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Click to speech ときAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Toki

  • Hiraganatip:とき
  • Katakanatip:トキ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 4,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Toki

Kanji Names & Meanings - 22 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Toki," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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土岐- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share土岐 - Toki - Copy 土岐

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 3,000

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share時 - Toki - Copy 時

means "time, hour, moment."

  • Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

  • Time - A day divided into 24 parts (formerly 12 parts).

  • Flow Of Time - The passing of days and months.

  • Opportunity - A suitable time.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 200

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鴇 - Toki - Copy 鴇

means "toki, bird from the toki family."

  • Toki - A type of bird from the Toki family.

  • Nogan - A type of bird from the Nogan family.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

戸木- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share戸木 - Toki - Copy 戸木

means "door, household, family, counter for houses."

  • Door, Entrance - The entrance or exit of a house or room.

  • House - A house or dwelling.

  • Amount Of Alcohol - The amount of alcohol that can be consumed.

  • Name - Used as a name or place name.

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 60

登喜- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share登喜 - Toki - Copy 登喜

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

means "joy, rejoice, pleasure."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

土生- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share土生 - Toki - Copy 土生

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

土亀- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share土亀 - Toki - Copy 土亀

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

means "turtle, tortoise."

  • Turtle - A type of reptile with a shell.

  • Turtle Shell - The shell of a turtle.

  • Crack - A break or fissure in something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share斎 - Toki - Copy 斎

means "purification, fasting, abstaining from certain foods or activities."

  • To be reverent or to show restraint. This is done when worshipping gods and Buddhas, by abstaining from certain foods and activities in order to purify one's mind and body.

  • A room, usually used for religious ceremonies or for studying.

  • A meal taken by monks or during Buddhist ceremonies, as a way of purifying the mind and body in order to serve the gods.

  • Householdstip: under 10

登岐- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share登岐 - Toki - Copy 登岐

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

戸来- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share戸来 - Toki - Copy 戸来

means "door, household, family, counter for houses."

  • Door, Entrance - The entrance or exit of a house or room.

  • House - A house or dwelling.

  • Amount Of Alcohol - The amount of alcohol that can be consumed.

  • Name - Used as a name or place name.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.

  • This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.

  • In The Future - Something that has not yet come.

  • Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.

  • Householdstip: under 10

斗鬼- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share斗鬼 - Toki - Copy 斗鬼

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

means "demon, ogre, evil spirit."

  • Ghost - The soul of a deceased person, a spirit, a supernatural being with immense power and mysterious abilities.

  • Yokai - A creature from folklore, usually with human form and two horns.

  • Powerful - Possessing great strength and courage.

  • Imaginative - A creature of the imagination.

  • Cruel - Ruthless and merciless.

  • Huge - Exceptionally large.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share解 - Toki - Copy 解

means "to solve, to untie, to clarify."

  • Householdstip: under 10

都木- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share都木 - Toki - Copy 都木

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: under 10

十亀- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share十亀 - Toki - Copy 十亀

means "ten."

  • Ten - The number 10.

  • Ten Times - Occurring ten times.

  • Tenth - The tenth in a series.

  • Many - A large number.

  • Perfect - Complete and satisfactory.

means "turtle, tortoise."

  • Turtle - A type of reptile with a shell.

  • Turtle Shell - The shell of a turtle.

  • Crack - A break or fissure in something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

戸岐- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share戸岐 - Toki - Copy 戸岐

means "door, household, family, counter for houses."

  • Door, Entrance - The entrance or exit of a house or room.

  • House - A house or dwelling.

  • Amount Of Alcohol - The amount of alcohol that can be consumed.

  • Name - Used as a name or place name.

means "fork, branch, divergence."

  • To Divide - To split into two or more parts.

  • To Branch Off - To separate from a main path or route.

  • A Fork In The Road - A place where a road or path divides into two or more directions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share齋 - Toki - Copy 齋

means "purification, room, devotion."

  • Purification - The act of being careful in terms of eating and behaviors in order to purify the mind and body when worshipping gods and Buddha.

  • Room - A room for studying or other serious purposes, created especially for mental concentration.

  • Monastic Meal - The meal of a priest, or a meal served during a Buddhist service.

  • Devotion - The state of having purged mind and body, preparing oneself to serve a deity.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share釋 - Toki - Copy 釋

means "to clarify. to understand."

  • Householdstip: under 10

十時- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share十時 - Toki - Copy 十時

means "ten."

  • Ten - The number 10.

  • Ten Times - Occurring ten times.

  • Tenth - The tenth in a series.

  • Many - A large number.

  • Perfect - Complete and satisfactory.

means "time, hour, moment."

  • Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

  • Time - A day divided into 24 parts (formerly 12 parts).

  • Flow Of Time - The passing of days and months.

  • Opportunity - A suitable time.

  • Householdstip: under 10

北向- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share北向 - Toki - Copy 北向

means "north, direction, pole."

  • North - Directional name.

  • Flee - To run away from an enemy.

  • Reject - To turn away from something.

means "direction, orientation, to face, to turn towards."

  • To Go Towards - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • To Face - This refers to the action of turning one's face or body towards a certain direction.

  • To Direct - This refers to the action of pointing or aiming something towards a certain direction.

  • To Proceed Towards A Certain Direction - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • Direction - This refers to the orientation or path that something is facing or moving towards.

  • The Opposite Side - This refers to the side that is opposite to the one that is being referred to.

  • The Front - This refers to the side that is facing the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Forward Side - This refers to the side that is in front of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Other Side - This refers to the side that is on the other side of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • Suitable - This refers to something that is appropriate or fitting for a certain situation.

  • Householdstip: under 10

外木- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share外木 - Toki - Copy 外木

means "outside, exterior, foreign, other."

  • Outside - A place outside of a certain range.

  • Other - Something or someone other than the central point.

  • Remove - To take away or keep away.

  • Relatives - Relatives from the mother's side or the wife's side.

  • Deviate - To go against or turn away from.

means "tree, wood."

  • Tree - A large plant with a trunk and branches, typically providing shade and shelter.

  • Lumber - Wood that has been cut into boards or other shapes for use in construction.

  • Material - Wood used as a material for making things.

  • Element - One of the five elements in Chinese philosophy, representing the east and the color blue.

  • Plain - Unadorned and without decoration.

  • Numb - Losing sensation or feeling.

  • Musical Instrument - An instrument made of wood, one of the eight tones (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Thursday - One of the seven days of the week.

  • Householdstip: under 10

土城- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share土城 - Toki - Copy 土城

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

means "castle, fortress."

  • Building A Castle - Constructing a structure to protect against enemy attacks and invasions.

  • Castle Wall - A wall built around a town to protect against enemy attacks.

  • Castle Town - A town surrounded by a castle wall.

  • Householdstip: under 10

土枝- Toki -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share土枝 - Toki - Copy 土枝

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

means "branch, twig."

  • Branch - A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or main stem.

  • Extension - Something that branches out from the center.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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