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Japanese boy(male) name Kousuke
Click to speech こうすけAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kousuke

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:こうすけ
  • Katakanatip:コウスケ
  • English transcriptionstip:Kousuke, Kosuke
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Kouchan(こうちゃん)Click to speech こうちゃんSukechan(すけちゃん)Click to speech すけちゃんKosuketchi(こすけっち)Click to speech こすけっち

Kanji Names & Meanings - 249 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Kousuke," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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光祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光祐 - Kousuke - Copy 光祐

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

康涼- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康涼 - Kousuke - Copy 康涼

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "cool, refreshing."

Name ideas examples

  • Refreshing - It conveys a sense of freshness and renewal. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay cool and collected in difficult times.

  • Coolness - It conveys a sense of coolness and calmness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay cool and collected in difficult times.

  • Lightness - It conveys a sense of lightness and airiness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay light and cheerful in difficult times.

  • Sorrow - It conveys a sense of sorrow and sadness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay strong and resilient in difficult times.

剛丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛丞 - Kousuke - Copy 剛丞

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

公介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公介 - Kousuke - Copy 公介

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

宏翼- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "wing."

  • Wings - The left and right wings of a bird or insect.

  • Help - To assist, to aid, to protect.

  • Tomorrow - The following day.

Name ideas examples

  • Wings - Symbolizing freedom, strength, and protection.

  • Help - Representing kindness, support, and guidance.

  • Tomorrow - Signifying hope, optimism, and a bright future.

巧友- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share巧友 - Kousuke - Copy 巧友

means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

Name ideas examples

  • Skillful - This kanji that conveys the idea of having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - This kanji that conveys the idea of having the skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - This kanji that conveys the idea of having a method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

亘介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亘介 - Kousuke - Copy 亘介

means "span, extend, range."

  • Circulate - To move around in a circular or looping pattern.

  • Cross - To move or pass over from one side to the other.

  • Extend - To stretch out or continue in a line from one end to the other.

  • Link - To connect or join together in a chain or series.

Name ideas examples

  • To Circulate - This meaning implies that the baby will have a life full of movement and energy, and will be constantly on the go.

  • To Cross - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of adventure and exploration, and will be able to traverse any obstacle that comes their way.

  • To Connect - This meaning implies that the baby will have strong relationships with those around them, and will be able to form meaningful connections with others.

  • To Continue - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of progress and growth, and will be able to keep pushing forward no matter what.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

光丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光丞 - Kousuke - Copy 光丞

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

凰介- Kousuke -

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means "phoenix, bird of legend."

  • Phoenix - A legendary bird that is said to appear during auspicious occasions. Male Phoenix

Name ideas examples

  • Auspicious - Symbolizing good luck and fortune.

  • Legendary - Representing something that is extraordinary and remarkable.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing strength and bravery.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

岬介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share岬介 - Kousuke - Copy 岬介

means "cape, promontory."

  • Gap - A low area between two mountains.

  • Cape - The tip of a piece of land that juts out into the sea or a lake.

Name ideas examples

  • Nook - This kanji implies a place of refuge and safety, suggesting a secure and comfortable home for the child.

  • Haven - This kanji implies a place of peace and tranquility, suggesting a peaceful and harmonious environment for the child.

  • Refuge - This kanji implies a place of protection and shelter, suggesting a secure and safe environment for the child.

  • Sanctuary - This kanji implies a place of refuge and solace, suggesting a secure and comforting home for the child.

  • Retreat - This kanji implies a place of retreat and respite, suggesting a peaceful and calming environment for the child.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

幸佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸佑 - Kousuke - Copy 幸佑

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

幸侑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸侑 - Kousuke - Copy 幸侑

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

康佑- Kousuke -

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means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

心佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心佑 - Kousuke - Copy 心佑

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

杏典- Kousuke -

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means "apricot, apricot tree."

  • Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.

  • Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.

Name ideas examples

  • Apricot - A symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

  • Ginnan - A symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

鋼友- Kousuke -

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means "steel, iron, hardened metal."

  • Hard Iron - A metal that is strong and durable.

  • Forged Iron - Iron that has been heated and shaped into a desired form.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Durability - Representing the ability to withstand the test of time.

  • Craftsmanship - Signifying skill and precision in the art of forging.

means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

倖助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share倖助 - Kousuke - Copy 倖助

means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - A blessing of good luck and fortune.

  • Favorite - A beloved and cherished individual.

  • Blessing - A wish of good luck and prosperity.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

幸亮- Kousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

康介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康介 - Kousuke - Copy 康介

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

昂佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share昂佑 - Kousuke - Copy 昂佑

means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

晃輔- Kousuke -

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means "brightness, brilliance, clearness."

  • Bright - Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts.

  • Shining - Emitting or reflecting light brightly.

  • Glowing - Emitting or reflecting light steadily and brightly.

  • Clear - Easily seen, heard, or understood

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Suggesting a cheerful, optimistic, and hopeful outlook.

  • Shining - Suggesting a bright and positive future.

  • Glowing - Suggesting a warm and loving atmosphere.

  • Clear - Suggesting clarity and understanding.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

洸介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share洸介 - Kousuke - Copy 洸介

means "sparkling water, glittering water."

  • Expansive Water - A state of water that is wide and deep.

  • Brave - A state of courage and boldness.

  • Grand - A state of grandeur and dignity.

  • Subtle - A state of being faint and indistinct.

Name ideas examples

  • Expansive - Symbolizing a wide and deep life journey.

  • Brave - Symbolizing courage and boldness in life.

  • Grand - Symbolizing grandeur and dignity in life.

  • Subtle - Symbolizing a life of subtlety and delicacy.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

耕助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share耕助 - Kousuke - Copy 耕助

means "cultivate, plow."

  • To Cultivate A Field Or Land - To till the soil.

  • To work in agriculture.

  • To work hard to make a living.

Name ideas examples

  • Cultivator - One who works hard to cultivate and tend to the land.

  • Hard Worker - One who works hard to make a living.

  • Farmer - One who works in agriculture.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

航介- Kousuke -

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means "navigation, sail, voyage."

  • To Ferry - To move across water by boat.

  • Boat Bridge - A bridge constructed by arranging boats side by side.

Name ideas examples

  • Voyage - This kanji implies a journey or voyage, suggesting a life of exploration and adventure.

  • Bridge - This kanji symbolizes a bridge between two worlds, suggesting a life of connection and understanding.

  • Boat - This kanji symbolizes a boat, suggesting a life of stability and security.

  • Travel - This kanji implies a life of travel and exploration, suggesting a life of discovery and growth.

  • Journey - This kanji implies a life of journey and exploration, suggesting a life of growth and discovery.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

亘丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亘丞 - Kousuke - Copy 亘丞

means "span, extend, range."

  • Circulate - To move around in a circular or looping pattern.

  • Cross - To move or pass over from one side to the other.

  • Extend - To stretch out or continue in a line from one end to the other.

  • Link - To connect or join together in a chain or series.

Name ideas examples

  • To Circulate - This meaning implies that the baby will have a life full of movement and energy, and will be constantly on the go.

  • To Cross - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of adventure and exploration, and will be able to traverse any obstacle that comes their way.

  • To Connect - This meaning implies that the baby will have strong relationships with those around them, and will be able to form meaningful connections with others.

  • To Continue - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of progress and growth, and will be able to keep pushing forward no matter what.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

亘佑- Kousuke -

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means "span, extend, range."

  • Circulate - To move around in a circular or looping pattern.

  • Cross - To move or pass over from one side to the other.

  • Extend - To stretch out or continue in a line from one end to the other.

  • Link - To connect or join together in a chain or series.

Name ideas examples

  • To Circulate - This meaning implies that the baby will have a life full of movement and energy, and will be constantly on the go.

  • To Cross - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of adventure and exploration, and will be able to traverse any obstacle that comes their way.

  • To Connect - This meaning implies that the baby will have strong relationships with those around them, and will be able to form meaningful connections with others.

  • To Continue - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of progress and growth, and will be able to keep pushing forward no matter what.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

亘祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亘祐 - Kousuke - Copy 亘祐

means "span, extend, range."

  • Circulate - To move around in a circular or looping pattern.

  • Cross - To move or pass over from one side to the other.

  • Extend - To stretch out or continue in a line from one end to the other.

  • Link - To connect or join together in a chain or series.

Name ideas examples

  • To Circulate - This meaning implies that the baby will have a life full of movement and energy, and will be constantly on the go.

  • To Cross - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of adventure and exploration, and will be able to traverse any obstacle that comes their way.

  • To Connect - This meaning implies that the baby will have strong relationships with those around them, and will be able to form meaningful connections with others.

  • To Continue - This meaning suggests that the baby will have a life full of progress and growth, and will be able to keep pushing forward no matter what.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

倖介- Kousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - A blessing of good luck and fortune.

  • Favorite - A beloved and cherished individual.

  • Blessing - A wish of good luck and prosperity.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

倖佑- Kousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - A blessing of good luck and fortune.

  • Favorite - A beloved and cherished individual.

  • Blessing - A wish of good luck and prosperity.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

倖輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share倖輔 - Kousuke - Copy 倖輔

means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - A blessing of good luck and fortune.

  • Favorite - A beloved and cherished individual.

  • Blessing - A wish of good luck and prosperity.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

光亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光亮 - Kousuke - Copy 光亮

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

光介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光介 - Kousuke - Copy 光介

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

光佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光佑 - Kousuke - Copy 光佑

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

光凉- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光凉 - Kousuke - Copy 光凉

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "cool, refreshing."

Name ideas examples

  • Cool, Refreshing - This kanji that conveys a feeling of coolness and refreshment.

  • Light, Sparse - This kanji that conveys a feeling of lightness and delicacy.

  • Unsympathetic - This kanji that conveys a feeling of strength and independence.

  • Sadness, Grief - This kanji that conveys a feeling of sadness and sorrow.

  • Refreshing, Cool - This kanji that conveys a feeling of refreshment and coolness.

  • Cooling Down - This kanji that conveys a feeling of calming and relaxation.

光助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光助 - Kousuke - Copy 光助

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

光右- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光右 - Kousuke - Copy 光右

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

光将- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光将 - Kousuke - Copy 光将

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

光恭- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光恭 - Kousuke - Copy 光恭

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

光昌- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光昌 - Kousuke - Copy 光昌

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "prosperity, thriving, flourishing."

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing success and good fortune.

  • Vigorous - Representing strength and power.

  • Bright - Signifying cheerfulness and optimism.

  • Distinct - Representing clarity and certainty.

  • Good - Symbolizing quality and excellence.

  • Splendid - Representing magnificence and beauty.

光翼- Kousuke -

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means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "wing."

  • Wings - The left and right wings of a bird or insect.

  • Help - To assist, to aid, to protect.

  • Tomorrow - The following day.

Name ideas examples

  • Wings - Symbolizing freedom, strength, and protection.

  • Help - Representing kindness, support, and guidance.

  • Tomorrow - Signifying hope, optimism, and a bright future.

光輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share光輔 - Kousuke - Copy 光輔

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

Name ideas examples

  • Light - Symbolizing brightness, hope, and optimism.

  • Honor - Representing a life of distinction and respect.

  • Blessing - Signifying a life of abundance and grace.

  • Time - Representing the preciousness of life.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

公亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公亮 - Kousuke - Copy 公亮

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

公佐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公佐 - Kousuke - Copy 公佐

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "assistant, help, aid."

  • To Help - To provide assistance or aid.

  • To Assist - To give support or aid.

  • To Recommend - To suggest or advise.

  • Aide - A subordinate official.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

  • Support - To provide assistance or encouragement to someone.

  • Encourage - To inspire someone to do something.

  • Guide - To provide direction or advice to someone.

公佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公佑 - Kousuke - Copy 公佑

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

公助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公助 - Kousuke - Copy 公助

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

公恭- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公恭 - Kousuke - Copy 公恭

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

公祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公祐 - Kousuke - Copy 公祐

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

公舗- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公舗 - Kousuke - Copy 公舗

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "store, shop, pavement."

  • Shop - A place where goods and services are sold.

  • Lay Down - To place something in a flat position.

  • Line Up - To arrange things in a line.

  • Connect - To join two or more things together.

  • Fitting - A metal device attached to a gate.

  • Spread - To cover a wide area.

  • Vessel - A container for holding liquids or other substances.

  • Stop - To cause something to come to an end.

  • Stay - To remain in a place.

  • Place - A designated area for a particular purpose.

Name ideas examples

  • Shop, Store - A place where goods and services are sold.

  • Lay, Arrange - To put something in a particular position or order.

  • Connect, Link - To join two or more things together.

  • Fixture - A metal fitting attached to a door.

  • Spread, Extend - To cover a large area.

  • Name Of An Object - A word or phrase used to refer to a particular thing.

  • Stop, Halt - To cause something to come to an end.

公資- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公資 - Kousuke - Copy 公資

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "resources, funds, capital."

Name ideas examples

  • Wealth - A reminder of the importance of having wealth and material possessions.

  • Help - A reminder of the importance of helping others and being generous.

  • Obtain - A reminder of the importance of striving to obtain one's goals.

  • Rely - A reminder of the importance of relying on others and having trust.

  • Birthright - A reminder of the importance of honoring one's family and ancestors.

公輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share公輔 - Kousuke - Copy 公輔

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

凰丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凰丞 - Kousuke - Copy 凰丞

means "phoenix, bird of legend."

  • Phoenix - A legendary bird that is said to appear during auspicious occasions. Male Phoenix

Name ideas examples

  • Auspicious - Symbolizing good luck and fortune.

  • Legendary - Representing something that is extraordinary and remarkable.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing strength and bravery.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

凰佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凰佑 - Kousuke - Copy 凰佑

means "phoenix, bird of legend."

  • Phoenix - A legendary bird that is said to appear during auspicious occasions. Male Phoenix

Name ideas examples

  • Auspicious - Symbolizing good luck and fortune.

  • Legendary - Representing something that is extraordinary and remarkable.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing strength and bravery.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

凰裕- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凰裕 - Kousuke - Copy 凰裕

means "phoenix, bird of legend."

  • Phoenix - A legendary bird that is said to appear during auspicious occasions. Male Phoenix

Name ideas examples

  • Auspicious - Symbolizing good luck and fortune.

  • Legendary - Representing something that is extraordinary and remarkable.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing strength and bravery.

means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

剛佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛佑 - Kousuke - Copy 剛佑

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

剛典- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛典 - Kousuke - Copy 剛典

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

剛輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛輔 - Kousuke - Copy 剛輔

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

功亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功亮 - Kousuke - Copy 功亮

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

功介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功介 - Kousuke - Copy 功介

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

功佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功佑 - Kousuke - Copy 功佑

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

功典- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功典 - Kousuke - Copy 功典

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

功助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功助 - Kousuke - Copy 功助

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

功将- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功将 - Kousuke - Copy 功将

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

功恭- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功恭 - Kousuke - Copy 功恭

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

功祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功祐 - Kousuke - Copy 功祐

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

功資- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功資 - Kousuke - Copy 功資

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "resources, funds, capital."

Name ideas examples

  • Wealth - A reminder of the importance of having wealth and material possessions.

  • Help - A reminder of the importance of helping others and being generous.

  • Obtain - A reminder of the importance of striving to obtain one's goals.

  • Rely - A reminder of the importance of relying on others and having trust.

  • Birthright - A reminder of the importance of honoring one's family and ancestors.

功輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share功輔 - Kousuke - Copy 功輔

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

効介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share効介 - Kousuke - Copy 効介

means "effect, efficacy."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To suggest that the baby will be successful in life.

  • Mark, Impression - To suggest that the baby will leave a lasting impression on the world.

  • Learn, Imitate - To suggest that the baby will be a quick learner and will be able to take on the traits of those around them.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

厚亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share厚亮 - Kousuke - Copy 厚亮

means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

厚佑- Kousuke -

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means "thick, heavy, deep."

  • Thick, Heavy - Having a thick or heavy quality.

  • Large - Having a large size.

  • Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

  • Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.

Name ideas examples

  • Thick, Heavy - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Large - Symbolizing greatness and ambition.

  • Heartfelt - Symbolizing love and compassion.

  • Considerate - Symbolizing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Generous - Symbolizing generosity and kindness.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

向亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share向亮 - Kousuke - Copy 向亮

means "direction, orientation, to face, to turn towards."

  • To Go Towards - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • To Face - This refers to the action of turning one's face or body towards a certain direction.

  • To Direct - This refers to the action of pointing or aiming something towards a certain direction.

  • To Proceed Towards A Certain Direction - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • Direction - This refers to the orientation or path that something is facing or moving towards.

  • The Opposite Side - This refers to the side that is opposite to the one that is being referred to.

  • The Front - This refers to the side that is facing the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Forward Side - This refers to the side that is in front of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Other Side - This refers to the side that is on the other side of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • Suitable - This refers to something that is appropriate or fitting for a certain situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Direction - This kanji symbolizes the idea of direction and can be used to represent the idea of a baby heading in the right direction in life.

  • Facing - This kanji symbolizes the idea of facing something or someone, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby facing the world with courage and strength.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes the idea of progress and can be used to represent the idea of a baby making progress in life.

  • Suitable - This kanji symbolizes the idea of being suitable or fitting in, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby being suitable for the world.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

向介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share向介 - Kousuke - Copy 向介

means "direction, orientation, to face, to turn towards."

  • To Go Towards - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • To Face - This refers to the action of turning one's face or body towards a certain direction.

  • To Direct - This refers to the action of pointing or aiming something towards a certain direction.

  • To Proceed Towards A Certain Direction - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • Direction - This refers to the orientation or path that something is facing or moving towards.

  • The Opposite Side - This refers to the side that is opposite to the one that is being referred to.

  • The Front - This refers to the side that is facing the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Forward Side - This refers to the side that is in front of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Other Side - This refers to the side that is on the other side of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • Suitable - This refers to something that is appropriate or fitting for a certain situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Direction - This kanji symbolizes the idea of direction and can be used to represent the idea of a baby heading in the right direction in life.

  • Facing - This kanji symbolizes the idea of facing something or someone, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby facing the world with courage and strength.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes the idea of progress and can be used to represent the idea of a baby making progress in life.

  • Suitable - This kanji symbolizes the idea of being suitable or fitting in, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby being suitable for the world.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

向佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share向佑 - Kousuke - Copy 向佑

means "direction, orientation, to face, to turn towards."

  • To Go Towards - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • To Face - This refers to the action of turning one's face or body towards a certain direction.

  • To Direct - This refers to the action of pointing or aiming something towards a certain direction.

  • To Proceed Towards A Certain Direction - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • Direction - This refers to the orientation or path that something is facing or moving towards.

  • The Opposite Side - This refers to the side that is opposite to the one that is being referred to.

  • The Front - This refers to the side that is facing the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Forward Side - This refers to the side that is in front of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Other Side - This refers to the side that is on the other side of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • Suitable - This refers to something that is appropriate or fitting for a certain situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Direction - This kanji symbolizes the idea of direction and can be used to represent the idea of a baby heading in the right direction in life.

  • Facing - This kanji symbolizes the idea of facing something or someone, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby facing the world with courage and strength.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes the idea of progress and can be used to represent the idea of a baby making progress in life.

  • Suitable - This kanji symbolizes the idea of being suitable or fitting in, and can be used to represent the idea of a baby being suitable for the world.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

好佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share好佑 - Kousuke - Copy 好佑

means "like, fond of, prefer."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Refers to a baby that is of high quality or has a positive connotation.

  • Excellent - Refers to a baby that is of a higher quality than average.

  • Close - Refers to a baby that is close and friendly.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

好助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share好助 - Kousuke - Copy 好助

means "like, fond of, prefer."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Refers to a baby that is of high quality or has a positive connotation.

  • Excellent - Refers to a baby that is of a higher quality than average.

  • Close - Refers to a baby that is close and friendly.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

孔亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孔亮 - Kousuke - Copy 孔亮

means "hole, opening, aperture."

  • Hole - A hollow space or opening in a surface.

  • Gap - A space between two objects or parts.

  • Cavity - A hollow space or depression in a solid object.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • Extremely - To a great degree

  • Greatly - To a very high degree

  • Exceptionally - To an unusually high degree

Name ideas examples

  • Hole - A symbol of potential and possibility, suggesting that the baby will have a bright future.

  • Gap - A reminder to the baby to strive to bridge any gaps between them and others.

  • Cavity - A reminder to the baby to fill their life with meaningful experiences.

  • Void - A reminder to the baby to fill their life with joy and purpose.

  • Extremely - A reminder to the baby to strive to be the best they can be.

  • Greatly - A reminder to the baby to strive to achieve greatness.

  • Exceptionally - A reminder to the baby to strive to be exceptional.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

孔祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孔祐 - Kousuke - Copy 孔祐

means "hole, opening, aperture."

  • Hole - A hollow space or opening in a surface.

  • Gap - A space between two objects or parts.

  • Cavity - A hollow space or depression in a solid object.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • Extremely - To a great degree

  • Greatly - To a very high degree

  • Exceptionally - To an unusually high degree

Name ideas examples

  • Hole - A symbol of potential and possibility, suggesting that the baby will have a bright future.

  • Gap - A reminder to the baby to strive to bridge any gaps between them and others.

  • Cavity - A reminder to the baby to fill their life with meaningful experiences.

  • Void - A reminder to the baby to fill their life with joy and purpose.

  • Extremely - A reminder to the baby to strive to be the best they can be.

  • Greatly - A reminder to the baby to strive to achieve greatness.

  • Exceptionally - A reminder to the baby to strive to be exceptional.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

孝亮- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝亮 - Kousuke - Copy 孝亮

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

孝介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝介 - Kousuke - Copy 孝介

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

孝佑- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝佑 - Kousuke - Copy 孝佑

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

孝典- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝典 - Kousuke - Copy 孝典

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

孝恭- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝恭 - Kousuke - Copy 孝恭

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

孝理- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝理 - Kousuke - Copy 孝理

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "principle, logic, reason."

  • Pattern - A visible pattern on a surface.

  • Texture - The texture of skin or wood.

  • Order - To arrange or put in order.

  • Reason - A logical explanation or justification for something.

  • Science - Physical or natural science.

  • Understanding - To comprehend or grasp something.

  • Judgment - To make a decision or pass sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • Pattern - A beautiful and unique pattern that reflects the baby's personality.

  • Texture - A soft and gentle texture that symbolizes the baby's tenderness.

  • Order - A sense of order and structure that will guide the baby's life.

  • Reason - A logical and rational approach to life that will help the baby make wise decisions.

  • Science - A passion for science and knowledge that will help the baby explore the world.

  • Understanding - A deep understanding of the world and its people that will help the baby empathize with others.

  • Judgment - A sense of justice and fairness that will help the baby make wise judgments.

孝祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝祐 - Kousuke - Copy 孝祐

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

孝育- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝育 - Kousuke - Copy 孝育

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "nurture, raise, bring up."

  • To Give Birth - To bring a baby into the world.

  • To Raise - To nurture and care for a child.

  • To Guide - To provide guidance and direction to a child.

  • To Foster - To provide a supportive environment for a child.

  • To Discipline - To teach a child right from wrong.

  • To Grow - To develop and become bigger.

  • To Be Young - To be in a young and immature state.

Name ideas examples

  • To Give Birth - To symbolize the joy of bringing a new life into the world.

  • To Raise - To signify the importance of providing a loving and nurturing environment for a child.

  • To Guide - To represent the responsibility of providing guidance and direction to a child.

  • To Foster - To emphasize the importance of providing a supportive environment for a child.

  • To Discipline - To remind parents of the need to teach a child right from wrong.

  • To Grow - To signify the hope that the child will develop and become bigger.

  • To Be Young - To represent the innocence and purity of childhood.

孝資- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝資 - Kousuke - Copy 孝資

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "resources, funds, capital."

Name ideas examples

  • Wealth - A reminder of the importance of having wealth and material possessions.

  • Help - A reminder of the importance of helping others and being generous.

  • Obtain - A reminder of the importance of striving to obtain one's goals.

  • Rely - A reminder of the importance of relying on others and having trust.

  • Birthright - A reminder of the importance of honoring one's family and ancestors.

孝輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孝輔 - Kousuke - Copy 孝輔

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

宏丞- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

宏介- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

宏佑- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

宏助- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

宏甫- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "beginning, first, initial."

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of something.

  • First - To signify the first time something is done.

  • Large, Wide - To signify something that is big or wide.

  • Honorific - A term of respect used when addressing or referring to an older man.

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of a new life.

  • First - To signify the first child in the family.

  • Large, Wide - To signify a child that will have a large impact on the family.

  • Honorific - To signify a child that will be respected and honored.

宏祐- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

宏裕- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

宏輔- Kousuke -

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means "grand, vast, wide."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a sense of ambition and potential for greatness.

  • Expand, Amplify - Suggesting a desire for growth and success.

  • Outstanding, Excellent - Suggesting a desire for excellence and distinction.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

尻輔- Kousuke -

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means "buttocks, rear end."

Name ideas examples

  • End - This could be a suitable name for a baby as it implies that the child is the end of a long line of family members, signifying the importance of the new addition to the family.

  • Bottom - This could be a suitable name for a baby as it implies that the child is the foundation of the family, signifying the importance of the new addition to the family.

  • Back - This could be a suitable name for a baby as it implies that the child is the last in the family, signifying the importance of the new addition to the family.

  • Root - This could be a suitable name for a baby as it implies that the child is the root of the family, signifying the importance of the new addition to the family.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

工昌- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share工昌 - Kousuke - Copy 工昌

means "work, construction, engineering."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who creates things with superior technique.

  • Skillful - Possessing great skill or expertise.

  • Artisan - A person who is skilled in a craft or trade.

  • Make - To create or produce something.

  • Workmanship - The skill or quality of work done by a craftsman.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a craftsman, and the ability to create something beautiful.

  • Skillful - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a person, and the ability to do something with great skill.

  • Artisan - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of an artisan, and the ability to create something with great care and attention to detail.

  • Make - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to create something, and the skill and expertise of a craftsman.

  • Workmanship - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a craftsman, and the quality of work done.

means "prosperity, thriving, flourishing."

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing success and good fortune.

  • Vigorous - Representing strength and power.

  • Bright - Signifying cheerfulness and optimism.

  • Distinct - Representing clarity and certainty.

  • Good - Symbolizing quality and excellence.

  • Splendid - Representing magnificence and beauty.

巧亮- Kousuke -

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means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

Name ideas examples

  • Skillful - This kanji that conveys the idea of having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - This kanji that conveys the idea of having the skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - This kanji that conveys the idea of having a method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

巧介- Kousuke -

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means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

Name ideas examples

  • Skillful - This kanji that conveys the idea of having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - This kanji that conveys the idea of having the skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - This kanji that conveys the idea of having a method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

巧典- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share巧典 - Kousuke - Copy 巧典

means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

Name ideas examples

  • Skillful - This kanji that conveys the idea of having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - This kanji that conveys the idea of having the skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - This kanji that conveys the idea of having a method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

巧祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share巧祐 - Kousuke - Copy 巧祐

means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

Name ideas examples

  • Skillful - This kanji that conveys the idea of having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - This kanji that conveys the idea of having the skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - This kanji that conveys the idea of having a method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

幸丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸丞 - Kousuke - Copy 幸丞

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

幸介- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸介 - Kousuke - Copy 幸介

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

幸助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸助 - Kousuke - Copy 幸助

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

幸将- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸将 - Kousuke - Copy 幸将

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

幸恭- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸恭 - Kousuke - Copy 幸恭

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

幸甫- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸甫 - Kousuke - Copy 幸甫

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "beginning, first, initial."

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of something.

  • First - To signify the first time something is done.

  • Large, Wide - To signify something that is big or wide.

  • Honorific - A term of respect used when addressing or referring to an older man.

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of a new life.

  • First - To signify the first child in the family.

  • Large, Wide - To signify a child that will have a large impact on the family.

  • Honorific - To signify a child that will be respected and honored.

幸祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸祐 - Kousuke - Copy 幸祐

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

幸翼- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸翼 - Kousuke - Copy 幸翼

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "wing."

  • Wings - The left and right wings of a bird or insect.

  • Help - To assist, to aid, to protect.

  • Tomorrow - The following day.

Name ideas examples

  • Wings - Symbolizing freedom, strength, and protection.

  • Help - Representing kindness, support, and guidance.

  • Tomorrow - Signifying hope, optimism, and a bright future.

幸脩- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸脩 - Kousuke - Copy 幸脩

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "to discipline."

  • To Preserve - To keep in a safe or unaltered state, to maintain in a particular condition.

  • To Discipline - To train or develop by instruction and exercise, especially to teach self-control.

  • To Arrange - To put in order, to organize or arrange systematically.

  • To Lengthen - To make or become longer, to extend in time or space.

Name ideas examples

  • Discipline - This kanji conveys the idea of discipline and self-control, which are important qualities for a child to develop.

  • Long Lasting - The kanji also suggests the idea of longevity, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have.

  • Order - The kanji also implies the concept of order and organization, which are important for a child to learn.

  • Preservation - The kanji also suggests the idea of preservation, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have.

幸輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share幸輔 - Kousuke - Copy 幸輔

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

広祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share広祐 - Kousuke - Copy 広祐

means "wide, broad, spacious."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Spacious - Symbolizing a life that is full of possibilities and opportunities.

  • Spread, Expand - Symbolizing a life that is full of growth and development.

  • Length - Symbolizing a life that is long and prosperous.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

広輔- Kousuke -

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means "wide, broad, spacious."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Spacious - Symbolizing a life that is full of possibilities and opportunities.

  • Spread, Expand - Symbolizing a life that is full of growth and development.

  • Length - Symbolizing a life that is long and prosperous.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

康丞- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康丞 - Kousuke - Copy 康丞

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

康助- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康助 - Kousuke - Copy 康助

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

康右- Kousuke -

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means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

康恭- Kousuke -

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means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "respect, honor, humility."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others.

  • Courteous - Being polite and considerate in one's behavior.

  • Modest - Showing humility and restraint in one's actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and politeness to others, and setting a good example for the child.

  • Courteous - Teaching the child to be polite and considerate in their behavior.

  • Modest - Encouraging the child to be humble and restrained in their actions.

康理- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康理 - Kousuke - Copy 康理

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "principle, logic, reason."

  • Pattern - A visible pattern on a surface.

  • Texture - The texture of skin or wood.

  • Order - To arrange or put in order.

  • Reason - A logical explanation or justification for something.

  • Science - Physical or natural science.

  • Understanding - To comprehend or grasp something.

  • Judgment - To make a decision or pass sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • Pattern - A beautiful and unique pattern that reflects the baby's personality.

  • Texture - A soft and gentle texture that symbolizes the baby's tenderness.

  • Order - A sense of order and structure that will guide the baby's life.

  • Reason - A logical and rational approach to life that will help the baby make wise decisions.

  • Science - A passion for science and knowledge that will help the baby explore the world.

  • Understanding - A deep understanding of the world and its people that will help the baby empathize with others.

  • Judgment - A sense of justice and fairness that will help the baby make wise judgments.

康督- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康督 - Kousuke - Copy 康督

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "supervisor, overseer, manager."

  • To Watch, Observe - To watch closely and make sure that everything is in order.

  • To Correct, Rectify - To point out mistakes and take corrective action.

  • To Reprimand, Blame - To reprimand or blame someone for their actions.

  • To Urge, Encourage - To urge or encourage someone to do something.

  • Head, Chief, Leader - A person in charge of leading or managing a group.

  • To Lead, Command, Govern - To lead, command, or govern a group of people.

  • Eldest Son, Heir - The eldest son or heir of a family, who is expected to take over the family business.

Name ideas examples

  • To Watch Over - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be watched over and protected.

  • To Inspect - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be monitored and cared for.

  • To Correct - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be guided and taught to do the right thing.

  • To Enforce - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be disciplined and held accountable for their actions.

  • To Urge - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be encouraged and motivated to do their best.

  • Leader - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be a leader and have the ability to lead others.

  • To Command - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be able to take charge and make decisions.

  • Eldest Son - This meaning is suitable for naming a baby as it implies that the child will be the heir to the family and have the responsibility of carrying on the family name.

康祐- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康祐 - Kousuke - Copy 康祐

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

康良- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康良 - Kousuke - Copy 康良

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "good, excellent, fine."

Name ideas examples

康輔- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share康輔 - Kousuke - Copy 康輔

means "health, peaceful, comfortable."

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - Conveying the wish for the baby to have good physical and mental health and to be free from illness or injury.

  • Prosperous - Conveying the wish for the baby to have success and good fortune in life.

  • Peaceful - Conveying the wish for the baby to have a tranquil and calm life.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

廣亮- Kousuke -

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means "wide, spacious, vast."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Spacious - Symbolizing a life that is full of possibilities and opportunities.

  • Spread, Expand - Symbolizing a life that is full of growth and development.

  • Length - Symbolizing a life that is long and prosperous.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

弘佑- Kousuke -

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means "vast, wide, broad."

Name ideas examples

  • Generous - Showing a readiness to give more of something than is expected or required.

  • Magnanimous - Showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.

  • Expansive - Showing a readiness to extend one's interests or activities.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

弘涼- Kousuke -

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means "vast, wide, broad."

Name ideas examples

  • Generous - Showing a readiness to give more of something than is expected or required.

  • Magnanimous - Showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.

  • Expansive - Showing a readiness to extend one's interests or activities.

means "cool, refreshing."

Name ideas examples

  • Refreshing - It conveys a sense of freshness and renewal. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay cool and collected in difficult times.

  • Coolness - It conveys a sense of coolness and calmness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay cool and collected in difficult times.

  • Lightness - It conveys a sense of lightness and airiness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay light and cheerful in difficult times.

  • Sorrow - It conveys a sense of sorrow and sadness. It can also be seen as a reminder to stay strong and resilient in difficult times.

弘輔- Kousuke -

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means "vast, wide, broad."

Name ideas examples

  • Generous - Showing a readiness to give more of something than is expected or required.

  • Magnanimous - Showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.

  • Expansive - Showing a readiness to extend one's interests or activities.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

恒佑- Kousuke -

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means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

恒如- Kousuke -

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means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

means "like, as, similar to."

  • Like, Similar To - This kanji is used to express the idea of something being "like" or "similar to" something else.

  • Reach - This kanji is used to express the idea of something "reaching" or "attaining" something else.

  • Inferior - This kanji is used to express the idea of something being "inferior" or "not as good as" something else.

  • If - This kanji is used to express the idea of a hypothetical condition.

  • Go, Attend - This kanji is used to express the idea of "going" or "attending" somewhere.

Name ideas examples

  • Like - This meaning of 如 is suitable for naming a baby because it implies that the baby is similar to something else, such as a parent or grandparent.

  • Reach - This meaning of 如 is suitable for naming a baby because it implies that the baby will reach a certain level of success or achievement.

  • Inferior - This meaning of 如 is suitable for naming a baby because it implies that the baby will not be able to reach the same level of success or achievement as others.

  • If - This meaning of 如 is suitable for naming a baby because it implies that the baby will have certain conditions or expectations that must be met.

  • Go - This meaning of 如 is suitable for naming a baby because it implies that the baby will go on to do great things in life.

恒輔- Kousuke -

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means "constant, always, regular."

  • Constant - Remaining unchanged and consistent.

  • Always - Without interruption or ceasing.

  • Bow - The shape of the moon resembling a bow strung with a string.

Name ideas examples

  • Constant - A reminder to the child to remain steadfast and consistent in their beliefs and actions.

  • Always - A reminder to the child to always strive to do their best and never give up.

  • Bow - A reminder to the child to be flexible and resilient in the face of adversity.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

昂介- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

昂典- Kousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share昂典 - Kousuke - Copy 昂典

means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

昂右- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

昂昌- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "prosperity, thriving, flourishing."

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing success and good fortune.

  • Vigorous - Representing strength and power.

  • Bright - Signifying cheerfulness and optimism.

  • Distinct - Representing clarity and certainty.

  • Good - Symbolizing quality and excellence.

  • Splendid - Representing magnificence and beauty.

昂甫- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "beginning, first, initial."

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of something.

  • First - To signify the first time something is done.

  • Large, Wide - To signify something that is big or wide.

  • Honorific - A term of respect used when addressing or referring to an older man.

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify the beginning of a new life.

  • First - To signify the first child in the family.

  • Large, Wide - To signify a child that will have a large impact on the family.

  • Honorific - To signify a child that will be respected and honored.

昂祐- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

昂裕- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

昂補- Kousuke -

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means "high, elevated, noble."

  • Rise - To go up or increase in level.

  • Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.

  • Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.

  • Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.

  • Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.

  • Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.

Name ideas examples

  • High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.

  • Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.

  • Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.

  • Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.

  • Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.

means "supplement, complement, compensation."

  • Make Up For - To fill in the gaps of something that is lacking.

  • Mend - To repair or fix something.

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Grant An Official Position - To bestow an official position or title.