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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
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Japanese boy(male) nameJapanese unisex name Yuuma
Click to speech ゆうまAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Yuuma

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:ゆうま
  • Katakanatip:ユウマ
  • English transcriptionstip:Yuuma, Yuma
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Yumakun(ゆうまくん)Click to speech ゆうまくんMacchan( まっちゃん)Click to speech  まっちゃんYuchan( ゆうちゃん)Click to speech  ゆうちゃん

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
For females, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 125 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Yuuma," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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優篤- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優篤 - Yuuma - Copy 優篤

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "sincerity, seriousness, diligence."

Name ideas examples

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than expected or needed.

  • Devoted - Showing great loyalty and dedication to something or someone.

優守- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優守 - Yuuma - Copy 優守

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

優雅- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優雅 - Yuuma - Copy 優雅

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "elegance, refinement, grace."

  • Elegant - Refers to something that is graceful, refined, and tasteful.

  • Proper - Refers to something that is correct, good, and well-ordered.

  • Constant - Refers to something that is unchanging and lasting.

  • Origin - Refers to something that is original and from the beginning.

  • Crow - Refers to a bird of the Corvidae family.

Name ideas examples

  • Refined - It conveys a sense of sophistication and elegance. It is also a reminder of the importance of being well-mannered and having good manners.

  • Proper - It implies that the child will be well-behaved and will follow the rules. It also implies that the child will be respectful and will strive to do the right thing.

  • Origin - It implies that the child will have a strong sense of identity and will be proud of their heritage. It also implies that the child will be rooted in their culture and will strive to uphold its values.

  • Crow - It implies that the child will be wise and will have a strong sense of intuition. It also implies that the child will be brave and will be able to face any challenge that comes their way.

優真- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優真 - Yuuma - Copy 優真

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

夕真- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share夕真 - Yuuma - Copy 夕真

means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

優生真- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優生真 - Yuuma - Copy 優生真

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

佑実- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share佑実 - Yuuma - Copy 佑実

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

佑舞- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

優舞- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share優舞 - Yuuma - Copy 優舞

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

勇優- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

勇真- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share勇真 - Yuuma - Copy 勇真

means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

夕眞- Yuuma -

Add to First Names Favorites Share夕眞 - Yuuma - Copy 夕眞

means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

悠誠- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "sincerity, honesty, truthfulness."

  • Truth, Honesty - Being truthful and honest in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Showing genuine care and concern for others.

  • Fact, Reality - Accepting and acknowledging the facts and reality of a situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Truthful - This kanji implies that the baby will be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Honesty - Encouraging the baby to be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Nurturing the baby to show genuine care and concern for others.

  • Reality - Teaching the baby to accept and acknowledge the facts and reality of a situation.

由真- Yuuma -

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means "reason, cause, origin."

  • Origin - Refers to the source or cause of something.

  • Basis - Refers to something that serves as a foundation or support.

  • Content Of Message Or Rumor - Refers to the content of a message or rumor.

  • Reason - Refers to the cause or explanation of something.

  • Translation - Refers to the process of converting something from one language to another.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - It implies that the baby has a unique and special origin. It also suggests that the baby has a special destiny and purpose.

  • Basis - It implies that the baby has a strong foundation and is rooted in something meaningful. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

  • Source - It implies that the baby has a source of strength and guidance. It also suggests that the baby has a strong connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Reason - It implies that the baby has a purpose and a reason for being. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of purpose and direction.

  • Content - It implies that the baby has a unique and special content. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

遊真- Yuuma -

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means "play, amusement, leisure."

  • To Play - To have fun, to enjoy oneself, to frolic.

  • To Interact - To associate, to socialize, to engage in mutual exchange.

  • To Be Idle - To be unemployed, to have free time.

  • Recreation - To have fun, to amuse oneself.

  • Friends - Companions, acquaintances.

  • Dandy - A fashionable man.

  • To Swim - To float, to drift, to be buoyant.

  • To Do Something - A polite expression for performing an action.

Name ideas examples

  • Playful - Suggesting a cheerful, fun-loving personality.

  • Social - Suggesting an outgoing, friendly personality.

  • Dandy - Suggesting a fashionable, stylish personality.

  • Swimming - Suggesting a graceful, buoyant personality.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

雄馬- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

悠羽舞- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "feather, wing."

  • Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.

  • Bird - A bird or other avian species.

  • Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.

  • Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.

  • Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.

Name ideas examples

  • Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.

  • Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.

  • Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.

  • Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

佑真- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

佑磨- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

勇磨- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

悠真- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

悠磨- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

結真- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

佑摩- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

佑眞- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

佑茉- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

佑馬- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

佑麻- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

侑万- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "ten thousand."

  • Ten Thousand - This is a number name that is ten times the number of thousand.

  • All - This refers to everything or all of something.

  • Very Many - This refers to a large number of something.

  • Never - This refers to something that will never happen, no matter what.

  • Absolutely - This refers to something that is certain and without doubt.

Name ideas examples

  • All - It conveys the idea of completeness and wholeness. It is a reminder that the baby is part of a larger whole and that they are loved and accepted by all.

  • Never - It conveys the idea of strength and resilience. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals.

  • Absolutely - It conveys the idea of certainty and reliability. It is a reminder that the baby will always be dependable and will never waver in their commitment to their goals.

  • No Matter What - It conveys the idea of perseverance and determination. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals, no matter what obstacles they may face.

侑守- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

侑眞- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

侑真- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

侑磨- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

侑舞- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

侑茉- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

侑馬- Yuuma -

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means "to help, to assist, to give aid."

  • Help - To provide protection or assistance.

  • Recommend - To suggest or offer something, such as a dish or drink.

  • Reward - To express gratitude or appreciation.

  • Forgive - To pardon or excuse a fault or offense.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing on the baby, to wish them good fortune and success.

  • Protection - To provide protection and safety for the baby.

  • Gratitude - To express gratitude for the baby’s arrival and to show appreciation for them.

  • Forgiveness - To forgive the baby for any mistakes they may make and to show unconditional love.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

優摩- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

優満- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "full, complete, satisfied."

  • Fulfill - To satisfy or complete a requirement or expectation.

  • Fill - To make full or complete.

  • Be Full - To be completely filled or occupied.

  • Satisfy - To meet the needs or desires of someone.

  • Entirety - The whole or complete amount of something.

  • All - Everything or everyone included in a group.

  • Every - Each and every one of a group.

  • Reach - To extend or arrive at a destination.

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - This kanji implies that the baby will be able to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

  • Abundance - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of good fortune and blessings in their life.

  • Completeness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a sense of completeness and satisfaction in their life.

  • Satisfaction - This kanji implies that the baby will be content and satisfied with their life.

  • Fullness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a full and abundant life.

  • All Encompassing - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that encompasses all aspects of life.

  • All Inclusive - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that includes all aspects of life.

  • Universal - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that is universal and all-encompassing.

優直- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "straight, direct, honest."

  • Straight - Not bent or curved

  • Honest - Being truthful and sincere.

  • Direct - Without anything or anyone in between.

  • Fix - To make something right or correct.

  • Extend - To make something longer or wider.

  • Hit - To come into contact with something.

  • Immediately - Without delay.

  • Value - Price or worth of something.

  • Deserve - To have value or worth.

  • Return - To go back to the original state.

  • Steadfast - Unwavering and determined.

Name ideas examples

  • Honest - Being truthful and sincere.

  • Direct - Without anything or anyone in between.

  • Extend - To make something longer or wider.

  • Immediately - Without delay.

  • Value - Price or worth of something.

  • Deserve - To have value or worth.

  • Return - To go back to the original state.

  • Steadfast - Unwavering and determined.

優眞- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

優磨- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

優茉- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

優麻- Yuuma -

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means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

勇茉- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

勇馬- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

勇麻- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

友優- Yuuma -

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means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

means "gentleness, kindness, superiority."

  • Outstanding - Superior to others.

  • Kind - Refined and beautiful.

  • Harmonious - Peaceful and harmonious.

  • Abundant - Relaxed and with plenty of room.

  • Skilled - A performer or entertainer.

  • Highest - The highest ranking in evaluations such as performance.

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and superiority.

  • Kind - This kanji that conveys gentleness and beauty.

  • Harmonious - This kanji that conveys peace and harmony.

  • Abundant - This kanji that conveys abundance and plenty.

友磨- Yuuma -

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means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

友間- Yuuma -

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means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Connection - A strong bond between two people or things.

  • Harmony - A peaceful and balanced relationship between two or more people or things.

  • Unity - The state of being united or joined together.

  • Love - A strong feeling of affection and care for another person.

  • Peace - A state of tranquility and calm.

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

友馬- Yuuma -

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means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

友麻- Yuuma -

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means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

右真- Yuuma -

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means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

夕摩- Yuuma -

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means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

夕磨- Yuuma -

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means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

夕馬- Yuuma -

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means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

夕麻- Yuuma -

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means "evening, dusk."

  • Evening, Night - The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.

  • Dusk - The time of day when the sun is setting and the sky is darkening.

  • End Of Year, Month - The last day of a year or month.

Name ideas examples

  • Evening - A reminder of the beauty of the evening sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Dusk - A reminder of the beauty of the setting sun and the transition from day to night.

  • End Of Year, Month - A reminder of the passing of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

夢真- Yuuma -

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means "dream, vision, illusion."

  • Dream - Something seen while sleeping.

  • Fleeting - Something fleeting like a dream.

  • Dark - Unclear and not obvious.

Name ideas examples

  • Dream - A reminder to the child to always strive for their dreams and never give up.

  • Fleeting - A reminder to the child to cherish every moment and to make the most of their life.

  • Dark - A reminder to the child to always seek the light and never be afraid of the darkness.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

悠万- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "ten thousand."

  • Ten Thousand - This is a number name that is ten times the number of thousand.

  • All - This refers to everything or all of something.

  • Very Many - This refers to a large number of something.

  • Never - This refers to something that will never happen, no matter what.

  • Absolutely - This refers to something that is certain and without doubt.

Name ideas examples

  • All - It conveys the idea of completeness and wholeness. It is a reminder that the baby is part of a larger whole and that they are loved and accepted by all.

  • Never - It conveys the idea of strength and resilience. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals.

  • Absolutely - It conveys the idea of certainty and reliability. It is a reminder that the baby will always be dependable and will never waver in their commitment to their goals.

  • No Matter What - It conveys the idea of perseverance and determination. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals, no matter what obstacles they may face.

悠前- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "front, before."

  • Before - Refers to something that is ahead in time or space.

  • In Advance - Refers to something that is done beforehand.

  • Past - Refers to something that happened in the past.

  • Guide - Refers to something that leads or guides.

  • Allocation - Refers to the amount or portion assigned to someone. For example, three servings of food.

  • Honorific - Refers to a title of respect used to refer to a noble person.

Name ideas examples

  • Forefront - It implies that the baby is a leader and will be at the forefront of whatever they do.

  • Preceding - It implies that the baby will be the first to do something and will be a pioneer in their field.

  • Past - It implies that the baby will have a strong connection to their past and will be able to draw on the wisdom of their ancestors.

  • Guide - It implies that the baby will be a source of guidance and will be able to lead others in the right direction.

  • Allocation - It implies that the baby will be able to manage resources and will be able to allocate them in a fair and equitable manner.

  • Noble - It implies that the baby will be of high status and will be respected by others.

悠将- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

悠末- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "end, tip, final, conclusion."

  • End - The final part or conclusion of something.

  • Minor Part - A part that is not major or significant.

  • Powder - Fine particles or dust.

  • Fragments - Small pieces or bits of something.

Name ideas examples

  • End - This is a positive connotation, as it implies that the baby is the last of a long line of family members, and that they will be the one to carry on the family legacy.

  • Last - This is a positive connotation, as it implies that the baby is the last of a long line of family members, and that they will be the one to carry on the family legacy.

  • Finale - This is a positive connotation, as it implies that the baby is the last of a long line of family members, and that they will be the one to bring the family story to a close.

  • Powder - This is a neutral connotation, as it implies that the baby is small and delicate, and that they will bring a sense of lightness and joy to the family.

  • Fragment - This is a neutral connotation, as it implies that the baby is a part of something larger, and that they will bring a sense of completeness to the family.

悠満- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "full, complete, satisfied."

  • Fulfill - To satisfy or complete a requirement or expectation.

  • Fill - To make full or complete.

  • Be Full - To be completely filled or occupied.

  • Satisfy - To meet the needs or desires of someone.

  • Entirety - The whole or complete amount of something.

  • All - Everything or everyone included in a group.

  • Every - Each and every one of a group.

  • Reach - To extend or arrive at a destination.

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - This kanji implies that the baby will be able to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

  • Abundance - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of good fortune and blessings in their life.

  • Completeness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a sense of completeness and satisfaction in their life.

  • Satisfaction - This kanji implies that the baby will be content and satisfied with their life.

  • Fullness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a full and abundant life.

  • All Encompassing - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that encompasses all aspects of life.

  • All Inclusive - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that includes all aspects of life.

  • Universal - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that is universal and all-encompassing.

悠眞- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

悠舞- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

悠茉- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

悠麻- Yuuma -

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means "leisurely, distant, long, far."

  • Far - Refers to a distance that is far away.

  • Remote - Refers to a distance that is far away and difficult to reach.

  • Long Lasting - Refers to something that continues for a long time without interruption.

  • Leisurely - Refers to something that is done in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Far - This kanji conveys the idea of something that is distant and far away. It can be used to suggest that the baby will have a long and successful life, as it implies that they will be able to reach far-off places and achieve great things.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji also suggests that the baby will have a long and lasting life. It implies that the baby will have a life that will continue for a long time, and that they will be able to enjoy a life of longevity.

  • Relaxed - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a relaxed and peaceful life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  • Leisurely - This kanji can also be used to suggest that the baby will have a leisurely and unhurried life. It implies that the baby will be able to take their time and enjoy life without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

憂摩- Yuuma -

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means "anxiety, sorrow, grief."

Name ideas examples

  • Worry, Anxiety - To express a desire for the baby to be free from worry and anxiety.

  • Sadness, Grief - To express a wish for the baby to be surrounded by love and comfort, even in times of sadness and grief.

  • Pain, Suffering - To express a hope that the baby will never have to experience pain or suffering.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

憂真- Yuuma -

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means "anxiety, sorrow, grief."

Name ideas examples

  • Worry, Anxiety - To express a desire for the baby to be free from worry and anxiety.

  • Sadness, Grief - To express a wish for the baby to be surrounded by love and comfort, even in times of sadness and grief.

  • Pain, Suffering - To express a hope that the baby will never have to experience pain or suffering.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

憂馬- Yuuma -

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means "anxiety, sorrow, grief."

Name ideas examples

  • Worry, Anxiety - To express a desire for the baby to be free from worry and anxiety.

  • Sadness, Grief - To express a wish for the baby to be surrounded by love and comfort, even in times of sadness and grief.

  • Pain, Suffering - To express a hope that the baby will never have to experience pain or suffering.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

有眞- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

有真- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

有磨- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

有馬- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

柚守- Yuuma -

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means "Japanese citrus fruit."

  • Yuzu - A small evergreen tree of the citrus family.

  • Winding Tool - A tool used to wrap vertical threads for weaving.

Name ideas examples

  • Yuzu - This kanji that symbolizes freshness, vitality, and joy.

  • Winding Tool - This kanji that symbolizes creativity, resourcefulness, and skill.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

柚真- Yuuma -

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means "Japanese citrus fruit."

  • Yuzu - A small evergreen tree of the citrus family.

  • Winding Tool - A tool used to wrap vertical threads for weaving.

Name ideas examples

  • Yuzu - This kanji that symbolizes freshness, vitality, and joy.

  • Winding Tool - This kanji that symbolizes creativity, resourcefulness, and skill.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

柚茉- Yuuma -

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means "Japanese citrus fruit."

  • Yuzu - A small evergreen tree of the citrus family.

  • Winding Tool - A tool used to wrap vertical threads for weaving.

Name ideas examples

  • Yuzu - This kanji that symbolizes freshness, vitality, and joy.

  • Winding Tool - This kanji that symbolizes creativity, resourcefulness, and skill.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

柚馬- Yuuma -

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means "Japanese citrus fruit."

  • Yuzu - A small evergreen tree of the citrus family.

  • Winding Tool - A tool used to wrap vertical threads for weaving.

Name ideas examples

  • Yuzu - This kanji that symbolizes freshness, vitality, and joy.

  • Winding Tool - This kanji that symbolizes creativity, resourcefulness, and skill.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

楢麻- Yuuma -

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means "oak tree."

  • Oak Tree - A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus, typically having lobed leaves and acorns.

  • Strength - The quality of being strong and resilient, both physically and mentally.

  • Endurance - The ability to withstand hardship or adversity.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - This kanji that conveys strength and resilience, both physically and mentally.

  • Endurance - This kanji that conveys the ability to withstand hardship or adversity.

  • Nature - This kanji that conveys the beauty and power of nature, such as the oak tree.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

湧馬- Yuuma -

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means "boil, seethe, well up."

  • To Gush Out - To flow out in a sudden and forceful manner.

  • To Surge Up - To rise up suddenly and powerfully.

  • To Spring Forth - To emerge or come out suddenly and forcefully.

Name ideas examples

  • Vitality - The energy and enthusiasm with which one approaches life.

  • Abundance - An ample and plentiful supply.

  • Renewal - The process of restoring something to its original condition.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

湯馬- Yuuma -

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means "hot water, bath, hot spring."

  • Hot Water - Hot water that has been heated by adding heat to water.

  • Hot Springs - Natural hot springs.

  • Bath - A bathtub filled with hot water.

  • Decoction - A medicinal preparation made by boiling herbs in water.

  • Soup - A liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables in stock or water.

  • Broth - A liquid made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables in water.

  • King Of Yin - The name of the king who founded the Yin dynasty.

  • To Do As One Wishes - To do as one pleases.

  • To Warm Up - To make something warm.

  • To Push - To move something with force.

  • Rapidly Flowing Water - The state of water flowing rapidly.

Name ideas examples

  • Hot Water - Hot water is a symbol of warmth and comfort, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • Spring - Spring is a season of renewal and growth, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • Medicine - Medicine is a symbol of healing and health, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • Soup - Soup is a symbol of nourishment and sustenance, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • King - King is a symbol of power and authority, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • To Do As Desired - Doing as desired is a symbol of freedom and independence, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • To Warm - Warming is a symbol of care and protection, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • To Push - Pushing is a symbol of strength and determination, and can be a great name for a baby.

  • Rapid Flow - Rapid flow is a symbol of energy and vitality, and can be a great name for a baby.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

由馬- Yuuma -

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means "reason, cause, origin."

  • Origin - Refers to the source or cause of something.

  • Basis - Refers to something that serves as a foundation or support.

  • Content Of Message Or Rumor - Refers to the content of a message or rumor.

  • Reason - Refers to the cause or explanation of something.

  • Translation - Refers to the process of converting something from one language to another.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - It implies that the baby has a unique and special origin. It also suggests that the baby has a special destiny and purpose.

  • Basis - It implies that the baby has a strong foundation and is rooted in something meaningful. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

  • Source - It implies that the baby has a source of strength and guidance. It also suggests that the baby has a strong connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Reason - It implies that the baby has a purpose and a reason for being. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of purpose and direction.

  • Content - It implies that the baby has a unique and special content. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

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means "reason, cause, origin."

  • Origin - Refers to the source or cause of something.

  • Basis - Refers to something that serves as a foundation or support.

  • Content Of Message Or Rumor - Refers to the content of a message or rumor.

  • Reason - Refers to the cause or explanation of something.

  • Translation - Refers to the process of converting something from one language to another.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - It implies that the baby has a unique and special origin. It also suggests that the baby has a special destiny and purpose.

  • Basis - It implies that the baby has a strong foundation and is rooted in something meaningful. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

  • Source - It implies that the baby has a source of strength and guidance. It also suggests that the baby has a strong connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Reason - It implies that the baby has a purpose and a reason for being. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of purpose and direction.

  • Content - It implies that the baby has a unique and special content. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

祐守- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

祐実- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

祐摩- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

祐眞- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

祐真- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

祐磨- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

祐聖- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

祐馬- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

祐麻- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

結守- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

結摩- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

Name ideas examples

  • Rub - A gentle reminder to nurture and care for the baby.

  • Polish - A reminder to help the baby reach their full potential.

  • Approach - A reminder to always be close to the baby and to be there for them.

結眞- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

結磨- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

結茉- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

結詢- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "inquire, ask, consult."

Name ideas examples

  • Ask - To remind the child to always ask questions and seek knowledge.

  • Consult - To remind the child to always seek advice and counsel from others.

  • Discuss - To remind the child to always talk and confer with others.

  • Sincerity - To remind the child to always be honest and genuine.

結麻- Yuuma -

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means "knot, tie, bind."

  • To Bind Or Tie Together - This refers to the act of connecting two or more things together.

  • To Gather Or Collect - This refers to the act of bringing together multiple items or people.

  • To Finish Or End - This refers to the act of concluding something.

  • A Hairstyle - This refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is tied together at the top of the head.

Name ideas examples

  • Bond - This kanji symbolizes the idea of forming a strong bond between two people, which is a perfect name for a baby who will be loved and cherished by their parents.

  • Gather - This kanji symbolizes the idea of gathering people together, which is a great name for a baby who will bring people together and create a strong sense of community.

  • End - This kanji symbolizes the idea of coming to an end, which is a great name for a baby who will bring closure to a situation or bring a sense of finality.

  • Hair - This kanji symbolizes the idea of tying one's hair up, which is a great name for a baby who will be stylish and fashionable.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

裕満- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "full, complete, satisfied."

  • Fulfill - To satisfy or complete a requirement or expectation.

  • Fill - To make full or complete.

  • Be Full - To be completely filled or occupied.

  • Satisfy - To meet the needs or desires of someone.

  • Entirety - The whole or complete amount of something.

  • All - Everything or everyone included in a group.

  • Every - Each and every one of a group.

  • Reach - To extend or arrive at a destination.

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - This kanji implies that the baby will be able to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

  • Abundance - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of good fortune and blessings in their life.

  • Completeness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a sense of completeness and satisfaction in their life.

  • Satisfaction - This kanji implies that the baby will be content and satisfied with their life.

  • Fullness - This kanji implies that the baby will have a full and abundant life.

  • All Encompassing - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that encompasses all aspects of life.

  • All Inclusive - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that includes all aspects of life.

  • Universal - This kanji implies that the baby will have a life that is universal and all-encompassing.

裕眞- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "true, genuine."

  • True - Without lies or deception, in its natural state, exactly as it is.

  • Appearance - Form, portrait, shape of an object.

  • Calligraphy - One of the writing styles.

  • Genuine - True, correct, complete.

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who respects and appreciates the natural world.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person who values authenticity and originality.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of strong character and integrity.

  • Perfect - This is a name that conveys a sense of being complete and flawless. It is a great choice for a baby who will grow up to be a person of high standards and excellence.

裕真- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

裕磨- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

裕舞- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "dance, flit, circle, wheel, revolve."

  • Dance - To move rhythmically to music, often in a group.

  • Whirl - To spin or rotate rapidly.

  • Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

  • Stir Up - To cause excitement or enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To handle or manipulate something in a playful or mischievous way.

Name ideas examples

  • Dance - To symbolize joy and movement in life.

  • Whirl - To represent energy and enthusiasm.

  • Encourage - To signify encouragement and support.

  • Stir Up - To signify a life full of excitement and enthusiasm.

  • Play With - To signify a life full of playfulness and joy.

裕茉- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "jasmine."

  • Jasmine - A small evergreen shrub of the mallow family, used as a name for its resemblance to the jasmine flower.

  • Fragrance - A pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Beauty - A quality that pleases the senses, especially the sight.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers, and symbolizes the beauty and joy of life.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that please the senses, especially the sight.

  • Joy - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and joy of life, and is associated with qualities that bring happiness and contentment.

裕誠- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "sincerity, honesty, truthfulness."

  • Truth, Honesty - Being truthful and honest in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Showing genuine care and concern for others.

  • Fact, Reality - Accepting and acknowledging the facts and reality of a situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Truthful - This kanji implies that the baby will be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Honesty - Encouraging the baby to be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Nurturing the baby to show genuine care and concern for others.

  • Reality - Teaching the baby to accept and acknowledge the facts and reality of a situation.

裕麻- Yuuma -

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means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

遊馬- Yuuma -

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means "play, amusement, leisure."

  • To Play - To have fun, to enjoy oneself, to frolic.

  • To Interact - To associate, to socialize, to engage in mutual exchange.

  • To Be Idle - To be unemployed, to have free time.

  • Recreation - To have fun, to amuse oneself.

  • Friends - Companions, acquaintances.

  • Dandy - A fashionable man.

  • To Swim - To float, to drift, to be buoyant.

  • To Do Something - A polite expression for performing an action.

Name ideas examples

  • Playful - Suggesting a cheerful, fun-loving personality.

  • Social - Suggesting an outgoing, friendly personality.

  • Dandy - Suggesting a fashionable, stylish personality.

  • Swimming - Suggesting a graceful, buoyant personality.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

邑真- Yuuma -

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means "village, hamlet, small town."

  • Country - A sovereign state or nation.

  • Village - A small settlement, typically one smaller than a town.

  • Town - A large settlement, typically one larger than a village.

  • Territory - The land or area controlled by a ruler, such as a king, emperor, or lord.

  • Worry - To feel anxious or troubled about something.

Name ideas examples

  • Village - It is a place where people live and is often associated with a sense of community and belonging.

  • Town - It is a larger settlement than a village and is often associated with a sense of progress and development.

  • Country - It is a large area of land with its own government and culture, and is often associated with a sense of national pride and identity.

  • District - It is a smaller area of land within a larger region, and is often associated with a sense of local identity and belonging.

  • Worry - It is a feeling of anxiety or concern, and is often associated with a sense of caution and protection.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

酉磨- Yuuma -

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means "rooster, sign of the chinese zodiac."

  • Rooster - The 10th of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - West.

  • Time - 6pm and the two hours before and after

  • Alcohol - Sake, Sake barrel, Sake bottle

Name ideas examples

  • Rooster - This is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and is associated with the 12th animal of the Chinese zodiac.

  • West - This is a symbol of progress and new beginnings, and is associated with the direction of the sun setting.

  • 6 PM - This is a symbol of the end of the day and the start of a new one, and is associated with the time of day when the sun sets.

  • Alcohol - This is a symbol of celebration and joy, and is associated with the traditional Japanese drink of sake.

  • Sake Barrel - This is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and is associated with the traditional Japanese drink of sake.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

釉真- Yuuma -

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means "glaze, enamel."

  • Glaze - A coating applied to the surface of pottery to give it a glossy finish.

  • Sheen - A glossy, lustrous appearance.

  • Radiance - A bright, glowing light.

Name ideas examples

  • Glorious - Showing great beauty, splendor, or magnificence.

  • Radiant - Bright and glowing with happiness or health.

  • Lustrous - Having a soft, glowing sheen.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

雄万- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "ten thousand."

  • Ten Thousand - This is a number name that is ten times the number of thousand.

  • All - This refers to everything or all of something.

  • Very Many - This refers to a large number of something.

  • Never - This refers to something that will never happen, no matter what.

  • Absolutely - This refers to something that is certain and without doubt.

Name ideas examples

  • All - It conveys the idea of completeness and wholeness. It is a reminder that the baby is part of a larger whole and that they are loved and accepted by all.

  • Never - It conveys the idea of strength and resilience. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals.

  • Absolutely - It conveys the idea of certainty and reliability. It is a reminder that the baby will always be dependable and will never waver in their commitment to their goals.

  • No Matter What - It conveys the idea of perseverance and determination. It is a reminder that the baby will never give up and will always strive to reach their goals, no matter what obstacles they may face.

雄愼- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "caution, prudence, carefulness."

  • Cautious - Being careful and mindful of one's actions.

  • Modest - Being humble and restrained.

  • Simple - Having a plain and unadorned lifestyle.

  • Respectful - Being courteous and gentle.

  • Refined - Having a graceful and elegant demeanor.

Name ideas examples

  • Cautious - Encouraging the baby to be mindful of their actions and to think before they act.

  • Modest - Teaching the baby to be humble and to not be boastful.

  • Simple - Teaching the baby to appreciate the simple things in life and to not be materialistic.

  • Respectful - Teaching the baby to be courteous and to show respect to others.

  • Refined - Teaching the baby to have a graceful and elegant demeanor.

雄海- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

雄真- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

雄磨- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

雄麻- Yuuma -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The plant fibers of hemp and sesame are strong and resilient, symbolizing strength and resilience in a person.

  • Wisdom - Hemp and sesame are used in traditional medicines, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

  • Protection - Hemp and sesame are used to make protective clothing and fabrics, symbolizing protection and safety.

祐守- Yuuma -

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Protect, Guard - To protect and guard the baby from harm.

  • Endure - To give the baby strength and courage to endure any hardships.

  • Shelter - To provide the baby with a safe and secure environment.

  • Defend - To equip the baby with the ability to defend themselves.

  • Caretaker - To remind the parents to be responsible and loving caretakers of the baby.

ゆうま- Yuuma -

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Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

佑生磨- Yuuma -

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means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

Name ideas examples

  • Grind - To symbolize the strength and resilience of the baby.

  • Pull - To signify the baby's ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Rub - To represent the baby's gentle and caring nature.

  • Polish - To signify the baby's potential to become something beautiful and valuable.

  • Diligence - To represent the baby's determination and ambition.

勇佑真- Yuuma -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

有右真- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

有右馬- Yuuma -

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

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means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

由宇馬- Yuuma -

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means "reason, cause, origin."

  • Origin - Refers to the source or cause of something.

  • Basis - Refers to something that serves as a foundation or support.

  • Content Of Message Or Rumor - Refers to the content of a message or rumor.

  • Reason - Refers to the cause or explanation of something.

  • Translation - Refers to the process of converting something from one language to another.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - It implies that the baby has a unique and special origin. It also suggests that the baby has a special destiny and purpose.

  • Basis - It implies that the baby has a strong foundation and is rooted in something meaningful. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

  • Source - It implies that the baby has a source of strength and guidance. It also suggests that the baby has a strong connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Reason - It implies that the baby has a purpose and a reason for being. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of purpose and direction.

  • Content - It implies that the baby has a unique and special content. It also suggests that the baby has a strong sense of identity and purpose.

means "space, universe."

  • Roof, House - A roof or house, representing a home and shelter.

  • Universe - The universe, representing the world and all that is in it.

  • Spirit, Intelligence - Spirit or intelligence, representing a person's capacity for thought and understanding.

Name ideas examples

  • Shelter - Representing a safe and secure home for the baby.

  • Universe - Representing the vastness of the world and the baby's place in it.

  • Intelligence - Representing the baby's potential for learning and growth.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Horses are strong and powerful animals, and can symbolize strength and power.

  • Freedom - Horses are often associated with freedom and independence, and can be a symbol of these qualities.

  • Loyalty - Horses are loyal and devoted animals, and can be a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

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means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

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