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Click to speech おきAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Oki

  • Hiraganatip:おき
  • Katakanatip:オキ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 5,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Oki

Kanji Names & Meanings - 16 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Oki," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share沖 - Oki - Copy 沖

means "offshore, open sea."

  • To Surge - Water surging up.

  • To Feel Empty - To make something feel empty.

  • To Be Peaceful - To be impartial and certain.

  • To Be Young - To be youthful.

  • To Be Deep - To be profound.

  • Offshore - Away from the shore in a body of water such as the sea or a lake.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 5,000

隠岐- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share隠岐 - Oki - Copy 隠岐

means "conceal, hide, cover up."

  • Hide, Conceal - To cover up or make something invisible. To keep something secret.

  • Hide, Escape - To hide oneself or to go into hiding. To lurk or to take cover.

  • Compassion, Sympathy - To feel hurt or sorrow. To worry or be concerned.

  • Lean, Rely - To lean on or to depend on. To take refuge in.

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 300

means "excitement, interest, enthusiasm."

  • To Start Something New - To begin something new or to start something up.

  • To Raise Or Use - To raise or use something for a purpose.

  • To Build - To construct or build something.

  • To Become Lively - To become lively or active.

  • To Stand Up - To stand up or rise up.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure or joy.

  • Delight - To be delighted or to take pleasure in something.

  • Interest - To have an interest in something.

  • To Enjoy - To take pleasure in something or to be happy about something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share澳 - Oki - Copy 澳

means "a place where water enters deeply."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

隠樹- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share隠樹 - Oki - Copy 隠樹

means "conceal, hide, cover up."

  • Hide, Conceal - To cover up or make something invisible. To keep something secret.

  • Hide, Escape - To hide oneself or to go into hiding. To lurk or to take cover.

  • Compassion, Sympathy - To feel hurt or sorrow. To worry or be concerned.

  • Lean, Rely - To lean on or to depend on. To take refuge in.

means "tree, wood, timber."

  • Tree - A standing tree that is growing.

  • Plant - To plant a tree.

  • Stand - To stand firmly.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

苧木- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share苧木 - Oki - Copy 苧木

means "karamushi. a perennial plant of the nettle family."

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

尾木- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share尾木 - Oki - Copy 尾木

means "tail, end, suffix."

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

小木- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share小木 - Oki - Copy 小木

means "small, little, tiny."

  • Small - Refers to something that is of a small size or amount.

  • Insignificant - Refers to something that is not important or of little value.

  • Young - Refers to someone who is young in age.

  • Humble - Refers to someone who speaks of themselves in a humble manner.

  • Prefix - Used as a prefix to modify the meaning of a word or phrase.

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share置 - Oki - Copy 置

means "place, put."

  • Place - To put something in a particular spot or position.

  • Install - To set something up or put it in place for use.

  • Establish - To set up or create something.

  • Stop - To cause something to come to an end or cease.

  • Abandon - To leave something behind or discard it.

  • Set Aside - To put something aside for a particular purpose or use.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

穏岐- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share穏岐 - Oki - Copy 穏岐

means "calm, peaceful, gentle."

  • Calm - A peaceful and tranquil state.

  • Serene - A feeling of peacefulness and tranquility.

  • Composed - A state of being composed and collected.

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

尾喜- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share尾喜 - Oki - Copy 尾喜

means "tail, end, suffix."

means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."

  • Householdstip: under 10

億岐- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share億岐 - Oki - Copy 億岐

means "one hundred million."

  • A numerical term. One hundred million (ichioku) is ten thousand times ten thousand.

  • A large number.

  • To estimate or calculate.

  • To ponder or consider.

  • To think deeply.

  • Peaceful.

  • To be at ease.

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share起 - Oki - Copy 起

means "to rise, to get up, to stand up."

  • Rise - To get up from a lying or sitting position.

  • Start - To begin or initiate something.

  • Depart - To leave a place or situation.

  • Activate - To cause something to start functioning or to become more active.

  • Stir Up - To cause something to become more lively or vigorous.

  • Initiate - To cause something to begin or to set something in motion.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share冲 - Oki - Copy 冲

means "offshore, empty, innocent."

  • Offshore - A place on the water, away from the shore, such as at sea or on a lake

  • Empty, Hollow - Something that is vacant or void, also used to depict the action of emptying

  • Innocent, Naive - Referring to someone who is innocent or inexperienced

  • Householdstip: under 10

雄城- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share雄城 - Oki - Copy 雄城

means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

means "castle, fortress."

  • Building A Castle - Constructing a structure to protect against enemy attacks and invasions.

  • Castle Wall - A wall built around a town to protect against enemy attacks.

  • Castle Town - A town surrounded by a castle wall.

  • Householdstip: under 10

扇喜- Oki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share扇喜 - Oki - Copy 扇喜

means "fan."

  • Fan - A tool used to create a breeze by waving it.

  • Door - A door of a gate.

  • Wave - To create a breeze by waving a fan or a folding fan.

  • Stir - To stir up, to incite.

means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."

  • Householdstip: under 10

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