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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,964 kanji variations.
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Koachan(こあちゃん)Akochan( あこちゃん)Koan( こあん)
This name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
For males, click here.
In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Koa," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.
幸 means "happiness, good fortune, luck."
Happiness, Fortunate - Being blessed with good luck, fortune, and joy.
Cherish, Love - Showing affection and care for someone or something.
Appreciate, Like - Having a favorable opinion of something.
Harvest - Gaining a reward or benefit from nature.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
恋 means "love, affection, romance."
Strongly Attracted - Feeling a strong pull of the heart towards someone.
Long-lasting - A feeling that will never leave the heart.
Love - A feeling of deep affection and fondness.
Attraction - A strong feeling of being drawn to someone.
Devotion - A deep and abiding loyalty to someone.
Affection - A warm and tender feeling of fondness and love.
杏 means "apricot, apricot tree."
Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.
Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.
誇 means "pride, boast, glory."
To Boast, Brag, Show Off - To be proud and boastful of one's accomplishments or qualities.
Honor, Pride - A feeling of pride and respect for oneself and one's accomplishments.
Self-importance - An attitude of self-importance or superiority.
Honor, Pride - A feeling of pride and respect for oneself and one's accomplishments, which can be a great source of motivation and strength for a child.
Self-importance - An attitude of self-importance or superiority, which can help a child to develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.
Big, Large - Having a large size or stature, which can be a reminder to the child that they are capable of achieving great things.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
顧 means "look back, review, consider."
Reflect on the past - To reflect on the past and have self-reflection.
Admire - To admire something or someone.
Opposite - To be opposite or in opposition to something.
Look back and observe - To remind the baby to look back and observe the world around them.
Pay attention - To remind the baby to pay attention to the people and things around them.
Reflect on the past - To remind the baby to reflect on their past experiences and learn from them.
Admire - To remind the baby to admire the beauty and goodness in the world.
会 means "meeting, gathering, association."
Understand, Realize - To comprehend or to come to an understanding.
Certainly, Definitely - Without a doubt.
Meeting, Gathering - To bring people together, to bring joy and happiness, to bring families together.
Understanding, Agreement - To understand each other, to be in harmony, to be in agreement.
Point, Moment - A special moment, a moment of joy, a moment of love.
Certainly, Counting - To be certain, to be sure, to be counted on.
琥 means "amber."
Amber - A transparent yellow gemstone.
Tiger Token - A token made of a jade stone carved with a tiger.
Tiger Vessel - A vessel made of a jade stone shaped like a tiger.
Transparent Yellow Gemstone - It conveys a sense of beauty and elegance. The gemstone is associated with wealth and prosperity, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-shaped Jade Ornament - It conveys a sense of strength and power. The tiger is a symbol of courage and resilience, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-engraved Jade Token - It conveys a sense of protection and security. The token is associated with luck and good fortune, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
乎 means "particle indicating a question or emphasis."
Expressing an exclamation or interjection - Used to express an exclamation or interjection, such as surprise, admiration, or joy.
Expressing a question - Used to express a question, such as “Will it be…?”
Expressing an emotion or sentiment - Used to express an emotion or sentiment, such as admiration, sorrow, or joy.
Expressing a call or address - Used to express a call or address, such as to a person or group.
To express admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration for a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a special and wonderful addition to the family.
To express awe - This kanji can be used to express awe at the beauty and innocence of a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a miracle and a blessing.
To express joy - This kanji can be used to express joy at the arrival of a new baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a source of joy and happiness.
To express love - This kanji can be used to express love for a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is loved and cherished.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
乎 means "particle indicating a question or emphasis."
Expressing an exclamation or interjection - Used to express an exclamation or interjection, such as surprise, admiration, or joy.
Expressing a question - Used to express a question, such as “Will it be…?”
Expressing an emotion or sentiment - Used to express an emotion or sentiment, such as admiration, sorrow, or joy.
Expressing a call or address - Used to express a call or address, such as to a person or group.
To express admiration - This kanji can be used to express admiration for a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a special and wonderful addition to the family.
To express awe - This kanji can be used to express awe at the beauty and innocence of a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a miracle and a blessing.
To express joy - This kanji can be used to express joy at the arrival of a new baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is a source of joy and happiness.
To express love - This kanji can be used to express love for a newborn baby, conveying the sentiment that the baby is loved and cherished.
杏 means "apricot, apricot tree."
Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.
Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.
光 means "light, radiance."
Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.
Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.
Scene - Appearance, state.
Blessing - Benefit, grace.
Time - Moment, date.
Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
己 means "self, oneself, me, i."
Self - Refers to oneself.
Sixth of the Ten Stems - Refers to the sixth of the ten stems in the Chinese system of numerology.
Earth - Refers to the element of Earth in the Five Elements system.
Center - Center in the eight directions.
Self - It symbolizes the individual's unique identity and independence.
Sixth of the Ten Celestial Stems - It symbolizes the individual's place in the order of the universe and their connection to the greater world.
Earth of the Five Elements - It symbolizes the individual's connection to the natural world and their grounding in the physical realm.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
晄 means "brightness, brilliance."
Clear - Easily understood or seen
Shining - Giving off or reflecting light
Glowing - Giving off a steady, bright light or heat.
Bright - Full of light
央 means "center, middle, nucleus."
Middle, Center - Refers to the middle point or center of something.
Vividness - Refers to the vividness or clarity of something.
Harmony - Refers to the harmonious sound or balance of something.
Middle, Center - Refers to the idea of being the center of attention or the focus of the family.
End, Cease - Refers to the idea of bringing an end to suffering or hardship.
Vividness - Refers to the idea of being bright and full of life.
Harmony - Refers to the idea of bringing peace and balance to the family.
琥 means "amber."
Amber - A transparent yellow gemstone.
Tiger Token - A token made of a jade stone carved with a tiger.
Tiger Vessel - A vessel made of a jade stone shaped like a tiger.
Transparent Yellow Gemstone - It conveys a sense of beauty and elegance. The gemstone is associated with wealth and prosperity, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-shaped Jade Ornament - It conveys a sense of strength and power. The tiger is a symbol of courage and resilience, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-engraved Jade Token - It conveys a sense of protection and security. The token is associated with luck and good fortune, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
琥 means "amber."
Amber - A transparent yellow gemstone.
Tiger Token - A token made of a jade stone carved with a tiger.
Tiger Vessel - A vessel made of a jade stone shaped like a tiger.
Transparent Yellow Gemstone - It conveys a sense of beauty and elegance. The gemstone is associated with wealth and prosperity, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-shaped Jade Ornament - It conveys a sense of strength and power. The tiger is a symbol of courage and resilience, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-engraved Jade Token - It conveys a sense of protection and security. The token is associated with luck and good fortune, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
空 means "sky, emptiness."
Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.
Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.
Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.
Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.
Void - An empty space or area.
To Empty - To make something empty or void.
Wide - Having a large area or extent.
Hole - An opening or passage through something.
Gap - A space between two things.
Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.
Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.
Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.
Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.
Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.
Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with
琥 means "amber."
Amber - A transparent yellow gemstone.
Tiger Token - A token made of a jade stone carved with a tiger.
Tiger Vessel - A vessel made of a jade stone shaped like a tiger.
Transparent Yellow Gemstone - It conveys a sense of beauty and elegance. The gemstone is associated with wealth and prosperity, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-shaped Jade Ornament - It conveys a sense of strength and power. The tiger is a symbol of courage and resilience, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
Tiger-engraved Jade Token - It conveys a sense of protection and security. The token is associated with luck and good fortune, which could be a positive message for a newborn.
蒼 means "blue, pale, unripe."
Blue - A deep blue color.
Thrive - The way plants and trees thrive in a blue hue.
Aging - The way someone looks when they are old and their hair is mixed with white.
Hurried - The way someone looks when they are in a hurry.
Blue - A beautiful and calming color that symbolizes peace and tranquility.
Thrive - A reminder to the child to strive and grow in life.
Aging - A reminder to the child to appreciate the wisdom and experience of the elderly.
Hurried - A reminder to the child to take their time and not rush through life.
瑚 means "coral."
Festival Vessel - A festival vessel made of a tree-like structure of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
Coral - A type of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
彩 means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."
Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.
Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.
Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.
瑚 means "coral."
Festival Vessel - A festival vessel made of a tree-like structure of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
Coral - A type of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
瑚 means "coral."
Festival Vessel - A festival vessel made of a tree-like structure of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
Coral - A type of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.
空 means "sky, emptiness."
Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.
Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.
Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.
Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.
Void - An empty space or area.
To Empty - To make something empty or void.
Wide - Having a large area or extent.
Hole - An opening or passage through something.
Gap - A space between two things.
Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.
Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.
Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.
Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.
Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.
Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with
胡 means "hu, foreign, barbarian."
A question word used to express doubt.
Longevity, living a long life.
Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.
Chaotian - Carelessly.
Long-lived - This is a positive connotation that implies a long and prosperous life. It is a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future.
Question - This meaning implies a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of exploration and discovery.
Rough - This meaning implies a sense of strength and resilience, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of determination and perseverance.
Barbarian - This meaning implies a sense of wildness and freedom, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of adventure and exploration.
杏 means "apricot, apricot tree."
Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.
Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.
虎 means "tiger, fierce, brave."
Tiger - A fierce animal of the cat family.
Bravery and courage - An example of something brave and courageous.
Fierceness - Something that is fierce and powerful.
Courage - A quality of being brave and determined in the face of adversity.
Strength - The ability to withstand physical or mental strain.
Fierceness - A quality of being strong and powerful.
Wildness - A quality of being untamed and unpredictable.
愛 means "love, affection, fondness."
To love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
To cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
To adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
To be fond of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.
To be devoted to - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.
Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.
Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.
Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.
虹 means "rainbow, arch, bow."
Rainbow - A seven-colored arch-shaped phenomenon seen in the sky after rain.
Disruption - To be disturbed or confused.
Discord - To be in disagreement or dispute.
Turmoil - To be in a state of confusion or chaos.
Rainbow - A symbol of hope, joy, and optimism.
Disruption - A reminder to stay strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
Discord - A reminder to stay open-minded and tolerant of different perspectives.
Turmoil - A reminder to stay focused and determined in the face of chaos.
亜 means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."
Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.
Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.
Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"
Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.
Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.
Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.
Names that have the same gender and start with K.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names