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Click to speech むらおAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Murao

  • Hiraganatip:むらお
  • Katakanatip:ムラオ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 4,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Murao

Kanji Names & Meanings - 9 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Murao," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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村尾- Murao -

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means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "tail, end, suffix."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 4,000

村生- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share村生 - Murao - Copy 村生

means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

村雄- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share村雄 - Murao - Copy 村雄

means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

  • Householdstip: under 10

邨生- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share邨生 - Murao - Copy 邨生

means "village. countryside."

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

  • Householdstip: under 10

村防- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share村防 - Murao - Copy 村防

means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "prevent, defend, protect."

  • To Protect Or Guard Against - This refers to taking measures to prevent something from happening or to protect oneself from harm.

  • To Prevent Or Stop - This refers to taking action to stop something from happening or to prevent it from occurring.

  • A Dike Or Embankment - This refers to a structure built to contain or control the flow of water.

  • To Line Up Or Stand In A Row - This refers to arranging people or objects in a line or row.

  • To Rival Or Match - This refers to competing with or being equal to someone or something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

村往- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share村往 - Murao - Copy 村往

means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "go, depart, travel."

  • Go, Proceed - To move forward in a particular direction.

  • Pass, Go By - To move past a certain point in time or space.

  • Die - To cease to exist.

  • Ancient, Old - Referring to a time in the past.

  • Afterward, Later - Referring to a time after the present.

  • Head Towards - To move in a particular direction.

  • Householdstip: under 10

邑尾- Murao -

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means "village, hamlet, small town."

  • Country - A sovereign state or nation.

  • Village - A small settlement, typically one smaller than a town.

  • Town - A large settlement, typically one larger than a village.

  • Territory - The land or area controlled by a ruler, such as a king, emperor, or lord.

  • Worry - To feel anxious or troubled about something.

means "tail, end, suffix."

  • Householdstip: under 10

邨尾- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share邨尾 - Murao - Copy 邨尾

means "village. countryside."

means "tail, end, suffix."

  • Householdstip: under 10

村主- Murao -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share村主 - Murao - Copy 村主

means "village, hamlet."

  • Village - A small rural community, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Countryside - A rural area with a peaceful atmosphere, often characterized by farmland and small towns.

  • Rural - Of or relating to the countryside, typically with a population of fewer than 300 people.

  • Rustic - Characterized by a simple, rural lifestyle, often with a traditional or old-fashioned feel.

means "master, owner, head, main, primary."

  • Important - Being of great significance or value.

  • Fundamental - Serving as the basis or source of something.

  • Central - Being at the center or core of something.

  • Ruler - A person who has the power to govern or control.

  • Administrator - A person responsible for managing or supervising something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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