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Japanese boy(male) nameJapanese unisex name Sousei
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  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:そうせい
  • Katakanatip:ソウセイ
  • English transcriptionstip:Sousei
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    Souchan(そうちゃん)Click to speech そうちゃんSeikun( せいくん)Click to speech  せいくんSo-chan( そーちゃん)Click to speech  そーちゃん

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
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Kanji Names & Meanings - 28 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Sousei," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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颯成- Sousei -

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means "brisk, swift, quick."

Name ideas examples

  • Swift - Symbolizing a swift and fast-paced life.

  • Wind - Representing the power of nature and the freedom of the wind.

  • Energetic - Symbolizing an energetic and lively life.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

颯誠- Sousei -

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means "brisk, swift, quick."

Name ideas examples

  • Swift - Symbolizing a swift and fast-paced life.

  • Wind - Representing the power of nature and the freedom of the wind.

  • Energetic - Symbolizing an energetic and lively life.

means "sincerity, honesty, truthfulness."

  • Truth, Honesty - Being truthful and honest in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Showing genuine care and concern for others.

  • Fact, Reality - Accepting and acknowledging the facts and reality of a situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Truthful - This kanji implies that the baby will be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Honesty - Encouraging the baby to be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Nurturing the baby to show genuine care and concern for others.

  • Reality - Teaching the baby to accept and acknowledge the facts and reality of a situation.

颯聖- Sousei -

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means "brisk, swift, quick."

Name ideas examples

  • Swift - Symbolizing a swift and fast-paced life.

  • Wind - Representing the power of nature and the freedom of the wind.

  • Energetic - Symbolizing an energetic and lively life.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

宗聖- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗聖 - Sousei - Copy 宗聖

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

創成- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share創成 - Sousei - Copy 創成

means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

創生- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share創生 - Sousei - Copy 創生

means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

宗成- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗成 - Sousei - Copy 宗成

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

奨惺- Sousei -

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means "encouragement, recommendation, award."

  • Encourage - To recognize something as good and to encourage someone to do it.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval.

  • Motivate - To give someone strength and help them.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give a baby a name that will inspire them to strive for greatness and to reach their goals.

  • Praise - To give a baby a name that will remind them of the admiration and approval they receive from others.

  • Motivate - To give a baby a name that will give them the strength and courage to face any challenge.

means "astute, sharp, shrewd."

  • Understand - To comprehend and grasp the meaning of something.

  • Clearly - To be easily seen or understood, obvious.

  • Quiet - Making no noise or sound, silent.

  • Calm - Having or showing a quiet and peaceful state of mind.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightened - This kanji conveys a sense of wisdom and understanding, suggesting that the child is wise beyond their years.

  • Serene - This kanji implies a sense of peace and tranquility, suggesting that the child is calm and composed.

  • Clear Minded - This kanji implies that the child is able to think clearly and make sound decisions.

  • Insightful - This kanji implies that the child is able to see beyond the surface and gain insight into the deeper meaning of things.

奏成- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奏成 - Sousei - Copy 奏成

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

奏政- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奏政 - Sousei - Copy 奏政

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

means "government, politics."

  • Governance - The act of governing and managing the world.

  • Righteousness - To make something right or to change it for the better.

  • Methodology - A set of rules and standards for carrying out tasks.

Name ideas examples

  • Governance - This kanji that symbolizes the power to lead and manage.

  • Righteousness - This kanji that symbolizes justice and fairness.

  • Methodology - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to follow rules and standards.

想生- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share想生 - Sousei - Copy 想生

means "thought, idea, concept."

  • Think - To think or ponder in one's mind.

  • Consider - To contemplate or reflect upon.

  • Contemplate - To think deeply or carefully about something.

Name ideas examples

  • Thoughtful - Showing consideration and care for others.

  • Intuitive - Having the ability to understand or know something without conscious reasoning.

  • Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

奏晟- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奏晟 - Sousei - Copy 奏晟

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

means "brightness, clearness, auspiciousness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This kanji that symbolizes a bright and shining future for the child.

  • Prosperous - This kanji that symbolizes a prosperous and successful life for the child.

  • Splendid - This kanji that symbolizes a splendid and grand life for the child.

蒼青- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share蒼青 - Sousei - Copy 蒼青

means "blue, pale, unripe."

  • Blue - A deep blue color.

  • Thrive - The way plants and trees thrive in a blue hue.

  • Aging - The way someone looks when they are old and their hair is mixed with white.

  • Hurried - The way someone looks when they are in a hurry.

Name ideas examples

  • Blue - A beautiful and calming color that symbolizes peace and tranquility.

  • Thrive - A reminder to the child to strive and grow in life.

  • Aging - A reminder to the child to appreciate the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

  • Hurried - A reminder to the child to take their time and not rush through life.

means "blue, green, young."

  • Blue - The color blue, or something that is blue in color.

  • Fresh - Something that is young and vibrant.

  • Immature - Something that is not fully developed.

  • Green - The color green, or something that is green in color.

  • Vibrant - Something that is full of life and energy.

  • Horse With Blue Mane - A horse with a mane that is blue in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Young - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it implies youth and vitality.

  • Fresh - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it implies newness and a sense of renewal.

  • Blue - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it is a calming color that is associated with the sky and the sea.

  • Immature - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it implies that the baby is still growing and learning.

  • Green - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it is a color associated with growth and life.

湊晴- Sousei -

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means "harbor, port."

  • To Gather - To bring people or things together.

  • Harbor - A place where ships dock.

  • Gathering Place - A place where ships come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Symbolizing the coming together of family and friends.

  • Harbor - Representing a safe and secure place for the baby.

  • Gathering - Representing the gathering of people and things around the baby.

means "clear, fine, serene."

  • Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.

  • Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.

  • Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - To symbolize a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

  • Clear - To symbolize a life free of obstacles and difficulties.

蒼政- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share蒼政 - Sousei - Copy 蒼政

means "blue, pale, unripe."

  • Blue - A deep blue color.

  • Thrive - The way plants and trees thrive in a blue hue.

  • Aging - The way someone looks when they are old and their hair is mixed with white.

  • Hurried - The way someone looks when they are in a hurry.

Name ideas examples

  • Blue - A beautiful and calming color that symbolizes peace and tranquility.

  • Thrive - A reminder to the child to strive and grow in life.

  • Aging - A reminder to the child to appreciate the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

  • Hurried - A reminder to the child to take their time and not rush through life.

means "government, politics."

  • Governance - The act of governing and managing the world.

  • Righteousness - To make something right or to change it for the better.

  • Methodology - A set of rules and standards for carrying out tasks.

Name ideas examples

  • Governance - This kanji that symbolizes the power to lead and manage.

  • Righteousness - This kanji that symbolizes justice and fairness.

  • Methodology - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to follow rules and standards.

湊成- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share湊成 - Sousei - Copy 湊成

means "harbor, port."

  • To Gather - To bring people or things together.

  • Harbor - A place where ships dock.

  • Gathering Place - A place where ships come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Symbolizing the coming together of family and friends.

  • Harbor - Representing a safe and secure place for the baby.

  • Gathering - Representing the gathering of people and things around the baby.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

奏世- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奏世 - Sousei - Copy 奏世

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

means "world, society, generation."

  • Generation - The period of time from when one generation takes over the position from their parents until they pass it on to their children.

  • Era - A period of time in history.

  • Society - The world, the people and the environment around us.

  • Succession - The passing down of something from one generation to the next.

Name ideas examples

  • Generation - It implies that the baby is part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Era - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger society and will be part of a larger movement.

  • Society - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger community and will be part of a larger culture.

  • Succession - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Continuity - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

創星- Sousei -

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means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "star."

  • Star - A bright point of light in the night sky, a small and distant object, like a star seen from afar.

  • Aim - A target, a goal.

  • Suspect - A criminal, a person of interest.

Name ideas examples

  • Star - A symbol of hope, light, and guidance, a reminder of the beauty of the night sky.

  • Aim - A reminder to strive for one's goals and dreams, to never give up.

  • Suspect - A reminder to always be aware of one's actions and to stay on the right path.

蒼清- Sousei -

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means "blue, pale, unripe."

  • Blue - A deep blue color.

  • Thrive - The way plants and trees thrive in a blue hue.

  • Aging - The way someone looks when they are old and their hair is mixed with white.

  • Hurried - The way someone looks when they are in a hurry.

Name ideas examples

  • Blue - A beautiful and calming color that symbolizes peace and tranquility.

  • Thrive - A reminder to the child to strive and grow in life.

  • Aging - A reminder to the child to appreciate the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

  • Hurried - A reminder to the child to take their time and not rush through life.

means "pure, clear, clean."

Name ideas examples

  • Pure - Refers to a person or thing that is free from any impurities or flaws.

  • Fresh - Refers to something that is new, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Serene - Refers to a peaceful and tranquil state of mind.

  • Bright - Refers to something that is full of light and energy.

  • Clear - Refers to something that is transparent and free from any obstructions.

  • Clean - Refers to something that is free from dirt or contamination.

  • Neat - Refers to something that is orderly and well-organized.

  • Refreshing - Refers to something that is invigorating and revitalizing.

  • Quiet - Refers to something that is peaceful and undisturbed.

創晴- Sousei -

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means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "clear, fine, serene."

  • Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.

  • Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.

  • Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - To symbolize a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

  • Clear - To symbolize a life free of obstacles and difficulties.

創世- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share創世 - Sousei - Copy 創世

means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "world, society, generation."

  • Generation - The period of time from when one generation takes over the position from their parents until they pass it on to their children.

  • Era - A period of time in history.

  • Society - The world, the people and the environment around us.

  • Succession - The passing down of something from one generation to the next.

Name ideas examples

  • Generation - It implies that the baby is part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Era - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger society and will be part of a larger movement.

  • Society - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger community and will be part of a larger culture.

  • Succession - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Continuity - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

宗生- Sousei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share宗生 - Sousei - Copy 宗生

means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

綜成- Sousei -

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means "comprehensive, overall, synthesis."

  • Unify - To bring together and organize into a single whole.

  • Govern - To exercise authority over, to control.

  • Weave - To interlace or interweave strands to form a fabric or material.

  • Intermingle - To mix together, to combine.

Name ideas examples

  • To Unify - It implies bringing together different elements and creating a unified whole. It is a positive message that encourages the child to strive for harmony and unity in their life.

  • To Organize - It implies the ability to bring order and structure to chaos. It is a positive message that encourages the child to strive for organization and efficiency in their life.

  • To Weave - It implies the ability to create something beautiful and intricate from disparate elements. It is a positive message that encourages the child to strive for creativity and craftsmanship in their life.

  • To Intermingle - It implies the ability to bring together different elements and create something new. It is a positive message that encourages the child to strive for collaboration and innovation in their life.

means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."

Name ideas examples

  • Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.

  • Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.

  • Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.

双惺- Sousei -

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means "twin, double."

  • Two - Refers to two of something, either in terms of quantity or in terms of a pair.

  • Pair - Refers to two things that are part of a set or a pair.

  • Equivalent - Refers to two things that have equal power or strength.

  • Matching - Refers to two things that are equal or can compete with each other.

  • Counter - Refers to a numerical suffix used to count the number of pairs of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Two - Symbolizes the bond between two people, such as a parent and child.

  • Pair - Symbolizes the connection between two people, such as a couple.

  • Equivalent - Symbolizes the balance between two people, such as a brother and sister.

  • Matching - Symbolizes the harmony between two people, such as a husband and wife.

means "astute, sharp, shrewd."

  • Understand - To comprehend and grasp the meaning of something.

  • Clearly - To be easily seen or understood, obvious.

  • Quiet - Making no noise or sound, silent.

  • Calm - Having or showing a quiet and peaceful state of mind.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightened - This kanji conveys a sense of wisdom and understanding, suggesting that the child is wise beyond their years.

  • Serene - This kanji implies a sense of peace and tranquility, suggesting that the child is calm and composed.

  • Clear Minded - This kanji implies that the child is able to think clearly and make sound decisions.

  • Insightful - This kanji implies that the child is able to see beyond the surface and gain insight into the deeper meaning of things.

蒼征- Sousei -

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means "blue, pale, unripe."

  • Blue - A deep blue color.

  • Thrive - The way plants and trees thrive in a blue hue.

  • Aging - The way someone looks when they are old and their hair is mixed with white.

  • Hurried - The way someone looks when they are in a hurry.

Name ideas examples

  • Blue - A beautiful and calming color that symbolizes peace and tranquility.

  • Thrive - A reminder to the child to strive and grow in life.

  • Aging - A reminder to the child to appreciate the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

  • Hurried - A reminder to the child to take their time and not rush through life.

means "conquest, subjugation, expedition."

  • To Go (on a journey) - To travel to a distant place.

  • To Conquer - To defeat an enemy or villain.

  • To Take - To seize or collect.

Name ideas examples

  • Journey - A journey or voyage, especially a long or difficult one.

  • Conquer - To gain control of by force or strategy.

  • Take - To seize or capture.

創晟- Sousei -

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means "creation, genesis, origin."

  • To Create Or Initiate - To start something new or make something from nothing.

  • To Injure Or Be Injured - To cause or suffer physical or emotional harm.

  • To Discipline Or Admonish - To reprimand or punish someone for their wrongdoings.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create something new or unique.

  • Innovative - Having the ability to think of new ideas or solutions.

  • Resilient - Having the ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

means "brightness, clearness, auspiciousness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This kanji that symbolizes a bright and shining future for the child.

  • Prosperous - This kanji that symbolizes a prosperous and successful life for the child.

  • Splendid - This kanji that symbolizes a splendid and grand life for the child.

宗惺- Sousei -

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means "religion, sect, denomination."

  • Ancestors - A family with the same ancestors.

  • Origin - The root or center of something.

  • Respect - To revere and honor.

  • Religion - The teachings of a founder or the beliefs of a group that follows them.

Name ideas examples

  • Ancestors - This kanji that honors the family's ancestors and their legacy.

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Respect - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration for those who have come before.

  • Religion - This kanji that reflects the beliefs of the family's faith.

means "astute, sharp, shrewd."

  • Understand - To comprehend and grasp the meaning of something.

  • Clearly - To be easily seen or understood, obvious.

  • Quiet - Making no noise or sound, silent.

  • Calm - Having or showing a quiet and peaceful state of mind.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightened - This kanji conveys a sense of wisdom and understanding, suggesting that the child is wise beyond their years.

  • Serene - This kanji implies a sense of peace and tranquility, suggesting that the child is calm and composed.

  • Clear Minded - This kanji implies that the child is able to think clearly and make sound decisions.

  • Insightful - This kanji implies that the child is able to see beyond the surface and gain insight into the deeper meaning of things.

湊世- Sousei -

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means "harbor, port."

  • To Gather - To bring people or things together.

  • Harbor - A place where ships dock.

  • Gathering Place - A place where ships come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Symbolizing the coming together of family and friends.

  • Harbor - Representing a safe and secure place for the baby.

  • Gathering - Representing the gathering of people and things around the baby.

means "world, society, generation."

  • Generation - The period of time from when one generation takes over the position from their parents until they pass it on to their children.

  • Era - A period of time in history.

  • Society - The world, the people and the environment around us.

  • Succession - The passing down of something from one generation to the next.

Name ideas examples

  • Generation - It implies that the baby is part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Era - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger society and will be part of a larger movement.

  • Society - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger community and will be part of a larger culture.

  • Succession - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

  • Continuity - It implies that the baby will be part of a larger family and will carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

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