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Click to speech あらおAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Arao

  • Hiraganatip:あらお
  • Katakanatip:アラオ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 2,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Arao

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    荒生 means "rough, wild, violent." means "life, birth, raw, uncooked." Householdstip: under 10

Kanji Names & Meanings - 4 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Arao," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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荒尾- Arao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share荒尾 - Arao - Copy 荒尾

means "rough, wild, violent."

  • To Be Wild Or Desolate - This refers to land that is wild or desolate, or to a state of disrepair. It can also refer to a famine or crop failure.

  • To Be Chaotic Or Disordered - This refers to a state of chaos or disorder, or to something that is disorderly or chaotic.

  • To Cover Or Envelop - This refers to covering or enveloping something, or to something that is covered or enveloped.

  • To Be Large Or To Become Larger - This refers to something that is large, or to something that is becoming larger or expanding.

  • To Be Distant Or Remote - This refers to something that is distant or remote, or to a distant or remote place.

  • To Be Random Or Nonsensical - This refers to something that is random or nonsensical, or to a lie or fabrication.

  • To Be Rough Or Coarse - This refers to something that is rough or coarse, or to something that is done in a rough or coarse manner. It can also refer to a storm or strong winds.

  • To Be Inflamed Or Irritated - This refers to skin that is inflamed or irritated, or to a state of inflammation or irritation.

means "tail, end, suffix."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 1,000

荒生- Arao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share荒生 - Arao - Copy 荒生

means "rough, wild, violent."

  • To Be Wild Or Desolate - This refers to land that is wild or desolate, or to a state of disrepair. It can also refer to a famine or crop failure.

  • To Be Chaotic Or Disordered - This refers to a state of chaos or disorder, or to something that is disorderly or chaotic.

  • To Cover Or Envelop - This refers to covering or enveloping something, or to something that is covered or enveloped.

  • To Be Large Or To Become Larger - This refers to something that is large, or to something that is becoming larger or expanding.

  • To Be Distant Or Remote - This refers to something that is distant or remote, or to a distant or remote place.

  • To Be Random Or Nonsensical - This refers to something that is random or nonsensical, or to a lie or fabrication.

  • To Be Rough Or Coarse - This refers to something that is rough or coarse, or to something that is done in a rough or coarse manner. It can also refer to a storm or strong winds.

  • To Be Inflamed Or Irritated - This refers to skin that is inflamed or irritated, or to a state of inflammation or irritation.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 300

新尾- Arao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share新尾 - Arao - Copy 新尾

means "new, fresh, modern."

  • New - Refers to something that is fresh and has not been experienced before.

  • Renew - To make something new or to change something.

  • Fresh - Refers to something that is new and has not been experienced before.

means "tail, end, suffix."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

新屋- Arao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share新屋 - Arao - Copy 新屋

means "new, fresh, modern."

  • New - Refers to something that is fresh and has not been experienced before.

  • Renew - To make something new or to change something.

  • Fresh - Refers to something that is new and has not been experienced before.

means "house, shop, building."

  • House, Home - A dwelling place for people.

  • Roof - A roof that covers a house.

  • Covering - Something that covers an object like a roof.

  • Occupation, Business - A word used to describe a profession or store.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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