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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Japanese Name Generator

Generate up to 100 names from over 1 billion Japanese name combinations! Updates are hourly and may vary during development, so be sure to favorite your preferred names! Next update: 1739466458. If you're looking to generate names with specific attributes, please use Generate names with parameters.

Also, explore My Name in Japanese Converter, which changes your name into Japanese. Feel free to use these names for characters in your manga, novels, games, and more. Enjoy!

Name Filter

Generate names with parameters

All parameters are optional. Generate hundreds of Japanese names in 5 seconds!

My Name in Japanese Converter

Please enter your name to convert it into Japanese Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

Japanese Name Column

A Naming Guide for Babies Born in February: Celebrating the Season When Winter Meets Spring

A Naming Guide for Babies Born in February: Celebrating the Season When Winter Meets Spring

A Guide to Choosing a Name for a Baby Born in January: Embracing the Beauty of Winter and the Hope of a New Year

A Guide to Choosing a Name for a Baby Born in January: Embracing the Beauty of Winter and the Hope of a New Year

Rare and uncommon Japanese family names

Rare and uncommon Japanese family names

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