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Japanese girl(female) name Mikaro
Click to speech みかろAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Mikaro

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:みかろ
  • Katakanatip:ミカロ
  • English transcriptionstip:Mikaro
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Micchan(みっちゃん)Click to speech みっちゃんMikachan( みかちゃん)Click to speech  みかちゃんKarochan( かろちゃん)Click to speech  かろちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Mikaro," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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水夏蕗- Mikaro -

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means "water, fluid, liquid."

  • Water - A transparent liquid.

  • Rivers, swamps, lakes, and seas.

  • Drawing water and doing water work.

  • One of the five elements, north in direction, and black in color.

  • Wednesday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Obstruction and hindrance. e.g. blocking water.

Name ideas examples

  • Water - This is a symbol of purity and life, and is a great name for a baby. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • River - This is a strong and powerful name, and is associated with the flow of life. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Marsh - This is a name that is associated with nature and the environment. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Lake - This is a name that is associated with tranquility and peace. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Sea - This is a name that is associated with vastness and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Draw Water - This is a name that is associated with hard work and perseverance. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Five Elements - This is a name that is associated with balance and harmony. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • North - This is a name that is associated with strength and stability. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Black - This is a name that is associated with mystery and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Wednesday - This is a name that is associated with communication and understanding. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

means "butterbur, giant butterbur."

  • Sweetgrass - A perennial grass of the Fabaceae family.

  • Burdock - A perennial herb of the Arctium family. Edible.

Name ideas examples

  • Sweetgrass - A symbol of sweetness, gentleness, and purity.

  • Burdock - A symbol of strength, resilience, and protection.

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