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Click to speech いんどうAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Indou

  • Hiraganatip:いんどう
  • Katakanatip:インドウ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 1,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Indou, Indo, Indoh

Kanji Names & Meanings - 8 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Indou," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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犬童- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share犬童 - Indou - Copy 犬童

means "dog."

  • Dog - A domesticated animal of the canine family, a species of mammal in the family Canidae.

  • Insignificant Person - A metaphor for someone who is unimportant or insignificant.

  • To Put Yourself Down - A phrase used to belittle oneself.

  • To Put Others Down - A phrase used to belittle others.

  • Spy - A person who is sent to gather information secretly.

  • Runner - A person who is sent to deliver messages or goods.

means "child, juvenile, young person."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 600

印藤- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share印藤 - Indou - Copy 印藤

means "mark, seal, stamp."

  • Seal, Stamp - A mark or symbol made to show ownership or authenticity.

  • Mark - To make a mark or impression on something.

  • Sign - A mark or symbol used to represent something.

  • Print - To make a mark or impression on something by carving or engraving.

  • Emblem - A mark or symbol used to represent a country or organization.

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 300

引頭- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share引頭 - Indou - Copy 引頭

means "pull, draw, attract."

  • Pull, Draw - To pull or draw something, such as a bow.

  • Lead - To lead or guide someone in front.

  • Extract - To take out or extract something.

  • Accept - To take responsibility for something.

  • Retreat - To move back or retreat.

means "head."

  • Head - The upper part of the body from the neck up, including the hair.

  • Top - The highest point or peak.

  • Beginning - The start or the first.

  • Leader - The one in charge.

  • Counting Word - A word used to count animals such as cows.

  • Chief - The highest ranking official in a dormitory.

  • Boss - The head of a group.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

因藤- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share因藤 - Indou - Copy 因藤

means "cause, reason, factor."

  • To Rely On - To trust in

  • The Origin - The cause of something.

  • To Be Related - To be connected.

  • Reason - Justification.

  • To Be Based On - To be founded on.

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

引藤- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share引藤 - Indou - Copy 引藤

means "pull, draw, attract."

  • Pull, Draw - To pull or draw something, such as a bow.

  • Lead - To lead or guide someone in front.

  • Extract - To take out or extract something.

  • Accept - To take responsibility for something.

  • Retreat - To move back or retreat.

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

犬藤- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share犬藤 - Indou - Copy 犬藤

means "dog."

  • Dog - A domesticated animal of the canine family, a species of mammal in the family Canidae.

  • Insignificant Person - A metaphor for someone who is unimportant or insignificant.

  • To Put Yourself Down - A phrase used to belittle oneself.

  • To Put Others Down - A phrase used to belittle others.

  • Spy - A person who is sent to gather information secretly.

  • Runner - A person who is sent to deliver messages or goods.

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

印道- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share印道 - Indou - Copy 印道

means "mark, seal, stamp."

  • Seal, Stamp - A mark or symbol made to show ownership or authenticity.

  • Mark - To make a mark or impression on something.

  • Sign - A mark or symbol used to represent something.

  • Print - To make a mark or impression on something by carving or engraving.

  • Emblem - A mark or symbol used to represent a country or organization.

means "road, path, way."

  • Road, Path - A way for people to travel.

  • Technique, Skill - Knowledge and art of a particular skill or technique.

  • Principle, Law - Rules that people should follow.

  • Speak, Say - To express or communicate something.

  • Taoism - Teachings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

  • Administrative Division - Name of an administrative division in ancient China.

  • Guide, Lead - To show the way or provide guidance.

  • Regional Division - Name of an old regional division, such as the Tokaido(東海道), Sanyodo(山陽道), and Hokkaido(北海道).

  • Householdstip: under 10

印東- Indou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share印東 - Indou - Copy 印東

means "mark, seal, stamp."

  • Seal, Stamp - A mark or symbol made to show ownership or authenticity.

  • Mark - To make a mark or impression on something.

  • Sign - A mark or symbol used to represent something.

  • Print - To make a mark or impression on something by carving or engraving.

  • Emblem - A mark or symbol used to represent a country or organization.

means "east, oriental, tokyo."

  • East - Directional name. To go east.

  • Master - In ancient times, the master was located in the east and the guest in the west.

  • Region - The area east of Hakone. Kanto region.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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