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Japanese boy(male) name Takachika
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  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:たかちか
  • Katakanatip:タカチカ
  • English transcriptionstip:Takachika
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Takachan(たかちゃん)Click to speech たかちゃんChikachan( ちかちゃん)Click to speech  ちかちゃんTacchan( たっちゃん)Click to speech  たっちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 14 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Takachika," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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孝周- Takachika -

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means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "circumference, lap, perimeter."

  • Surroundings - Refers to the area around something.

  • Everywhere - To go everywhere, to cover everywhere.

  • Circulate - To go around, to make a round.

  • Rescue - To help, to save.

  • Fulfill - To match, to harmonize.

  • Corner - A place where a road or path bends and enters.

  • Dynasty - The name of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • To go around - It symbolizes the idea of going around and exploring the world. It also implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and will be able to learn from them.

  • To save - It symbolizes the idea of being able to help and save others. It also implies that the baby will be a compassionate and caring individual.

  • To fulfill - It symbolizes the idea of being able to fulfill one's dreams and goals. It also implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

  • Corner - It symbolizes the idea of being able to find one's place in the world. It also implies that the baby will be able to find their own unique path in life.

  • Dynasty - It symbolizes the idea of being part of a larger legacy. It also implies that the baby will be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

孝哉- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share孝哉 - Takachika - Copy 孝哉

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "particle indicating strong emotion or emphasis."

  • A question or contradiction - Read as "Ka" and "Ya", to be used to express a sense of doubt or disbelief .

  • An exclamation - Read as "Kana", to be used to express admiration or awe.

  • A beginning - The beginning or start of something.

  • First time - The first time something is done or started.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji can be used to signify the beginning of something, such as the start of a new life. It can also be used to represent the start of a new journey or a new chapter in life.

  • Wonder - This kanji can be used to express a sense of wonder or curiosity. It can be used to signify the joy of discovering something new or the excitement of embarking on a new adventure.

  • Admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration or appreciation for something. It can be used to signify the admiration of a new accomplishment or the appreciation of a new experience.

  • Awe - This kanji can be used to express a sense of awe or reverence. It can be used to signify the awe of a new discovery or the reverence of a new journey.

孝慈- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share孝慈 - Takachika - Copy 孝慈

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "compassion, mercy."

  • Love - To show deep affection and care for someone, similar to how a parent cares for their child.

  • Compassionate - To show kindness and mercy towards someone.

  • Mother - A female parent.

Name ideas examples

  • Loving - This kanji conveys a deep sense of love and affection, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be nurtured and cared for.

  • Caring - The kanji also implies a sense of caring and compassion, which is ideal for a baby who needs to be looked after and protected.

  • Kind - The kanji also suggests a kind and gentle nature, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.

  • Motherly - The kanji also implies a motherly quality, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be surrounded by a loving and supportive mother figure.

孝睦- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share孝睦 - Takachika - Copy 孝睦

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "harmony, unity."

  • Affectionate - Showing or expressing love and fondness.

  • Intimate - Having a close relationship or connection.

  • Friendly - Showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

  • Amicable - Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

  • Cordial - Showing warmth and sincerity in attitude or manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Affectionate - This kanji conveys a sense of warmth and closeness, making it a perfect choice for a baby name that expresses the bond between parent and child.

  • Friendly - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of friendliness and camaraderie, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to have strong relationships with others.

  • Harmonious - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of harmony and balance, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to live in peace and harmony with others.

  • Loving - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of love and tenderness, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the unconditional love of a parent for their child.

孝親- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share孝親 - Takachika - Copy 孝親

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to show respect and honor to their parents and ancestors.

  • Devotion - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be devoted and loyal to their parents and ancestors.

  • Obedience - Naming a baby with this kanji can signify a wish for the child to be obedient and follow the teachings of their parents and ancestors.

means "parent, guardian, ancestor."

  • Parents - Refers to one's own parents.

  • Close - Refers to having a close relationship with someone.

  • Familiar - Refers to being close and familiar with someone.

  • Good Relationship - Refers to having a good relationship with someone.

  • Self - Refers to doing something oneself.

  • Intimately - Refers to being intimate with someone.

  • Directly - Refers to doing something directly oneself.

  • Family - Refers to family members created through marriage.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

Name ideas examples

  • Parents - Refers to the parents of the baby, and the bond between them.

  • Close - Refers to the close relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Intimate - Refers to the strong bond between the baby and its parents.

  • Familiar - Refers to the comfortable and friendly relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Self - Refers to the baby's own identity and independence.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

尊慈- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share尊慈 - Takachika - Copy 尊慈

means "respect, honor, esteem."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and reverence for someone or something.

  • Precious - Highly valued and cherished.

  • Admirable - Worthy of admiration and respect.

  • Revered - Highly respected and admired.

  • Sacred - Regarded with great reverence and respect.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and reverence for someone or something.

  • Precious - Highly valued and cherished.

  • Admirable - Worthy of admiration and respect.

  • Revered - Highly respected and admired.

  • Sacred - Regarded with great reverence and respect.

means "compassion, mercy."

  • Love - To show deep affection and care for someone, similar to how a parent cares for their child.

  • Compassionate - To show kindness and mercy towards someone.

  • Mother - A female parent.

Name ideas examples

  • Loving - This kanji conveys a deep sense of love and affection, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be nurtured and cared for.

  • Caring - The kanji also implies a sense of caring and compassion, which is ideal for a baby who needs to be looked after and protected.

  • Kind - The kanji also suggests a kind and gentle nature, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.

  • Motherly - The kanji also implies a motherly quality, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be surrounded by a loving and supportive mother figure.

崇允- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share崇允 - Takachika - Copy 崇允

means "adoration, worship, reverence."

  • High - To be high or tall, like a mountain.

  • Adore - To revere or worship.

  • Respect - To show respect or reverence.

  • Revere - To hold in high esteem or honor.

  • End - To finish or conclude.

Name ideas examples

  • High - To symbolize a high ambition or aspiration.

  • Adore - To express love and admiration.

  • Respect - To show respect for others and oneself.

  • Revere - To honor and cherish.

means "permission, approval, consent."

Name ideas examples

  • Truthful - This kanji conveys the idea of being honest and sincere, which is an important quality for a baby to have.

  • Permitted - The kanji can also be interpreted as allowing something, which could be a good name for a baby who is allowed to do something special.

  • Approved - The kanji can also be interpreted as being approved of, which could be a good name for a baby who is approved of by their parents or guardians.

  • Accepted - The kanji can also be interpreted as being accepted, which could be a good name for a baby who is accepted by their family and friends.

  • Allowed - The kanji can also be interpreted as allowing something, which could be a good name for a baby who is allowed to do something special.

貴愛- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share貴愛 - Takachika - Copy 貴愛

means "precious, valuable, honorable."

  • Precious - Highly valued and respected.

  • Noble - Of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.

  • Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.

  • Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.

  • Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

貴親- Takachika -

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means "precious, valuable, honorable."

  • Precious - Highly valued and respected.

  • Noble - Of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.

  • Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.

  • Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.

  • Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.

means "parent, guardian, ancestor."

  • Parents - Refers to one's own parents.

  • Close - Refers to having a close relationship with someone.

  • Familiar - Refers to being close and familiar with someone.

  • Good Relationship - Refers to having a good relationship with someone.

  • Self - Refers to doing something oneself.

  • Intimately - Refers to being intimate with someone.

  • Directly - Refers to doing something directly oneself.

  • Family - Refers to family members created through marriage.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

Name ideas examples

  • Parents - Refers to the parents of the baby, and the bond between them.

  • Close - Refers to the close relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Intimate - Refers to the strong bond between the baby and its parents.

  • Familiar - Refers to the comfortable and friendly relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Self - Refers to the baby's own identity and independence.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

隆周- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share隆周 - Takachika - Copy 隆周

means "prosperity, high, noble."

Name ideas examples

  • High - Symbolizing a high status or rank in life.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success.

  • Noble - Symbolizing a life of honor and respect.

means "circumference, lap, perimeter."

  • Surroundings - Refers to the area around something.

  • Everywhere - To go everywhere, to cover everywhere.

  • Circulate - To go around, to make a round.

  • Rescue - To help, to save.

  • Fulfill - To match, to harmonize.

  • Corner - A place where a road or path bends and enters.

  • Dynasty - The name of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • To go around - It symbolizes the idea of going around and exploring the world. It also implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and will be able to learn from them.

  • To save - It symbolizes the idea of being able to help and save others. It also implies that the baby will be a compassionate and caring individual.

  • To fulfill - It symbolizes the idea of being able to fulfill one's dreams and goals. It also implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

  • Corner - It symbolizes the idea of being able to find one's place in the world. It also implies that the baby will be able to find their own unique path in life.

  • Dynasty - It symbolizes the idea of being part of a larger legacy. It also implies that the baby will be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

隆哉- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share隆哉 - Takachika - Copy 隆哉

means "prosperity, high, noble."

Name ideas examples

  • High - Symbolizing a high status or rank in life.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success.

  • Noble - Symbolizing a life of honor and respect.

means "particle indicating strong emotion or emphasis."

  • A question or contradiction - Read as "Ka" and "Ya", to be used to express a sense of doubt or disbelief .

  • An exclamation - Read as "Kana", to be used to express admiration or awe.

  • A beginning - The beginning or start of something.

  • First time - The first time something is done or started.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji can be used to signify the beginning of something, such as the start of a new life. It can also be used to represent the start of a new journey or a new chapter in life.

  • Wonder - This kanji can be used to express a sense of wonder or curiosity. It can be used to signify the joy of discovering something new or the excitement of embarking on a new adventure.

  • Admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration or appreciation for something. It can be used to signify the admiration of a new accomplishment or the appreciation of a new experience.

  • Awe - This kanji can be used to express a sense of awe or reverence. It can be used to signify the awe of a new discovery or the reverence of a new journey.

隆慈- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share隆慈 - Takachika - Copy 隆慈

means "prosperity, high, noble."

Name ideas examples

  • High - Symbolizing a high status or rank in life.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success.

  • Noble - Symbolizing a life of honor and respect.

means "compassion, mercy."

  • Love - To show deep affection and care for someone, similar to how a parent cares for their child.

  • Compassionate - To show kindness and mercy towards someone.

  • Mother - A female parent.

Name ideas examples

  • Loving - This kanji conveys a deep sense of love and affection, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be nurtured and cared for.

  • Caring - The kanji also implies a sense of caring and compassion, which is ideal for a baby who needs to be looked after and protected.

  • Kind - The kanji also suggests a kind and gentle nature, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.

  • Motherly - The kanji also implies a motherly quality, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be surrounded by a loving and supportive mother figure.

隆睦- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share隆睦 - Takachika - Copy 隆睦

means "prosperity, high, noble."

Name ideas examples

  • High - Symbolizing a high status or rank in life.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success.

  • Noble - Symbolizing a life of honor and respect.

means "harmony, unity."

  • Affectionate - Showing or expressing love and fondness.

  • Intimate - Having a close relationship or connection.

  • Friendly - Showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

  • Amicable - Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

  • Cordial - Showing warmth and sincerity in attitude or manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Affectionate - This kanji conveys a sense of warmth and closeness, making it a perfect choice for a baby name that expresses the bond between parent and child.

  • Friendly - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of friendliness and camaraderie, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to have strong relationships with others.

  • Harmonious - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of harmony and balance, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to live in peace and harmony with others.

  • Loving - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of love and tenderness, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the unconditional love of a parent for their child.

隆親- Takachika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share隆親 - Takachika - Copy 隆親

means "prosperity, high, noble."

Name ideas examples

  • High - Symbolizing a high status or rank in life.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success.

  • Noble - Symbolizing a life of honor and respect.

means "parent, guardian, ancestor."

  • Parents - Refers to one's own parents.

  • Close - Refers to having a close relationship with someone.

  • Familiar - Refers to being close and familiar with someone.

  • Good Relationship - Refers to having a good relationship with someone.

  • Self - Refers to doing something oneself.

  • Intimately - Refers to being intimate with someone.

  • Directly - Refers to doing something directly oneself.

  • Family - Refers to family members created through marriage.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

Name ideas examples

  • Parents - Refers to the parents of the baby, and the bond between them.

  • Close - Refers to the close relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Intimate - Refers to the strong bond between the baby and its parents.

  • Familiar - Refers to the comfortable and friendly relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Self - Refers to the baby's own identity and independence.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

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