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Japanese boy(male) name Mokuji
Click to speech もくじAdd to First Name FavoritesShare this page Copy Mokuji

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:もくじ
  • Katakanatip:モクジ
  • English transcriptionstip:Mokuji
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Mokun(もくん)Click to speech もくんMochan(もちゃん)Click to speech もちゃんJi-kun(じーくん)Click to speech じーくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Mokuji," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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means "silence, quiet, mute."

  • Be Silent - Refrain from speaking or making any noise.

  • Be Quiet - Refrain from making any loud noises.

  • Be Still - Remain motionless and undisturbed.

  • Be Quietly - Remain in a state of quietness and peace.

  • Be Unresponsive - Refrain from responding to any stimulus.

Name ideas examples

  • Quiet - This kanji implies a peaceful and tranquil personality, suggesting a child who is content to observe and take in the world around them without making too much noise.

  • Reserved - This kanji implies a child who is introspective and thoughtful, preferring to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.

  • Contemplative - This kanji implies a child who is reflective and contemplative, taking the time to consider their actions and decisions before acting.

  • Introspective - This kanji implies a child who is introspective and reflective, taking the time to consider their inner thoughts and feelings.

  • Silent - This kanji implies a child who is quiet and unassuming, preferring to stay in the background and not draw attention to themselves.

means "demonstrate, indicate, show."

  • Show - To indicate or point out something.

  • Instruct - To give directions or advice.

  • Shinto Deity - A god or goddess in the Shinto religion.

Name ideas examples

  • Show - This is a positive and encouraging name that implies that the child will be a leader and will show the way for others.

  • Point Out - This is a name that implies that the child will be wise and will be able to point out the right path for others.

  • Teach - This is a name that implies that the child will be a teacher and will be able to impart knowledge and wisdom to others.

  • Guide - This is a name that implies that the child will be a guide and will be able to lead others in the right direction.

  • Land's God - This is a name that implies that the child will be a protector and will be able to protect the land and its people.

  • Country's God - This is a name that implies that the child will be a guardian and will be able to protect the country and its people.

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Names that have the same gender and start with M.

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