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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

My Name in Japanese Converter

Please enter your name to convert it into Japanese Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

Captive's hiragana name is ...

きゃぷてぃぶきゃぷてぃぶ Add to Converted Names Favorites Copy きゃぷてぃぶ

Captive's katakana name is ...

キャプティブキャプティブ Add to Converted Names Favorites Copy キャプティブ

One of the kanji combination for "Captive" is...

kyaputeibukya pu tei bu Add to Converted Names Favorites Copy 脚振第霧


Feel free to use it as the name for a character in your manga, novel, etc.

Each kanji has its own unique meanings and stories. This tool mechanically selects kanji from our database to create names. However, it does not consider the harmony of the combined meanings, so the resulting names may not convey clear meanings from a Japanese perspective.

For natural combinations of kanji that also feel natural to native Japanese speakers, it is essential that someone with a deep understanding of kanji comes up with the ideas. If you are considering naming a real person and feel uncertain about the process, please feel free to contact us through the Contact page for consultation. We offer this service as volunteers and completely free of charge.

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