - A word used to express affection when used as a surname or nickname.
Pet Name - An affectionate nickname used for a woman's name.
Hill - A strong and majestic name that symbolizes strength and stability.
Cove - A gentle and peaceful name that symbolizes tranquility and serenity.
Eaves - This kanji that symbolizes protection and shelter.
Approach - This kanji that symbolizes closeness and connection.
Endearment - This kanji that symbolizes love and affection.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
陽 means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."
Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.
South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.
North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.
Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.
Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.
Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.
Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.
Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.
South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.
姫 means "princess, noblewoman."
Princess - A respectful title for a noble woman.
Daughter Of A Noble Person - A daughter of a high-ranking individual.
Female Endearment - A term of endearment for a woman.
Cute Or Adorable - A term used to describe something small or cute.
Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.
Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.
Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.
Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.
The list features individuals mentioned on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia JP links are in Japanese only. Sorry!
Names that have the same gender and start with A.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names