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Japanese boy(male) name Heisei
Click to speech へいせいAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Heisei

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:へいせい
  • Katakanatip:ヘイセイ
  • English transcriptionstip:Heisei
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Heichan(へいちゃん)Click to speech へいちゃんSeikun(せいくん)Click to speech せいくんSeichan(せいちゃん)Click to speech せいちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 4 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Heisei," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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開祐- Heisei -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

平晴- Heisei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share平晴 - Heisei - Copy 平晴

means "flat, even, level."

Name ideas examples

  • Calm, Peaceful - Suggesting a peaceful and tranquil life for the baby.

  • Level, Calm, Rule - Suggesting a life of balance and order for the baby.

  • Ordinary, Normal - Suggesting a life of simplicity and normality for the baby.

means "clear, fine, serene."

  • Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.

  • Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.

  • Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - To symbolize a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

  • Clear - To symbolize a life free of obstacles and difficulties.

平聖- Heisei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share平聖 - Heisei - Copy 平聖

means "flat, even, level."

Name ideas examples

  • Calm, Peaceful - Suggesting a peaceful and tranquil life for the baby.

  • Level, Calm, Rule - Suggesting a life of balance and order for the baby.

  • Ordinary, Normal - Suggesting a life of simplicity and normality for the baby.

means "holy, sacred."

Name ideas examples

  • Sacred - It implies that the child is special and has a spiritual connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Wise - It implies intelligence and knowledge, which are important qualities for a child to have.

  • Intelligent - It implies that the child is capable of understanding and learning.

  • Noble - It implies that the child is of high status and has a strong sense of honor and integrity.

  • Pure - It implies that the child is innocent and untainted by the world.

平誠- Heisei -

Add to First Names Favorites Share平誠 - Heisei - Copy 平誠

means "flat, even, level."

Name ideas examples

  • Calm, Peaceful - Suggesting a peaceful and tranquil life for the baby.

  • Level, Calm, Rule - Suggesting a life of balance and order for the baby.

  • Ordinary, Normal - Suggesting a life of simplicity and normality for the baby.

means "sincerity, honesty, truthfulness."

  • Truth, Honesty - Being truthful and honest in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Showing genuine care and concern for others.

  • Fact, Reality - Accepting and acknowledging the facts and reality of a situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Truthful - This kanji implies that the baby will be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Honesty - Encouraging the baby to be honest and truthful in all aspects of life.

  • Sincerity - Nurturing the baby to show genuine care and concern for others.

  • Reality - Teaching the baby to accept and acknowledge the facts and reality of a situation.

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