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Japanese boy(male) name Aketomo
Click to speech あけともAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Aketomo

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:あけとも
  • Katakanatip:アケトモ
  • English transcriptionstip:Aketomo
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Akechan(あけちゃん)Click to speech あけちゃんTomokun( ともくん)Click to speech  ともくんKetochan( けとちゃん)Click to speech  けとちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 10 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Aketomo," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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朱伴- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱伴 - Aketomo - Copy 朱伴

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "companion, accompany, partner."

  • Accompany - To go with someone or something, usually in a supportive role.

  • Follow - To go along with someone or something, usually in a subordinate role.

  • Go Together - To do something together, usually in a cooperative manner.

  • Companion - A person who accompanies another, usually in a friendly or supportive role.

  • Friend - A person who is part of a group or community, usually in a supportive role.

Name ideas examples

  • Accompany - To be a companion and support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Follow - To be a guide and mentor to the baby, helping them to make the right decisions.

  • Go Together - To be a partner in life, always there to share in the joys and sorrows.

  • Companion - To be a friend and confidant to the baby, always there to lend an ear.

  • Friend - To be a loyal and trusted companion to the baby, always there to offer support and encouragement.

朱供- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱供 - Aketomo - Copy 朱供

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "offering, supply, provider."

  • Offer - To offer something to a deity or other spiritual being.

  • Suggest - To suggest offering something.

  • Declare - To declare something oneself.

  • Provide - To provide or give something.

  • Servant - A servant or attendant.

  • Plural - To indicate multiple items when used after a word.

Name ideas examples

  • Offering - It symbolizes the offering of love and care that parents give to their children.

  • Supplying - It symbolizes the provision of resources and support that parents give to their children.

  • Serving - It symbolizes the service and dedication that parents give to their children.

  • Submitting - It symbolizes the submission of oneself to the needs of the child.

  • Presenting - It symbolizes the presentation of gifts and blessings to the child.

  • Attendant - It symbolizes the presence of a guardian or protector for the child.

  • Plural - It symbolizes the idea of multiple people coming together to support the child.

朱侶- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱侶 - Aketomo - Copy 朱侶

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "companion, partner, mate."

  • Friend - Someone with whom one has a close relationship and shares common interests.

  • Companion - Someone who accompanies another person or group.

  • Group - A number of people or things that are gathered together or classified as a unit.

  • Ally - Someone who is united with another in a cause or mutual interest.

Name ideas examples

  • Friend - This kanji that symbolizes a strong bond of friendship and loyalty.

  • Companion - This kanji that symbolizes a strong bond of companionship and support.

  • Group - This kanji that symbolizes a sense of belonging and unity.

  • Ally - This kanji that symbolizes a sense of solidarity and trust.

朱共- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱共 - Aketomo - Copy 朱共

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "together, jointly, in common."

  • Together - To do something together, to share something, to join hands in front of the chest.

  • Respectful - To show respect and humility.

  • Provide - To provide or offer something.

  • Bow - To bow down.

  • Go - To go in the same direction.

  • Multiple - To refer to multiple people or to show humility.

Name ideas examples

  • Together - To be together, to share, to unite, to bond.

  • Respectful - To show respect, to be humble, to honor.

  • Provide - To give, to offer, to provide.

  • Bow - To bow, to show respect, to show humility.

  • Journey - To travel, to embark on a journey, to go forward.

朱友- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱友 - Aketomo - Copy 朱友

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

朱委- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱委 - Aketomo - Copy 朱委

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "committee, entrust, delegate."

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone, to put something in someone's care.

  • Leave To - To leave something to someone's discretion, to let someone decide.

  • Relaxed - To be relaxed and at ease, to have a beautiful and graceful demeanor.

Name ideas examples

  • Entrust - To entrust a child with a bright future, to give them the best possible start in life.

  • Leave To - To leave the child's future in their own hands, to give them the freedom to make their own decisions.

  • Relaxed - To wish for the child to have a relaxed and peaceful life, to hope for them to have a graceful and beautiful demeanor.

朱智- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱智 - Aketomo - Copy 朱智

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Knowledgeable - Having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject.

  • Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation.

  • Ability To Understand And Process Things - The capacity to comprehend and process information.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding, which can be a great asset for a child as they grow up.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, which can help a child make wise decisions in life.

  • Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation, which can help a child to think critically and make informed decisions.

朱朋- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱朋 - Aketomo - Copy 朱朋

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A person who learns from the same teacher.

  • Companion - A person who shares the same goal.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of mutual affection and understanding between two or more people.

  • Loyalty - A strong feeling of support and allegiance to someone or something.

  • Harmony - A state of peaceful agreement and cooperation between people or groups.

朱朝- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱朝 - Aketomo - Copy 朱朝

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "morning, dawn."

  • Morning - The period of time from when the sun rises until a short while afterwards.

  • Court - The place where the emperor conducts politics.

  • Attendance - To be present in the court and be seen by the emperor.

  • Reign - The period of time when one emperor ruled. Also, the era when a monarch of the same lineage ruled.

Name ideas examples

  • Dawn - This is a symbolic name that represents the start of a new day and a new beginning. It is also a reminder of the beauty of the sunrise and the hope that comes with it.

  • Tomorrow - This kanji is a reminder of the promise of a better future and the hope that comes with it. It is also a reminder of the importance of looking ahead and planning for the future.

  • Sun - This kanji is a reminder of the power of the sun and its ability to bring light and warmth to the world. It is also a reminder of the importance of taking care of the environment and the planet.

  • Court - This kanji is a reminder of the importance of justice and fairness. It is also a reminder of the importance of respecting authority and following the law.

  • Reign - This kanji is a reminder of the power of leadership and the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions. It is also a reminder of the importance of making wise decisions and leading with integrity.

朱知- Aketomo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱知 - Aketomo - Copy 朱知

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "knowledge, understanding, awareness."

  • To Know - To understand, to recognize, to feel, to comprehend.

  • To Inform - To notify, to make aware.

  • Acquaintance - To be familiar with someone.

  • Knowledge - To be aware of something.

  • To Govern - To rule, to preside over.

  • Wisdom - The ability to think, the power to discern the essence of things.

Name ideas examples

  • Knowledge - It symbolizes the potential for growth and learning. It also implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to think deeply and understand the world around them.

  • Wisdom - It implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to think deeply and understand the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Understanding - It implies that the child will be able to comprehend and interpret the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Recognition - It implies that the child will be able to recognize and appreciate the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Awareness - It implies that the child will be aware of their surroundings and be able to make informed decisions. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

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