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Japanese boy(male) name Megumi
Click to speech めぐみAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Megumi

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:めぐみ
  • Katakanatip:メグミ
  • English transcriptionstip:Megumi
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Meguchan(めぐちゃん)Click to speech めぐちゃんMugyu( むぎゅ)Click to speech  むぎゅMikun( みーくん)Click to speech  みーくん

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
For females, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 6 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Megumi," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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means "humanity, benevolence, kindness."

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Person - An individual human being.

  • Fruit - The seed of a fruit.

Name ideas examples

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others, and being understanding and caring.

  • Affection - Showing fondness and love towards others, and being warm and loving.

  • Humanity - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, and being generous and considerate.

恵海- Megumi -

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means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

Name ideas examples

  • Kindness - It conveys the idea of being kind and compassionate. It also implies that the child will be generous and understanding towards others.

  • Wisdom - It implies that the child will be wise and intelligent. It also suggests that the child will be able to think critically and make wise decisions.

  • Gentleness - It conveys the idea of being gentle and understanding. It also implies that the child will be patient and understanding towards others.

  • Peacefulness - It conveys the idea of being peaceful and calm. It also implies that the child will be able to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in their life.

  • Generosity - It conveys the idea of being generous and giving. It also implies that the child will be willing to share their resources with others.

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

Name ideas examples

  • Sea - Representing the vastness of the ocean and the power of the sea.

  • Sea God - Representing strength, protection, and guidance.

  • Lake Or Pond - Representing tranquility, serenity, and peace.

  • Wide And Large - Representing ambition, strength, and courage.

  • Gathering Place - Representing community, friendship, and connection.

恵深- Megumi -

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means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

Name ideas examples

  • Kindness - It conveys the idea of being kind and compassionate. It also implies that the child will be generous and understanding towards others.

  • Wisdom - It implies that the child will be wise and intelligent. It also suggests that the child will be able to think critically and make wise decisions.

  • Gentleness - It conveys the idea of being gentle and understanding. It also implies that the child will be patient and understanding towards others.

  • Peacefulness - It conveys the idea of being peaceful and calm. It also implies that the child will be able to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in their life.

  • Generosity - It conveys the idea of being generous and giving. It also implies that the child will be willing to share their resources with others.

means "deep, profound."

  • Deep - Having a great depth or intensity.

  • Profound - Having great intellectual depth or insight.

  • Intense - Having a great degree of intensity.

  • Serious - Having a great degree of gravity or importance.

  • Nightfall - The time when night begins.

  • Dark - Having a deep or intense color.

  • Severe - Having a great degree of harshness or severity.

  • Respectful - Having a great degree of respect or reverence.

Name ideas examples

  • Deep - Conveying a sense of depth and intensity of emotion.

  • Profound - Conveying a sense of intellectual depth and insight.

  • Intense - Conveying a sense of intensity and passion.

  • Serious - Conveying a sense of gravity and importance.

  • Nightfall - Conveying a sense of the beauty of the night.

  • Dark - Conveying a sense of mystery and intrigue.

  • Severe - Conveying a sense of strength and resilience.

  • Respectful - Conveying a sense of respect and reverence.

芽実- Megumi -

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means "bud, sprout."

  • Bud - The beginning of a plant or tree sprouting from the ground.

  • Sprout - To start to grow or develop.

  • Sign - An indication or warning of something about to happen.

  • Start - The beginning of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Bud - A symbol of new life and growth, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.

  • Sprout - A reminder of the baby's potential to grow and blossom.

  • Sign - A reminder of the special connection between the baby and their parents, and the importance of nurturing and protecting them.

means "fruit, reality, truth, actuality."

  • Fruit, Seed Of A Plant - Refers to the fruit or seed of a plant.

  • Bearing Fruit - Refers to a plant bearing fruit.

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - Refers to being full or abundant, symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Truth - Refers to truthfulness or sincerity, symbolizing a life of honesty and integrity.

  • Sincerity - Refers to being genuine or honest, symbolizing a life of sincerity and kindness.

芽美- Megumi -

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means "bud, sprout."

  • Bud - The beginning of a plant or tree sprouting from the ground.

  • Sprout - To start to grow or develop.

  • Sign - An indication or warning of something about to happen.

  • Start - The beginning of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Bud - A symbol of new life and growth, representing the potential of a baby to grow and develop.

  • Sprout - A reminder of the baby's potential to grow and blossom.

  • Sign - A reminder of the special connection between the baby and their parents, and the importance of nurturing and protecting them.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - Suggesting a life of grace and elegance.

  • Splendid - Suggesting a life of grandeur and excellence.

  • Admirable - Suggesting a life of honor and respect.

  • Delicious - Suggesting a life full of joy and pleasure.

  • Praiseworthy - Suggesting a life of distinction and admiration.

めぐみ- Megumi -

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Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

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