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Japanese boy(male) name Genroku
Click to speech げんろくAdd to First Name FavoritesShare this page Copy Genroku

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:げんろく
  • Katakanatip:ゲンロク
  • English transcriptionstip:Genroku
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Genchan(げんちゃん)Click to speech げんちゃんRokuchan( ろくちゃん)Click to speech  ろくちゃんGenkikun( げんきくん)Click to speech  げんきくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Genroku," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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源禄- Genroku -

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means "source, origin."

  • Origin - The source from which a stream of water flows

  • Search - To ask

  • Genji - A reference to the Genji clan.

Name ideas examples

  • Origin - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of something new and special.

  • Search - This kanji that symbolizes the search for knowledge and understanding.

  • Genji - This kanji that symbolizes the strength and courage of the Genji clan.

means "stipend, salary, allowance."

  • Blessing - A blessing from the heavens, the grace of God.

  • Salary - The salary of a government official.

  • Fortune - Good fortune, luck, and prosperity.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - This kanji that conveys the blessing of God and the heavens, a reminder of the grace and protection of the divine.

  • Fortune - This kanji that symbolizes good luck and prosperity, a reminder of the abundance of blessings that life can bring.

  • Prosperity - This kanji that conveys the idea of abundance and success, a reminder of the potential for growth and success in life.

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Names that have the same gender and start with G.

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