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Japanese girl(female) name Michiya
Click to speech みちやAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Michiya

  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:みちや
  • Katakanatip:ミチヤ
  • English transcriptionstip:Michiya
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Micchan(みっちゃん)Click to speech みっちゃんMichan( みちゃん)Click to speech  みちゃんM-chan( みーちゃん)Click to speech  みーちゃん

Japanese boy(male) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
For males, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 1 variation

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Michiya," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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未知夜- Michiya -

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means "not yet, un-, non-."

  • Not Yet - This kanji is used to express that something has not yet happened or been done.

  • Sheep - The eighth of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

  • Direction - South-southwest.

  • Time - 2pm and two hours before and after.

Name ideas examples

means "knowledge, understanding, awareness."

  • To Know - To understand, to recognize, to feel, to comprehend.

  • To Inform - To notify, to make aware.

  • Acquaintance - To be familiar with someone.

  • Knowledge - To be aware of something.

  • To Govern - To rule, to preside over.

  • Wisdom - The ability to think, the power to discern the essence of things.

Name ideas examples

  • Knowledge - It symbolizes the potential for growth and learning. It also implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to think deeply and understand the world around them.

  • Wisdom - It implies that the child will be wise and have the ability to think deeply and understand the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Understanding - It implies that the child will be able to comprehend and interpret the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Recognition - It implies that the child will be able to recognize and appreciate the world around them. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

  • Awareness - It implies that the child will be aware of their surroundings and be able to make informed decisions. It also symbolizes the potential for growth and learning.

means "night, evening."

  • Night - The time from sunset to sunrise.

  • Midnight - The middle of the night.

  • Late Night - The late hours of the night.

Name ideas examples

  • Night - A reminder of the beauty of the night sky and the peacefulness of the night.

  • Midnight - A reminder of the mystery and magic of the night.

  • Late Night - A reminder of the stillness and serenity of the night.

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