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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Kanji '壱' - one, first, primary

This character can be used for naming.

  • Meaning
    • One - Refers to a single item or number.

    • All - Refers to the entirety of something.

    • Solely - Refers to something that is done or used exclusively.

    • Completely - Refers to something that is done or used in its entirety.

    • Once - Refers to a single occurrence.

    • Large Character - Refers to a large character used in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting instead of using the character "一(one)".

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Radicaltip
  • Strokestip

    7 strokes

Examples of ideas to incorporate into a name

  • One - It is a symbol of unity and new beginnings.

  • First - It signifies the importance of being the first in a family or group.

  • Unique - It emphasizes the individual's uniqueness and specialness.

  • Whole - It conveys the idea of completeness and wholeness.

  • Solely - It implies that the individual is the only one of their kind.

  • Absolutely - It conveys the idea of absolute certainty and commitment.

  • Once - It signifies the importance of making the most of every moment.

Explore names by Tags

First Names containing 壱 - 487 names

Last Names containing 壱 - 33 names

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