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Japanese boy(male) name Akitatsu
Click to speech あきたつAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Akitatsu

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:あきたつ
  • Katakanatip:アキタツ
  • English transcriptionstip:Akitatsu
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Akichan(あきちゃん)Click to speech あきちゃんTsucchan(つっちゃん)Click to speech つっちゃんAkitan(あきたん)Click to speech あきたん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 3 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Akitatsu," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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亮武- Akitatsu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亮武 - Akitatsu - Copy 亮武

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

昭達- Akitatsu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share昭達 - Akitatsu - Copy 昭達

means "shining, bright, luminous."

  • Clear - Easily seen or understood

  • Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light

  • Obvious - Easily seen or understood

Name ideas examples

  • Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.

  • Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.

  • Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.

means "reach, arrive, attain, achieve, accomplish."

  • To Reach, Arrive - To reach a destination or goal.

  • To Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • To Deliver - To bring something to someone.

  • To Suggest - To offer a suggestion or recommendation.

  • Selfish - Wanting to have things one's own way.

Name ideas examples

  • Reach - To signify that the baby will reach their goals in life.

  • Accomplish - To signify that the baby will be able to accomplish great things.

  • Deliver - To signify that the baby will bring joy and happiness to others.

  • Suggest - To signify that the baby will be wise and offer wise advice.

暁達- Akitatsu -

Add to First Names Favorites Share暁達 - Akitatsu - Copy 暁達

means "dawn, daybreak."

  • Dawn - The beginning of the day, the start of the morning.

  • Realize - To understand, to become clear.

  • Instruct - To teach, to make clear.

Name ideas examples

  • Dawn - A symbol of new beginnings, a reminder of the beauty of a new day.

  • Realize - A reminder to strive for understanding and clarity in life.

  • Instruct - A reminder to be wise and to teach others.

means "reach, arrive, attain, achieve, accomplish."

  • To Reach, Arrive - To reach a destination or goal.

  • To Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • To Deliver - To bring something to someone.

  • To Suggest - To offer a suggestion or recommendation.

  • Selfish - Wanting to have things one's own way.

Name ideas examples

  • Reach - To signify that the baby will reach their goals in life.

  • Accomplish - To signify that the baby will be able to accomplish great things.

  • Deliver - To signify that the baby will bring joy and happiness to others.

  • Suggest - To signify that the baby will be wise and offer wise advice.

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