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Japanese girl(female) name Hiina
Click to speech ひいなAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Hiina

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:ひいな
  • Katakanatip:ヒイナ
  • English transcriptionstip:Hina
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Hinachan(ひなちゃん)Click to speech ひなちゃんNacchi( なっち)Click to speech  なっちHiichan( ひいちゃん)Click to speech  ひいちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 14 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Hiina," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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妃夏- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share妃夏 - Hiina - Copy 妃夏

means "princess, consort."

  • Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.

  • Princess - The wife of the crown prince.

  • Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.

  • Spouse - A partner in a marriage.

  • To Marry - To become a married couple.

  • Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.

Name ideas examples

  • Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.

  • Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.

  • Goddess - A female deity or divine being.

  • Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.

  • To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.

  • Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

- Hiina -

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means "chick, fledgling, young bird."

  • Young Child - A young child or infant.

  • Bird's Chick - A chick of a bird.

  • Hina Doll - A traditional Japanese doll made to represent a young girl, usually displayed during the Hinamatsuri festival.

Name ideas examples

  • Young Child - It implies a sense of innocence and youthfulness.

  • Bird's Child - It implies a sense of protection and care.

  • Doll - It implies a sense of beauty and playfulness.

妃那- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share妃那 - Hiina - Copy 妃那

means "princess, consort."

  • Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.

  • Princess - The wife of the crown prince.

  • Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.

  • Spouse - A partner in a marriage.

  • To Marry - To become a married couple.

  • Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.

Name ideas examples

  • Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.

  • Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.

  • Goddess - A female deity or divine being.

  • Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.

  • To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.

  • Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

姫菜- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share姫菜 - Hiina - Copy 姫菜

means "princess, noblewoman."

Name ideas examples

  • Princess - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of nobility and grace.

  • Lady - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication.

  • Darling - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of love and affection.

  • Sweetheart - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of tenderness and endearment.

  • Angel - This is a suitable name for a baby girl as it conveys a sense of innocence and purity.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

柊南- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share柊南 - Hiina - Copy 柊南

means "holly, ilex."

  • Chinese Holly - A species of evergreen tree belonging to the family of the magnolia family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - Symbolizing strength, resilience, and longevity.

  • Resilience - Symbolizing the ability to bounce back from difficult times.

  • Strength - Symbolizing the power to overcome obstacles.

  • Longevity - Symbolizing a long and prosperous life.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

秀奈- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share秀奈 - Hiina - Copy 秀奈

means "excellent, outstanding, superior."

  • Outstanding - To be superior or excellent in a particular field or activity.

  • Growing - To increase in size, amount, or degree.

  • Extending - To stretch out or expand in length, area, or scope.

  • Distinguishing - To set apart from others

  • Sprouting - To begin to grow or develop.

  • Blooming - To produce flowers

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - To be remarkable or exceptional in some way, suggesting that the baby will be a leader and stand out from the crowd.

  • Growing - To increase in size, number, or strength, suggesting that the baby will have a strong and healthy development.

  • Extending - To stretch out or expand in length, area, or volume, suggesting that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and opportunities.

  • Standing Out - To be prominent or noticeable, suggesting that the baby will be noticed and appreciated for their unique qualities.

  • Sprouting - To begin to grow or develop, suggesting that the baby will have a strong start in life.

  • Blooming - To produce flowers, suggesting that the baby will grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

緋奈- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share緋奈 - Hiina - Copy 緋奈

means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

陽愛- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share陽愛 - Hiina - Copy 陽愛

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

ひいな- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Shareひいな - Hiina - Copy ひいな

Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

ひい菜- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Shareひい菜 - Hiina - Copy ひい菜

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

妃依那- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share妃依那 - Hiina - Copy 妃依那

means "princess, consort."

  • Empress - The wife of the emperor, the second wife of the emperor's consort.

  • Princess - The wife of the crown prince.

  • Goddess - A respectful way of referring to a goddess.

  • Spouse - A partner in a marriage.

  • To Marry - To become a married couple.

  • Royalty - The wife of a royal family member.

Name ideas examples

  • Empress - A title of respect and honor for a female ruler or a woman of high rank.

  • Princess - A female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign.

  • Goddess - A female deity or divine being.

  • Spouse - A married partner in a committed relationship.

  • To Marry - To join together in a marriage or other committed relationship.

  • Royalty - A person of royal rank or descent.

means "dependent, rely on, trust in."

  • Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.

  • Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.

  • Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.

  • As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.

Name ideas examples

  • Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

  • Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.

  • Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.

  • Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.

  • Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

陽依奈- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share陽依奈 - Hiina - Copy 陽依奈

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

means "dependent, rely on, trust in."

  • Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.

  • Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.

  • Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.

  • As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.

Name ideas examples

  • Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

  • Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.

  • Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.

  • Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.

  • Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

陽衣奈- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share陽衣奈 - Hiina - Copy 陽衣奈

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

means "clothing, garment."

  • Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.

  • Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.

  • To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.

  • To Perform - To act or do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Clothing - Symbolizing the protection and comfort of a loving family.

  • Covering - Representing the shelter and safety of a loving home.

  • To Wear - Signifying the joy of being dressed and cared for.

  • To Perform - Representing the potential to achieve great things.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

陽衣菜- Hiina -

Add to First Names Favorites Share陽衣菜 - Hiina - Copy 陽衣菜

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

means "clothing, garment."

  • Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.

  • Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.

  • To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.

  • To Perform - To act or do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Clothing - Symbolizing the protection and comfort of a loving family.

  • Covering - Representing the shelter and safety of a loving home.

  • To Wear - Signifying the joy of being dressed and cared for.

  • To Perform - Representing the potential to achieve great things.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

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