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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,964 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Japanese boy(male) nameJapanese unisex name Yukichika
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  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:ゆきちか
  • Katakanatip:ユキチカ
  • English transcriptionstip:Yukichika
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Yukichan(ゆきちゃん)Click to speech ゆきちゃんChikachan( ちかちゃん)Click to speech  ちかちゃんYukki( ゆっきー)Click to speech  ゆっきー

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
For females, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 16 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Yukichika," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

Introduction to how Japanese names work

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幸慈- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸慈 - Yukichika - Copy 幸慈

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "compassion, mercy."

  • Love - To show deep affection and care for someone, similar to how a parent cares for their child.

  • Compassionate - To show kindness and mercy towards someone.

  • Mother - A female parent.

Name ideas examples

  • Loving - This kanji conveys a deep sense of love and affection, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be nurtured and cared for.

  • Caring - The kanji also implies a sense of caring and compassion, which is ideal for a baby who needs to be looked after and protected.

  • Kind - The kanji also suggests a kind and gentle nature, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.

  • Motherly - The kanji also implies a motherly quality, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be surrounded by a loving and supportive mother figure.

幸睦- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸睦 - Yukichika - Copy 幸睦

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "harmony, unity."

  • Affectionate - Showing or expressing love and fondness.

  • Intimate - Having a close relationship or connection.

  • Friendly - Showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

  • Amicable - Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

  • Cordial - Showing warmth and sincerity in attitude or manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Affectionate - This kanji conveys a sense of warmth and closeness, making it a perfect choice for a baby name that expresses the bond between parent and child.

  • Friendly - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of friendliness and camaraderie, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to have strong relationships with others.

  • Harmonious - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of harmony and balance, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to live in peace and harmony with others.

  • Loving - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of love and tenderness, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the unconditional love of a parent for their child.

侑爾- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share侑爾 - Yukichika - Copy 侑爾

means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "you, thou, second person pronoun."

  • You, Your - A pronoun used to refer to the second person.

  • That, This, Here, There - A pronoun used to indicate a location or person.

  • Thus, Like That - Expressing that something is as stated.

  • Only, Just - Expressing that something is the only thing.

  • Attached to other words to express a state.

Name ideas examples

  • You - It is a term of endearment and conveys a sense of closeness and familiarity.

  • That - It is a pronoun that can be used to refer to the baby in a loving way.

  • Thus - It conveys a sense of completeness and finality.

  • Only - It conveys a sense of uniqueness and singularity.

  • Under - It conveys a sense of protection and security.

倖悠- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share倖悠 - Yukichika - Copy 倖悠

means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - A blessing of good luck and fortune.

  • Favorite - A beloved and cherished individual.

  • Blessing - A wish of good luck and prosperity.

means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long-lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long-lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

幸周- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸周 - Yukichika - Copy 幸周

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "circumference, lap, perimeter."

  • Surroundings - Refers to the area around something.

  • Everywhere - To go everywhere, to cover everywhere.

  • Circulate - To go around, to make a round.

  • Rescue - To help, to save.

  • Fulfill - To match, to harmonize.

  • Corner - A place where a road or path bends and enters.

  • Dynasty - The name of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • To go around - It symbolizes the idea of going around and exploring the world. It also implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and will be able to learn from them.

  • To save - It symbolizes the idea of being able to help and save others. It also implies that the baby will be a compassionate and caring individual.

  • To fulfill - It symbolizes the idea of being able to fulfill one's dreams and goals. It also implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

  • Corner - It symbolizes the idea of being able to find one's place in the world. It also implies that the baby will be able to find their own unique path in life.

  • Dynasty - It symbolizes the idea of being part of a larger legacy. It also implies that the baby will be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

幸哉- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸哉 - Yukichika - Copy 幸哉

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "particle indicating strong emotion or emphasis."

  • A question or contradiction - Read as "Ka" and "Ya", to be used to express a sense of doubt or disbelief .

  • An exclamation - Read as "Kana", to be used to express admiration or awe.

  • A beginning - The beginning or start of something.

  • First time - The first time something is done or started.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji can be used to signify the beginning of something, such as the start of a new life. It can also be used to represent the start of a new journey or a new chapter in life.

  • Wonder - This kanji can be used to express a sense of wonder or curiosity. It can be used to signify the joy of discovering something new or the excitement of embarking on a new adventure.

  • Admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration or appreciation for something. It can be used to signify the admiration of a new accomplishment or the appreciation of a new experience.

  • Awe - This kanji can be used to express a sense of awe or reverence. It can be used to signify the awe of a new discovery or the reverence of a new journey.

幸慶- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸慶 - Yukichika - Copy 幸慶

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "celebration, joy, happiness."

  • Celebrate (to show joy and happiness) - To express joy and happiness in a festive way.

  • Joy (happiness) - A feeling of great pleasure and delight.

  • Fortune (good luck) - A fortunate or prosperous state of affairs.

Name ideas examples

  • Celebrate - To honor and commemorate the birth of a baby with joy and happiness.

  • Joy - To give the baby a name that symbolizes the happiness and delight of the parents.

  • Fortune - To give the baby a name that symbolizes the good luck and prosperity that the parents wish for the baby.

幸親- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share幸親 - Yukichika - Copy 幸親

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

Name ideas examples

  • Happiness, Fortunate - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.

  • Cherish, Love - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be loved and cherished.

  • Appreciate, Like - This kanji that conveys the wish for the baby to be appreciated and liked.

means "parent, guardian, ancestor."

  • Parents - Refers to one's own parents.

  • Close - Refers to having a close relationship with someone.

  • Familiar - Refers to being close and familiar with someone.

  • Good Relationship - Refers to having a good relationship with someone.

  • Self - Refers to doing something oneself.

  • Intimately - Refers to being intimate with someone.

  • Directly - Refers to doing something directly oneself.

  • Family - Refers to family members created through marriage.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

Name ideas examples

  • Parents - Refers to the parents of the baby, and the bond between them.

  • Close - Refers to the close relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Intimate - Refers to the strong bond between the baby and its parents.

  • Familiar - Refers to the comfortable and friendly relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Self - Refers to the baby's own identity and independence.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

晋周- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share晋周 - Yukichika - Copy 晋周

means "shin: advance, promote, ascend."

  • To advance - To move forward with vigor and determination.

  • To progress - To make steady progress towards a goal.

  • To develop - To grow and expand in a positive direction.

  • To improve - To become better in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Progress - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will make progress in life and achieve success.

  • Advancement - This is another positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will make advancements in life and reach their goals.

  • Success - This is a great meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will be successful in life and reach their goals.

  • Achievement - This is a great meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will achieve great things in life and reach their goals.

  • Prosperity - This is a great meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will be prosperous in life and reach their goals.

  • Growth - This is a great meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will grow and develop in life and reach their goals.

means "circumference, lap, perimeter."

  • Surroundings - Refers to the area around something.

  • Everywhere - To go everywhere, to cover everywhere.

  • Circulate - To go around, to make a round.

  • Rescue - To help, to save.

  • Fulfill - To match, to harmonize.

  • Corner - A place where a road or path bends and enters.

  • Dynasty - The name of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • To go around - It symbolizes the idea of going around and exploring the world. It also implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and will be able to learn from them.

  • To save - It symbolizes the idea of being able to help and save others. It also implies that the baby will be a compassionate and caring individual.

  • To fulfill - It symbolizes the idea of being able to fulfill one's dreams and goals. It also implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

  • Corner - It symbolizes the idea of being able to find one's place in the world. It also implies that the baby will be able to find their own unique path in life.

  • Dynasty - It symbolizes the idea of being part of a larger legacy. It also implies that the baby will be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

行周- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share行周 - Yukichika - Copy 行周

means "go, travel, conduct, line, row."

Name ideas examples

  • To go - This is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will have the courage and determination to go forward in life.

  • To walk - It implies that the child will have the strength and perseverance to take on life's challenges.

  • To advance - It implies that the child will have the ambition and drive to progress in life.

  • To circle - It implies that the child will have the ability to come full circle in life and find success.

  • To move - It implies that the child will have the energy and enthusiasm to make things happen in life.

  • To do - It implies that the child will have the capability and determination to accomplish their goals in life.

  • To accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ambition and dedication to achieve their dreams in life.

  • Path - This is a suitable

means "circumference, lap, perimeter."

  • Surroundings - Refers to the area around something.

  • Everywhere - To go everywhere, to cover everywhere.

  • Circulate - To go around, to make a round.

  • Rescue - To help, to save.

  • Fulfill - To match, to harmonize.

  • Corner - A place where a road or path bends and enters.

  • Dynasty - The name of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • To go around - It symbolizes the idea of going around and exploring the world. It also implies that the baby will have a wide range of experiences and will be able to learn from them.

  • To save - It symbolizes the idea of being able to help and save others. It also implies that the baby will be a compassionate and caring individual.

  • To fulfill - It symbolizes the idea of being able to fulfill one's dreams and goals. It also implies that the baby will be able to achieve great things in life.

  • Corner - It symbolizes the idea of being able to find one's place in the world. It also implies that the baby will be able to find their own unique path in life.

  • Dynasty - It symbolizes the idea of being part of a larger legacy. It also implies that the baby will be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

行哉- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share行哉 - Yukichika - Copy 行哉

means "go, travel, conduct, line, row."

Name ideas examples

  • To go - This is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will have the courage and determination to go forward in life.

  • To walk - It implies that the child will have the strength and perseverance to take on life's challenges.

  • To advance - It implies that the child will have the ambition and drive to progress in life.

  • To circle - It implies that the child will have the ability to come full circle in life and find success.

  • To move - It implies that the child will have the energy and enthusiasm to make things happen in life.

  • To do - It implies that the child will have the capability and determination to accomplish their goals in life.

  • To accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ambition and dedication to achieve their dreams in life.

  • Path - This is a suitable

means "particle indicating strong emotion or emphasis."

  • A question or contradiction - Read as "Ka" and "Ya", to be used to express a sense of doubt or disbelief .

  • An exclamation - Read as "Kana", to be used to express admiration or awe.

  • A beginning - The beginning or start of something.

  • First time - The first time something is done or started.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji can be used to signify the beginning of something, such as the start of a new life. It can also be used to represent the start of a new journey or a new chapter in life.

  • Wonder - This kanji can be used to express a sense of wonder or curiosity. It can be used to signify the joy of discovering something new or the excitement of embarking on a new adventure.

  • Admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration or appreciation for something. It can be used to signify the admiration of a new accomplishment or the appreciation of a new experience.

  • Awe - This kanji can be used to express a sense of awe or reverence. It can be used to signify the awe of a new discovery or the reverence of a new journey.

行慈- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share行慈 - Yukichika - Copy 行慈

means "go, travel, conduct, line, row."

Name ideas examples

  • To go - This is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will have the courage and determination to go forward in life.

  • To walk - It implies that the child will have the strength and perseverance to take on life's challenges.

  • To advance - It implies that the child will have the ambition and drive to progress in life.

  • To circle - It implies that the child will have the ability to come full circle in life and find success.

  • To move - It implies that the child will have the energy and enthusiasm to make things happen in life.

  • To do - It implies that the child will have the capability and determination to accomplish their goals in life.

  • To accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ambition and dedication to achieve their dreams in life.

  • Path - This is a suitable

means "compassion, mercy."

  • Love - To show deep affection and care for someone, similar to how a parent cares for their child.

  • Compassionate - To show kindness and mercy towards someone.

  • Mother - A female parent.

Name ideas examples

  • Loving - This kanji conveys a deep sense of love and affection, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be nurtured and cared for.

  • Caring - The kanji also implies a sense of caring and compassion, which is ideal for a baby who needs to be looked after and protected.

  • Kind - The kanji also suggests a kind and gentle nature, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.

  • Motherly - The kanji also implies a motherly quality, which is perfect for a baby who needs to be surrounded by a loving and supportive mother figure.

行睦- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share行睦 - Yukichika - Copy 行睦

means "go, travel, conduct, line, row."

Name ideas examples

  • To go - This is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will have the courage and determination to go forward in life.

  • To walk - It implies that the child will have the strength and perseverance to take on life's challenges.

  • To advance - It implies that the child will have the ambition and drive to progress in life.

  • To circle - It implies that the child will have the ability to come full circle in life and find success.

  • To move - It implies that the child will have the energy and enthusiasm to make things happen in life.

  • To do - It implies that the child will have the capability and determination to accomplish their goals in life.

  • To accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ambition and dedication to achieve their dreams in life.

  • Path - This is a suitable

means "harmony, unity."

  • Affectionate - Showing or expressing love and fondness.

  • Intimate - Having a close relationship or connection.

  • Friendly - Showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

  • Amicable - Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

  • Cordial - Showing warmth and sincerity in attitude or manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Affectionate - This kanji conveys a sense of warmth and closeness, making it a perfect choice for a baby name that expresses the bond between parent and child.

  • Friendly - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of friendliness and camaraderie, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to have strong relationships with others.

  • Harmonious - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of harmony and balance, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the desire for a child to live in peace and harmony with others.

  • Loving - The kanji 睦 conveys a sense of love and tenderness, making it a great choice for a baby name that expresses the unconditional love of a parent for their child.

行親- Yukichika -

Add to First Name Favorites Share行親 - Yukichika - Copy 行親

means "go, travel, conduct, line, row."

Name ideas examples

  • To go - This is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will have the courage and determination to go forward in life.

  • To walk - It implies that the child will have the strength and perseverance to take on life's challenges.

  • To advance - It implies that the child will have the ambition and drive to progress in life.

  • To circle - It implies that the child will have the ability to come full circle in life and find success.

  • To move - It implies that the child will have the energy and enthusiasm to make things happen in life.

  • To do - It implies that the child will have the capability and determination to accomplish their goals in life.

  • To accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ambition and dedication to achieve their dreams in life.

  • Path - This is a suitable

means "parent, guardian, ancestor."

  • Parents - Refers to one's own parents.

  • Close - Refers to having a close relationship with someone.

  • Familiar - Refers to being close and familiar with someone.

  • Good Relationship - Refers to having a good relationship with someone.

  • Self - Refers to doing something oneself.

  • Intimately - Refers to being intimate with someone.

  • Directly - Refers to doing something directly oneself.

  • Family - Refers to family members created through marriage.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

Name ideas examples

  • Parents - Refers to the parents of the baby, and the bond between them.

  • Close - Refers to the close relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Intimate - Refers to the strong bond between the baby and its parents.

  • Familiar - Refers to the comfortable and friendly relationship between the baby and its parents.

  • Self - Refers to the baby's own identity and independence.

  • Leader - Refers to someone who leads a game or activity.

之千佳- Yukichika -

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means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

means "thousand."

  • Thousand - A number representing ten hundred times.

  • Many - Representing a large amount.

Name ideas examples

  • Thousand - Representing a large number of blessings and good fortune.

  • Many - Representing a large number of blessings and good fortune.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

由千加- Yukichika -

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means "reason, cause, origin."

  • Origin - Refers to the source or cause of something.

  • Basis - Refers to something that serves as a foundation or support.

  • Content of Message or Rumor - Refers to the content of a message or rumor.

  • Reason - Refers to the cause or explanation of something.

  • Translation - Refers to the process of converting something from one language to another.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - It implies that the baby has a unique and special origin. It also suggests that the baby has a special destiny and purpose.

  • Basis - It implies that the baby has a strong foundation and is rooted in something meaningful. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

  • Source - It implies that the baby has a source of strength and guidance. It also suggests that the baby has a strong connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Reason - It implies that the baby has a purpose and a reason for being. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of purpose and direction.

  • Content - It implies that the baby has a unique and special content. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

means "thousand."

  • Thousand - A number representing ten hundred times.

  • Many - Representing a large amount.

Name ideas examples

  • Thousand - Representing a large number of blessings and good fortune.

  • Many - Representing a large number of blessings and good fortune.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

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