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Japanese boy(male) name Muneharu
Click to speech むねはるAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Muneharu

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:むねはる
  • Katakanatip:ムネハル
  • English transcriptionstip:Muneharu
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Munekun(むねくん)Click to speech むねくんHarubo( はるぼー)Click to speech  はるぼーMunechan( むねちゃん)Click to speech  むねちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 14 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Muneharu," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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宗張- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗張 - Muneharu - Copy 宗張

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "stretch, extend, expand."

  • Stretch, Pull - To stretch or pull something, such as a bowstring.

  • Spread, Expand - To spread or expand something, making it larger.

  • Host - To host or organize an event.

  • Count - To count the number of strings on a musical instrument, such as a bow or a harp.

  • Swell - To swell or become bloated.

Name ideas examples

  • To Stretch - It implies that the baby will grow and develop in a healthy and strong way.

  • To Expand - It implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and opportunities in life.

  • To Host - It implies that the baby will be a welcoming and hospitable person.

  • To Pull - It implies that the baby will have the strength and determination to achieve their goals.

  • To String - It implies that the baby will be connected to their family and friends in a strong and meaningful way.

  • To Swell - It implies that the baby will be full of life and energy.

宗悠- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗悠 - Muneharu - Copy 宗悠

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

宗映- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗映 - Muneharu - Copy 宗映

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "reflect, project, shine."

Name ideas examples

  • Reflection - To reflect the beauty and brightness of the baby's personality.

  • Radiance - To signify the baby's inner light and joy.

  • Vivid - To represent the baby's unique and vibrant spirit.

宗晴- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗晴 - Muneharu - Copy 宗晴

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "clear, fine, serene."

  • Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.

  • Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.

  • Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - To symbolize a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

  • Clear - To symbolize a life free of obstacles and difficulties.

宗栄- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗栄 - Muneharu - Copy 宗栄

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "prosperity, flourish, glory."

  • To Flourish - To become prosperous and successful.

  • Splendor - Magnificence and grandeur.

  • Honor - High respect and esteem.

  • Brilliance - Shining brightly and radiantly.

Name ideas examples

  • To Flourish, Prosper - To grow and thrive in a healthy and successful way.

  • Splendor, Glory - To be radiant and beautiful, like a gorgeous flower in full bloom.

  • Honor, Renown - To be respected and admired for one's achievements.

  • Shine, Radiance - To be bright and luminous.

宗治- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗治 - Muneharu - Copy 宗治

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "govern, manage, cure."

  • Govern, Rule - To manage, organize, or direct. Example

  • Cure, Heal - To treat a disease or injury. Example

  • Compare, Match - To be equal to or as good as.

  • Location - The place of a government office.

Name ideas examples

  • Rule, Govern - To have authority over or control of something.

  • Heal, Cure - To restore to health or soundness.

  • Equal, Match - To be of the same size, amount, or degree as something else.

宗温- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗温 - Muneharu - Copy 宗温

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "warm, mild, gentle."

  • Warm, Warmth - Refers to something that is warm in temperature or feeling.

  • Calm, Peaceful - Refers to something that is peaceful and gentle.

  • Learn, Review - Refers to the process of learning or reviewing something.

  • Wrap, Envelop - Refers to the action of wrapping or enveloping something.

Name ideas examples

  • Warmth - A feeling of comfort and kindness, often associated with family and home.

  • Calm - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, often associated with relaxation and contentment.

  • Kindness - A gentle and caring attitude, often associated with compassion and understanding.

  • Learn, Review - Refers to the process of learning and growing that a baby goes through.

宗遙- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗遙 - Muneharu - Copy 宗遙

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "far, distant."

  • Wandering - To move around aimlessly.

  • Far - A great distance away.

  • Long - A long period of time.

Name ideas examples

  • Wandering - To suggest a spirit of exploration and adventure.

  • Far - To suggest a spirit of ambition and reaching for the stars.

  • Long - To suggest a spirit of patience and endurance.

宗遥- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗遥 - Muneharu - Copy 宗遥

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "distance, far, remote."

  • Wandering - To move around aimlessly.

  • Far - A great distance away.

  • Long - A long period of time.

Name ideas examples

  • Wandering - To suggest a spirit of exploration and adventure.

  • Far - To suggest a spirit of ambition and reaching for the stars.

  • Long - To suggest a spirit of patience and endurance.

宗陽- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗陽 - Muneharu - Copy 宗陽

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

心遥- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心遥 - Muneharu - Copy 心遥

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "distance, far, remote."

  • Wandering - To move around aimlessly.

  • Far - A great distance away.

  • Long - A long period of time.

Name ideas examples

  • Wandering - To suggest a spirit of exploration and adventure.

  • Far - To suggest a spirit of ambition and reaching for the stars.

  • Long - To suggest a spirit of patience and endurance.

心陽- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心陽 - Muneharu - Copy 心陽

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "sun, sunlight, positive, daytime."

  • Sun, Daylight - The bright place where the sun shines. The light of the sun. The sun itself.

  • South Side Of A Mountain - The side of a mountain that faces the sun.

  • North Side Of A River - The side of a river that faces away from the sun.

  • Bright, Clear - Something that is illuminated and easy to see.

  • Positive, Dynamic - Something that is active and has a positive outlook.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that reflects the joy of a new life. It also implies optimism and hope for the future.

  • Sun - This is a symbol of life and energy, and is a reminder of the warmth and light that a new baby brings into the world.

  • Positive - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Dynamic - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • South Facing - This is a reminder of the potential for growth and development that a new baby brings. It also implies a sense of direction and purpose in life.

志晴- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share志晴 - Muneharu - Copy 志晴

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

means "clear, fine, serene."

  • Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.

  • Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.

  • Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - To symbolize a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

  • Clear - To symbolize a life free of obstacles and difficulties.

志玄- Muneharu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share志玄 - Muneharu - Copy 志玄

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

means "profound, mysterious, dark."

  • Dark, Black - A dark color with a hint of red.

  • Deep, Mysterious - Something that is profound and mysterious.

  • Distant - Something that is faint and far away.

  • Heaven - The color of the sky.

  • North - The direction of north.

Name ideas examples

  • Dark, Black - A color that symbolizes strength and power.

  • Deep, Mysterious - This kanji that conveys a sense of mystery and intrigue.

  • Distant - This kanji that conveys a sense of distance and remoteness.

  • Heaven - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and grace.

  • North - This kanji that symbolizes direction and guidance.

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