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Japanese boy(male) name Hyougo
Click to speech ひょうごAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Hyougo

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:ひょうご
  • Katakanatip:ヒョウゴ
  • English transcriptionstip:Hyogo
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Hyouchan(ひょうちゃん)Click to speech ひょうちゃんGocchan(ごっちゃん)Click to speech ごっちゃんHyougokun(ひょうごくん)Click to speech ひょうごくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 13 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Hyougo," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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兵吾- Hyougo -

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means "soldier, warrior, military personnel."

  • War - A state of armed conflict between different nations or states, or different groups within a nation or state.

  • Combat - A hostile encounter between opposing military forces in which each side seeks to defeat or gain an advantage over the other.

  • Warrior - A person who is experienced in or capable of engaging in combat.

  • Soldier - A member of a country's armed forces who is trained and equipped to fight on land.

  • Weapon - An instrument or device used to inflict harm or damage on another person or object.

  • Arms - Weapons used in warfare, such as guns, missiles, and tanks.

Name ideas examples

  • Warrior - It conveys strength and courage. It is also a reminder of the importance of protecting and defending one's family and loved ones.

  • Soldier - It conveys a sense of duty and loyalty. It is also a reminder of the importance of serving one's country and protecting its citizens.

  • Weapon - It conveys a sense of power and strength. It is also a reminder of the importance of using one's strength and power for good and not for evil.

  • Fighter - It conveys a sense of determination and perseverance. It is also a reminder of the importance of never giving up and always striving to achieve one's goals.

  • Army - It conveys a sense of unity and solidarity. It is also a reminder of the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

means "i, me, myself."

  • I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.

  • A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".

  • To protect/defend.

Name ideas examples

  • Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.

  • Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.

兵庫- Hyougo -

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means "soldier, warrior, military personnel."

  • War - A state of armed conflict between different nations or states, or different groups within a nation or state.

  • Combat - A hostile encounter between opposing military forces in which each side seeks to defeat or gain an advantage over the other.

  • Warrior - A person who is experienced in or capable of engaging in combat.

  • Soldier - A member of a country's armed forces who is trained and equipped to fight on land.

  • Weapon - An instrument or device used to inflict harm or damage on another person or object.

  • Arms - Weapons used in warfare, such as guns, missiles, and tanks.

Name ideas examples

  • Warrior - It conveys strength and courage. It is also a reminder of the importance of protecting and defending one's family and loved ones.

  • Soldier - It conveys a sense of duty and loyalty. It is also a reminder of the importance of serving one's country and protecting its citizens.

  • Weapon - It conveys a sense of power and strength. It is also a reminder of the importance of using one's strength and power for good and not for evil.

  • Fighter - It conveys a sense of determination and perseverance. It is also a reminder of the importance of never giving up and always striving to achieve one's goals.

  • Army - It conveys a sense of unity and solidarity. It is also a reminder of the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

means "warehouse, storehouse, repository."

  • Warehouse - A building used to store weapons, military vehicles, and other items.

  • Storehouse - A building used to store goods and materials.

Name ideas examples

  • Security - This kanji symbolizes safety and security, suggesting that the baby will be protected and taken care of.

  • Resourcefulness - This kanji suggests that the baby will be resourceful and able to make use of the resources available to them.

  • Abundance - This kanji suggests that the baby will have an abundance of resources and will be able to make the most of them.

兵悟- Hyougo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share兵悟 - Hyougo - Copy 兵悟

means "soldier, warrior, military personnel."

  • War - A state of armed conflict between different nations or states, or different groups within a nation or state.

  • Combat - A hostile encounter between opposing military forces in which each side seeks to defeat or gain an advantage over the other.

  • Warrior - A person who is experienced in or capable of engaging in combat.

  • Soldier - A member of a country's armed forces who is trained and equipped to fight on land.

  • Weapon - An instrument or device used to inflict harm or damage on another person or object.

  • Arms - Weapons used in warfare, such as guns, missiles, and tanks.

Name ideas examples

  • Warrior - It conveys strength and courage. It is also a reminder of the importance of protecting and defending one's family and loved ones.

  • Soldier - It conveys a sense of duty and loyalty. It is also a reminder of the importance of serving one's country and protecting its citizens.

  • Weapon - It conveys a sense of power and strength. It is also a reminder of the importance of using one's strength and power for good and not for evil.

  • Fighter - It conveys a sense of determination and perseverance. It is also a reminder of the importance of never giving up and always striving to achieve one's goals.

  • Army - It conveys a sense of unity and solidarity. It is also a reminder of the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

means "enlightenment, realization."

  • To understand something clearly.

  • To awaken from confusion.

  • To wake up from sleep.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightenment - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

  • Awakening - This kanji implies that the child will be able to wake up from any confusion or difficulty and find clarity.

  • Clarity - This kanji implies that the child will be able to see things clearly and make wise decisions.

  • Insight - This kanji implies that the child will be able to gain insight into the world around them and make wise decisions.

  • Wisdom - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

彪伍- Hyougo -

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means "a pattern resembling a tiger's stripes."

  • Spot, Stripe - A pattern of spots or stripes resembling the fur of a tiger.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern.

Name ideas examples

  • Stripe - A pattern of stripes that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern that symbolizes creativity and beauty.

means "five, troops, company, associate, accompany."

  • Line Or Formation - Refers to a line or formation of people or things.

  • Group - Refers to a group of people or things.

  • To Join A Group - Refers to joining a group of people or things.

  • A Large Character Used Instead Of Five - Refers to a large character used instead of five in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Five - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Group - It symbolizes unity and togetherness. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

  • Agreement - It implies that the baby will be part of a contract or agreement that will bring good fortune and luck. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

  • Protection - It implies that the baby will be protected and safe. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

彪吾- Hyougo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share彪吾 - Hyougo - Copy 彪吾

means "a pattern resembling a tiger's stripes."

  • Spot, Stripe - A pattern of spots or stripes resembling the fur of a tiger.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern.

Name ideas examples

  • Stripe - A pattern of stripes that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern that symbolizes creativity and beauty.

means "i, me, myself."

  • I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.

  • A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".

  • To protect/defend.

Name ideas examples

  • Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.

  • Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.

彪悟- Hyougo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share彪悟 - Hyougo - Copy 彪悟

means "a pattern resembling a tiger's stripes."

  • Spot, Stripe - A pattern of spots or stripes resembling the fur of a tiger.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern.

Name ideas examples

  • Stripe - A pattern of stripes that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern that symbolizes creativity and beauty.

means "enlightenment, realization."

  • To understand something clearly.

  • To awaken from confusion.

  • To wake up from sleep.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightenment - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

  • Awakening - This kanji implies that the child will be able to wake up from any confusion or difficulty and find clarity.

  • Clarity - This kanji implies that the child will be able to see things clearly and make wise decisions.

  • Insight - This kanji implies that the child will be able to gain insight into the world around them and make wise decisions.

  • Wisdom - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

豹五- Hyougo -

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means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "five."

Name ideas examples

  • Five - It is the number five. It can be used to represent the fifth child in a family, or to signify a special connection to the number five.

  • Five Times - This meaning of the kanji 五 can be used to represent the fifth time something has happened, or to signify a special connection to the number five.

  • Five Degrees - This meaning of the kanji 五 can be used to represent the fifth degree of something, or to signify a special connection to the number five.

豹伍- Hyougo -

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means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "five, troops, company, associate, accompany."

  • Line Or Formation - Refers to a line or formation of people or things.

  • Group - Refers to a group of people or things.

  • To Join A Group - Refers to joining a group of people or things.

  • A Large Character Used Instead Of Five - Refers to a large character used instead of five in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Five - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Group - It symbolizes unity and togetherness. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

  • Agreement - It implies that the baby will be part of a contract or agreement that will bring good fortune and luck. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

  • Protection - It implies that the baby will be protected and safe. It also implies that the baby will be part of a larger community.

豹午- Hyougo -

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means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "noon."

  • Midday - The time of day between morning and afternoon.

  • Horse - The seventh of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.

  • South - One of the four cardinal directions.

  • Noon - The twelfth hour of the day, and the two hours before and after it.

Name ideas examples

  • Horse - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it is a symbol of strength, courage, and loyalty.

  • Noon - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it symbolizes the start of a new day and the potential for a bright future.

  • South - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it symbolizes the direction of progress and growth.

  • 12 O'clock - This is a suitable meaning for naming a baby because it symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle and the potential for a bright future.

豹吾- Hyougo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share豹吾 - Hyougo - Copy 豹吾

means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "i, me, myself."

  • I, Me, Myself - A first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself.

  • A term used when addressing close friends, such as "吾子(ako)" or "吾兄(ase)".

  • To protect/defend.

Name ideas examples

  • Self - This kanji that conveys the idea of self-confidence and independence.

  • Protection - This kanji that conveys the idea of protection and defense.

豹呉- Hyougo -

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means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "to give, to offer, to bestow."

  • Wu - An ancient Chinese country

  • Give - To provide or present something to someone else

Name ideas examples

  • Gift - It implies that the child is a blessing and a gift from God.

豹悟- Hyougo -

Add to First Names Favorites Share豹悟 - Hyougo - Copy 豹悟

means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "enlightenment, realization."

  • To understand something clearly.

  • To awaken from confusion.

  • To wake up from sleep.

Name ideas examples

  • Enlightenment - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

  • Awakening - This kanji implies that the child will be able to wake up from any confusion or difficulty and find clarity.

  • Clarity - This kanji implies that the child will be able to see things clearly and make wise decisions.

  • Insight - This kanji implies that the child will be able to gain insight into the world around them and make wise decisions.

  • Wisdom - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to gain insight and understanding of the world around them.

豹護- Hyougo -

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means "leopard, panther."

  • Leopard - A slightly smaller and fierce animal similar to a tiger.

Name ideas examples

  • Courageous - A leopard is a fierce animal, so it could be used to symbolize courage and strength.

  • Wild - The leopard is a wild animal, so it could be used to symbolize a wild and untamed spirit.

  • Strength - The leopard is a powerful animal, so it could be used to symbolize strength and power.

means "protection, safeguard, defend."

  • Protect - To guard, shield, or defend from harm.

  • Lead - To guide or direct in a course of action.

  • Govern - To exercise authority over

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

Name ideas examples

  • Protection - A feeling of safety and security, of being shielded from harm.

  • Guidance - To provide direction and support in making decisions.

  • Authority - To have the power to make decisions and enforce them.

  • Luck - To bring good fortune and success.

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