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Japanese girl(female) name Kodachi
Click to speech こだちAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kodachi

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:こだち
  • Katakanatip:コダチ
  • English transcriptionstip:Kodachi
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Kotan(こたん)Click to speech こたんDacchan( だっちゃん)Click to speech  だっちゃんDachan( だちゃん)Click to speech  だちゃん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 2 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Kodachi," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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小立- Kodachi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share小立 - Kodachi - Copy 小立

means "small, little, tiny."

  • Small - Refers to something that is of a small size or amount.

  • Insignificant - Refers to something that is not important or of little value.

  • Young - Refers to someone who is young in age.

  • Humble - Refers to someone who speaks of themselves in a humble manner.

  • Prefix - Used as a prefix to modify the meaning of a word or phrase.

Name ideas examples

  • Small - A word to describe someone who is small in size or stature.

  • Young - A word to describe someone who is young in age.

  • Modest - A word to describe someone who is humble and unassuming.

means "stand, set up, establish."

  • Stand - To stand upright, firmly, and stably.

  • Create - To make or construct something.

  • Raise - To cause something to happen.

  • Establish - To set or fix something.

  • Immediately - To do something without delay.

  • Rittoru - A unit of capacity.

Name ideas examples

  • Stand - To stand tall and strong, representing a strong and independent spirit.

  • Create - To create a bright and prosperous future.

  • Raise - To raise a child with a strong sense of responsibility and ambition.

  • Establish - To establish a strong foundation for the future.

  • Immediately - To act quickly and decisively.

心立- Kodachi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心立 - Kodachi - Copy 心立

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "stand, set up, establish."

  • Stand - To stand upright, firmly, and stably.

  • Create - To make or construct something.

  • Raise - To cause something to happen.

  • Establish - To set or fix something.

  • Immediately - To do something without delay.

  • Rittoru - A unit of capacity.

Name ideas examples

  • Stand - To stand tall and strong, representing a strong and independent spirit.

  • Create - To create a bright and prosperous future.

  • Raise - To raise a child with a strong sense of responsibility and ambition.

  • Establish - To establish a strong foundation for the future.

  • Immediately - To act quickly and decisively.

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