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Japanese boy(male) name Hirotsune
Click to speech ひろつねAdd to First Name FavoritesShare this page Copy Hirotsune

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:ひろつね
  • Katakanatip:ヒロツネ
  • English transcriptionstip:Hirotsune
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Hirochan(ひろちゃん)Click to speech ひろちゃんTsunekun( つねくん)Click to speech  つねくんHirotsunekun( ひろつねくん)Click to speech  ひろつねくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 10 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Hirotsune," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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博常- Hirotsune -

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means "exhibition, fair, show, display."

  • Broad, Wide - Having a wide range or scope

  • Widespread - Spreading widely or being known by many people.

  • Promote - To spread or increase the popularity of something.

  • Gambling - Taking part in games of chance for money or other stakes.

Name ideas examples

  • Broad, Wide - Suggesting a broad outlook on life, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore and learn.

  • Widespread - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be well-known and respected by many people.

  • Promote - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be successful and to achieve great things.

means "always, usual, regular."

  • Always, Forever - This refers to something that will never change.

  • Usual, Regular - This refers to something that is normal or expected.

  • Flag - This refers to a flag with the sun, moon, or dragon drawn on it, which was used by the emperor.

  • Unit of Length - This refers to a unit of length that is twice the length of a jin (eight feet).

Name ideas examples

  • Always, Forever - This could be used to signify that the baby will always be loved and cherished.

  • Usual, Regular - This could be used to signify that the baby is a normal and expected addition to the family.

  • Flag - This could be used to signify that the baby is a symbol of strength and power.

博恒- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share博恒 - Hirotsune - Copy 博恒

means "exhibition, fair, show, display."

  • Broad, Wide - Having a wide range or scope

  • Widespread - Spreading widely or being known by many people.

  • Promote - To spread or increase the popularity of something.

  • Gambling - Taking part in games of chance for money or other stakes.

Name ideas examples

  • Broad, Wide - Suggesting a broad outlook on life, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore and learn.

  • Widespread - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be well-known and respected by many people.

  • Promote - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be successful and to achieve great things.

means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

博矩- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share博矩 - Hirotsune - Copy 博矩

means "exhibition, fair, show, display."

  • Broad, Wide - Having a wide range or scope

  • Widespread - Spreading widely or being known by many people.

  • Promote - To spread or increase the popularity of something.

  • Gambling - Taking part in games of chance for money or other stakes.

Name ideas examples

  • Broad, Wide - Suggesting a broad outlook on life, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore and learn.

  • Widespread - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be well-known and respected by many people.

  • Promote - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be successful and to achieve great things.

means "carpenter's square, rule, regulation, norm, standard."

  • Square, Rectangle - A four-sided shape with four equal angles.

  • Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.

  • Standard, Model - A pattern or example that is used as a guide or reference.

  • Measurement, Calculation - The use of mathematics to determine the size, shape, or position of something.

Name ideas examples

博経- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share博経 - Hirotsune - Copy 博経

means "exhibition, fair, show, display."

  • Broad, Wide - Having a wide range or scope

  • Widespread - Spreading widely or being known by many people.

  • Promote - To spread or increase the popularity of something.

  • Gambling - Taking part in games of chance for money or other stakes.

Name ideas examples

  • Broad, Wide - Suggesting a broad outlook on life, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore and learn.

  • Widespread - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be well-known and respected by many people.

  • Promote - Suggesting a desire for the baby to be successful and to achieve great things.

means "experience, manage, pass through."

  • To pass through (time) - To pass through a period of time, to go through a process, to experience something.

  • Weaving thread - The vertical thread used in weaving.

  • Direction (vertical) - The direction of north and south, or up and down.

  • Path - A route, a course of action, a logical sequence.

  • To measure - To take measurements, to survey.

  • Constant - That which does not change.

  • Boundary - A dividing line, a limit.

  • Rule - A law, a principle, a regulation.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - It implies a sense of leadership and responsibility.

  • To Pass - It implies a sense of progress and growth.

  • To Measure - It implies a sense of accuracy and precision.

  • To Weave - It implies a sense of creativity and craftsmanship.

  • To Go Around - It implies a sense of exploration and adventure.

  • To Last - It implies a sense of stability and permanence.

  • To Bound - It implies a sense of security and protection.

  • To Follow - It implies a sense of obedience and respect.

宏常- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share宏常 - Hirotsune - Copy 宏常

means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "always, usual, regular."

  • Always, Forever - This refers to something that will never change.

  • Usual, Regular - This refers to something that is normal or expected.

  • Flag - This refers to a flag with the sun, moon, or dragon drawn on it, which was used by the emperor.

  • Unit of Length - This refers to a unit of length that is twice the length of a jin (eight feet).

Name ideas examples

  • Always, Forever - This could be used to signify that the baby will always be loved and cherished.

  • Usual, Regular - This could be used to signify that the baby is a normal and expected addition to the family.

  • Flag - This could be used to signify that the baby is a symbol of strength and power.

宏恒- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share宏恒 - Hirotsune - Copy 宏恒

means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

宏矩- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share宏矩 - Hirotsune - Copy 宏矩

means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "carpenter's square, rule, regulation, norm, standard."

  • Square, Rectangle - A four-sided shape with four equal angles.

  • Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.

  • Standard, Model - A pattern or example that is used as a guide or reference.

  • Measurement, Calculation - The use of mathematics to determine the size, shape, or position of something.

Name ideas examples

宏経- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share宏経 - Hirotsune - Copy 宏経

means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "experience, manage, pass through."

  • To pass through (time) - To pass through a period of time, to go through a process, to experience something.

  • Weaving thread - The vertical thread used in weaving.

  • Direction (vertical) - The direction of north and south, or up and down.

  • Path - A route, a course of action, a logical sequence.

  • To measure - To take measurements, to survey.

  • Constant - That which does not change.

  • Boundary - A dividing line, a limit.

  • Rule - A law, a principle, a regulation.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - It implies a sense of leadership and responsibility.

  • To Pass - It implies a sense of progress and growth.

  • To Measure - It implies a sense of accuracy and precision.

  • To Weave - It implies a sense of creativity and craftsmanship.

  • To Go Around - It implies a sense of exploration and adventure.

  • To Last - It implies a sense of stability and permanence.

  • To Bound - It implies a sense of security and protection.

  • To Follow - It implies a sense of obedience and respect.

恵常- Hirotsune -

Add to First Name Favorites Share恵常 - Hirotsune - Copy 恵常

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

Name ideas examples

  • Kindness - It conveys the idea of being kind and compassionate. It also implies that the child will be generous and understanding towards others.

  • Wisdom - It implies that the child will be wise and intelligent. It also suggests that the child will be able to think critically and make wise decisions.

  • Gentleness - It conveys the idea of being gentle and understanding. It also implies that the child will be patient and understanding towards others.

  • Peacefulness - It conveys the idea of being peaceful and calm. It also implies that the child will be able to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in their life.

  • Generosity - It conveys the idea of being generous and giving. It also implies that the child will be willing to share their resources with others.

means "always, usual, regular."

  • Always, Forever - This refers to something that will never change.

  • Usual, Regular - This refers to something that is normal or expected.

  • Flag - This refers to a flag with the sun, moon, or dragon drawn on it, which was used by the emperor.

  • Unit of Length - This refers to a unit of length that is twice the length of a jin (eight feet).

Name ideas examples

  • Always, Forever - This could be used to signify that the baby will always be loved and cherished.

  • Usual, Regular - This could be used to signify that the baby is a normal and expected addition to the family.

  • Flag - This could be used to signify that the baby is a symbol of strength and power.

浩恒- Hirotsune -

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means "vast, wide, spacious."

  • Large, Vast - Having a great size or extent.

  • Abundant - Plentiful or rich in supply.

  • Grand - Impressive in size, scope, or extent.

  • Boastful - Showing excessive pride or self-satisfaction.

Name ideas examples

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and potential.

  • Abundant - Representing abundance and prosperity.

  • Grand - Signifying grandeur and magnificence.

means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

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