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Click to speech かじたにAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kajitani

  • Hiraganatip:かじたに
  • Katakanatip:カジタニ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 3,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Kajitani

Kanji Names & Meanings - 11 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Kajitani," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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梶谷- Kajitani -

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means "tree branch."

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 3,000

鍛治谷- Kajitani -

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means "forge, temper, train."

means "govern, manage, cure."

  • Govern, Rule - To manage, organize, or direct. Example

  • Cure, Heal - To treat a disease or injury. Example

  • Compare, Match - To be equal to or as good as.

  • Location - The place of a government office.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

鍛冶谷- Kajitani -

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means "forge, temper, train."

means "metallurgy, smelting."

  • Casting - The process of shaping metal by melting and pouring it into a mold.

  • Melting - The process of heating a substance until it changes into a liquid state.

  • Refining - The process of purifying a substance by heating it and removing impurities.

  • Metalworker - A person who works with metal, such as a blacksmith or a foundry worker.

  • Attractive - Having an appealing or charming quality.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or ear

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

鍜治谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鍜治谷 - Kajitani - Copy 鍜治谷

means "a protective device worn on the left, right, or back of the headband to protect the neck."

means "govern, manage, cure."

  • Govern, Rule - To manage, organize, or direct. Example

  • Cure, Heal - To treat a disease or injury. Example

  • Compare, Match - To be equal to or as good as.

  • Location - The place of a government office.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

柁谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share柁谷 - Kajitani - Copy 柁谷

means "rudder of a ship."

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

鍛谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鍛谷 - Kajitani - Copy 鍛谷

means "forge, temper, train."

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

楫谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share楫谷 - Kajitani - Copy 楫谷

means "oar, a tool used to paddle a boat."

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

加持谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share加持谷 - Kajitani - Copy 加持谷

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

means "hold, possess, have."

  • To Hold, Carry - To take something in one's hands and keep it with oneself.

  • To Wear - To attach something to oneself.

  • To Keep, Preserve - To protect and maintain something.

  • To Support - To provide assistance and aid.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

加治谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share加治谷 - Kajitani - Copy 加治谷

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

means "govern, manage, cure."

  • Govern, Rule - To manage, organize, or direct. Example

  • Cure, Heal - To treat a disease or injury. Example

  • Compare, Match - To be equal to or as good as.

  • Location - The place of a government office.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

鍵谷- Kajitani -

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means "key."

  • Key - A device inserted into a lock.

  • Ring Of A Kettle - The part that passes through wood when lifting a kettle.

  • Wedge - A wedge for a wheel to prevent it from slipping.

  • Key - The part that is pressed by fingers on a piano or organ.

  • Lock - A tool for opening and closing a lock.

  • Clue - A clue or hint.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

鍜谷- Kajitani -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鍜谷 - Kajitani - Copy 鍜谷

means "a protective device worn on the left, right, or back of the headband to protect the neck."

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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