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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!
Akichan(あきちゃん)Kanechan( かねちゃん)
Akkun( あっくん)
In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Akikane," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.
彰 means "manifest, clear, evident."
Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.
Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.
Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.
兼 means "simultaneously, concurrently."
Combine Multiple Things Together - To combine or join together multiple things.
Not Possible - To indicate that something is not possible or unlikely.
In Advance - To do something beforehand.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
兼 means "simultaneously, concurrently."
Combine Multiple Things Together - To combine or join together multiple things.
Not Possible - To indicate that something is not possible or unlikely.
In Advance - To do something beforehand.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
謙 means "modesty, humility."
Humility - Showing respect and modesty by not drawing attention to oneself.
Respect - Showing deference and admiration for someone or something.
Moderation - Refraining from excess or extremes.
Contentment - Feeling satisfied and fulfilled.
Respect - Showing respect and admiration for others and the world around them.
Humility - Teaching the importance of being humble and not drawing attention to oneself.
Contentment - Encouraging the child to find joy and satisfaction in life.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
金 means "gold, money, metal."
Metal - A general term for metals, such as gold.
Money - Currency, coins, and other forms of payment.
Color - Golden or golden-colored.
Hardness - A metaphor for something hard.
Beauty - A metaphor for something beautiful and precious, like gold.
West - West in eight directions.
Star - The name of a star, Venus.
Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in shogi, the gold general(金将).
Friday - One of the seven days of the week.
Gold - This is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a wealthy family. It also has a strong connection to the sun, which is a symbol of life and energy.
Metal - Metal is a strong and durable material, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of strength and resilience.
Money - Money is a symbol of success and abundance, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of financial stability.
Color - Gold is a beautiful and luxurious color, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of beauty and luxury.
Hard - Hard is a symbol of strength and durability, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of strength and resilience.
Venus - Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of love and beauty.
Friday - Friday is the day of rest and relaxation, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of relaxation and leisure.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
鉄 means "iron, steel."
Iron - A metal that is hard and strong, used to make weapons and blades.
Black Gold - A term used to refer to iron due to its strength and durability.
Strength - Iron is a strong metal, symbolizing strength and resilience.
Durability - Iron is a durable metal, symbolizing the ability to withstand difficult times.
Protection - Iron is used to make weapons and blades, symbolizing protection and safety.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
鐘 means "bell, chime."
Bell - A percussion instrument made of bronze.
Timekeeper Bell - A bell that announces the time.
Bell - A symbol of joy and celebration, a reminder of the importance of time and the passing of it.
Fishing Bell - A reminder of the importance of patience and perseverance, and of the rewards that come with it.
Timekeeper Bell - A reminder of the importance of being punctual and of the value of time.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
兼 means "simultaneously, concurrently."
Combine Multiple Things Together - To combine or join together multiple things.
Not Possible - To indicate that something is not possible or unlikely.
In Advance - To do something beforehand.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
謙 means "modesty, humility."
Humility - Showing respect and modesty by not drawing attention to oneself.
Respect - Showing deference and admiration for someone or something.
Moderation - Refraining from excess or extremes.
Contentment - Feeling satisfied and fulfilled.
Respect - Showing respect and admiration for others and the world around them.
Humility - Teaching the importance of being humble and not drawing attention to oneself.
Contentment - Encouraging the child to find joy and satisfaction in life.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
金 means "gold, money, metal."
Metal - A general term for metals, such as gold.
Money - Currency, coins, and other forms of payment.
Color - Golden or golden-colored.
Hardness - A metaphor for something hard.
Beauty - A metaphor for something beautiful and precious, like gold.
West - West in eight directions.
Star - The name of a star, Venus.
Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in shogi, the gold general(金将).
Friday - One of the seven days of the week.
Gold - This is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a wealthy family. It also has a strong connection to the sun, which is a symbol of life and energy.
Metal - Metal is a strong and durable material, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of strength and resilience.
Money - Money is a symbol of success and abundance, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of financial stability.
Color - Gold is a beautiful and luxurious color, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of beauty and luxury.
Hard - Hard is a symbol of strength and durability, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of strength and resilience.
Venus - Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of love and beauty.
Friday - Friday is the day of rest and relaxation, and is a great name for a baby who is born into a family of relaxation and leisure.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
鉄 means "iron, steel."
Iron - A metal that is hard and strong, used to make weapons and blades.
Black Gold - A term used to refer to iron due to its strength and durability.
Strength - Iron is a strong metal, symbolizing strength and resilience.
Durability - Iron is a durable metal, symbolizing the ability to withstand difficult times.
Protection - Iron is used to make weapons and blades, symbolizing protection and safety.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
鐘 means "bell, chime."
Bell - A percussion instrument made of bronze.
Timekeeper Bell - A bell that announces the time.
Bell - A symbol of joy and celebration, a reminder of the importance of time and the passing of it.
Fishing Bell - A reminder of the importance of patience and perseverance, and of the rewards that come with it.
Timekeeper Bell - A reminder of the importance of being punctual and of the value of time.
Names that have the same gender and start with A.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names