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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
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Japanese boy(male) nameJapanese unisex name Kaito
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  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:かいと
  • Katakanatip:カイト
  • English transcriptionstip:Kaito
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Kaichan(かいちゃん)Click to speech かいちゃんTocchan(とっちゃん)Click to speech とっちゃんKaikun(かいくん)Click to speech かいくん

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
For females, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 170 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Kaito," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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快仁- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

奏海- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share奏海 - Kaito - Copy 奏海

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

快飛- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share快飛 - Kaito - Copy 快飛

means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "fly, jump, leap."

  • Fly - To move through the air like a bird. To move quickly.

  • High - To be located in a high place.

  • Unfounded - Without evidence or basis.

  • Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in the Japanese game of Shogi, the Flying Chariot.

Name ideas examples

  • Fly - To symbolize freedom, ambition, and the ability to reach one's goals.

  • High - To symbolize reaching great heights and achieving success.

  • Unfounded - To symbolize the courage to stand up for one's beliefs and to be independent.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

海人- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海人 - Kaito - Copy 海人

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

快杜- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share快杜 - Kaito - Copy 快杜

means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "forest, grove, woods."

  • Forest - A place where trees are densely packed. Also, a forest surrounding a shrine.

  • A deciduous tree of the rose family.

  • Close - To be depressed. To shut.

Name ideas examples

  • Forest - This kanji implies a sense of nature and tranquility, suggesting that the child will be surrounded by beauty and peace.

  • Shrine - This kanji implies a sense of spirituality and reverence, suggesting that the child will be blessed with divine protection.

  • Depress - This kanji implies a sense of sadness and despair, suggesting that the child will be able to overcome difficult times.

  • Bush - This kanji implies a sense of strength and resilience, suggesting that the child will be able to withstand any challenge.

  • Close - This kanji implies a sense of closure and security, suggesting that the child will be protected and safe.

海飛- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海飛 - Kaito - Copy 海飛

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "fly, jump, leap."

  • Fly - To move through the air like a bird. To move quickly.

  • High - To be located in a high place.

  • Unfounded - Without evidence or basis.

  • Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in the Japanese game of Shogi, the Flying Chariot.

Name ideas examples

  • Fly - To symbolize freedom, ambition, and the ability to reach one's goals.

  • High - To symbolize reaching great heights and achieving success.

  • Unfounded - To symbolize the courage to stand up for one's beliefs and to be independent.

凱虎- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凱虎 - Kaito - Copy 凱虎

means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "tiger, fierce, brave."

Name ideas examples

  • Courage - A quality of being brave and determined in the face of adversity.

  • Strength - The ability to withstand physical or mental strain.

  • Fierceness - A quality of being strong and powerful.

  • Wildness - A quality of being untamed and unpredictable.

海士- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海士 - Kaito - Copy 海士

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

凱斗- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凱斗 - Kaito - Copy 凱斗

means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

凱友- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凱友 - Kaito - Copy 凱友

means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "friend, companion."

  • Friend - A close relationship between two people, usually based on mutual trust and understanding.

  • Companionship - A feeling of camaraderie and shared experiences between two or more people.

  • Alliance - A strong bond of loyalty and support between two or more people.

Name ideas examples

  • Friendship - A strong bond of friendship and love between two people.

  • Loyalty - A strong sense of loyalty and commitment to another person.

  • Support - A feeling of support and encouragement for another person.

楓純- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share楓純 - Kaito - Copy 楓純

means "maple."

  • Maple Tree - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer, typically having lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage.

  • Japanese Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer palmatum, native to Japan and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage.

  • Red Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer rubrum, native to North America and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage and red flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Maple - A strong and resilient tree, symbolizing strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Japanese Maple - A symbol of beauty and grace, representing the beauty and grace of a newborn baby.

  • Red Maple - A symbol of passion and energy, representing the passion and energy of a newborn baby.

means "pure, genuine, unmixed."

  • Pure - Unmixed, without adulteration, free from deceit or corruption, unadorned.

  • Solely - Exclusively, single-mindedly.

  • Splendid - Beautiful, good, great.

  • Bond - Connection, relationship.

  • Wrap - Envelop, bundle.

Name ideas examples

  • Pure - Symbolizing a child who is honest, sincere, and untainted by the world.

  • Splendid - Representing a child who is beautiful, good, and great.

  • Bond - Signifying a strong connection between the child and their family.

海利- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海利 - Kaito - Copy 海利

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "profit, benefit, advantage."

Name ideas examples

  • Sharp - Symbolizing a sharp and keen mind.

  • Good - Representing a good and favorable life.

  • Establish - Signifying the establishment of a successful future.

  • Intelligent - Representing an intelligent and wise life.

  • Effective - Symbolizing an effective and efficient life.

  • Speak - Representing the power of speech.

海図- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海図 - Kaito - Copy 海図

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "figure, diagram, illustration."

  • Plan, Scheme, Plot - To devise or plan something. To devise a strategy or plan.

  • Think, Contemplate - To consider or ponder something. To think deeply about something.

  • Calculate, Examine - To examine or calculate something. To analyze and evaluate something.

  • Picture, Draw - To draw or create a picture. To draw a shape or form.

Name ideas examples

  • Plan - To plan for the future of the baby.

  • Think - To think of the baby's future and well-being.

  • Calculate - To calculate the best course of action for the baby.

  • Picture - To picture the baby's future and potential.

海時- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海時 - Kaito - Copy 海時

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "time, hour, moment."

  • Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

  • Time - A day divided into 24 parts (formerly 12 parts).

  • Flow Of Time - The passing of days and months.

  • Opportunity - A suitable time.

Name ideas examples

  • Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter can represent the cycle of life and the beauty of nature.

  • Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of one's life.

  • Flow Of Time - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.

  • Opportunity - A reminder to seize the moment and to make the most of every opportunity.

海虎- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海虎 - Kaito - Copy 海虎

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "tiger, fierce, brave."

Name ideas examples

  • Courage - A quality of being brave and determined in the face of adversity.

  • Strength - The ability to withstand physical or mental strain.

  • Fierceness - A quality of being strong and powerful.

  • Wildness - A quality of being untamed and unpredictable.

迦絃- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share迦絃 - Kaito - Copy 迦絃

means "buddhist deity."

  • To meet or encounter someone.

  • To come across or run into someone.

  • A character used in the phonetic translation of Sanskrit. e.g. 釈迦.

Name ideas examples

  • Encounter - This kanji conveys the idea of two people or things coming together, which is a meaningful concept for a baby's name.

  • Circumstance - This kanji can also be interpreted as a symbol of fate, suggesting that the baby's life will be filled with unexpected and meaningful encounters.

  • Buddha - The kanji is also used in the Sanskrit transliteration of the word "Buddha," which is a powerful symbol of enlightenment and wisdom.

  • Destiny - The kanji can also be interpreted as a sign of destiny, suggesting that the baby's life will be filled with meaningful experiences and encounters.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

海斗- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share海斗 - Kaito - Copy 海斗

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

海翔- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share凧 - Kaito - Copy 凧

means "kite, a toy made of paper or cloth that is flown in the air on a string."

  • Kite - A kite is a toy made of paper or cloth that is flown in the sky.

Name ideas examples

  • Freedom - A kite symbolizes freedom, as it is free to soar in the sky.

  • Imagination - A kite encourages imagination, as it can be decorated in any way and flown in the sky.

  • Joy - A kite brings joy, as it is a fun activity to fly a kite in the sky.

介人- Kaito -

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means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

佳弦- Kaito -

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means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

凱士- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

快人- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

桧杜- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "forest, grove, woods."

  • Forest - A place where trees are densely packed. Also, a forest surrounding a shrine.

  • A deciduous tree of the rose family.

  • Close - To be depressed. To shut.

Name ideas examples

  • Forest - This kanji implies a sense of nature and tranquility, suggesting that the child will be surrounded by beauty and peace.

  • Shrine - This kanji implies a sense of spirituality and reverence, suggesting that the child will be blessed with divine protection.

  • Depress - This kanji implies a sense of sadness and despair, suggesting that the child will be able to overcome difficult times.

  • Bush - This kanji implies a sense of strength and resilience, suggesting that the child will be able to withstand any challenge.

  • Close - This kanji implies a sense of closure and security, suggesting that the child will be protected and safe.

檜人- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) - A species of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family.

  • Ibuki (Chamaecyparis pisifera) - A species of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - Symbolizing growth, renewal, and resilience.

  • Strength - Representing the strength and stability of the tree.

  • Harmony - Representing the harmony and balance of nature.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

海十- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "ten."

  • Ten - The number 10.

  • Ten Times - Occurring ten times.

  • Tenth - The tenth in a series.

  • Many - A large number.

  • Perfect - Complete and satisfactory.

Name ideas examples

  • Ten - Symbolizing completeness and perfection.

  • Tenth - Representing the tenth in a series of children.

  • Many - Signifying abundance and prosperity.

海大- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "big, large, great."

  • Big - Large in size, degree, or amount.

  • Excellent - Outstanding or of superior quality.

  • Greatly - To a great extent.

  • Arrogant - Having an attitude of superiority or haughtiness.

  • Approximately - Generally or roughly.

  • Respectful - Showing respect or reverence for someone or something.

  • Grand - Of great size, scope, or extent.

Name ideas examples

  • Big - To suggest that the baby will grow to be strong and powerful.

  • Excellent - To suggest that the baby will be of superior quality and have great potential.

  • Respectful - To suggest that the baby will be respectful and reverent towards others.

  • Grand - To suggest that the baby will have a great impact on the world.

海徳- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "virtue, morality, goodness."

  • Morality - A person's character or behavior that is morally excellent.

  • Gratitude - Feeling thankful and appreciative.

  • Profit - Gain or advantage, usually financial.

Name ideas examples

  • Morality - This kanji that conveys a sense of moral excellence and uprightness.

  • Gratitude - This kanji that conveys a sense of thankfulness and appreciation.

  • Profit - This kanji that conveys a sense of gain or advantage.

海歩- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "walk, step, pace."

  • Walk, Walked - To move forward by taking steps.

  • Pace - The way of walking.

  • Measure - To measure the motion of celestial bodies.

  • Ratio - A comparison of two or more numbers or amounts.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of measurement for length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - A unit of measurement for interest rate.

  • Unit Of Area - A unit of measurement for area.

  • Name Of A Shogi Piece - The name of a piece in the Japanese game of Shogi(将棋).

Name ideas examples

  • To Take Steps Forward - This is a positive and encouraging meaning for a baby, as it implies that the child will take steps forward in life and make progress.

  • To Measure - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to measure and understand the world around them.

  • Ratio - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate ratios.

  • Unit Of Length - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure length.

  • Unit Of Interest Rate - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and calculate interest rates.

  • Unit Of Area - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and measure area.

  • Name Of A Chess Piece - This is a meaningful name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be able to understand and play chess."

海燈- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "lamp, light, lantern."

  • Light - A source of illumination that provides brightness and visibility.

  • Lamp - A device used to light a fire.

  • Enlightenment - The teachings of the Buddha that bring light to the darkness of the world.

Name ideas examples

  • Brightness - A symbol of hope and optimism, representing the light that guides us through life.

  • Illumination - A reminder of the wisdom and knowledge that can be gained through life experiences.

  • Enlightenment - A reminder of the spiritual journey that can bring peace and understanding.

海真- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "truth, reality, genuine."

Name ideas examples

  • True - This is a positive and uplifting name that conveys a sense of honesty and integrity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to grow up to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

  • Genuine - This is a name that conveys a sense of authenticity and sincerity. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be genuine and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Natural - This is a name that conveys a sense of being in harmony with nature. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be in tune with the natural world and to appreciate its beauty.

  • Unaltered - This is a name that conveys a sense of being untouched and unaltered. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to remain true to themselves and to not be swayed by external influences.

  • Authentic - This is a name that conveys a sense of being genuine and true. It is a great choice for a baby who is expected to be honest and authentic in all aspects of life.

  • Pure - This is a name that conveys a sense of being pure and untainted. It is a great

海跳- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "jump, leap."

  • Jump, Leap, Bound - To jump or leap up, to bound, to fly, to soar.

  • Stumble - To trip or stumble.

  • Run Fast - To run quickly.

  • Make Jump, Leap - To make someone jump or leap, to make someone bound, to make someone fly.

  • Escape - To escape, to run away.

  • End Of Performance - To end a performance or show.

  • Mud Splatter - A mud splatter caused by clothes or other objects flying.

Name ideas examples

  • Jump, Leap, Bound - To symbolize a child's energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • Run Fast - To symbolize a child's ambition and drive.

  • Make Jump, Leap - To symbolize a child's ability to inspire others.

  • Escape - To symbolize a child's ability to overcome obstacles.

海采- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "picking, plucking, collecting."

  • Beauty - A beautiful and vibrant color.

  • Harvest - To pick and gather with one's hands.

  • Form - The shape, appearance, and hue.

  • Land - A chosen and bestowed territory.

  • Dice - A cube with numbers used in gambling.

Name ideas examples

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and vibrancy.

  • Harvest - This kanji that symbolizes the gathering of blessings.

  • Form - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty of form and appearance.

  • Land - This kanji that symbolizes the gift of a chosen land.

海音- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

界人- Kaito -

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means "boundary, world, domain."

  • Boundary, Division, Separation - A boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Limit, End - The limit or end of something.

  • Within The Boundary, Division - Within the boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Area, Range - An area or range that is marked by a boundary or division.

Name ideas examples

  • Limitless - Suggesting that the baby will have no limits or boundaries in life.

  • Boundless - Suggesting that the baby will have no boundaries or divisions in life.

  • Limitless Possibilities - Suggesting that the baby will have limitless possibilities in life.

  • Boundless Opportunities - Suggesting that the baby will have boundless opportunities in life.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

貝人- Kaito -

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means "shell, shellfish."

  • Shell - A hard outer covering of an animal, such as a mollusk or turtle.

  • Treasure - Valuable items, such as gold or coins.

  • Pattern - A design or decoration that resembles a shell.

Name ideas examples

  • Shell - Symbolizing protection and strength.

  • Treasure - Representing wealth and abundance.

  • Pattern - Representing beauty and uniqueness.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

魁人- Kaito -

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means "leader, pioneer, vanguard."

  • Big, Large - Describes something that is of great size or magnitude.

  • Outstanding - Describes something that is superior or of exceptional quality.

  • Head, Leader - Describes someone who is in charge or is the leader of a group.

  • Forerunner - Describes someone who is the first to do something or is the pioneer of an idea.

  • Ladle - Describes a large spoon-like utensil used for serving food.

Name ideas examples

  • Big, Large - Suggests that the baby will grow to be a strong and powerful individual.

  • Outstanding - Suggests that the baby will be exceptional and will stand out from the crowd.

  • Head, Leader - Suggests that the baby will be a natural leader and will be able to take charge of situations.

  • Forerunner - Suggests that the baby will be a trailblazer and will be the first to do something.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

魁仁- Kaito -

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means "leader, pioneer, vanguard."

  • Big, Large - Describes something that is of great size or magnitude.

  • Outstanding - Describes something that is superior or of exceptional quality.

  • Head, Leader - Describes someone who is in charge or is the leader of a group.

  • Forerunner - Describes someone who is the first to do something or is the pioneer of an idea.

  • Ladle - Describes a large spoon-like utensil used for serving food.

Name ideas examples

  • Big, Large - Suggests that the baby will grow to be a strong and powerful individual.

  • Outstanding - Suggests that the baby will be exceptional and will stand out from the crowd.

  • Head, Leader - Suggests that the baby will be a natural leader and will be able to take charge of situations.

  • Forerunner - Suggests that the baby will be a trailblazer and will be the first to do something.

means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

魁斗- Kaito -

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means "leader, pioneer, vanguard."

  • Big, Large - Describes something that is of great size or magnitude.

  • Outstanding - Describes something that is superior or of exceptional quality.

  • Head, Leader - Describes someone who is in charge or is the leader of a group.

  • Forerunner - Describes someone who is the first to do something or is the pioneer of an idea.

  • Ladle - Describes a large spoon-like utensil used for serving food.

Name ideas examples

  • Big, Large - Suggests that the baby will grow to be a strong and powerful individual.

  • Outstanding - Suggests that the baby will be exceptional and will stand out from the crowd.

  • Head, Leader - Suggests that the baby will be a natural leader and will be able to take charge of situations.

  • Forerunner - Suggests that the baby will be a trailblazer and will be the first to do something.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

かいと- Kaito -

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Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

佳依人- Kaito -

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means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "dependent, rely on, trust in."

  • Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.

  • Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.

  • Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.

  • As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.

Name ideas examples

  • Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

  • Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.

  • Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.

  • Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.

  • Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

櫂人- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share櫂人 - Kaito - Copy 櫂人

means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

開人- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share開人 - Kaito - Copy 開人

means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

介斗- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share介斗 - Kaito - Copy 介斗

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

介渡- Kaito -

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means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "cross, pass over."

  • To Cross - To cross a river or sea by boat.

  • To Pass Through - To pass through or go over something.

  • To Transfer - To transfer or give something to someone.

  • To Pass On - To pass something on to someone else.

Name ideas examples

  • To Cross - It symbolizes the journey of life and the courage to take on new challenges.

  • To Pass - It symbolizes the passing of knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.

  • To Go Through - It symbolizes the process of growing up and the journey of life.

  • To Give - It symbolizes the act of giving and the importance of generosity.

  • To Transfer - It symbolizes the transfer of responsibility and the importance of taking on new roles.

介登- Kaito -

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means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

Name ideas examples

  • To Ascend - It symbolizes the idea of rising up and achieving success. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach great heights in life.

  • To Reach High Places - It implies that the child will have the ability to reach great heights in life. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • To Ripen - It symbolizes the idea of maturity and growth. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach their full potential in life.

  • To Accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ability to achieve their goals and reach success. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • Immediately - It implies that the child will have the ability to act quickly and decisively. It also symbolizes the idea of being prepared and ready to take on any challenge.

介翔- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share介翔 - Kaito - Copy 介翔

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

介都- Kaito -

Add to First Names Favorites Share介都 - Kaito - Copy 介都

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

介音- Kaito -

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means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

会都- Kaito -

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means "meeting, gathering, association."

Name ideas examples

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

佳人- Kaito -

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means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

佳絃- Kaito -

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means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

佳翔- Kaito -

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means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

凱兎- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "rabbit, hare."

  • Rabbit - A general term for mammals of the order Lagomorpha.

  • Moon - An alternate name for the moon.

Name ideas examples

  • Rabbit - A symbol of fertility, abundance, and good luck. It can also represent playfulness, innocence, and gentleness.

  • Moon - A symbol of mystery, intuition, and creativity. It can also represent femininity, intuition, and sensitivity.

凱冬- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "winter, cold season."

  • Winter - One of the four seasons, from the start of winter to the start of spring, usually from December to February, or from October to December according to the lunar calendar.

Name ideas examples

  • Winter - Symbolizing the season of renewal and hope.

  • Ice - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

  • Snow - Symbolizing purity and innocence.

凱渡- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "cross, pass over."

  • To Cross - To cross a river or sea by boat.

  • To Pass Through - To pass through or go over something.

  • To Transfer - To transfer or give something to someone.

  • To Pass On - To pass something on to someone else.

Name ideas examples

  • To Cross - It symbolizes the journey of life and the courage to take on new challenges.

  • To Pass - It symbolizes the passing of knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.

  • To Go Through - It symbolizes the process of growing up and the journey of life.

  • To Give - It symbolizes the act of giving and the importance of generosity.

  • To Transfer - It symbolizes the transfer of responsibility and the importance of taking on new roles.

凱登- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

Name ideas examples

  • To Ascend - It symbolizes the idea of rising up and achieving success. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach great heights in life.

  • To Reach High Places - It implies that the child will have the ability to reach great heights in life. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • To Ripen - It symbolizes the idea of maturity and growth. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach their full potential in life.

  • To Accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ability to achieve their goals and reach success. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • Immediately - It implies that the child will have the ability to act quickly and decisively. It also symbolizes the idea of being prepared and ready to take on any challenge.

凱翔- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

凱都- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

凱門- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "gate, doorway, entrance."

  • Door - A structure used to enter and exit a building.

  • Place of entry and exit for people and objects.

  • Home. Family. Clan.

  • Lineage of knowledge or religion. Sect.

  • Broad categorization of things.

  • A counting word for cannons.

Name ideas examples

  • Home - A place of comfort, safety, and belonging.

  • Clan - A group of people united by a common ancestor or purpose.

  • Lineage - A line of descent from a common ancestor.

  • Sect - A group of people who share a common set of beliefs or practices.

凱音- Kaito -

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means "triumph, victory."

  • Victory - The joy of winning a battle.

  • Harmony - Enjoyment and peace.

  • Calmness - A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - This kanji that symbolizes the joy of achieving success and overcoming obstacles.

  • Harmony - This kanji that conveys a sense of unity and joy.

  • Calmness - This kanji that conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

可絃- Kaito -

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means "allowable, permissible, acceptable."

  • Good. Suitable. - Used to express approval or agreement.

  • Listen. Accept. - Used to indicate that one should listen and accept what is being said.

  • Possible. - Used to express the possibility of something being done.

  • Allowed. - Used to express that something is allowed or permissible.

  • Should. - Used to express that something should be done.

  • Speculation. - Used to express a guess or assumption.

  • Degree. - Used to express the degree or extent of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is suitable for a baby's name. It conveys a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

  • Permissible - This meaning implies that the baby is allowed to do something, which is a great sentiment to give to a child.

  • Possible - This meaning suggests that the baby has the potential to do something, which is a great way to encourage them to reach their goals.

  • Advisable - This meaning implies that the baby should do something, which is a great way to instill a sense of responsibility in them.

  • Presumed - This meaning suggests that the baby is likely to do something, which is a great way to give them confidence in their abilities.

  • Proportional - This meaning implies that the baby is capable of doing something to a certain degree, which is a great way to give them a sense of accomplishment.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

和弦- Kaito -

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means "harmony, peace, concord."

  • Harmonize, Calm - To make or become calm and peaceful.

  • Mix, Blend - To combine two or more things together.

  • Respond - To react or answer in words.

  • Match, Coordinate - To make two or more things the same or in harmony.

  • Sum, Add - To combine two or more numbers together.

  • Peaceful, Calm - A state of stillness where the wind has died down and the waves are calm.

  • Japan, Yamato - Refers to the country of Japan or the ancient Yamato dynasty.

  • Get Along, No Conflict - To be friendly and not fight.

Name ideas examples

  • Harmonious - This kanji implies that the baby will bring peace and harmony to the family and to the world. It also suggests that the baby will be a peacemaker and will strive to bring people together.

  • Calm - This kanji implies that the baby will be a calming presence in the family and will bring a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Peaceful - This kanji implies that the baby will bring a sense of peace and serenity to the family and to the world. It also suggests that the baby will be a peacemaker and will strive to bring people together.

  • Japan - This kanji implies that the baby will be a symbol of the Japanese culture and will bring a sense of pride and honor to the family.

  • Get Along - This kanji implies that the baby will be a peacemaker and will strive to bring people together. It also suggests that the baby will be a calming presence in the family and will bring a sense of peace and harmony.

  • Respond - This kanji implies that the baby will be a responsive and attentive listener. It also suggests that the baby will be a calming presence in the family and will bring a sense of peace and harmony.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

嘉絃- Kaito -

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means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Good - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Excellent - This is a strong and powerful meaning that conveys a sense of excellence and greatness. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Splendid - This is a beautiful and majestic meaning that conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

  • Praise - This is a meaningful and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of admiration and respect. It is a great choice for a baby's name as it encourages them to strive for excellence and to always strive to do their best.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

塊土- Kaito -

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means "lump, mass, chunk."

Name ideas examples

  • Solidarity - A strong sense of unity and togetherness.

  • Strength - A symbol of strength and resilience.

  • Harmony - A reminder of the importance of harmony and balance in life.

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

Name ideas examples

  • Earth - Symbolizing the connection to the land and the natural world.

  • Ground - Representing stability and security.

  • Homeland - Representing a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots.

  • Countryside - Representing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

  • Central - Representing a sense of balance and harmony.

  • Yellow - Representing optimism and joy.

  • Measure - Representing precision and accuracy.

夏弦- Kaito -

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means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

夏絃- Kaito -

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means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

快叶- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "fulfill, grant, satisfy."

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - To bring joy and contentment to the parents and the baby, and to have one's wishes and dreams come true.

  • Harmony - To bring peace and balance to the family, and to create a harmonious atmosphere.

  • Agreement - To bring unity and understanding to the family, and to create a sense of agreement and understanding.

快富- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

快弦- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

快渡- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "cross, pass over."

  • To Cross - To cross a river or sea by boat.

  • To Pass Through - To pass through or go over something.

  • To Transfer - To transfer or give something to someone.

  • To Pass On - To pass something on to someone else.

Name ideas examples

  • To Cross - It symbolizes the journey of life and the courage to take on new challenges.

  • To Pass - It symbolizes the passing of knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.

  • To Go Through - It symbolizes the process of growing up and the journey of life.

  • To Give - It symbolizes the act of giving and the importance of generosity.

  • To Transfer - It symbolizes the transfer of responsibility and the importance of taking on new roles.

快登- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

Name ideas examples

  • To Ascend - It symbolizes the idea of rising up and achieving success. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach great heights in life.

  • To Reach High Places - It implies that the child will have the ability to reach great heights in life. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • To Ripen - It symbolizes the idea of maturity and growth. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach their full potential in life.

  • To Accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ability to achieve their goals and reach success. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • Immediately - It implies that the child will have the ability to act quickly and decisively. It also symbolizes the idea of being prepared and ready to take on any challenge.

快絃- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

快虎- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "tiger, fierce, brave."

Name ideas examples

  • Courage - A quality of being brave and determined in the face of adversity.

  • Strength - The ability to withstand physical or mental strain.

  • Fierceness - A quality of being strong and powerful.

  • Wildness - A quality of being untamed and unpredictable.

快跳- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "jump, leap."

  • Jump, Leap, Bound - To jump or leap up, to bound, to fly, to soar.

  • Stumble - To trip or stumble.

  • Run Fast - To run quickly.

  • Make Jump, Leap - To make someone jump or leap, to make someone bound, to make someone fly.

  • Escape - To escape, to run away.

  • End Of Performance - To end a performance or show.

  • Mud Splatter - A mud splatter caused by clothes or other objects flying.

Name ideas examples

  • Jump, Leap, Bound - To symbolize a child's energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • Run Fast - To symbolize a child's ambition and drive.

  • Make Jump, Leap - To symbolize a child's ability to inspire others.

  • Escape - To symbolize a child's ability to overcome obstacles.

快途- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "way, road, journey."

  • Path - A route or course taken to reach a destination.

  • Way - A method, style, or means of doing something.

  • Road - A wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface that vehicles can use.

Name ideas examples

  • Journey - A long and often difficult process of personal change and development.

  • Destination - The place to which someone or something is going or being sent.

  • Trail - A path or track made across a wild or hilly country.

快都- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

快采- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "picking, plucking, collecting."

  • Beauty - A beautiful and vibrant color.

  • Harvest - To pick and gather with one's hands.

  • Form - The shape, appearance, and hue.

  • Land - A chosen and bestowed territory.

  • Dice - A cube with numbers used in gambling.

Name ideas examples

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and vibrancy.

  • Harvest - This kanji that symbolizes the gathering of blessings.

  • Form - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty of form and appearance.

  • Land - This kanji that symbolizes the gift of a chosen land.

快門- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "gate, doorway, entrance."

  • Door - A structure used to enter and exit a building.

  • Place of entry and exit for people and objects.

  • Home. Family. Clan.

  • Lineage of knowledge or religion. Sect.

  • Broad categorization of things.

  • A counting word for cannons.

Name ideas examples

  • Home - A place of comfort, safety, and belonging.

  • Clan - A group of people united by a common ancestor or purpose.

  • Lineage - A line of descent from a common ancestor.

  • Sect - A group of people who share a common set of beliefs or practices.

快音- Kaito -

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means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

恢斗- Kaito -

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means "restoration, recovery."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a broad-mindedness and a willingness to embrace new ideas and experiences.

  • Expand, Enlarge - Suggesting a desire for growth and development.

  • Restore, Revert - Suggesting a desire for peace and harmony.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

恢翔- Kaito -

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means "restoration, recovery."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a broad-mindedness and a willingness to embrace new ideas and experiences.

  • Expand, Enlarge - Suggesting a desire for growth and development.

  • Restore, Revert - Suggesting a desire for peace and harmony.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

恢都- Kaito -

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means "restoration, recovery."

Name ideas examples

  • Wide, Large - Suggesting a broad-mindedness and a willingness to embrace new ideas and experiences.

  • Expand, Enlarge - Suggesting a desire for growth and development.

  • Restore, Revert - Suggesting a desire for peace and harmony.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

懐人- Kaito -

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means "nostalgia, pocket, bosom."

  • To Cherish In One's Heart(something or someone) - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Thoughts Or Feelings Held In One's Heart - Refers to the thoughts and feelings held in one's heart.

  • Chest Area - Refers to the area around the chest.

  • To Become Attached (to something or someone) - To become attached to something or someone and treat them with love and care.

  • Nostalgic - To feel a longing for something or someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Cherish - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Love - To feel a strong affection and fondness for someone or something.

  • Adore - To love someone deeply and passionately.

  • Treasure - To hold something or someone in high regard and value them deeply.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

懐斗- Kaito -

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means "nostalgia, pocket, bosom."

  • To Cherish In One's Heart(something or someone) - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Thoughts Or Feelings Held In One's Heart - Refers to the thoughts and feelings held in one's heart.

  • Chest Area - Refers to the area around the chest.

  • To Become Attached (to something or someone) - To become attached to something or someone and treat them with love and care.

  • Nostalgic - To feel a longing for something or someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Cherish - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Love - To feel a strong affection and fondness for someone or something.

  • Adore - To love someone deeply and passionately.

  • Treasure - To hold something or someone in high regard and value them deeply.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

懐都- Kaito -

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means "nostalgia, pocket, bosom."

  • To Cherish In One's Heart(something or someone) - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Thoughts Or Feelings Held In One's Heart - Refers to the thoughts and feelings held in one's heart.

  • Chest Area - Refers to the area around the chest.

  • To Become Attached (to something or someone) - To become attached to something or someone and treat them with love and care.

  • Nostalgic - To feel a longing for something or someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Cherish - To hold something or someone close to one's heart and care for them deeply.

  • Love - To feel a strong affection and fondness for someone or something.

  • Adore - To love someone deeply and passionately.

  • Treasure - To hold something or someone in high regard and value them deeply.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

戒人- Kaito -

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means "admonish, warn, caution."

  • To Admonish - To give advice or warning.

  • To Guard - To protect or take precautions against something.

  • To Forbid - To prohibit or disallow something.

  • Precept - A rule or principle that should be followed.

Name ideas examples

  • Protection - To provide safety and security for the baby.

  • Guidance - To provide guidance and direction for the baby.

  • Wisdom - To impart wisdom and knowledge to the baby.

  • Purity - To symbolize purity and innocence.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

改斗- Kaito -

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means "improvement, reform, alteration."

  • Amend - To make changes or corrections to something in order to improve it.

  • Stop And Renew - To stop doing something and start doing something new.

  • Rectify - To make changes or corrections to something in order to make it better.

  • Inspect - To examine something closely in order to check its quality or condition.

  • Reform - To change one's behavior to become more proper or correct.

Name ideas examples

  • To Improve - It implies that the child will strive to become better and make positive changes in their life.

  • To Reform - It implies that the child will strive to make positive changes in their life and strive to become a better person.

  • To Inspect - It implies that the child will strive to be thorough and diligent in their life.

  • To Behave Properly - It implies that the child will strive to be well-mannered and respectful in their life.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

改翔- Kaito -

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means "improvement, reform, alteration."

  • Amend - To make changes or corrections to something in order to improve it.

  • Stop And Renew - To stop doing something and start doing something new.

  • Rectify - To make changes or corrections to something in order to make it better.

  • Inspect - To examine something closely in order to check its quality or condition.

  • Reform - To change one's behavior to become more proper or correct.

Name ideas examples

  • To Improve - It implies that the child will strive to become better and make positive changes in their life.

  • To Reform - It implies that the child will strive to make positive changes in their life and strive to become a better person.

  • To Inspect - It implies that the child will strive to be thorough and diligent in their life.

  • To Behave Properly - It implies that the child will strive to be well-mannered and respectful in their life.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

改都- Kaito -

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means "improvement, reform, alteration."

  • Amend - To make changes or corrections to something in order to improve it.

  • Stop And Renew - To stop doing something and start doing something new.

  • Rectify - To make changes or corrections to something in order to make it better.

  • Inspect - To examine something closely in order to check its quality or condition.

  • Reform - To change one's behavior to become more proper or correct.

Name ideas examples

  • To Improve - It implies that the child will strive to become better and make positive changes in their life.

  • To Reform - It implies that the child will strive to make positive changes in their life and strive to become a better person.

  • To Inspect - It implies that the child will strive to be thorough and diligent in their life.

  • To Behave Properly - It implies that the child will strive to be well-mannered and respectful in their life.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

架愛- Kaito -

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means "frame, rack, bridge."

  • To Construct A Shelf Or Rack - To construct a shelf or rack by placing boards or other materials horizontally to support or hang items.

  • To Suspend - To suspend something by placing it on a shelf or rack.

  • To Bridge - To bridge two objects by placing a shelf or rack between them.

Name ideas examples

  • Support - This kanji symbolizes the idea of providing support and stability to someone, which is an important quality for a parent to have for their child.

  • Structure - This kanji also symbolizes the idea of structure and organization, which can be beneficial for a child's development.

  • Balance - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of balance and harmony, which can be important for a child's growth and development.

  • Strength - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of strength and resilience, which can be important for a child's future.

  • Stability - The kanji also symbolizes the idea of stability and security, which can be important for a child's well-being.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

桧人- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

桧土- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

Name ideas examples

  • Earth - Symbolizing the connection to the land and the natural world.

  • Ground - Representing stability and security.

  • Homeland - Representing a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots.

  • Countryside - Representing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

  • Central - Representing a sense of balance and harmony.

  • Yellow - Representing optimism and joy.

  • Measure - Representing precision and accuracy.

桧士- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

桧存- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "exist, be, have, possess."

  • Exist - To be present or to exist.

  • Ask - To inquire about someone's well-being.

  • Console - To provide comfort or consolation.

  • Endure - To live or survive.

  • Preserve - To maintain a state or condition.

  • Acknowledge - To recognize or accept something.

  • Think - To consider or ponder.

Name ideas examples

  • Exist - To signify that the baby is a blessing and a gift from God.

  • Endure - To signify that the baby will have strength and resilience in life.

  • Preserve - To signify that the baby will be protected and cherished.

桧富- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "wealth, riches, abundance."

  • Wealthy - Having a large amount of money, possessions, or other resources.

  • Abundant - Having a large quantity of something.

  • Prosperous - Having a lot of success or wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Having all of one's needs or desires satisfied.

Name ideas examples

  • Wealthy - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Abundant - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of plenty and abundance.

  • Prosperous - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of success and wealth.

  • Fulfilled - Suggesting that the baby will have a life of contentment and satisfaction.

桧翔- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki - Tall evergreen tree of the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - It represents the resilience and strength of the hiba tree, which is an evergreen tree that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It also symbolizes the idea of growth and renewal, making it a great name for a child who is expected to thrive and flourish in life.

  • Noble - The kanji for hiba can also be translated as "noble," which would make a great name for a baby who is expected to be dignified and honorable. This name would be particularly fitting for a child who comes from a family with a long history of tradition and prestige.

  • Fragrant - The hiba tree is known for its pleasant, woody scent, which makes it a great name for a baby who is expected to be sweet and charming. This name would be particularly fitting for a girl, as it has a feminine quality to it.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

楓絃- Kaito -

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means "maple."

  • Maple Tree - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer, typically having lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage.

  • Japanese Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer palmatum, native to Japan and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage.

  • Red Maple - A deciduous tree of the genus Acer rubrum, native to North America and widely cultivated for its attractive foliage and red flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Maple - A strong and resilient tree, symbolizing strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Japanese Maple - A symbol of beauty and grace, representing the beauty and grace of a newborn baby.

  • Red Maple - A symbol of passion and energy, representing the passion and energy of a newborn baby.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

楷人- Kaito -

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means "kainoki(a type of tree), regular script."

  • A type of deciduous tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family.

  • A style of Chinese calligraphy.

  • A model or example.

  • A way of doing something.

Name ideas examples

  • Model - A person who serves as an example of excellence or a role model.

  • Way - A method or manner of doing something.

  • Tree - A symbol of strength, stability, and growth.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

楷土- Kaito -

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means "kainoki(a type of tree), regular script."

  • A type of deciduous tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family.

  • A style of Chinese calligraphy.

  • A model or example.

  • A way of doing something.

Name ideas examples

  • Model - A person who serves as an example of excellence or a role model.

  • Way - A method or manner of doing something.

  • Tree - A symbol of strength, stability, and growth.

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

Name ideas examples

  • Earth - Symbolizing the connection to the land and the natural world.

  • Ground - Representing stability and security.

  • Homeland - Representing a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots.

  • Countryside - Representing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

  • Central - Representing a sense of balance and harmony.

  • Yellow - Representing optimism and joy.

  • Measure - Representing precision and accuracy.

楷斗- Kaito -

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means "kainoki(a type of tree), regular script."

  • A type of deciduous tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family.

  • A style of Chinese calligraphy.

  • A model or example.

  • A way of doing something.

Name ideas examples

  • Model - A person who serves as an example of excellence or a role model.

  • Way - A method or manner of doing something.

  • Tree - A symbol of strength, stability, and growth.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

楷翔- Kaito -

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means "kainoki(a type of tree), regular script."

  • A type of deciduous tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family.

  • A style of Chinese calligraphy.

  • A model or example.

  • A way of doing something.

Name ideas examples

  • Model - A person who serves as an example of excellence or a role model.

  • Way - A method or manner of doing something.

  • Tree - A symbol of strength, stability, and growth.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

楷都- Kaito -

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means "kainoki(a type of tree), regular script."

  • A type of deciduous tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family.

  • A style of Chinese calligraphy.

  • A model or example.

  • A way of doing something.

Name ideas examples

  • Model - A person who serves as an example of excellence or a role model.

  • Way - A method or manner of doing something.

  • Tree - A symbol of strength, stability, and growth.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

榎絃- Kaito -

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means "Japanese zelkova tree."

  • Katsura (Japanese maple) - A deciduous tree of the genus Cercidiphyllum in the family Juglandaceae.

  • Nire (Japanese elm) - A deciduous tree of the genus Ulmus in the family Ulmaceae.

Name ideas examples

  • Katsura - A strong and resilient tree, symbolizing strength and resilience in life.

  • Nire - A graceful and elegant tree, symbolizing grace and elegance in life.

means "string, cord, wire."

Name ideas examples

  • Thread - Symbolizing the connection between family members and the strength of the bond.

  • Strings - Representing the harmony of life and the beauty of music.

  • Stringed Instruments - Representing the joy of making music and the power of creativity.

檜斗- Kaito -

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means "hinoki, Japanese cypress."

  • Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) - A species of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family.

  • Ibuki (Chamaecyparis pisifera) - A species of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family.

Name ideas examples

  • Evergreen - Symbolizing growth, renewal, and resilience.

  • Strength - Representing the strength and stability of the tree.

  • Harmony - Representing the harmony and balance of nature.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

櫂士- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

櫂斗- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

櫂橙- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "orange, tangerine, citrus fruit."

  • Orange - A small evergreen tree of the citrus family.

  • Chair - A seat with a back, used to support the back.

  • Stool - A low seat or support used to rest the back.

Name ideas examples

  • Orange - A bright, cheerful color that symbolizes joy and optimism.

  • Chair - A symbol of stability and support.

  • Stool - A symbol of strength and resilience.

櫂登- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "climb, ascend, register, login."

  • Ascend - To go up, to climb to a higher place.

  • Accomplish - To achieve, to complete.

  • Immediately - To do something right away, to stand in the present.

  • Ripen - To mature, for grains to become ripe.

Name ideas examples

  • To Ascend - It symbolizes the idea of rising up and achieving success. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach great heights in life.

  • To Reach High Places - It implies that the child will have the ability to reach great heights in life. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • To Ripen - It symbolizes the idea of maturity and growth. It also implies that the child will have the potential to reach their full potential in life.

  • To Accomplish - It implies that the child will have the ability to achieve their goals and reach success. It also symbolizes the idea of striving for success and reaching one's goals.

  • Immediately - It implies that the child will have the ability to act quickly and decisively. It also symbolizes the idea of being prepared and ready to take on any challenge.

櫂翔- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

櫂都- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

櫂音- Kaito -

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means "oar, paddle."

  • Oar - A tool used to propel a boat forward.

  • To propel a boat with an oar.

Name ideas examples

  • Navigator - One who guides a boat or ship on its course.

  • Pilot - One who steers a boat or ship.

  • Voyager - One who embarks on a journey or voyage.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

海都- Kaito -

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means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

界利- Kaito -

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means "boundary, world, domain."

  • Boundary, Division, Separation - A boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Limit, End - The limit or end of something.

  • Within The Boundary, Division - Within the boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Area, Range - An area or range that is marked by a boundary or division.

Name ideas examples

  • Limitless - Suggesting that the baby will have no limits or boundaries in life.

  • Boundless - Suggesting that the baby will have no boundaries or divisions in life.

  • Limitless Possibilities - Suggesting that the baby will have limitless possibilities in life.

  • Boundless Opportunities - Suggesting that the baby will have boundless opportunities in life.

means "profit, benefit, advantage."

Name ideas examples

  • Sharp - Symbolizing a sharp and keen mind.

  • Good - Representing a good and favorable life.

  • Establish - Signifying the establishment of a successful future.

  • Intelligent - Representing an intelligent and wise life.

  • Effective - Symbolizing an effective and efficient life.

  • Speak - Representing the power of speech.

界翔- Kaito -

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means "boundary, world, domain."

  • Boundary, Division, Separation - A boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Limit, End - The limit or end of something.

  • Within The Boundary, Division - Within the boundary or division that marks the end of something or the beginning of something else.

  • Area, Range - An area or range that is marked by a boundary or division.

Name ideas examples

  • Limitless - Suggesting that the baby will have no limits or boundaries in life.

  • Boundless - Suggesting that the baby will have no boundaries or divisions in life.

  • Limitless Possibilities - Suggesting that the baby will have limitless possibilities in life.

  • Boundless Opportunities - Suggesting that the baby will have boundless opportunities in life.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

皆人- Kaito -

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means "everyone, all."

  • Everyone - Refers to a large group of people, all together.

  • Together - Refers to being in the same place or doing the same thing at the same time.

  • Same - Refers to being the same in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Refers to the idea of being united and working together.

  • Harmony - Refers to the idea of being in balance and agreement.

  • Community - Refers to the idea of being part of a larger group or collective.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

皆斗- Kaito -

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means "everyone, all."

  • Everyone - Refers to a large group of people, all together.

  • Together - Refers to being in the same place or doing the same thing at the same time.

  • Same - Refers to being the same in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Refers to the idea of being united and working together.

  • Harmony - Refers to the idea of being in balance and agreement.

  • Community - Refers to the idea of being part of a larger group or collective.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

皆翔- Kaito -

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means "everyone, all."

  • Everyone - Refers to a large group of people, all together.

  • Together - Refers to being in the same place or doing the same thing at the same time.

  • Same - Refers to being the same in some way.

Name ideas examples

  • Unity - Refers to the idea of being united and working together.

  • Harmony - Refers to the idea of being in balance and agreement.

  • Community - Refers to the idea of being part of a larger group or collective.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

禾弦- Kaito -

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means "grain, cereal, rice."

  • Rice - A type of cereal grain, the most important staple food in East and Southeast Asia.

  • Millet - A type of small-seeded grass, used as a cereal crop or for forage.

  • Straw - A type of dry, fibrous plant material used for animal bedding, packing material, and fuel.

Name ideas examples

  • Rice - Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

  • Millet - Symbolizing strength, resilience, and perseverance.

  • Straw - Symbolizing warmth, comfort, and protection.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

絵人- Kaito -

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means "picture, painting."

  • Drawing - To draw a picture or illustration.

  • Painting - To create a colorful painting.

  • Embroidery - To create a design or pattern with needlework.

  • Pattern - A decorative design or motif.

  • Color - A variety of hues or shades.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create or invent something new.

  • Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or senses.

  • Colorful - Having a variety of colors.

  • Elegant - Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

絵斗- Kaito -

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means "picture, painting."

  • Drawing - To draw a picture or illustration.

  • Painting - To create a colorful painting.

  • Embroidery - To create a design or pattern with needlework.

  • Pattern - A decorative design or motif.

  • Color - A variety of hues or shades.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create or invent something new.

  • Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or senses.

  • Colorful - Having a variety of colors.

  • Elegant - Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

絵翔- Kaito -

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means "picture, painting."

  • Drawing - To draw a picture or illustration.

  • Painting - To create a colorful painting.

  • Embroidery - To create a design or pattern with needlework.

  • Pattern - A decorative design or motif.

  • Color - A variety of hues or shades.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create or invent something new.

  • Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or senses.

  • Colorful - Having a variety of colors.

  • Elegant - Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

絵都- Kaito -

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means "picture, painting."

  • Drawing - To draw a picture or illustration.

  • Painting - To create a colorful painting.

  • Embroidery - To create a design or pattern with needlework.

  • Pattern - A decorative design or motif.

  • Color - A variety of hues or shades.

Name ideas examples

  • Creative - Possessing the ability to create or invent something new.

  • Artistic - Having or displaying artistic skill or taste.

  • Beautiful - Pleasing to the eye or senses.

  • Colorful - Having a variety of colors.

  • Elegant - Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

翔大- Kaito -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "big, large, great."

  • Big - Large in size, degree, or amount.

  • Excellent - Outstanding or of superior quality.

  • Greatly - To a great extent.

  • Arrogant - Having an attitude of superiority or haughtiness.

  • Approximately - Generally or roughly.

  • Respectful - Showing respect or reverence for someone or something.

  • Grand - Of great size, scope, or extent.

Name ideas examples

  • Big - To suggest that the baby will grow to be strong and powerful.

  • Excellent - To suggest that the baby will be of superior quality and have great potential.

  • Respectful - To suggest that the baby will be respectful and reverent towards others.

  • Grand - To suggest that the baby will have a great impact on the world.

芥斗- Kaito -

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means "mustard, chaff."

  • Mustard Plant - A plant from the Abura-na family whose seeds are used as a spicy condiment.

  • Small Trash - Refers to small pieces of garbage or dust.

  • Small Things - Refers to insignificant or trivial things.

Name ideas examples

  • Mustard - A symbol of strength and resilience, mustard is a reminder of the power of small things.

  • Small Trash - A reminder to stay humble and to not take anything for granted.

  • Small Things - A reminder to appreciate the small things in life and to not take them for granted.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

蚕斗- Kaito -

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means "silkworm."

  • Silkworm - An insect that feeds on mulberry leaves and produces silk.

  • Raising Silkworms - The practice of keeping and breeding silkworms.

  • Earthworm - A segmented worm found in soil.

Name ideas examples

  • Silk - A delicate and luxurious fabric made from the cocoons of silkworms. Symbolizes beauty, grace, and elegance.

  • Worm - Symbolizes resilience, determination, and strength.

  • Mulberry - A type of tree that is associated with fertility and abundance.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

諧斗- Kaito -

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means "harmony, concord, agreement."

  • Harmonize - To bring into harmony or agreement.

  • Balance - To make even or equal.

  • Stabilize - To make steady or secure.

  • Joke - A humorous remark or story.

  • Humor - A quality that makes something amusing or entertaining.

Name ideas examples

  • Harmonize - To bring peace and balance to the family.

  • Balance - To bring balance and stability to the child's life.

  • Stabilize - To provide a secure and steady foundation for the child's future.

  • Joke - To bring joy and laughter to the family.

  • Humor - To bring a lighthearted and cheerful spirit to the home.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

貝斗- Kaito -

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means "shell, shellfish."

  • Shell - A hard outer covering of an animal, such as a mollusk or turtle.

  • Treasure - Valuable items, such as gold or coins.

  • Pattern - A design or decoration that resembles a shell.

Name ideas examples

  • Shell - Symbolizing protection and strength.

  • Treasure - Representing wealth and abundance.

  • Pattern - Representing beauty and uniqueness.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

貝都- Kaito -

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means "shell, shellfish."

  • Shell - A hard outer covering of an animal, such as a mollusk or turtle.

  • Treasure - Valuable items, such as gold or coins.

  • Pattern - A design or decoration that resembles a shell.

Name ideas examples

  • Shell - Symbolizing protection and strength.

  • Treasure - Representing wealth and abundance.

  • Pattern - Representing beauty and uniqueness.

means "city, capital."

  • Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

  • Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

  • To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

  • Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

  • Graceful And Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

  • To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

  • To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

  • Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

  • Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

Name ideas examples

  • Grand City - This kanji implies a sense of grandeur and majesty, and could be a great choice for a baby born in a large city.

  • Imperial Palace - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in a city with an imperial palace, as it implies a sense of royalty and power.

  • Tokyo - This kanji could be a great choice for a baby born in Tokyo, as it is the abbreviation of the city.

  • Govern - This kanji implies a sense of leadership and authority, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a position of power.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies a sense of grace and beauty, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a family of high social standing.

  • Gather - This kanji implies a sense of unity and togetherness, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

  • All - This kanji implies a sense of completeness and universality, and could be a great choice for a baby born into a large family.

輝弦- Kaito -

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means "radiance, brilliance."

  • Shine - To emit or reflect light, to be bright and radiant.

  • Illuminate - To light up, to make something visible or clear.

  • Glow - To emit a steady, bright light.

  • Radiance - A bright, glowing light.

  • Splendor - Magnificent and dazzling beauty.

Name ideas examples

  • Shine - To bring brightness and joy to the world.

  • Illuminate - To bring clarity and understanding to the world.

  • Glow - To bring warmth and comfort to the world.

  • Radiance - To bring beauty and light to the world.

  • Splendor - To bring grandeur and magnificence to the world.

means "string, chord."

  • Bowstring - A string that is attached to a bow.

  • Instrument String - A string that is attached to a musical instrument.

  • Crescent Moon - A half-circle shape resembling a bow with a string attached.

  • Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle.

Name ideas examples

  • Bowstring - A strong and resilient symbol of protection and security.

  • Instrument String - A reminder of the beauty of music and the joy of creating it.

  • Crescent Moon - A symbol of new beginnings and hope for the future.

  • Hypotenuse - A reminder of the importance of balance and stability in life.

鎧人- Kaito -

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means "armor, armour."

  • Armor - A metal armor used to protect the body.

  • To Wear Armor - To put on armor.

Name ideas examples

  • Protector - One who protects and defends.

  • Shield - A protective barrier that guards against harm.

  • Guardian - One who watches over and defends another.

means "person, human."

Name ideas examples

  • Person - A symbol of a unique individual, with the potential to make a difference in the world.

  • Human - A reminder of the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.

  • Individual - A reminder of the importance of standing out and being true to oneself.

  • Counting People - A reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships and counting one's blessings.

鎧任- Kaito -

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means "armor, armour."

  • Armor - A metal armor used to protect the body.

  • To Wear Armor - To put on armor.

Name ideas examples

  • Protector - One who protects and defends.

  • Shield - A protective barrier that guards against harm.

  • Guardian - One who watches over and defends another.

means "responsibility, duty, trust."

  • Entrust - To trust and entrust someone with a task or responsibility.

  • Allow - To give someone freedom to do something.

  • Duty - A job or task that someone is responsible for.

  • Endure - To be able to bear or tolerate something.

  • Bear - To take on or carry a burden or responsibility.

Name ideas examples

  • Entrust - To trust and entrust someone with a task or responsibility. This could be a reminder to the child to be responsible and trustworthy.

  • Allow - To give someone freedom to do something. This could be a reminder to the child to be independent and to make their own decisions.

  • Endure - To be able to bear or tolerate something. This could be a reminder to the child to be resilient and to persevere in difficult times.

鎧翔- Kaito -

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means "armor, armour."

  • Armor - A metal armor used to protect the body.

  • To Wear Armor - To put on armor.

Name ideas examples

  • Protector - One who protects and defends.

  • Shield - A protective barrier that guards against harm.

  • Guardian - One who watches over and defends another.

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

開土- Kaito -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "soil, earth, ground."

  • Earth, Ground - The surface of the earth, soil, land, territory, and the great earth.

  • Countryside, Hometown - The countryside, hometown, and region.

  • Element - One of the five elements, with the direction of the center and the color of yellow.

  • Measurement - To measure, equal to degrees.

  • Instrument - An instrument made of baked clay, one of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Saturday - Saturday, one of the seven days of the week.

  • Turkey - Abbreviation of the country name "Turkey(土耳古)".

Name ideas examples

  • Earth - Symbolizing the connection to the land and the natural world.

  • Ground - Representing stability and security.

  • Homeland - Representing a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots.

  • Countryside - Representing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

  • Central - Representing a sense of balance and harmony.

  • Yellow - Representing optimism and joy.

  • Measure - Representing precision and accuracy.

開士- Kaito -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

開斗- Kaito -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "measuring container, dipper, ladle."

  • Ladle - Tool used to scoop up water or alcohol.

  • Measurement of liquid or grain. 1斗(itto) is equal to approximately 18 liters.

  • Name of a constellation. Southern Dipper and Northern Dipper.

  • Small, few, or scanty.

  • Suddenly or abruptly.

Name ideas examples

  • Tool - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a tool for the family to use to build a better future.

  • Measurement - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a measure of the family's love and joy.

  • Constellation - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being a star in the family's sky.

  • Small - This could be used to symbolize the idea of a baby being small and precious.

開渡- Kaito -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "cross, pass over."

  • To Cross - To cross a river or sea by boat.

  • To Pass Through - To pass through or go over something.

  • To Transfer - To transfer or give something to someone.

  • To Pass On - To pass something on to someone else.

Name ideas examples

  • To Cross - It symbolizes the journey of life and the courage to take on new challenges.

  • To Pass - It symbolizes the passing of knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.

  • To Go Through - It symbolizes the process of growing up and the journey of life.

  • To Give - It symbolizes the act of giving and the importance of generosity.

  • To Transfer - It symbolizes the transfer of responsibility and the importance of taking on new roles.

開登- Kaito -

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means "open, start, begin."

Name ideas examples

  • Begin, Start - To signify a new beginning or start in life.

  • Spread, Expand - To signify a life of growth and expansion.

  • Release, Let Go - To signify a life of letting go and freedom.

  • Develop, Progress - To signify a life of progress and development.

means "climb, ascend, register, login."