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Japanese girl(female) name Mieno
Click to speech みえのAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Mieno

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:みえの
  • Katakanatip:ミエノ
  • English transcriptionstip:Mieno
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Miechan(みえちゃん)Click to speech みえちゃんMien( みえん)Click to speech  みえんEmichan( えみちゃん)Click to speech  えみちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Mieno," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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実絵乃- Mieno -

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means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "picture, painting."

  • Drawing - To draw a picture or illustration.

  • Painting - To create a colorful painting.

  • Embroidery - To create a design or pattern with needlework.

  • Pattern - A decorative design or motif.

  • Color - A variety of hues or shades.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create or invent something new.

  • Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or senses.

  • Colorful - Having a variety of colors.

  • Elegant - Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

means "from, therefore, accordingly."

  • You, Your, Thou, Thy - Used to refer to the person being addressed.

  • Therefore, Thus, Consequently, For That Reason - Used to indicate a logical consequence.

  • Finally, At Last - Used to indicate that something has been achieved after a long time.

  • No(の) - Used as a particle to indicate possession or to connect two nouns.

Name ideas examples

  • You - This is a term of endearment and respect that can be used to refer to someone close to you, such as a baby.

  • Your - This is a possessive pronoun that can be used to refer to something that belongs to someone, such as a baby.

  • Therefore - This is a word that can be used to indicate a logical conclusion or a result of something, such as the birth of a baby.

  • Finally - This is a word that can be used to indicate the end of a process or event, such as the arrival of a baby.

  • At Last - This is a phrase that can be used to indicate the end of a long wait or process, such as the birth of a baby.

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