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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!
In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Kouchi," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.
Introduction to how Japanese names work About this site's data of last names
幸 means "happiness, good fortune, luck."
Happiness, Fortunate - Being blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.
Cherish, Love - Showing affection and care for someone or something.
Appreciate, Like - Having a favorable opinion of something.
Harvest - Gaining a reward or benefit from nature.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
小 means "small, little, tiny."
Small - Refers to something that is of a small size or amount.
Insignificant - Refers to something that is not important or of little value.
Young - Refers to someone who is young in age.
Humble - Refers to someone who speaks of themselves in a humble manner.
Prefix - Used as a prefix to modify the meaning of a word or phrase.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
甲 means "armor, first, a (in a sequence of items)."
First In Rank Or Order - The first in a series of things or a class of things.
Hard Outer Covering - A hard outer covering that covers the exterior of something. e.g. Turtle shell(甲羅).
Armor - Protective clothing that covers the body. e.g. 甲冑.
Element Of Wood - In the Five Elements, it is associated with Wood.
Direction Of East - In the Eight Directions, it is associated with East.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
河 means "river, stream, watercourse."
River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
胡 means "hu, foreign, barbarian."
A question word used to express doubt.
Longevity, living a long life.
Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.
Chaotian - Carelessly.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
高 means "high, tall."
High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.
Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.
Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.
Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.
Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.
Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.
Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.
知 means "knowledge, understanding, awareness."
高 means "high, tall."
High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.
Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.
Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.
Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.
Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.
Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.
Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.
智 means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."
Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.
Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Knowledgeable - Having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject.
Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation.
Ability To Understand And Process Things - The capacity to comprehend and process information.
光 means "light, radiance."
Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.
Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.
Scene - Appearance, state.
Blessing - Benefit, grace.
Time - Moment, date.
Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)
地 means "ground, earth, land."
公 means "public, official, prince."
Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.
Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.
Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.
Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.
Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).
Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
高 means "high, tall."
High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.
Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.
Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.
Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.
Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.
Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.
Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
好 means "like, fond of, prefer."
Good, Favorable, Desirable - Refers to something that is of high quality or has a positive connotation.
Excellent, Superior - Refers to something that is of a higher quality than average.
Close, Intimate - Refers to a relationship that is close and friendly.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
古 means "old, ancient, antique."
Old - Describes something that is from the past or has been around for a long time.
Ancient - Describes something that is very old or from a distant past.
Antiquated - Describes something that is old-fashioned or out of date.
Former - Describes something that was once in use but is no longer.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
鴻 means "wild goose, great, large."
地 means "ground, earth, land."
古 means "old, ancient, antique."
Old - Describes something that is from the past or has been around for a long time.
Ancient - Describes something that is very old or from a distant past.
Antiquated - Describes something that is old-fashioned or out of date.
Former - Describes something that was once in use but is no longer.
池 means "pond, pool."
神 means "god, deity."
God - The divine being, the creator of all things.
Mysterious Work - Unfathomable and spiritual work.
Soul - The spiritual essence of a person.
Heart - The innermost part of a person.
Excellence - The highest level of achievement.
Preciousness - Something of great value.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
香 means "fragrance, aroma, scent."
Appealing - Having an attractive appearance, color, voice, taste, etc.
Chess Piece - One of the pieces 香車(kyousya) in the game of shogi.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
耕 means "cultivate, plow."
To work in agriculture.
To work hard to make a living.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
河 means "river, stream, watercourse."
River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
洽 means "commonly. spread widely."
地 means "ground, earth, land."
古 means "old, ancient, antique."
Old - Describes something that is from the past or has been around for a long time.
Ancient - Describes something that is very old or from a distant past.
Antiquated - Describes something that is old-fashioned or out of date.
Former - Describes something that was once in use but is no longer.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
幸 means "happiness, good fortune, luck."
Happiness, Fortunate - Being blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.
Cherish, Love - Showing affection and care for someone or something.
Appreciate, Like - Having a favorable opinion of something.
Harvest - Gaining a reward or benefit from nature.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
幸 means "happiness, good fortune, luck."
Happiness, Fortunate - Being blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.
Cherish, Love - Showing affection and care for someone or something.
Appreciate, Like - Having a favorable opinion of something.
Harvest - Gaining a reward or benefit from nature.
池 means "pond, pool."
小 means "small, little, tiny."
Small - Refers to something that is of a small size or amount.
Insignificant - Refers to something that is not important or of little value.
Young - Refers to someone who is young in age.
Humble - Refers to someone who speaks of themselves in a humble manner.
Prefix - Used as a prefix to modify the meaning of a word or phrase.
打 means "hit, strike, beat, knock, tap."
好 means "like, fond of, prefer."
Good, Favorable, Desirable - Refers to something that is of high quality or has a positive connotation.
Excellent, Superior - Refers to something that is of a higher quality than average.
Close, Intimate - Refers to a relationship that is close and friendly.
池 means "pond, pool."
上 means "up, above, top."
Before - In terms of time, order, or flow of things.
Offer - To give or present something.
Ascend - To go to the center.
Landlady - A woman who is the wife of a person or the mistress of a house.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
厚 means "thick, heavy, deep."
Large - Having a large size.
Heartfelt - Having a feeling of warmth and sincerity.
Considerate - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.
Generous - Showing generosity and kindness.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
高 means "high, tall."
High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.
Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.
Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.
Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.
Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.
Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.
Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.
越 means "to cross over, to exceed, to surpass."
To Cross Over Or Pass Through - To go beyond a certain point or boundary.
To Exceed - To go beyond a certain limit or degree.
To Overcome - To surmount or get over an obstacle or difficulty.
Wordy - To be overly long or complicated.
To Fall - To stumble or trip.
To Scatter - To disperse or break up into pieces.
A country name from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period.
An old name for the Hokuriku region of Japan.
黄 means "yellow."
地 means "ground, earth, land."
荒 means "rough, wild, violent."
To Be Wild Or Desolate - This refers to land that is wild or desolate, or to a state of disrepair. It can also refer to a famine or crop failure.
To Be Chaotic Or Disordered - This refers to a state of chaos or disorder, or to something that is disorderly or chaotic.
To Cover Or Envelop - This refers to covering or enveloping something, or to something that is covered or enveloped.
To Be Large Or To Become Larger - This refers to something that is large, or to something that is becoming larger or expanding.
To Be Distant Or Remote - This refers to something that is distant or remote, or to a distant or remote place.
To Be Random Or Nonsensical - This refers to something that is random or nonsensical, or to a lie or fabrication.
To Be Rough Or Coarse - This refers to something that is rough or coarse, or to something that is done in a rough or coarse manner. It can also refer to a storm or strong winds.
To Be Inflamed Or Irritated - This refers to skin that is inflamed or irritated, or to a state of inflammation or irritation.
地 means "ground, earth, land."
河 means "river, stream, watercourse."
River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.
知 means "knowledge, understanding, awareness."
河 means "river, stream, watercourse."
River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.
智 means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."
Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.
Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Knowledgeable - Having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject.
Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation.
Ability To Understand And Process Things - The capacity to comprehend and process information.
構 means "structure, frame, build, posture, pretend."
To Arrange - To assemble or put together in a certain order. To plan or devise.
To Prepare - To make ready beforehand. To get ready.
To Build - To construct a building or other structure.
To Posture - To assume a particular stance or attitude.
To Involve - To take part in or be connected with something.
内 means "inside, within."
Inside - Refers to the inside of a certain range.
Internal - Refers to the inside of something.
During A Period Of Time - Refers to a certain period of time.
Within The Family - Refers to the inside of a family, such as a wife.
Enter - Refers to entering something.
Secretly - Refers to doing something secretly.
Cherish - Refers to cherishing something.
Put In - Refers to putting something inside something else.
Store - Refers to storing something.
光 means "light, radiance."
Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.
Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.
Scene - Appearance, state.
Blessing - Benefit, grace.
Time - Moment, date.
Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)
池 means "pond, pool."
The list features individuals mentioned on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia JP links are in Japanese only. Sorry!
Last names that have the same initial of K.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names