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Click to speech かずえAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kazue

  • Hiraganatip:かずえ
  • Katakanatip:カズエ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 80
  • English transcriptiontip:Kazue

Kanji Names & Meanings - 4 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Kazue," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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主計- Kazue -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share主計 - Kazue - Copy 主計

means "master, owner, head, main, primary."

  • Important - Being of great significance or value.

  • Fundamental - Serving as the basis or source of something.

  • Central - Being at the center or core of something.

  • Ruler - A person who has the power to govern or control.

  • Administrator - A person responsible for managing or supervising something.

means "calculation, plan, scheme."

  • Count, Measure - To count or measure something.

  • Calculate - To calculate or figure out something.

  • Plan, Scheme - To plan or scheme something.

  • Instrument - An instrument used to measure or quantify something.

  • Extent, Degree - To indicate the extent or degree of something.

  • Only, Just - To indicate only or just something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

数江- Kazue -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share数江 - Kazue - Copy 数江

means "number, amount, quantity."

  • Number - A representation of order or quantity.

  • Fate - A predetermined sequence of events.

  • Mathematics - One of the six basic disciplines of ancient Chinese education, “六芸”.

  • Plot - A plan or scheme.

  • Count - To count or calculate.

  • Include - To take into account as one.

  • Reprimand - To count someone’s faults and reprimand them.

  • Frequently - Repeatedly or many times.

  • Detailed - Having a keen eye for detail.

means "river."

  • River - A large river, especially in southern China.

  • Inlet - An inlet of water, such as a sea or lake, that enters into land.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

数枝- Kazue -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share数枝 - Kazue - Copy 数枝

means "number, amount, quantity."

  • Number - A representation of order or quantity.

  • Fate - A predetermined sequence of events.

  • Mathematics - One of the six basic disciplines of ancient Chinese education, “六芸”.

  • Plot - A plan or scheme.

  • Count - To count or calculate.

  • Include - To take into account as one.

  • Reprimand - To count someone’s faults and reprimand them.

  • Frequently - Repeatedly or many times.

  • Detailed - Having a keen eye for detail.

means "branch, twig."

  • Branch - A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or main stem.

  • Extension - Something that branches out from the center.

  • Householdstip: under 10

数永- Kazue -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share数永 - Kazue - Copy 数永

means "number, amount, quantity."

  • Number - A representation of order or quantity.

  • Fate - A predetermined sequence of events.

  • Mathematics - One of the six basic disciplines of ancient Chinese education, “六芸”.

  • Plot - A plan or scheme.

  • Count - To count or calculate.

  • Include - To take into account as one.

  • Reprimand - To count someone’s faults and reprimand them.

  • Frequently - Repeatedly or many times.

  • Detailed - Having a keen eye for detail.

means "eternity, permanence."

  • Long - Lasting for a long time or distance.

  • Far - Distant in space or time.

  • Eternal - Lasting forever.

  • Permanent - Lasting without end.

  • Limitless - Having no boundaries or limits.

  • Endless - Continuing without end.

  • Prolong - To make something last longer.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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