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Click to speech さかづめAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Sakazume

  • Hiraganatip:さかづめ
  • Katakanatip:サカヅメ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 900
  • English transcriptiontip:Sakazume

Kanji Names & Meanings - 5 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Sakazume," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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坂爪- Sakazume -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share坂爪 - Sakazume - Copy 坂爪

means "slope, hill, incline."

  • Slope - A piece of land that is sloped or inclined.

  • Sloped Road - A road that is sloped or inclined.

  • Embankment - A structure built to hold back water or soil.

  • Dyke - A wall or embankment built to prevent flooding.

means "nail, claw."

  • Claw - The claws of hands and feet. Also, something shaped like a claw.

  • Scratch - To scratch with a claw.

  • Koto Claw - A claw inserted into the fingertips when playing the koto(Japanese harp).

  • Protector - An analogy for something that helps and protects.

  • Cut Claws - To cut claws.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 900

酒詰- Sakazume -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share酒詰 - Sakazume - Copy 酒詰

means "alcohol, sake, liquor."

  • Alcohol - A type of alcoholic beverage, usually made from fermented grains or fruits.

  • Drinking - The act of consuming alcohol.

  • Serving - The act of pouring and serving alcohol.

means "cram, pack, stuff."

  • Reduce, Compress - To make something smaller or to compress it.

  • Question, Accuse - To ask or accuse someone of something.

  • Investigate - To look into something in order to find out more information.

  • Bend, Twist - To change the shape of something by applying pressure.

  • Stop, Prohibit - To prevent something from happening or being done.

  • Dawn, Morning - The time when the sun rises and the day begins.

  • Full, Narrow - To become full or to become narrow.

  • In Short, Ultimately - To summarize or to conclude.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

阪詰- Sakazume -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share阪詰 - Sakazume - Copy 阪詰

means "slope, hill."

  • Slope - A sloping piece of land or a sloping road.

  • Hill - A steep incline or a steep rise in the land.

means "cram, pack, stuff."

  • Reduce, Compress - To make something smaller or to compress it.

  • Question, Accuse - To ask or accuse someone of something.

  • Investigate - To look into something in order to find out more information.

  • Bend, Twist - To change the shape of something by applying pressure.

  • Stop, Prohibit - To prevent something from happening or being done.

  • Dawn, Morning - The time when the sun rises and the day begins.

  • Full, Narrow - To become full or to become narrow.

  • In Short, Ultimately - To summarize or to conclude.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

坂詰- Sakazume -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share坂詰 - Sakazume - Copy 坂詰

means "slope, hill, incline."

  • Slope - A piece of land that is sloped or inclined.

  • Sloped Road - A road that is sloped or inclined.

  • Embankment - A structure built to hold back water or soil.

  • Dyke - A wall or embankment built to prevent flooding.

means "cram, pack, stuff."

  • Reduce, Compress - To make something smaller or to compress it.

  • Question, Accuse - To ask or accuse someone of something.

  • Investigate - To look into something in order to find out more information.

  • Bend, Twist - To change the shape of something by applying pressure.

  • Stop, Prohibit - To prevent something from happening or being done.

  • Dawn, Morning - The time when the sun rises and the day begins.

  • Full, Narrow - To become full or to become narrow.

  • In Short, Ultimately - To summarize or to conclude.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

阪爪- Sakazume -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share阪爪 - Sakazume - Copy 阪爪

means "slope, hill."

  • Slope - A sloping piece of land or a sloping road.

  • Hill - A steep incline or a steep rise in the land.

means "nail, claw."

  • Claw - The claws of hands and feet. Also, something shaped like a claw.

  • Scratch - To scratch with a claw.

  • Koto Claw - A claw inserted into the fingertips when playing the koto(Japanese harp).

  • Protector - An analogy for something that helps and protects.

  • Cut Claws - To cut claws.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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