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Japanese boy(male) name Kiminosuke
Click to speech きみのすけAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kiminosuke

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:きみのすけ
  • Katakanatip:キミノスケ
  • English transcriptionstip:Kiminosuke
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Kimichan(きみちゃん)Click to speech きみちゃんSukechan(すけちゃん)Click to speech すけちゃんKisuke(きすけ)Click to speech きすけ

Kanji Names & Meanings - 7 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Kiminosuke," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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乾之助- Kiminosuke -

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means "dry, parched, arid."

  • To dry, to dehydrate, to lose moisture.

  • On the surface, on the upper side.

  • A symbol of a ruler, male, or other authority figure.

  • Strong, robust, vigorous.

  • The northwest direction.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - It conveys a sense of strength and resilience.

  • Healthy - It conveys a sense of health and vitality.

  • Northwest - It conveys a sense of direction and orientation.

  • Dry - It conveys a sense of stability and permanence.

  • Symbol Of A Leader - It conveys a sense of power and authority.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

公之介- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公之介 - Kiminosuke - Copy 公之介

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

公之助- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公之助 - Kiminosuke - Copy 公之助

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

君之介- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share君之介 - Kiminosuke - Copy 君之介

means "you, lord, ruler."

Name ideas examples

  • Ruler - It implies a sense of leadership and authority. It also conveys a sense of responsibility and respect for the people that the baby will be ruling over.

  • Respect - It conveys a sense of respect for those around them. It also implies a sense of humility and kindness, which are important qualities for a baby to have.

  • Ancestor - It conveys a sense of respect for their ancestors and the generations that have come before them. It also implies a sense of pride and honor in their heritage."

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

君之助- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share君之助 - Kiminosuke - Copy 君之助

means "you, lord, ruler."

Name ideas examples

  • Ruler - It implies a sense of leadership and authority. It also conveys a sense of responsibility and respect for the people that the baby will be ruling over.

  • Respect - It conveys a sense of respect for those around them. It also implies a sense of humility and kindness, which are important qualities for a baby to have.

  • Ancestor - It conveys a sense of respect for their ancestors and the generations that have come before them. It also implies a sense of pride and honor in their heritage."

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

王之介- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share王之介 - Kiminosuke - Copy 王之介

means "king, monarch."

  • Emperor, Monarch - A ruler of a country who governs with virtue.

  • Title Of Respect - A title of respect for one's grandparents or for someone of higher status.

  • To Become A King - To become a king or to reign over a country.

  • Male Of Imperial Lineage - A title for a male of imperial lineage up to five generations removed.

Name ideas examples

  • Emperor, Monarch - This kanji that conveys the idea of a ruler of a country who governs with virtue.

  • Title Of Respect - This kanji that conveys respect for one's grandparents or for someone of higher status.

  • To Become A King - This kanji that conveys the idea of becoming a king or reigning over a country.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

王之助- Kiminosuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share王之助 - Kiminosuke - Copy 王之助

means "king, monarch."

  • Emperor, Monarch - A ruler of a country who governs with virtue.

  • Title Of Respect - A title of respect for one's grandparents or for someone of higher status.

  • To Become A King - To become a king or to reign over a country.

  • Male Of Imperial Lineage - A title for a male of imperial lineage up to five generations removed.

Name ideas examples

  • Emperor, Monarch - This kanji that conveys the idea of a ruler of a country who governs with virtue.

  • Title Of Respect - This kanji that conveys respect for one's grandparents or for someone of higher status.

  • To Become A King - This kanji that conveys the idea of becoming a king or reigning over a country.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

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