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Japanese girl(female) name Minana
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  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:みなな
  • Katakanatip:ミナナ
  • English transcriptionstip:Minana
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Minachan(みなちゃん)Click to speech みなちゃんNanachan( ななちゃん)Click to speech  ななちゃんMimichan( みみちゃん)Click to speech  みみちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 8 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Minana," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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美凪々- Minana -

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means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

美那々- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share美那々 - Minana - Copy 美那々

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

南菜- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share南菜 - Minana - Copy 南菜

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

皆無- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share皆無 - Minana - Copy 皆無

means "everyone, all."

  • Everyone - Refers to a large group of people, all together.

  • Together - Refers to being in the same place or doing the same thing at the same time.

  • Same - Refers to being the same in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Refers to the idea of being united and working together.

  • Harmony - Refers to the idea of being in balance and agreement.

  • Community - Refers to the idea of being part of a larger group or collective.

means "nothing, none, zero."

  • Not Exist, Nonexistent - This word is read as "nashi" or "nakare" and is used to express negation or prohibition.

  • Disrespect, Disdain - This word is used to express contempt or disregard.

  • Ignoring, Neglecting - This word is used to express ignoring or neglecting something.

Name ideas examples

  • Uniqueness - This kanji can be used to express the uniqueness of a baby, as it implies that the baby is one of a kind and cannot be compared to anyone else.

  • Strength - This kanji can be used to express the strength of a baby, as it implies that the baby is strong and can overcome any obstacle.

  • Hope - This kanji can be used to express hope for the future of a baby, as it implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

皆鳴- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share皆鳴 - Minana - Copy 皆鳴

means "everyone, all."

  • Everyone - Refers to a large group of people, all together.

  • Together - Refers to being in the same place or doing the same thing at the same time.

  • Same - Refers to being the same in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Refers to the idea of being united and working together.

  • Harmony - Refers to the idea of being in balance and agreement.

  • Community - Refers to the idea of being part of a larger group or collective.

means "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring."

  • To Make A Sound - Birds, animals, and insects make a sound.

  • To Produce A Sound - Objects make a sound when they are activated.

  • To Reverberate - A person's reputation is widely known.

Name ideas examples

  • Chirp - It is a positive and cheerful sound that is associated with birds and other animals. It can also be used to describe a baby's laughter or giggle.

  • Resonate - It implies that the baby's name will be remembered and will have a lasting impact. It also suggests that the baby will be successful and have a good reputation.

  • Sing - It implies that the baby will bring joy and happiness to those around them. It also suggests that the baby will be creative and have a good voice.

  • Echo - It implies that the baby's name will be remembered and will have a lasting impact. It also suggests that the baby will be successful and have a good reputation.

美南々- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share美南々 - Minana - Copy 美南々

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

美奈々- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share美奈々 - Minana - Copy 美奈々

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

美菜々- Minana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share美菜々 - Minana - Copy 美菜々

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

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