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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!
This name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
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In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Itoha," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
巴 means "tomoe - comma-shaped design used in Japanese art and architecture."
Swirl - A shape resembling a swirl.
Giant Snake - A legendary giant snake that can even swallow an elephant.
Place Name - An area centered around the current Chongqing City in Sichuan Province.
Pattern - A pattern drawn on a bow (a tool to prevent the left elbow from touching the string when shooting a bow).
Swirl - A symbol of energy and movement, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.
Giant Snake - A symbol of strength and power, representing the potential of a baby to become a powerful leader.
Place Name - A symbol of stability and security, representing the potential of a baby to find a safe and secure home.
Pattern - A symbol of creativity and artistry, representing the potential of a baby to create and express themselves.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
晴 means "clear, fine, serene."
Clear - Describes a sky with no clouds, or a day with good weather.
Bright - Describes a cheerful atmosphere or outlook.
Resolve - To solve a problem or difficulty.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
芭 means "used by a name of plant."
Basho - A perennial plant of the Basho(芭蕉) family.
Growth - The banana plant symbolizes growth and resilience, making it a great name for a baby.
Strength - The banana plant is a strong and resilient plant, making it a great name for a baby that will grow up to be strong and resilient.
Longevity - The banana plant is a perennial plant, symbolizing longevity and endurance, making it a great name for a baby that will have a long and healthy life.
糸 means "thread, yarn."
Thread - A long and thin object, like a thread.
Stringed Instrument - An instrument strung with thread.
Unit - One ten-thousandth of a unit. Also, a small amount.
Faint - Small. Little. Fine.
Thread - It symbolizes the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
String Instrument - It symbolizes the joy and beauty of music, which can bring people together.
Unit - It symbolizes the importance of precision and accuracy in life.
Thread Line - It symbolizes the importance of staying focused and on track in life.
Faint - It symbolizes the importance of being humble and not taking anything for granted.
Small Amount - It symbolizes the importance of cherishing every moment and not taking anything for granted.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
糸 means "thread, yarn."
Thread - A long and thin object, like a thread.
Stringed Instrument - An instrument strung with thread.
Unit - One ten-thousandth of a unit. Also, a small amount.
Faint - Small. Little. Fine.
Thread - It symbolizes the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
String Instrument - It symbolizes the joy and beauty of music, which can bring people together.
Unit - It symbolizes the importance of precision and accuracy in life.
Thread Line - It symbolizes the importance of staying focused and on track in life.
Faint - It symbolizes the importance of being humble and not taking anything for granted.
Small Amount - It symbolizes the importance of cherishing every moment and not taking anything for granted.
芭 means "used by a name of plant."
Basho - A perennial plant of the Basho(芭蕉) family.
Growth - The banana plant symbolizes growth and resilience, making it a great name for a baby.
Strength - The banana plant is a strong and resilient plant, making it a great name for a baby that will grow up to be strong and resilient.
Longevity - The banana plant is a perennial plant, symbolizing longevity and endurance, making it a great name for a baby that will have a long and healthy life.
糸 means "thread, yarn."
Thread - A long and thin object, like a thread.
Stringed Instrument - An instrument strung with thread.
Unit - One ten-thousandth of a unit. Also, a small amount.
Faint - Small. Little. Fine.
Thread - It symbolizes the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
String Instrument - It symbolizes the joy and beauty of music, which can bring people together.
Unit - It symbolizes the importance of precision and accuracy in life.
Thread Line - It symbolizes the importance of staying focused and on track in life.
Faint - It symbolizes the importance of being humble and not taking anything for granted.
Small Amount - It symbolizes the importance of cherishing every moment and not taking anything for granted.
華 means "flower, splendor, brilliance."
Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.
Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.
Color - Colorful, vivid.
White - White hair.
China - Self-proclaimed name of China.
糸 means "thread, yarn."
Thread - A long and thin object, like a thread.
Stringed Instrument - An instrument strung with thread.
Unit - One ten-thousandth of a unit. Also, a small amount.
Faint - Small. Little. Fine.
Thread - It symbolizes the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
String Instrument - It symbolizes the joy and beauty of music, which can bring people together.
Unit - It symbolizes the importance of precision and accuracy in life.
Thread Line - It symbolizes the importance of staying focused and on track in life.
Faint - It symbolizes the importance of being humble and not taking anything for granted.
Small Amount - It symbolizes the importance of cherishing every moment and not taking anything for granted.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
純 means "pure, genuine, unmixed."
Pure - Unmixed, without adulteration, free from deceit or corruption, unadorned.
Solely - Exclusively, single-mindedly.
Splendid - Beautiful, good, great.
Bond - Connection, relationship.
Wrap - Envelop, bundle.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
純 means "pure, genuine, unmixed."
Pure - Unmixed, without adulteration, free from deceit or corruption, unadorned.
Solely - Exclusively, single-mindedly.
Splendid - Beautiful, good, great.
Bond - Connection, relationship.
Wrap - Envelop, bundle.
花 means "flower."
Flower - A general term for flowers of plants and trees.
Something Shaped Like A Flower - Something shaped like a flower.
Blurring Of The Eyes - A feeling of being dazed or confused.
Glare - A feeling of being dazzled.
Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.
Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.
Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."
純 means "pure, genuine, unmixed."
Pure - Unmixed, without adulteration, free from deceit or corruption, unadorned.
Solely - Exclusively, single-mindedly.
Splendid - Beautiful, good, great.
Bond - Connection, relationship.
Wrap - Envelop, bundle.
華 means "flower, splendor, brilliance."
Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.
Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.
Color - Colorful, vivid.
White - White hair.
China - Self-proclaimed name of China.
純 means "pure, genuine, unmixed."
Pure - Unmixed, without adulteration, free from deceit or corruption, unadorned.
Solely - Exclusively, single-mindedly.
Splendid - Beautiful, good, great.
Bond - Connection, relationship.
Wrap - Envelop, bundle.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
巴 means "tomoe - comma-shaped design used in Japanese art and architecture."
Swirl - A shape resembling a swirl.
Giant Snake - A legendary giant snake that can even swallow an elephant.
Place Name - An area centered around the current Chongqing City in Sichuan Province.
Pattern - A pattern drawn on a bow (a tool to prevent the left elbow from touching the string when shooting a bow).
Swirl - A symbol of energy and movement, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.
Giant Snake - A symbol of strength and power, representing the potential of a baby to become a powerful leader.
Place Name - A symbol of stability and security, representing the potential of a baby to find a safe and secure home.
Pattern - A symbol of creativity and artistry, representing the potential of a baby to create and express themselves.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
春 means "spring, season of growth and renewal."
Spring - One of the four seasons, from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, usually from March to May. In the lunar calendar, it is from January to March.
Age - Adolescence.
Passion - Sexual desire between men and women.
Spring - A symbol of new beginnings, freshness, and growth.
Adolescence - A reminder of the joys of youth and the importance of cherishing life.
Passion - A reminder of the importance of living life with passion and purpose.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
琶 means "biwa (a Japanese lute)."
The kanji 琶 is used to refer to a type of stringed instrument called the biwa(琵琶).
Harmony - This kanji symbolizes harmony, which is an important quality for a baby to have. It can also represent the harmony between parents and their child.
Music - The kanji is associated with the musical instrument, the biwa, which is a type of lute. This kanji could be used to represent a love of music or a musical talent.
Peace - The kanji can also represent peace, which is a desirable quality for a baby to have. It can also represent the peace that a baby brings to a family.
Joy - The kanji can also represent joy, which is a desirable quality for a baby to have. It can also represent the joy that a baby brings to a family.
絃 means "string, cord, wire."
Thread - A thin strand of material used to make or repair items.
Strings - Strings used to play stringed instruments.
Stringed Instruments - A general term for instruments that use strings.
Playing Stringed Instruments - The act of playing a stringed instrument.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.
Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.
芭 means "used by a name of plant."
Basho - A perennial plant of the Basho(芭蕉) family.
Growth - The banana plant symbolizes growth and resilience, making it a great name for a baby.
Strength - The banana plant is a strong and resilient plant, making it a great name for a baby that will grow up to be strong and resilient.
Longevity - The banana plant is a perennial plant, symbolizing longevity and endurance, making it a great name for a baby that will have a long and healthy life.
綸 means "thread, silk, texture."
Thread - A thick thread used for fishing or for stringed instruments.
Govern - To rule or manage.
Obi - A sash or belt, usually blue in color.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Govern - Representing the power of the individual to make their own decisions and take control of their own life.
Obi - Representing the importance of tradition and the passing down of values from one generation to the next.
Imperial Edict - Representing the importance of respect and obedience to authority.
巴 means "tomoe - comma-shaped design used in Japanese art and architecture."
Swirl - A shape resembling a swirl.
Giant Snake - A legendary giant snake that can even swallow an elephant.
Place Name - An area centered around the current Chongqing City in Sichuan Province.
Pattern - A pattern drawn on a bow (a tool to prevent the left elbow from touching the string when shooting a bow).
Swirl - A symbol of energy and movement, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.
Giant Snake - A symbol of strength and power, representing the potential of a baby to become a powerful leader.
Place Name - A symbol of stability and security, representing the potential of a baby to find a safe and secure home.
Pattern - A symbol of creativity and artistry, representing the potential of a baby to create and express themselves.
綸 means "thread, silk, texture."
Thread - A thick thread used for fishing or for stringed instruments.
Govern - To rule or manage.
Obi - A sash or belt, usually blue in color.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Govern - Representing the power of the individual to make their own decisions and take control of their own life.
Obi - Representing the importance of tradition and the passing down of values from one generation to the next.
Imperial Edict - Representing the importance of respect and obedience to authority.
芭 means "used by a name of plant."
Basho - A perennial plant of the Basho(芭蕉) family.
Growth - The banana plant symbolizes growth and resilience, making it a great name for a baby.
Strength - The banana plant is a strong and resilient plant, making it a great name for a baby that will grow up to be strong and resilient.
Longevity - The banana plant is a perennial plant, symbolizing longevity and endurance, making it a great name for a baby that will have a long and healthy life.
綸 means "thread, silk, texture."
Thread - A thick thread used for fishing or for stringed instruments.
Govern - To rule or manage.
Obi - A sash or belt, usually blue in color.
Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.
Govern - Representing the power of the individual to make their own decisions and take control of their own life.
Obi - Representing the importance of tradition and the passing down of values from one generation to the next.
Imperial Edict - Representing the importance of respect and obedience to authority.
花 means "flower."
Flower - A general term for flowers of plants and trees.
Something Shaped Like A Flower - Something shaped like a flower.
Blurring Of The Eyes - A feeling of being dazed or confused.
Glare - A feeling of being dazzled.
Beautiful - This is a perfect name for a baby, as it symbolizes beauty and elegance. It is also a reminder of the beauty of nature, which is something that all parents want their children to appreciate.
Popular - This is a great name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be popular and well-liked. It is also a reminder of the importance of being liked and accepted by others.
Flower - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Blooming - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the joy of life and the beauty of nature. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life.
Radiant - This is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes the beauty of nature and the joy of life. It is also a reminder of the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature and the joy of life."
緒 means "beginning, end, thread, cord, strap."
Beginning - The start or origin of something.
Thread - The end or tip of a thread.
Continuity - A connection or series of events.
Heart - A feeling or emotion.
Cord - A long, continuous thing.
Beginning - This kanji that symbolizes the start of a new life.
Thread - This kanji that symbolizes the connection between the baby and their family.
Continuity - This kanji that symbolizes the continuation of a family line.
Heart - This kanji that symbolizes the love and emotion of the family.
Cord - This kanji that symbolizes the bond between the baby and their family.
巴 means "tomoe - comma-shaped design used in Japanese art and architecture."
Swirl - A shape resembling a swirl.
Giant Snake - A legendary giant snake that can even swallow an elephant.
Place Name - An area centered around the current Chongqing City in Sichuan Province.
Pattern - A pattern drawn on a bow (a tool to prevent the left elbow from touching the string when shooting a bow).
Swirl - A symbol of energy and movement, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.
Giant Snake - A symbol of strength and power, representing the potential of a baby to become a powerful leader.
Place Name - A symbol of stability and security, representing the potential of a baby to find a safe and secure home.
Pattern - A symbol of creativity and artistry, representing the potential of a baby to create and express themselves.
い is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.
と is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.
華 means "flower, splendor, brilliance."
Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.
Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.
Color - Colorful, vivid.
White - White hair.
China - Self-proclaimed name of China.
い is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.
と is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
依 means "dependent, rely on, trust in."
Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.
Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.
Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.
As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.
Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.
Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.
Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.
Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.
Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.
都 means "city, capital."
Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.
Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.
To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.
Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.
Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.
To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.
To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.
Everything - Refers to all things or all people.
Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.
Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.
Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.
Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.
Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.
Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.
Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
依 means "dependent, rely on, trust in."
Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.
Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.
Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.
As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.
Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.
Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.
Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.
Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.
Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.
都 means "city, capital."
Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.
Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.
To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.
Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.
Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.
To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.
To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.
Everything - Refers to all things or all people.
Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.
Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.
Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.
Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.
Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.
Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.
Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
泉 means "spring, fountain, well."
Spring - Water that flows from the ground.
Source - Water source.
Afterlife - The world after death. Heaven.
Currency - Money.
Spring - A symbol of life and renewal, a reminder of the beauty of nature.
Source - A reminder of the importance of having a strong foundation and a reliable source of support.
Afterlife - A reminder of the importance of living life to the fullest and cherishing the time we have.
Currency - A reminder of the importance of having financial stability and security.
都 means "city, capital."
Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.
Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.
To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.
Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.
Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.
To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.
To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.
Everything - Refers to all things or all people.
Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.
Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.
Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.
Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.
Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.
Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.
Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
衣 means "clothing, garment."
Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.
Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.
To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.
To Perform - To act or do something.
都 means "city, capital."
Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.
Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.
To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.
Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.
Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.
To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.
To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.
Everything - Refers to all things or all people.
Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.
Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.
Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.
Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.
Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.
Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.
Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.
葉 means "leaf, blade of a plant."
Leaf - A thin and flat object, like a leaf of a plant or tree.
Sheet - A piece of paper or other material.
Parting - The end of something.
Era - A period of time.
衣 means "clothing, garment."
Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.
Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.
To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.
To Perform - To act or do something.
音 means "sound, noise."
Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.
Verse - A song or piece of music.
News - A visit or message.
Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.
Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.
Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.
News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.
Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.
羽 means "feather, wing."
Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.
Bird - A bird or other avian species.
Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.
Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.
Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.
Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.
Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.
Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.
Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.
Names that have the same gender and start with I.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names