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Click to speech たくまAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Takuma

  • Hiraganatip:たくま
  • Katakanatip:タクマ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 2,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Takuma

Kanji Names & Meanings - 20 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Takuma," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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田熊- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share田熊 - Takuma - Copy 田熊

means "rice field, rice paddy."

means "bear, wild animal."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 800

宅間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宅間 - Takuma - Copy 宅間

means "house, home, residence."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 600

詫間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share詫間 - Takuma - Copy 詫間

means "apology, regret, excuse."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 400

詫摩- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share詫摩 - Takuma - Copy 詫摩

means "apology, regret, excuse."

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 200

琢磨- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share琢磨 - Takuma - Copy 琢磨

means "flood, deluge, inundation."

  • To Polish - To refine or hone a skill or knowledge.

  • To Strike - To hit or tap something.

  • To Shape - To form or arrange something into a desired shape.

  • To Select - To choose or pick something.

  • To Decorate - To adorn or embellish something.

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 60

田隈- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share田隈 - Takuma - Copy 田隈

means "rice field, rice paddy."

means "corner, nook, recess, indentation."

  • Corner - A place that is curved and tucked away.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

詫磨- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share詫磨 - Takuma - Copy 詫磨

means "apology, regret, excuse."

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

宅万- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宅万 - Takuma - Copy 宅万

means "house, home, residence."

means "ten thousand."

  • Ten Thousand - This is a number name that is ten times the number of thousand.

  • All - This refers to everything or all of something.

  • Very Many - This refers to a large number of something.

  • Never - This refers to something that will never happen, no matter what.

  • Absolutely - This refers to something that is certain and without doubt.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

多久間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share多久間 - Takuma - Copy 多久間

means "many, numerous, much."

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

託摩- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share託摩 - Takuma - Copy 託摩

means "entrust, rely on, deposit."

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Reliance - To rely on someone or something for support or help.

  • Entrusting - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Complain - To express dissatisfaction or annoyance.

  • Implication - To suggest or imply something without saying it directly.

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

託間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share託間 - Takuma - Copy 託間

means "entrust, rely on, deposit."

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Reliance - To rely on someone or something for support or help.

  • Entrusting - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Complain - To express dissatisfaction or annoyance.

  • Implication - To suggest or imply something without saying it directly.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

卓間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share卓間 - Takuma - Copy 卓間

means "table, desk, stand."

  • Outstanding - Of exceptional quality or ability

  • High - Having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically

  • Table - A piece of furniture consisting of a flat, level surface supported by legs, used to hold objects of various kinds.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

詫麻- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share詫麻 - Takuma - Copy 詫麻

means "apology, regret, excuse."

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

  • Householdstip: under 10

託麻- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share託麻 - Takuma - Copy 託麻

means "entrust, rely on, deposit."

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Reliance - To rely on someone or something for support or help.

  • Entrusting - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Complain - To express dissatisfaction or annoyance.

  • Implication - To suggest or imply something without saying it directly.

means "hemp, flax, linen."

  • Numbness - A feeling of being unable to move or feel sensation.

  • Hemp - A plant of the Cannabis family, used for making rope, fabric, and paper.

  • Sesame - A plant of the Pedaliaceae family, used for making oil and condiments.

  • Householdstip: under 10

宅摩- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宅摩 - Takuma - Copy 宅摩

means "house, home, residence."

means "friction, rub, chafe."

  • Rub - To rub with the hands.

  • Polish - To grind or hone.

  • Approach - To come close or draw near.

  • Householdstip: under 10

琢間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share琢間 - Takuma - Copy 琢間

means "flood, deluge, inundation."

  • To Polish - To refine or hone a skill or knowledge.

  • To Strike - To hit or tap something.

  • To Shape - To form or arrange something into a desired shape.

  • To Select - To choose or pick something.

  • To Decorate - To adorn or embellish something.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

詫广- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share詫广 - Takuma - Copy 詫广

means "apology, regret, excuse."

广 means "the roof of a house."

  • Householdstip: under 10

宅萬- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宅萬 - Takuma - Copy 宅萬

means "house, home, residence."

means "ten thousand."

  • Householdstip: under 10

宅磨- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宅磨 - Takuma - Copy 宅磨

means "house, home, residence."

means "polish, brush, grind."

  • Grind - To reduce something to small particles by crushing it with an abrasive surface.

  • Pull - To apply force to something in order to move it in a particular direction.

  • Rub - To move one's hand or an object over a surface with pressure.

  • Polish - To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with an abrasive material.

  • Diligence - To be hardworking and persistent in one's efforts.

  • Householdstip: under 10

匠間- Takuma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share匠間 - Takuma - Copy 匠間

means "artisan, craftsman, master of a trade."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who is highly skilled in a particular field.

  • Skill - Expertise and dexterity in a particular field.

  • Idea - A creative thought or concept.

  • Refinement - The act of refining or perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - Someone who is exceptionally talented in a particular field.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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