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Kanji '降' - to descend, to fall, to drop

This character can be used for naming.

  • Meaning
    • Descend - To move or come down from a higher to a lower level or position.

    • Lower - To move or cause to move to a lower level, especially by reducing the amount of something.

    • Let Down - To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity, diminish.

    • Drop - To cause or allow to fall in drops, let fall.

    • Rain - To fall in drops from the clouds, precipitate.

    • Snow - To fall in flakes from the sky, precipitate.

    • Surrender - To yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand.

  • Onyomitip

    ko Click to speech 'ko', goh Click to speech 'goh'

  • Kunyomitip
  • Radicaltip
  • Strokestip

    10 strokes

Examples of ideas to incorporate into a name

  • To Descend - It symbolizes the idea of a new life beginning and the potential for growth and development.

  • To Come Down - It implies the idea of a new life beginning and the potential for growth and development.

  • To Fall - It symbolizes the idea of a new life beginning and the potential for growth and development.

  • To Lower - It implies the idea of a new life beginning and the potential for growth and development.

  • To Surrender - It symbolizes the idea of humility and the willingness to accept defeat gracefully.

  • To Submit - It implies the idea of humility and the willingness to accept defeat gracefully.

  • To Yield - It symbolizes the idea of humility and the willingness to accept defeat gracefully.

  • To Rain - It symbol

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First Names containing 降 - 7 names

Last Names containing 降 - 40 names

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