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Japanese girl(female) name Kokone
Click to speech ここねAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kokone

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:ここね
  • Katakanatip:ココネ
  • English transcriptionstip:Kokone
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Koneko(こねこ)Click to speech こねこKokochan( ここちゃん)Click to speech  ここちゃんNeneko( ねねこ)Click to speech  ねねこ

Kanji Names & Meanings - 13 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Kokone," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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心嶺- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心嶺 - Kokone - Copy 心嶺

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "ridge, peak, summit."

  • Peak - The highest point of a mountain.

  • Ridge - A line of mountains or hills.

  • Mountain Range - A series of mountains or hills connected together.

  • Mountain Chain - A series of mountains or hills connected together in a line.

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for success.

  • Mountain Top - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for greatness.

  • Range - It symbolizes the vastness of life and the potential for growth and exploration.

  • Ridge - It symbolizes strength and stability, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Mountain Chain - It symbolizes the interconnectedness of life and the importance of community.

心希- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心希 - Kokone - Copy 心希

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "rare, hope, beg for."

  • Wish, Hope - To wish or desire something to happen.

  • Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.

  • Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.

  • Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.

  • Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".

Name ideas examples

  • Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.

  • Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.

  • Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.

心羽- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心羽 - Kokone - Copy 心羽

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "feather, wing."

  • Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.

  • Bird - A bird or other avian species.

  • Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.

  • Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.

  • Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.

Name ideas examples

  • Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.

  • Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.

  • Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.

  • Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.

快羽- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share快羽 - Kokone - Copy 快羽

means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable."

  • Pleasant - Feeling good, enjoyable, joyful, and happy.

  • Fast - Quick, swift, and prompt.

  • Sharp - Having a good cutting edge, as with a blade.

Name ideas examples

  • Pleasant - Conveying a sense of joy, happiness, and contentment.

  • Swift - Suggesting speed, agility, and quickness.

  • Sharp - Implying intelligence, wit, and keenness.

means "feather, wing."

  • Feathers - The feathers of a bird or insect.

  • Bird - A bird or other avian species.

  • Ornament - An ornament held in the hand when dancing.

  • Help - Something that provides assistance. An assistant.

  • Numeral - A numeral used to count birds or rabbits.

Name ideas examples

  • Wing - This is a symbol of freedom and hope, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to explore the world and reach their full potential.

  • Bird - This is a symbol of beauty and grace, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to soar and reach new heights.

  • Help - This is a symbol of support and guidance, and is a reminder that the baby will have the support of their family and friends to help them reach their goals.

  • Number - This is a symbol of luck and fortune, and is a reminder that the baby will have the opportunity to make their own luck and find success in life.

ここね- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Shareここね - Kokone - Copy ここね

Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

ここ音- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Shareここ音 - Kokone - Copy ここ音

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

is hiragana, which is phonetic but without meaning.

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

小々音- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share小々音 - Kokone - Copy 小々音

means "small, little, tiny."

  • Small - Refers to something that is of a small size or amount.

  • Insignificant - Refers to something that is not important or of little value.

  • Young - Refers to someone who is young in age.

  • Humble - Refers to someone who speaks of themselves in a humble manner.

  • Prefix - Used as a prefix to modify the meaning of a word or phrase.

Name ideas examples

  • Small - A word to describe someone who is small in size or stature.

  • Young - A word to describe someone who is young in age.

  • Modest - A word to describe someone who is humble and unassuming.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

心々寧- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share心々寧 - Kokone - Copy 心々寧

means "heart, mind, spirit."

  • Heart - An organ that circulates blood.

  • Feelings - Emotions and mental state.

  • Center - The middle, the core, the central point.

Name ideas examples

  • Heart - Symbolizing love, courage, and strength.

  • Feelings - Representing emotion, sensitivity, and understanding.

  • Center - Signifying balance, stability, and focus.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "tranquility, peace, calmness."

  • Peaceful, Calm - Expressing that something is peaceful and tranquil.

  • Comforting, Reassuring - Expressing that something is comforting and reassuring.

  • Homecoming - Expressing the idea of a woman returning home to her family and bringing them peace of mind.

  • Kind, Considerate - Expressing that someone is kind and considerate.

  • Contented, Satisfied - Expressing that someone is content and satisfied.

  • Rather, Preferably - Expressing that one option is preferable to another.

  • Why, What For - Expressing a question of why something is the way it is.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity, suggesting that the child will grow up in a calm and secure environment.

  • Comforting - This kanji implies that the child will be surrounded by love and comfort, and will be able to find solace in difficult times.

  • Compassionate - This kanji suggests that the child will be kind and understanding, and will be able to empathize with others.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and discerning, and will be able to make sound decisions.

  • Considerate - This kanji suggests that the child will be thoughtful and considerate of others, and will strive to make the world a better place.

瑚々寧- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share瑚々寧 - Kokone - Copy 瑚々寧

means "coral."

  • Festival Vessel - A festival vessel made of a tree-like structure of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.

  • Coral - A type of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.

Name ideas examples

  • Festive - This kanji that evokes the joy and celebration of festivals.

  • Precious - This kanji that conveys the preciousness of coral and its beauty.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes the strength and resilience of coral.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "tranquility, peace, calmness."

  • Peaceful, Calm - Expressing that something is peaceful and tranquil.

  • Comforting, Reassuring - Expressing that something is comforting and reassuring.

  • Homecoming - Expressing the idea of a woman returning home to her family and bringing them peace of mind.

  • Kind, Considerate - Expressing that someone is kind and considerate.

  • Contented, Satisfied - Expressing that someone is content and satisfied.

  • Rather, Preferably - Expressing that one option is preferable to another.

  • Why, What For - Expressing a question of why something is the way it is.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity, suggesting that the child will grow up in a calm and secure environment.

  • Comforting - This kanji implies that the child will be surrounded by love and comfort, and will be able to find solace in difficult times.

  • Compassionate - This kanji suggests that the child will be kind and understanding, and will be able to empathize with others.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the child will be wise and discerning, and will be able to make sound decisions.

  • Considerate - This kanji suggests that the child will be thoughtful and considerate of others, and will strive to make the world a better place.

瑚々希- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share瑚々希 - Kokone - Copy 瑚々希

means "coral."

  • Festival Vessel - A festival vessel made of a tree-like structure of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.

  • Coral - A type of calcium carbonate formed by the skeletons of coral found in the sea, used as a decoration.

Name ideas examples

  • Festive - This kanji that evokes the joy and celebration of festivals.

  • Precious - This kanji that conveys the preciousness of coral and its beauty.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes the strength and resilience of coral.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "rare, hope, beg for."

  • Wish, Hope - To wish or desire something to happen.

  • Rare, Unusual - Something that is not common or not seen often.

  • Faint, Dim - Something that is barely visible or barely audible.

  • Sparse - Something that is not dense or not crowded.

  • Greece - An abbreviation for the country name "Greece".

Name ideas examples

  • Hope - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that conveys a sense of optimism and wishing for the best for the baby.

  • Rare - This meaning conveys a sense of uniqueness and specialness, suggesting that the baby is one of a kind.

  • Greece - This meaning is a reference to the country of Greece, which is associated with ancient culture and civilization. It can be a meaningful way to honor the baby's heritage.

胡々音- Kokone -

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means "hu, foreign, barbarian."

  • A question word used to express doubt.

  • Longevity, living a long life.

  • Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.

  • Chaotian - Carelessly.

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lived - This is a positive connotation that implies a long and prosperous life. It is a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of hope and optimism for the future.

  • Question - This meaning implies a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of exploration and discovery.

  • Rough - This meaning implies a sense of strength and resilience, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of determination and perseverance.

  • Barbarian - This meaning implies a sense of wildness and freedom, which is a desirable trait for a baby to have. It is also a suitable name for a baby as it conveys a sense of adventure and exploration.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

誇々音- Kokone -

Add to First Names Favorites Share誇々音 - Kokone - Copy 誇々音

means "pride, boast, glory."

  • To Boast, Brag, Show Off - To be proud and boastful of one's accomplishments or qualities.

  • Honor, Pride - A feeling of pride and respect for oneself and one's accomplishments.

  • Self Importance - An attitude of self-importance or superiority.

  • Big, Large - Having a large size or stature.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor, Pride - A feeling of pride and respect for oneself and one's accomplishments, which can be a great source of motivation and strength for a child.

  • Self Importance - An attitude of self-importance or superiority, which can help a child to develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

  • Big, Large - Having a large size or stature, which can be a reminder to the child that they are capable of achieving great things.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

鼓々音- Kokone -

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means "drum, beat, strike."

  • Drum - A type of percussion instrument.

  • Strike - To hit or beat.

  • Inspire - To motivate or encourage.

Name ideas examples

  • Drum - A symbol of strength and power, representing the beating of one's heart and the rhythm of life.

  • Strike - A reminder to take action and make a difference in the world.

  • Inspire - A reminder to be a source of motivation and encouragement for others.

means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark."

means "sound, noise."

  • Sound - The vibration of air that is heard by the ear.

  • Verse - A song or piece of music.

  • News - A visit or message.

  • Chinese pronunciation of a character imported from China, and its reading.

Name ideas examples

  • Sound - This kanji that evokes a pleasant sound, such as a musical note or a gentle breeze.

  • Verse - This kanji that is lyrical and poetic, such as a line from a poem or a song.

  • News - This kanji that symbolizes a message of hope or joy, such as a word that means “good news” or “happiness”.

  • Chinese Pronunciation - This kanji that has a Chinese pronunciation, such as a character that has a special meaning in Chinese culture.

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