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Japanese girl(female) name Fumika
Click to speech ふみかAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Fumika

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:ふみか
  • Katakanatip:フミカ
  • English transcriptionstip:Fumika
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Fumichan(ふみちゃん)Click to speech ふみちゃんMikachan( みかちゃん)Click to speech  みかちゃんFu-chan( ふーちゃん)Click to speech  ふーちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 116 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Fumika," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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史佳- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史佳 - Fumika - Copy 史佳

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

史華- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史華 - Fumika - Copy 史華

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

郁花- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁花 - Fumika - Copy 郁花

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

典果- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share典果 - Fumika - Copy 典果

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

典香- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share典香 - Fumika - Copy 典香

means "canon, rule, precedent."

Name ideas examples

  • Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.

  • Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.

  • Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.

  • Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.

  • Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

史伽- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史伽 - Fumika - Copy 史伽

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

史加- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史加 - Fumika - Copy 史加

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

文佳- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文佳 - Fumika - Copy 文佳

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

文香- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文香 - Fumika - Copy 文香

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

史可- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史可 - Fumika - Copy 史可

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "allowable, permissible, acceptable."

  • Good. Suitable. - Used to express approval or agreement.

  • Listen. Accept. - Used to indicate that one should listen and accept what is being said.

  • Possible. - Used to express the possibility of something being done.

  • Allowed. - Used to express that something is allowed or permissible.

  • Should. - Used to express that something should be done.

  • Speculation. - Used to express a guess or assumption.

  • Degree. - Used to express the degree or extent of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is suitable for a baby's name. It conveys a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Permissible - This meaning implies that the baby is allowed to do something, which is a great sentiment to give to a child.

  • Possible - This meaning suggests that the baby has the potential to do something, which is a great way to encourage them to reach their goals.

  • Advisable - This meaning implies that the baby should do something, which is a great way to instill a sense of responsibility in them.

  • Presumed - This meaning suggests that the baby is likely to do something, which is a great way to give them confidence in their abilities.

  • Proportional - This meaning implies that the baby is capable of doing something to a certain degree, which is a great way to give them a sense of accomplishment.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

史圭- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史圭 - Fumika - Copy 史圭

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "jade tablet, square jewel."

  • Gem - A gem given as a symbol of the emperor's grant of land to a vassal.

  • Corner - Having a corner, having corners.

  • Unit Of Capacity, Volume - One hundredth of a liter.

Name ideas examples

  • Gem - A precious and beautiful symbol of the emperor's generosity and kindness, representing the hope of a bright future.

  • Corner - Representing the idea of a safe and secure home, and the idea of being surrounded by love and protection.

  • Unit Of Capacity, Volume - Representing the idea of abundance and prosperity, and the hope of a life filled with abundance and joy.

史夏- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史夏 - Fumika - Copy 史夏

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

史果- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史果 - Fumika - Copy 史果

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

史栞- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史栞 - Fumika - Copy 史栞

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "bookmark, label, guide."

  • A bookmark placed in a book to mark one's place.

  • A guidebook or handbook.

  • A marker made by breaking off a branch of a tree while walking in a mountain or forest, to help avoid getting lost.

Name ideas examples

  • Guide - This kanji is often used to mark a path or guide someone, so it could be a suitable name for a baby who is seen as a guide or leader.

  • Marker - This kanji is also used to mark a book or other item, so it could be a suitable name for a baby who is seen as a marker or signpost.

  • Sign - This kanji is also used to mark a path or guide someone, so it could be a suitable name for a baby who is seen as a sign or symbol.

  • Path - This kanji is often used to mark a path or guide someone, so it could be a suitable name for a baby who is seen as a path or journey.

  • Bookmark - This kanji is also used to mark a book or other item, so it could be a suitable name for a baby who is seen as a bookmark or reminder.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "orchid, holland, blue."

  • General term for a perennial plant of the Orchidaceae family.

  • An alternate name for the plant ichii.

  • Abbreviation of the country name "Walan (Holland)".

Name ideas examples

  • Orchid - A beautiful flower that symbolizes love, beauty, and strength.

  • Ichii - A Japanese plant that symbolizes resilience and perseverance.

  • Holland - A country known for its beauty, culture, and history.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

Name ideas examples

  • Celebrate - To express joy and happiness for the new addition to the family.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for the new baby.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept the responsibility of raising the new baby.

  • Bear, Carry - To support and hold up the new baby.

史郁- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史郁 - Fumika - Copy 史郁

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

史香- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share史香 - Fumika - Copy 史香

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

奎伽- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奎伽 - Fumika - Copy 奎伽

means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

奎佳- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

奎加- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

奎可- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "allowable, permissible, acceptable."

  • Good. Suitable. - Used to express approval or agreement.

  • Listen. Accept. - Used to indicate that one should listen and accept what is being said.

  • Possible. - Used to express the possibility of something being done.

  • Allowed. - Used to express that something is allowed or permissible.

  • Should. - Used to express that something should be done.

  • Speculation. - Used to express a guess or assumption.

  • Degree. - Used to express the degree or extent of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is suitable for a baby's name. It conveys a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Permissible - This meaning implies that the baby is allowed to do something, which is a great sentiment to give to a child.

  • Possible - This meaning suggests that the baby has the potential to do something, which is a great way to encourage them to reach their goals.

  • Advisable - This meaning implies that the baby should do something, which is a great way to instill a sense of responsibility in them.

  • Presumed - This meaning suggests that the baby is likely to do something, which is a great way to give them confidence in their abilities.

  • Proportional - This meaning implies that the baby is capable of doing something to a certain degree, which is a great way to give them a sense of accomplishment.

奎叶- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "fulfill, grant, satisfy."

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - To bring joy and contentment to the parents and the baby, and to have one's wishes and dreams come true.

  • Harmony - To bring peace and balance to the family, and to create a harmonious atmosphere.

  • Agreement - To bring unity and understanding to the family, and to create a sense of agreement and understanding.

奎嘉- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

奎夏- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

奎奏- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

奎架- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

奎楓- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "maple."

  • Maple Tree - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer, typically having lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage.

  • Japanese Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer palmatum, native to Japan and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage.

  • Red Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer rubrum, native to North America and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage and red flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Maple - A strong and resilient tree, symbolizing strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Japanese Maple - A symbol of beauty and grace, representing the beauty and grace of a newborn baby.

  • Red Maple - A symbol of passion and energy, representing the passion and energy of a newborn baby.

奎海- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

奎花- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

奎華- Fumika -

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means "star."

  • Thigh - Refers to the area between the legs.

  • Stride - Describes the act of walking with wide steps.

  • Constellation - The name of a constellation that governs writing and literature.

Name ideas examples

  • Thigh - It represents strength and power, as well as being a unique and uncommon name.

  • Stride - It represents confidence and determination, as well as being a strong and memorable name.

  • Constellation - It represents beauty and wonder, as well as being a unique and celestial name.

  • Wide Step - It represents progress and growth, as well as being a strong and empowering name.

  • Leg - It represents stability and support, as well as being a simple and classic name.

  • Star - It represents brightness and hope, as well as being a timeless and celestial name.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

文伽- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

文嘉- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

文夏- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

文奏- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

文月- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "moon, month."

  • Moon - The moon visible in the sky, the satellite of the Earth.

  • Month - A period of time equal to one twelfth of a year. Every month, monthly.

  • Monday - One of the seven days of the week.

Name ideas examples

  • Moon - A celestial body that symbolizes light, hope, and new beginnings.

  • Month - A reminder of the passage of time and the importance of cherishing each moment.

  • Every Month - A reminder to appreciate the beauty of life and the joy of each month.

  • Monday - A reminder to start each week with a positive attitude and a determination to make the most of it.

文椛- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "birch, white birch, silver birch."

  • Momiji - Japanese maple leaves, symbolizing the beauty of autumn.

  • Kaba - A type of Japanese maple tree, known for its bright red leaves.

Name ideas examples

  • Momiji - A beautiful name that symbolizes the beauty of autumn and the changing of the seasons.

  • Kaba - A strong and vibrant name that symbolizes the bright red leaves of the Japanese maple tree.

文海- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文海 - Fumika - Copy 文海

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

文珈- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文珈 - Fumika - Copy 文珈

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "coffee, java."

  • A hair ornament for women.

  • A hairpin with a dangling bead.

  • A character used in the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "coffee" (珈琲).

Name ideas examples

  • Jewel - This kanji is often used to refer to a woman's hair ornament, which is usually adorned with jewels. It can also be used to refer to a hairpin with a dangling gem. This meaning is suitable for a baby's name as it symbolizes beauty and elegance.

  • Coffee - This kanji is used to refer to the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "coffee". It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the idea of a warm and comforting beverage.

  • Hairpin - This kanji is used to refer to a hairpin, which is a common accessory for women. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes beauty and femininity.

  • Ornament - This kanji is used to refer to a woman's hair ornament, which is usually adorned with jewels. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes beauty and elegance.

文禾- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "grain, cereal, rice."

  • Rice - A type of cereal grain, the most important staple food in East and Southeast Asia.

  • Millet - A type of small-seeded grass, used as a cereal crop or for forage.

  • Straw - A type of dry, fibrous plant material used for animal bedding, packing material, and fuel.

Name ideas examples

  • Rice - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • Millet - Symbolizing strength, resilience, and perseverance.

  • Straw - Symbolizing warmth, comfort, and protection.

文花- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文花 - Fumika - Copy 文花

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

文荷- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文荷 - Fumika - Copy 文荷

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "cargo, baggage, load."

  • Lotus - A perennial plant of the Nymphaeaceae family.

  • Carry - To lift and transport something.

  • Burden - A load or responsibility.

  • Receive - To take in or accept.

  • Counter For Bundles - A numerical counter for bundles of items.

  • Nuisance - An annoying or troublesome thing.

Name ideas examples

  • Lotus - A beautiful flower that symbolizes purity, grace, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Carry - To remind the child of the importance of taking on responsibility and helping others.

  • Burden - To remind the child of the importance of taking on responsibility and not shirking it.

  • Receive - To remind the child of the importance of being open to new experiences and accepting them.

  • Counter For Bundles - To remind the child of the importance of counting their blessings and being thankful for them.

文華- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

文迦- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文迦 - Fumika - Copy 文迦

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "buddhist deity."

  • To meet or encounter someone.

  • To come across or run into someone.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g. 釈迦.

Name ideas examples

  • Encounter - This kanji conveys the idea of two people or things coming together, which is a meaningful concept for a baby's name.

  • Circumstance - This kanji can also be interpreted as a symbol of fate, suggesting that the baby's life will be filled with unexpected and meaningful encounters.

  • Buddha - The kanji is also used in the Sanskrit transliteration of the word "Buddha," which is a powerful symbol of enlightenment and wisdom.

  • Destiny - The kanji can also be interpreted as a sign of destiny, suggesting that the baby's life will be filled with meaningful experiences and encounters.

文郁- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share文郁 - Fumika - Copy 文郁

means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

書桂- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share書桂 - Fumika - Copy 書桂

means "writing, document, book."

  • Writing - To write, to record, to inscribe.

  • Literature - A document, a book, a letter.

  • Characters - Letters, the way of writing characters.

  • Book Title - The Book of History, one of the Five Classics.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To symbolize the importance of writing and recording one's thoughts and experiences.

  • Literature - To represent the power of literature and the written word.

  • Characters - To emphasize the importance of language and communication.

  • Book Title - To signify the importance of knowledge and wisdom.

means "a type of tree or shrub."

  • General term for fragrant woods such as cinnamon and sandalwood.

  • A deciduous tree of the Cercidiphyllaceae family.

  • Abbreviation for the shogi piece "keima(桂馬)".

  • In Chinese legend, a tree that grows on the moon. By extension, an alternate name for the moon.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant Wood - It is a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Keima - It is a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Moon - It is a symbol of mystery and enchantment.

章香- Fumika -

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means "chapter, section, article."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.

  • Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.

  • Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.

  • Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.

  • Make Clear - To make something clear or understandable.

  • Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.

  • Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

迪架- Fumika -

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means "guidance, leading, showing the way."

  • Path, Way - A route or direction to take.

  • Principle, Reason - A fundamental truth or law that serves as the basis for something.

  • Morality, Ethics - A set of principles of right and wrong behavior.

  • Road - A wide way leading from one place to another.

  • Guide, Instruct - To lead or direct someone on a course of action.

  • Step, Proceed - To take action or move forward.

Name ideas examples

  • Path - Symbolizing a journey of life and the importance of making the right choices.

  • Principle - Representing the importance of having a strong moral compass.

  • Morality - Signifying the importance of living a life of integrity and justice.

  • Road - Representing the journey of life and the importance of staying on the right path.

  • Guide - Symbolizing the importance of having a mentor or role model to help guide one's life.

  • Step - Representing the importance of taking action and making progress in life.

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

郁伽- Fumika -

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means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

郁佳- Fumika -

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means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

郁嘉- Fumika -

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means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

郁夏- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁夏 - Fumika - Copy 郁夏

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

郁日- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁日 - Fumika - Copy 郁日

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "sun, day, Japan."

Name ideas examples

  • Sun - Symbolizing brightness, warmth, and life.

  • Daytime - Symbolizing a bright and cheerful life.

  • Day - Symbolizing a full and complete life.

  • Everyday - Symbolizing a life of joy and happiness.

  • Sunday - Symbolizing a day of rest and relaxation.

郁果- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁果 - Fumika - Copy 郁果

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

郁架- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁架 - Fumika - Copy 郁架

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

郁歌- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁歌 - Fumika - Copy 郁歌

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "song, singing."

  • Singing - The act of singing with rhythm and melody, usually to music.

  • Poem - A unit of poetry, one of the forms of Chinese poetry.

  • Japanese Poetry - Poetry from Japan, such as Yamato-uta.

Name ideas examples

  • Melody - A pleasant and harmonious sound, often associated with singing.

  • Poetry - A form of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, and images through the use of rhythm, rhyme, and other literary devices.

  • Harmony - A pleasing combination of elements, such as sounds or colors.

郁芳- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share郁芳 - Fumika - Copy 郁芳

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "fragrant, aromatic."

  • Fragrant - Having a pleasant smell, usually referring to flowers.

  • Well Regarded - Having a good reputation or high esteem.

  • Talented - Having a natural ability or skill.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment or knowledge.

  • An honorific title for things related to other people.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - Having a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers.

  • Talented - Having great skill or ability.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment or sound understanding.

  • Respected - Held in high esteem or honor.

郁華- Fumika -

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means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

郁香- Fumika -

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means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

ふみか- Fumika -

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Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

ふみ賀- Fumika -

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is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

Name ideas examples

  • Celebrate - To express joy and happiness for the new addition to the family.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for the new baby.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept the responsibility of raising the new baby.

  • Bear, Carry - To support and hold up the new baby.

ふみ香- Fumika -

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is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

二三佳- Fumika -

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means "two, second."

  • Two - Two things, a numerical name.

  • Again - A second time.

  • Second - Next, following.

  • Different - A different, dual heart.

  • Doubt - To doubt, to go against.

Name ideas examples

  • Two - Representing the idea of being part of a pair, or having a twin.

  • Again - Representing the idea of a second chance, or a new beginning.

  • Second - Representing the idea of being the second-born, or the second-in-line.

  • Different - Representing the idea of being unique, or having a special quality.

  • Doubt - Representing the idea of having faith, or being resilient.

means "three, third, threefold."

  • Three - The number three.

  • Three Times - Repeating something three times.

  • Third - The third item in a sequence.

  • Frequently - Doing something multiple times.

Name ideas examples

  • Three - Symbolizing the three aspects of life

  • Three Times - Representing the threefold power of love, wisdom, and courage.

  • Third - Signifying the third generation of a family.

  • Frequently - Representing the idea of being blessed with good fortune and luck.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

二三嘉- Fumika -

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means "two, second."

  • Two - Two things, a numerical name.

  • Again - A second time.

  • Second - Next, following.

  • Different - A different, dual heart.

  • Doubt - To doubt, to go against.

Name ideas examples

  • Two - Representing the idea of being part of a pair, or having a twin.

  • Again - Representing the idea of a second chance, or a new beginning.

  • Second - Representing the idea of being the second-born, or the second-in-line.

  • Different - Representing the idea of being unique, or having a special quality.

  • Doubt - Representing the idea of having faith, or being resilient.

means "three, third, threefold."

  • Three - The number three.

  • Three Times - Repeating something three times.

  • Third - The third item in a sequence.

  • Frequently - Doing something multiple times.

Name ideas examples

  • Three - Symbolizing the three aspects of life

  • Three Times - Representing the threefold power of love, wisdom, and courage.

  • Third - Signifying the third generation of a family.

  • Frequently - Representing the idea of being blessed with good fortune and luck.

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

二三花- Fumika -

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means "two, second."

  • Two - Two things, a numerical name.

  • Again - A second time.

  • Second - Next, following.

  • Different - A different, dual heart.

  • Doubt - To doubt, to go against.

Name ideas examples

  • Two - Representing the idea of being part of a pair, or having a twin.

  • Again - Representing the idea of a second chance, or a new beginning.

  • Second - Representing the idea of being the second-born, or the second-in-line.

  • Different - Representing the idea of being unique, or having a special quality.

  • Doubt - Representing the idea of having faith, or being resilient.

means "three, third, threefold."

  • Three - The number three.

  • Three Times - Repeating something three times.

  • Third - The third item in a sequence.

  • Frequently - Doing something multiple times.

Name ideas examples

  • Three - Symbolizing the three aspects of life

  • Three Times - Representing the threefold power of love, wisdom, and courage.

  • Third - Signifying the third generation of a family.

  • Frequently - Representing the idea of being blessed with good fortune and luck.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

冬美香- Fumika -

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means "winter, cold season."

  • Winter - One of the four seasons, from the start of winter to the start of spring, usually from December to February, or from October to December according to the lunar calendar.

Name ideas examples

  • Winter - Symbolizing the season of renewal and hope.

  • Ice - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Snow - Symbolizing purity and innocence.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

史史佳- Fumika -

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means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

富実果- Fumika -

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means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

富美加- Fumika -

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means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

富美花- Fumika -

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means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

富美香- Fumika -

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means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

富聖花- Fumika -

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means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

布美香- Fumika -

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means "cloth, fabric."

  • Cloth - Fabric woven from hemp, ramie, or kuzu.

  • Spread - To lay out or distribute widely.

  • Currency - Ancient currency.

Name ideas examples

  • Cloth - Symbolizing comfort and protection.

  • Spread - Representing the idea of spreading joy and love.

  • Currency - Signifying wealth and abundance.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

文史佳- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

文弥香- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "all the more, increasingly."

  • Extensively - To spread or cover over a wide area.

  • Long - To last for a long time.

  • Distant - To be far away in time or space.

  • Passage Of Time - To mark the passing of time.

  • Mend - To repair or restore something that is damaged or broken.

  • Finally - To come to an end or conclusion.

  • Increasingly - To become more and more.

  • Further - To an even greater degree.

Name ideas examples

  • Eternal - It conveys the idea of something that will last forever and is a reminder of the love and care that parents have for their child.

  • Widely Spread - It conveys the idea of something that is widely known and accepted, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's presence in the world.

  • Long Time - It conveys the idea of something that will last for a long time, and is a reminder of the commitment that parents have to their child.

  • Far Away - It conveys the idea of something that is far away, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's future.

  • Passing Of Time - It conveys the idea of something that is constantly changing, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's growth and development.

  • Repair - It conveys the idea of something that can be fixed, and is a reminder

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

文美香- Fumika -

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means "sentence."

  • Writing - Characters written on paper, books, letters, etc.

  • Learning - Knowledge, arts, culture, etc.

  • Decoration - Color, patterns, etc.

  • Appearance - To make something look good.

  • Letters - Writing letters.

  • Currency - An old unit of currency.

  • Measurement - A unit of measurement for items such as socks and shoes, approximately 2.4 centimeters.

Name ideas examples

  • Writing - To encourage the baby to be a good writer.

  • Learning - To encourage the baby to be a lifelong learner.

  • Decoration - To encourage the baby to be creative and artistic.

  • Appearance - To encourage the baby to be confident and presentable.

  • Letters - To encourage the baby to be a good communicator.

  • Currency - To encourage the baby to be financially responsible.

  • Measurement - To encourage the baby to be precise and accurate.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

楓実花- Fumika -

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means "maple."

  • Maple Tree - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer, typically having lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage.

  • Japanese Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer palmatum, native to Japan and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage.

  • Red Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer rubrum, native to North America and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage and red flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Maple - A strong and resilient tree, symbolizing strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Japanese Maple - A symbol of beauty and grace, representing the beauty and grace of a newborn baby.

  • Red Maple - A symbol of passion and energy, representing the passion and energy of a newborn baby.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

歩実花- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

歩実香- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

歩未架- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

歩未華- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

歩美佳- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

歩美花- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

歩美香- Fumika -

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means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

符壬香- Fumika -

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means "sign, mark, token."

  • Token, Symbol - A sign or mark used to represent something else.

  • Sign, Seal - A mark or impression made to authenticate a document or other object.

  • Omen, Portent - A sign of something about to happen.

  • Evidence, Proof - Something that shows that something else is true or valid.

  • Amulet, Talisman - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Perfectly Matching - To fit together perfectly.

Name ideas examples

  • Token Of Good Luck - A sign or mark used to represent good luck or protection.

  • Sign Of Protection - A mark or impression made to represent protection or safety.

  • Omen Of Success - A sign of something about to happen that will bring success.

  • Evidence Of Love - Something that shows that love is true and valid.

  • Amulet Of Blessing - A charm or object believed to bring blessings and good luck.

  • Perfectly Matching - To represent the perfect match between two people.

means "water, 9th heavenly stem."

  • Ninth - Ninth of the Ten Celestial Stems. Ninth in rank or order.

  • Water In The Five Elements - The Five Elements are a Chinese system of classifying the natural world into five categories

  • North In The Eight Directions - The Eight Directions are a Chinese system of dividing the world into eight cardinal directions

  • Expanding - This refers to the idea that the kanji character 壬 is associated with growth and expansion.

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperity - This kanji symbolizes the ninth of the ten heavenly stems, which is associated with the element of water and the direction of north. This suggests a sense of abundance and growth.

  • Endurance - This kanji also suggests the idea of resilience and perseverance, as it is associated with the element of water and the direction of north. This suggests a strong sense of endurance and determination.

  • Wisdom - This kanji is associated with the element of water and the direction of north, which suggests a sense of wisdom and insight. This could be a suitable name for a baby who is wise beyond their years.

  • Strength - This kanji is associated with the element of water and the direction of north, which suggests a sense of strength and power. This could be a suitable name for a baby who is strong and determined.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙子花- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Name ideas examples

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female - Used as a name for a female.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Adult Male - A respectful title for teachers, masters, and people of high academic or social standing.

  • Philosopher - A person who is knowledgeable in academic studies and their writings or thoughts.

  • Fruit - A seed or fruit, or an animal egg.

  • Small - Something small or fine.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (duke, marquis, count, viscount, and baron).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, representing the north direction and the night time from 12 to 2 o'clock.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

芙実佳- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

芙実果- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

芙実花- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

芙実香- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙弥香- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "all the more, increasingly."

  • Extensively - To spread or cover over a wide area.

  • Long - To last for a long time.

  • Distant - To be far away in time or space.

  • Passage Of Time - To mark the passing of time.

  • Mend - To repair or restore something that is damaged or broken.

  • Finally - To come to an end or conclusion.

  • Increasingly - To become more and more.

  • Further - To an even greater degree.

Name ideas examples

  • Eternal - It conveys the idea of something that will last forever and is a reminder of the love and care that parents have for their child.

  • Widely Spread - It conveys the idea of something that is widely known and accepted, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's presence in the world.

  • Long Time - It conveys the idea of something that will last for a long time, and is a reminder of the commitment that parents have to their child.

  • Far Away - It conveys the idea of something that is far away, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's future.

  • Passing Of Time - It conveys the idea of something that is constantly changing, and is a reminder of the importance of the child's growth and development.

  • Repair - It conveys the idea of something that can be fixed, and is a reminder

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙未花- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

芙未香- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙海伽- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

芙海佳- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

芙海加- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

芙海可- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "allowable, permissible, acceptable."

  • Good. Suitable. - Used to express approval or agreement.

  • Listen. Accept. - Used to indicate that one should listen and accept what is being said.

  • Possible. - Used to express the possibility of something being done.

  • Allowed. - Used to express that something is allowed or permissible.

  • Should. - Used to express that something should be done.

  • Speculation. - Used to express a guess or assumption.

  • Degree. - Used to express the degree or extent of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is suitable for a baby's name. It conveys a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Permissible - This meaning implies that the baby is allowed to do something, which is a great sentiment to give to a child.

  • Possible - This meaning suggests that the baby has the potential to do something, which is a great way to encourage them to reach their goals.

  • Advisable - This meaning implies that the baby should do something, which is a great way to instill a sense of responsibility in them.

  • Presumed - This meaning suggests that the baby is likely to do something, which is a great way to give them confidence in their abilities.

  • Proportional - This meaning implies that the baby is capable of doing something to a certain degree, which is a great way to give them a sense of accomplishment.

芙海果- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

芙海架- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

芙海花- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

芙海香- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙美伽- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "companion, caregiver, helper."

  • Companion - To provide comfort and relief from boredom by being a companion to someone.

  • Caregiver - Taking care of a sick person.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g.伽藍(Architectural structures such as temples where monks reside)

Name ideas examples

  • Comfort - This kanji is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and solace to those in need. It is a perfect name for a baby who will bring joy and comfort to those around them.

  • Care - The kanji also has a meaning of taking care of someone who is ill or in need of assistance. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of care and compassion for those around them.

  • Compassion - The kanji also has a meaning of compassion and understanding. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of understanding and kindness to those around them.

  • Wisdom - The kanji also has a meaning of wisdom and knowledge. This is a great name for a baby who will be a source of wisdom and knowledge to those around them.

芙美佳- Fumika -

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means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

芙美加- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙美加 - Fumika - Copy 芙美加

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

芙美果- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙美果 - Fumika - Copy 芙美果

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fruit, result, effect."

  • Fruit - The fruit of a tree or plant.

  • End - The end of something.

  • Accomplish - To achieve or complete something.

  • Determined - To do something with determination.

  • As Expected - As expected or anticipated.

  • Truly - Really or truly.

  • Finish - To end or die.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruit - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • End - Symbolizing the end of a journey or a new beginning.

  • Accomplish - Symbolizing the ability to achieve one's goals.

  • Determined - Symbolizing strength and perseverance.

  • As Expected - Symbolizing hope and faith.

  • Truly - Symbolizing truth and sincerity.

  • Finish - Symbolizing the completion of a cycle.

芙美花- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙美花 - Fumika - Copy 芙美花

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

芙美郁- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙美郁 - Fumika - Copy 芙美郁

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "luxuriant, abundant, elegant."

  • Fragrant - Having a strong, pleasant smell.

  • Warm - Having a pleasant, comforting temperature.

  • Cultured - Having a strong cultural presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrant - A name that evokes a pleasant, sweet smell.

  • Warm - A name that conveys a feeling of comfort and warmth.

  • Cultured - A name that reflects a strong cultural heritage.

芙美香- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙美香 - Fumika - Copy 芙美香

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

芙聖花- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share芙聖花 - Fumika - Copy 芙聖花

means "lotus, hibiscus, or a woman's name."

  • Lotus - A type of flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Purity - The lotus flower is often associated with purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - The lotus flower is known for its beauty and grace.

  • Strength - The lotus flower is a symbol of strength and resilience.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

風未架- Fumika -

Add to First Names Favorites Share風未架 - Fumika - Copy 風未架

means "wind."

  • Wind - A flow of air.

  • Custom - A tradition or habit.

  • Appearance - A form or look.

  • Movement - The state of affairs in the world.

  • Taste - A feeling or atmosphere.

  • Illness - The name of a sickness.

  • Blown By The Wind - To be affected by the wind.

  • Blowing Of The Wind - The action of the wind blowing.

  • Teach - To instruct or influence.

  • Suggest - To hint or imply something without directly saying it, and to have an effect on someone through words or actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Wind - A symbol of strength, resilience, and freedom.

  • Flow - Representing the natural flow of life and the journey of life.

  • Custom - A reminder to follow traditions and values.

  • Movement - Representing the ever-changing nature of life and the need to adapt.

  • Taste - Representing the unique flavor of life and the joy of living.

  • Illness - Representing the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Blown By The Wind - Representing the power of nature and the need to go with the flow.

  • Teach - Representing the importance of learning and knowledge.

  • Influence - Representing the power of words and actions.

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

風未花- Fumika -

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means "wind."

  • Wind - A flow of air.

  • Custom - A tradition or habit.

  • Appearance - A form or look.

  • Movement - The state of affairs in the world.

  • Taste - A feeling or atmosphere.

  • Illness - The name of a sickness.

  • Blown By The Wind - To be affected by the wind.

  • Blowing Of The Wind - The action of the wind blowing.

  • Teach - To instruct or influence.

  • Suggest - To hint or imply something without directly saying it, and to have an effect on someone through words or actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Wind - A symbol of strength, resilience, and freedom.

  • Flow - Representing the natural flow of life and the journey of life.

  • Custom - A reminder to follow traditions and values.

  • Movement - Representing the ever-changing nature of life and the need to adapt.

  • Taste - Representing the unique flavor of life and the joy of living.

  • Illness - Representing the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Blown By The Wind - Representing the power of nature and the need to go with the flow.

  • Teach - Representing the importance of learning and knowledge.

  • Influence - Representing the power of words and actions.

means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

風水佳- Fumika -

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means "wind."

  • Wind - A flow of air.

  • Custom - A tradition or habit.

  • Appearance - A form or look.

  • Movement - The state of affairs in the world.

  • Taste - A feeling or atmosphere.

  • Illness - The name of a sickness.

  • Blown By The Wind - To be affected by the wind.

  • Blowing Of The Wind - The action of the wind blowing.

  • Teach - To instruct or influence.

  • Suggest - To hint or imply something without directly saying it, and to have an effect on someone through words or actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Wind - A symbol of strength, resilience, and freedom.

  • Flow - Representing the natural flow of life and the journey of life.

  • Custom - A reminder to follow traditions and values.

  • Movement - Representing the ever-changing nature of life and the need to adapt.

  • Taste - Representing the unique flavor of life and the joy of living.

  • Illness - Representing the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Blown By The Wind - Representing the power of nature and the need to go with the flow.

  • Teach - Representing the importance of learning and knowledge.

  • Influence - Representing the power of words and actions.

means "water, fluid, liquid."

  • Water - A transparent liquid.

  • Rivers, swamps, lakes, and seas.

  • Drawing water and doing water work.

  • One of the five elements, north in direction, and black in color.

  • Wednesday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Obstruction and hindrance. e.g. blocking water.

Name ideas examples

  • Water - This is a symbol of purity and life, and is a great name for a baby. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • River - This is a strong and powerful name, and is associated with the flow of life. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Marsh - This is a name that is associated with nature and the environment. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Lake - This is a name that is associated with tranquility and peace. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Sea - This is a name that is associated with vastness and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Draw Water - This is a name that is associated with hard work and perseverance. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Five Elements - This is a name that is associated with balance and harmony. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • North - This is a name that is associated with strength and stability. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Black - This is a name that is associated with mystery and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Wednesday - This is a name that is associated with communication and understanding. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

風水花- Fumika -

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means "wind."

  • Wind - A flow of air.

  • Custom - A tradition or habit.

  • Appearance - A form or look.

  • Movement - The state of affairs in the world.

  • Taste - A feeling or atmosphere.

  • Illness - The name of a sickness.

  • Blown By The Wind - To be affected by the wind.

  • Blowing Of The Wind - The action of the wind blowing.

  • Teach - To instruct or influence.

  • Suggest - To hint or imply something without directly saying it, and to have an effect on someone through words or actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Wind - A symbol of strength, resilience, and freedom.

  • Flow - Representing the natural flow of life and the journey of life.

  • Custom - A reminder to follow traditions and values.

  • Movement - Representing the ever-changing nature of life and the need to adapt.

  • Taste - Representing the unique flavor of life and the joy of living.

  • Illness - Representing the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Blown By The Wind - Representing the power of nature and the need to go with the flow.

  • Teach - Representing the importance of learning and knowledge.

  • Influence - Representing the power of words and actions.

means "water, fluid, liquid."

  • Water - A transparent liquid.

  • Rivers, swamps, lakes, and seas.

  • Drawing water and doing water work.

  • One of the five elements, north in direction, and black in color.

  • Wednesday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Obstruction and hindrance. e.g. blocking water.

Name ideas examples

  • Water - This is a symbol of purity and life, and is a great name for a baby. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • River - This is a strong and powerful name, and is associated with the flow of life. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Marsh - This is a name that is associated with nature and the environment. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Lake - This is a name that is associated with tranquility and peace. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Sea - This is a name that is associated with vastness and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Draw Water - This is a name that is associated with hard work and perseverance. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Five Elements - This is a name that is associated with balance and harmony. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • North - This is a name that is associated with strength and stability. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Black - This is a name that is associated with mystery and power. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

  • Wednesday - This is a name that is associated with communication and understanding. It is also associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, and creativity.

means "flower."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.

  • Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.

  • Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.

  • Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."

風美香- Fumika -

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means "wind."

  • Wind - A flow of air.

  • Custom - A tradition or habit.

  • Appearance - A form or look.

  • Movement - The state of affairs in the world.

  • Taste - A feeling or atmosphere.

  • Illness - The name of a sickness.

  • Blown By The Wind - To be affected by the wind.

  • Blowing Of The Wind - The action of the wind blowing.

  • Teach - To instruct or influence.

  • Suggest - To hint or imply something without directly saying it, and to have an effect on someone through words or actions.

Name ideas examples

  • Wind - A symbol of strength, resilience, and freedom.

  • Flow - Representing the natural flow of life and the journey of life.

  • Custom - A reminder to follow traditions and values.

  • Movement - Representing the ever-changing nature of life and the need to adapt.

  • Taste - Representing the unique flavor of life and the joy of living.

  • Illness - Representing the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Blown By The Wind - Representing the power of nature and the need to go with the flow.

  • Teach - Representing the importance of learning and knowledge.

  • Influence - Representing the power of words and actions.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance, Scent, Aroma - This kanji that evokes a pleasant smell, such as a flower or a spice.

  • Appealing - This kanji that suggests something attractive, such as a beautiful flower or a melodious sound.

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