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Japanese boy(male) name Atsumune
Click to speech あつむねAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Atsumune

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:あつむね
  • Katakanatip:アツムネ
  • English transcriptionstip:Atsumune
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Atchan(あっちゃん)Click to speech あっちゃんMunekun(むねくん)Click to speech むねくんAtsukun(あつくん)Click to speech あつくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 11 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Atsumune," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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- Atsumune -

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means "gathering, collection, assembly."

  • Gather - To come together in a group or to collect many things.

  • Congregate - To come together in a group or assembly.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Swarm - To move in a large group, like a swarm of insects.

Name ideas examples

  • Gather - To bring people or things together in a unified group.

  • Congregate - To come together in a peaceful and harmonious assembly.

  • Accomplish - To achieve success and reach one's goals.

  • Swarm - To move in a unified and organized manner.

厚宗- Atsumune -

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means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

厚意- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share厚意 - Atsumune - Copy 厚意

means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "meaning, intention, idea."

  • Heart - A feeling of deep emotion or strong affection.

  • Thought - A mental process of considering or reasoning about something.

  • Intention - A plan or purpose to do something.

  • Meaning - The significance or importance of something.

  • Interpretation - The act of understanding or explaining the meaning of something.

  • Consideration - The act of carefully thinking about something.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - This kanji that conveys a feeling of deep love and affection.

  • Thought - This kanji that reflects a thoughtful and intelligent individual.

  • Intention - This kanji that symbolizes a purposeful and determined individual.

  • Meaning - This kanji that carries a special significance or importance.

  • Interpretation - This kanji that reflects an understanding and insightful individual.

  • Consideration - This kanji that symbolizes a thoughtful and considerate individual.

厚旨- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share厚旨 - Atsumune - Copy 厚旨

means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "delicious, tasty, savory."

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant and enjoyable taste.

  • Good - Having a favorable or positive quality.

  • Intention - An aim or plan in mind.

  • Will - A strong desire or determination.

  • Command - An authoritative order.

Name ideas examples

  • Delicious - Conveying the idea of a sweet and pleasant life.

  • Good - Suggesting that the baby will bring joy and positivity to the world.

  • Intention - Implying that the baby will have a clear purpose and direction in life.

  • Will - Suggesting that the baby will have the strength and determination to achieve their goals.

  • Command - Conveying the idea of a strong and authoritative presence.

厚棟- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share厚棟 - Atsumune - Copy 厚棟

means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "ridgepole, building, counter for houses, etc."

  • Roof Peak - The highest part of a roof.

  • Lumber - Wood used for building a house.

  • Head - A leader or important person.

  • Star Name - An alternate name for the constellation of Taurus.

  • Counting Word For Houses - A word used to count houses.

Name ideas examples

  • Roof Peak - Symbolizing the highest point of achievement and success.

  • Lumber - Representing strength and stability.

  • Head - Signifying leadership and authority.

  • Star Name - Representing beauty and grace.

  • Counting Word For Houses - Symbolizing abundance and prosperity.

渥宗- Atsumune -

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means "moisten, wet, soak."

Name ideas examples

  • Generous - Refers to being generous and kind.

  • Moisture - Refers to being moist or wet.

  • Glossy - Refers to having a glossy and beautiful appearance.

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

渥旨- Atsumune -

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means "moisten, wet, soak."

Name ideas examples

  • Generous - Refers to being generous and kind.

  • Moisture - Refers to being moist or wet.

  • Glossy - Refers to having a glossy and beautiful appearance.

means "delicious, tasty, savory."

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant and enjoyable taste.

  • Good - Having a favorable or positive quality.

  • Intention - An aim or plan in mind.

  • Will - A strong desire or determination.

  • Command - An authoritative order.

Name ideas examples

  • Delicious - Conveying the idea of a sweet and pleasant life.

  • Good - Suggesting that the baby will bring joy and positivity to the world.

  • Intention - Implying that the baby will have a clear purpose and direction in life.

  • Will - Suggesting that the baby will have the strength and determination to achieve their goals.

  • Command - Conveying the idea of a strong and authoritative presence.

篤宗- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share篤宗 - Atsumune - Copy 篤宗

means "sincerity, seriousness, diligence."

Name ideas examples

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than expected or needed.

  • Devoted - Showing great loyalty and dedication to something or someone.

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

篤意- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share篤意 - Atsumune - Copy 篤意

means "sincerity, seriousness, diligence."

Name ideas examples

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than expected or needed.

  • Devoted - Showing great loyalty and dedication to something or someone.

means "meaning, intention, idea."

  • Heart - A feeling of deep emotion or strong affection.

  • Thought - A mental process of considering or reasoning about something.

  • Intention - A plan or purpose to do something.

  • Meaning - The significance or importance of something.

  • Interpretation - The act of understanding or explaining the meaning of something.

  • Consideration - The act of carefully thinking about something.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - This kanji that conveys a feeling of deep love and affection.

  • Thought - This kanji that reflects a thoughtful and intelligent individual.

  • Intention - This kanji that symbolizes a purposeful and determined individual.

  • Meaning - This kanji that carries a special significance or importance.

  • Interpretation - This kanji that reflects an understanding and insightful individual.

  • Consideration - This kanji that symbolizes a thoughtful and considerate individual.

篤旨- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share篤旨 - Atsumune - Copy 篤旨

means "sincerity, seriousness, diligence."

Name ideas examples

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than expected or needed.

  • Devoted - Showing great loyalty and dedication to something or someone.

means "delicious, tasty, savory."

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant and enjoyable taste.

  • Good - Having a favorable or positive quality.

  • Intention - An aim or plan in mind.

  • Will - A strong desire or determination.

  • Command - An authoritative order.

Name ideas examples

  • Delicious - Conveying the idea of a sweet and pleasant life.

  • Good - Suggesting that the baby will bring joy and positivity to the world.

  • Intention - Implying that the baby will have a clear purpose and direction in life.

  • Will - Suggesting that the baby will have the strength and determination to achieve their goals.

  • Command - Conveying the idea of a strong and authoritative presence.

篤棟- Atsumune -

Add to First Names Favorites Share篤棟 - Atsumune - Copy 篤棟

means "sincerity, seriousness, diligence."

Name ideas examples

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than expected or needed.

  • Devoted - Showing great loyalty and dedication to something or someone.

means "ridgepole, building, counter for houses, etc."

  • Roof Peak - The highest part of a roof.

  • Lumber - Wood used for building a house.

  • Head - A leader or important person.

  • Star Name - An alternate name for the constellation of Taurus.

  • Counting Word For Houses - A word used to count houses.

Name ideas examples

  • Roof Peak - Symbolizing the highest point of achievement and success.

  • Lumber - Representing strength and stability.

  • Head - Signifying leadership and authority.

  • Star Name - Representing beauty and grace.

  • Counting Word For Houses - Symbolizing abundance and prosperity.

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