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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!
Norichan(のりちゃん)Akichan( あきちゃん)
Noriakikun( のりあきくん)
In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Noriaki," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
暁 means "dawn, daybreak."
Dawn - The beginning of the day, the start of the morning.
Realize - To understand, to become clear.
Instruct - To teach, to make clear.
典 means "canon, rule, precedent."
Rule, Regulation, Law - A set of rules or regulations that must be followed.
Book, Text - A written work, especially one of value or importance.
Teaching, Instruction - A lesson or set of instructions given to someone.
Ceremony, Ritual - A formal event or set of activities performed in a particular way.
Standard, Benchmark - A point of reference that remains unchanged.
Govern, Administer - To have control or authority over something.
Deposit, Store - To put something into a place for safekeeping.
Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.
Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.
Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.
Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.
Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
徳 means "virtue, morality, goodness."
Morality - A person's character or behavior that is morally excellent.
Gratitude - Feeling thankful and appreciative.
Profit - Gain or advantage, usually financial.
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
法 means "law."
Follow, Obey, Adhere To (a rule, law, or teaching) - This could refer to following the teachings of Buddhism or following a set of laws or regulations.
Model, Example, Pattern - This could refer to using something as a model or example to follow.
Division, Fraction - This could refer to dividing something into fractions or parts.
Technique, Method, Way - This could refer to a specific technique or method of doing something.
Follow - This could be used to signify a baby who will follow the teachings of their parents or a set of values.
Model - This could be used to signify a baby who will be a model for others to follow.
Division - This could be used to signify a baby who will bring people together and divide them in a positive way.
Technique - This could be used to signify a baby who will be skilled in a particular technique or method.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
章 means "chapter, section, article."
Writing, Document - A written document, composition, or poem.
Seal, Pattern - A beautiful pattern or mark used to signify something.
Regulation, Law - A set of rules or laws.
Clarification - To make something clear or explicit.
Seal, Stamp - A stamp or seal used to authenticate something.
Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.
Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.
Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.
Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.
Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.
Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.
則 means "rule, regulation, principle."
To Follow - To adhere to a set of rules or regulations.
To Serve As An Example - To be a model or pattern for others to follow.
Regulation - A set of rules or laws that govern a particular activity or area.
Rule - To suggest that the baby will be a leader who follows the rules and sets a good example for others.
Regulation - To suggest that the baby will be a responsible individual who follows the regulations and laws.
Standard - To suggest that the baby will be a person of high standards who sets a good example for others.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
徳 means "virtue, morality, goodness."
Morality - A person's character or behavior that is morally excellent.
Gratitude - Feeling thankful and appreciative.
Profit - Gain or advantage, usually financial.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
昂 means "high, elevated, noble."
Rise - To go up or increase in level.
Soar - To rise or increase rapidly.
Elevate - To raise in rank, status, or position.
Exalt - To raise in rank, honor, or esteem.
Heighten - To increase in intensity or degree.
Uplift - To raise in rank, status, or position.
High Spirited - This kanji conveys a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, suggesting that the child will be full of energy and have a positive outlook on life.
Ambitious - This kanji implies that the child will be driven and determined to achieve their goals.
Uplifting - This kanji suggests that the child will bring joy and positivity to those around them.
Energetic - This kanji implies that the child will be full of energy and enthusiasm, and will be eager to take on new challenges.
Inspiring - This kanji suggests that the child will be a source of motivation and encouragement for those around them.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
顕 means "manifest, appear, obvious."
Clear, Visible - Something that is easily seen or understood.
Reveal, Make Public - To make something known to the public.
High Status, Noble - Something that is of high status or noble.
Ancestor Respect - A term used to show respect for one's ancestors.
智 means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."
Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.
Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Knowledgeable - Having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject.
Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation.
Ability To Understand And Process Things - The capacity to comprehend and process information.
Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding, which can be a great asset for a child as they grow up.
Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, which can help a child make wise decisions in life.
Insightful - Having or showing an ability to understand and think deeply about a situation, which can help a child to think critically and make informed decisions.
章 means "chapter, section, article."
Writing, Document - A written document, composition, or poem.
Seal, Pattern - A beautiful pattern or mark used to signify something.
Regulation, Law - A set of rules or laws.
Clarification - To make something clear or explicit.
Seal, Stamp - A stamp or seal used to authenticate something.
Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.
Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.
Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.
Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.
Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.
Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
章 means "chapter, section, article."
Writing, Document - A written document, composition, or poem.
Seal, Pattern - A beautiful pattern or mark used to signify something.
Regulation, Law - A set of rules or laws.
Clarification - To make something clear or explicit.
Seal, Stamp - A stamp or seal used to authenticate something.
Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.
Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.
Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.
Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.
Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.
Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.
則 means "rule, regulation, principle."
To Follow - To adhere to a set of rules or regulations.
To Serve As An Example - To be a model or pattern for others to follow.
Regulation - A set of rules or laws that govern a particular activity or area.
Rule - To suggest that the baby will be a leader who follows the rules and sets a good example for others.
Regulation - To suggest that the baby will be a responsible individual who follows the regulations and laws.
Standard - To suggest that the baby will be a person of high standards who sets a good example for others.
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
範 means "model, example, pattern."
Model - A pattern or example to be followed.
Mold - A hollow container used to shape a substance such as metal or plastic.
Rule - A set of instructions or regulations governing conduct or action.
Law - A system of rules and regulations established by a government.
Example - A model or pattern to be followed or imitated.
Model - A symbol of excellence and a reminder to strive for greatness.
Mold - A reminder to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.
Bamboo Mold - A reminder to be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
Rule - A reminder to be disciplined and follow the rules.
Law - A reminder to be just and uphold the law.
Example - A reminder to be a role model and set a good example for others.
亮 means "brightness, clearness."
範 means "model, example, pattern."
Model - A pattern or example to be followed.
Mold - A hollow container used to shape a substance such as metal or plastic.
Rule - A set of instructions or regulations governing conduct or action.
Law - A system of rules and regulations established by a government.
Example - A model or pattern to be followed or imitated.
Model - A symbol of excellence and a reminder to strive for greatness.
Mold - A reminder to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.
Bamboo Mold - A reminder to be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
Rule - A reminder to be disciplined and follow the rules.
Law - A reminder to be just and uphold the law.
Example - A reminder to be a role model and set a good example for others.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
彰 means "manifest, clear, evident."
Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.
Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.
Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
倫 means "ethics, morals, principles."
Relationship - A relationship between people that is proper and orderly.
Order - The order in which things should be done.
Kindred - People of the same kind or group.
Courtesy - Acting in a polite and respectful manner.
Relationship - This kanji that symbolizes the strong bond between parents and their child.
Order - This kanji that reflects the importance of following the right path in life.
Kindred - This kanji that reflects the connection between family members.
Courtesy - This kanji that reflects the importance of being polite and respectful.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
典 means "canon, rule, precedent."
Rule, Regulation, Law - A set of rules or regulations that must be followed.
Book, Text - A written work, especially one of value or importance.
Teaching, Instruction - A lesson or set of instructions given to someone.
Ceremony, Ritual - A formal event or set of activities performed in a particular way.
Standard, Benchmark - A point of reference that remains unchanged.
Govern, Administer - To have control or authority over something.
Deposit, Store - To put something into a place for safekeeping.
Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.
Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.
Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.
Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.
Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
典 means "canon, rule, precedent."
Rule, Regulation, Law - A set of rules or regulations that must be followed.
Book, Text - A written work, especially one of value or importance.
Teaching, Instruction - A lesson or set of instructions given to someone.
Ceremony, Ritual - A formal event or set of activities performed in a particular way.
Standard, Benchmark - A point of reference that remains unchanged.
Govern, Administer - To have control or authority over something.
Deposit, Store - To put something into a place for safekeeping.
Rule - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern the way something is done.
Precedent - An example or model that is used as a basis for making decisions or judgments.
Ceremony - A formal event or set of activities that are performed in a particular way.
Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is accepted or expected.
Authority - The power to make decisions or enforce rules.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
利 means "profit, benefit, advantage."
Intelligent, Wise - Working well
Sharp - Symbolizing a sharp and keen mind.
Good - Representing a good and favorable life.
Establish - Signifying the establishment of a successful future.
Intelligent - Representing an intelligent and wise life.
Effective - Symbolizing an effective and efficient life.
Speak - Representing the power of speech.
菊 means "chrysanthemum, flower."
Chrysanthemum - A perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.
則 means "rule, regulation, principle."
To Follow - To adhere to a set of rules or regulations.
To Serve As An Example - To be a model or pattern for others to follow.
Regulation - A set of rules or laws that govern a particular activity or area.
Rule - To suggest that the baby will be a leader who follows the rules and sets a good example for others.
Regulation - To suggest that the baby will be a responsible individual who follows the regulations and laws.
Standard - To suggest that the baby will be a person of high standards who sets a good example for others.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
宣 means "proclaim, announce, declare."
Declare - To make a statement or announcement.
Dispatch - To send out or circulate.
Proclaim - To make a formal announcement.
Permeate - To spread widely and be present everywhere.
Manifest - To make clear or obvious.
Declare - To make a statement or announcement of the new arrival.
Spread Ideas - To share the joy of the new baby with the world.
Dispatch - To send out the news of the new baby to family and friends.
Proclaim - To make a formal announcement of the new baby's arrival.
Imperial Edict - To honor the new baby with the words of the emperor.
Permeate - To spread the joy of the new baby everywhere.
Manifest - To make the joy of the new baby clear and obvious.
晶 means "crystal, sparkle, clear."
慶 means "celebration, joy, happiness."
Celebrate (to show joy and happiness) - To express joy and happiness in a festive way.
Joy (happiness) - A feeling of great pleasure and delight.
Fortune (good luck) - A fortunate or prosperous state of affairs.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
彰 means "manifest, clear, evident."
Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.
Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.
Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
招 means "invite, beckon, summon."
Invite - To extend an invitation to someone.
Greet - To prepare for a reception and call for guests.
Attract - To draw in or bring about.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
晶 means "crystal, sparkle, clear."
憲 means "constitution, law, principle."
Rule, Regulation - A set of laws, regulations, or principles that govern a particular activity or behavior.
Take Over - To seize control of something, usually by force.
Follow As An Example - To use something as a model or guide to follow.
Official - A person who holds a position of authority or responsibility in a government or organization.
Senior Official - A person of high rank or authority in a government or organization.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
成 means "to become, to accomplish, to succeed."
To Become, Be Completed, Accomplished, Finished - To change/transform.
To Accomplish, Achieve, Fulfill - To make/finish/complete.
To Be Orderly, Well Formed, Finished - To be settled/completed.
To Reconcile, Harmonize, Pacify - To settle disputes and bring stability.
To show respect for someone's departure or arrival.
Accomplishment, Achievement - To signify the completion of a task or goal, and to encourage the baby to strive for success.
Harmony, Peace - To signify the importance of living in harmony with others, and to encourage the baby to be a peacemaker.
Respect - To signify the importance of showing respect for others, and to encourage the baby to be respectful.
晃 means "brightness, brilliance, clearness."
Bright - Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts.
Shining - Emitting or reflecting light brightly.
Glowing - Emitting or reflecting light steadily and brightly.
Clear - Easily seen, heard, or understood
教 means "teach, instruct, religion, faith."
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to someone.
Guide - To lead or direct someone in the right direction.
Instruct - To give someone instructions or advice.
Precept - A rule or principle that is intended to regulate behaviour.
Doctrine - A set of beliefs or principles taught by a religion.
Impose - To force someone to accept or comply with something.
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to the baby, so that they can grow up to be wise and knowledgeable.
Guide - To lead the baby in the right direction, so that they can make the right choices in life.
Instruct - To give the baby instructions or advice, so that they can learn from their mistakes and grow up to be responsible.
Precept - To provide the baby with a set of rules or principles that will help them to make the right decisions in life.
Doctrine - To provide the baby with a set of beliefs or principles that will help them to live a life of faith and integrity.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
教 means "teach, instruct, religion, faith."
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to someone.
Guide - To lead or direct someone in the right direction.
Instruct - To give someone instructions or advice.
Precept - A rule or principle that is intended to regulate behaviour.
Doctrine - A set of beliefs or principles taught by a religion.
Impose - To force someone to accept or comply with something.
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to the baby, so that they can grow up to be wise and knowledgeable.
Guide - To lead the baby in the right direction, so that they can make the right choices in life.
Instruct - To give the baby instructions or advice, so that they can learn from their mistakes and grow up to be responsible.
Precept - To provide the baby with a set of rules or principles that will help them to make the right decisions in life.
Doctrine - To provide the baby with a set of beliefs or principles that will help them to live a life of faith and integrity.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
敬 means "respect, honor, reverence."
Respect, Honor - Showing respect and admiration for someone or something.
Reverence - A feeling of deep respect and admiration for someone or something.
Humility - Being humble and modest in attitude and behavior.
Graciousness - Being polite and courteous in manner.
Respect - Showing respect and admiration for others and the world around them.
Reverence - A feeling of deep respect and admiration for life and all its wonders.
Humility - Being humble and modest in attitude and behavior, and recognizing one’s own limitations.
Graciousness - Being polite and courteous in manner, and treating others with kindness and consideration.
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.
Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.
Reveal - To make something known or clear.
Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.
Next - Refers to the following day or year.
World - Refers to the current world.
Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.
Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.
Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.
Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.
Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.
法 means "law."
Follow, Obey, Adhere To (a rule, law, or teaching) - This could refer to following the teachings of Buddhism or following a set of laws or regulations.
Model, Example, Pattern - This could refer to using something as a model or example to follow.
Division, Fraction - This could refer to dividing something into fractions or parts.
Technique, Method, Way - This could refer to a specific technique or method of doing something.
Follow - This could be used to signify a baby who will follow the teachings of their parents or a set of values.
Model - This could be used to signify a baby who will be a model for others to follow.
Division - This could be used to signify a baby who will bring people together and divide them in a positive way.
Technique - This could be used to signify a baby who will be skilled in a particular technique or method.
朗 means "bright, clear, serene."
Clear - Clearly visible and understood.
範 means "model, example, pattern."
Model - A pattern or example to be followed.
Mold - A hollow container used to shape a substance such as metal or plastic.
Rule - A set of instructions or regulations governing conduct or action.
Law - A system of rules and regulations established by a government.
Example - A model or pattern to be followed or imitated.
Model - A symbol of excellence and a reminder to strive for greatness.
Mold - A reminder to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.
Bamboo Mold - A reminder to be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
Rule - A reminder to be disciplined and follow the rules.
Law - A reminder to be just and uphold the law.
Example - A reminder to be a role model and set a good example for others.
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
紀 means "era, chronicle."
光 means "light, radiance."
Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.
Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.
Scene - Appearance, state.
Blessing - Benefit, grace.
Time - Moment, date.
Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)
紀 means "era, chronicle."
昭 means "shining, bright, luminous."
Clear - Easily seen or understood
Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light
Obvious - Easily seen or understood
Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.
Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.
Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.
統 means "unity, unification, consolidation."
Line, Connection - A line or connection between two points.
Regulation, Norm - A regulation or norm that is followed.
Unity - To represent the unity of the family and the bond between the parents and the child.
Origin - To signify the origin of the family and the beginning of a new life.
Regulation - To signify the importance of following regulations and norms in life.
映 means "reflect, project, shine."
Reflection, Reflecting - To reflect light or color, creating a vivid and bright image.
Projection, Projecting - To project an image or shape onto another surface.
Reflection - To reflect the beauty and brightness of the baby's personality.
Radiance - To signify the baby's inner light and joy.
Vivid - To represent the baby's unique and vibrant spirit.
規 means "rule, regulation, norm."
Rule, Regulation - A set of guidelines or instructions that must be followed.
Compass - A navigational instrument used to determine direction.
Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is considered acceptable.
Precept - A rule or principle that guides behavior.
Model - A pattern or example that is used as a guide.
Rectify - To make something right or correct.
Admonish - To caution or advise against something.
Uphold - To maintain or support something.
Devise - To plan or invent something.
Rule - To remind the child to follow the rules and regulations.
Compass - To guide the child in the right direction.
Standard - To encourage the child to strive for excellence.
Precept - To instill values and principles in the child.
Model - To serve as an example for the child to follow.
Uphold - To remind the child to stay true to their beliefs.
晃 means "brightness, brilliance, clearness."
Bright - Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts.
Shining - Emitting or reflecting light brightly.
Glowing - Emitting or reflecting light steadily and brightly.
Clear - Easily seen, heard, or understood
規 means "rule, regulation, norm."
Rule, Regulation - A set of guidelines or instructions that must be followed.
Compass - A navigational instrument used to determine direction.
Standard - A level of quality or achievement that is considered acceptable.
Precept - A rule or principle that guides behavior.
Model - A pattern or example that is used as a guide.
Rectify - To make something right or correct.
Admonish - To caution or advise against something.
Uphold - To maintain or support something.
Devise - To plan or invent something.
Rule - To remind the child to follow the rules and regulations.
Compass - To guide the child in the right direction.
Standard - To encourage the child to strive for excellence.
Precept - To instill values and principles in the child.
Model - To serve as an example for the child to follow.
Uphold - To remind the child to stay true to their beliefs.
瑛 means "brightness, clarity, sparkle."
Beautiful And Transparent Gem - A gem that is beautiful and transparent in appearance.
Crystal - A type of mineral composed of a lattice of atoms that is transparent and often used in jewelry.
訓 means "instruction, lesson, reading of a chinese character in Japanese."
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to someone.
Instruct - To give directions or orders to someone.
Warn - To caution or advise against something.
Interpret - To explain the meaning of something.
Teach - To impart knowledge or skills to the baby, so that they can grow up to be wise and knowledgeable.
Instruct - To give the baby guidance and direction, so that they can make the right decisions in life.
Warn - To caution the baby against making bad choices, so that they can stay away from danger and harm.
Interpret - To help the baby understand the world around them, so that they can make sense of their experiences.
右 means "right, correct, right-hand side."
Right - Refers to the right side or direction.
West - Refers to the western direction.
Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.
Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.
Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.
Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.
West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.
Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.
Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.
Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.
記 means "record, chronicle, account."
To Record Or Write Down - To make a written record of something.
To Remember - To keep something in one's memory.
To Mark Or Symbolize - To use a mark or symbol to represent something.
Kojiki - An abbreviation for the ancient Japanese chronicle "古事記(kojiki)".
To Remember - It conveys the idea of cherishing and remembering the special moments in life.
To Record - It conveys the idea of documenting and preserving the memories of the child's life.
Symbol - It conveys the idea of representing the child's identity and uniqueness.
Mark - It conveys the idea of leaving a lasting impression on the world.
Chronicle - It conveys the idea of documenting the child's life story.
士 means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."
Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.
Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.
Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.
Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.
Samurai - Refers to a warrior.
Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.
A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.
A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.
A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.
A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.
A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.
A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.
A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.
載 means "to carry, to load, to publish, to record."
To Ride. To Carry On A Boat Or Car. - It conveys the idea of embarking on a journey or adventure.
To Place. To Set Up. To Put On. - It conveys the idea of establishing a foundation for the future.
To Record.To Write. To Record. - It conveys the idea of leaving a lasting legacy.
To Accomplish. To Perform. To Execute. - It conveys the idea of achieving great things.
Work. Business. Duty. - It conveys the idea of taking on responsibility and striving for success.
Beginning. First Time. To Start. - It conveys the idea of embarking on a new journey.
Again. - It conveys the idea of perseverance and resilience.
Here. That is.
章 means "chapter, section, article."
Writing, Document - A written document, composition, or poem.
Seal, Pattern - A beautiful pattern or mark used to signify something.
Regulation, Law - A set of rules or laws.
Clarification - To make something clear or explicit.
Seal, Stamp - A stamp or seal used to authenticate something.
Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.
Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.
Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.
Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.
Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.
Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.
頼 means "rely, depend on."
To Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.
Someone Or Something To Rely On - A person or thing that can be trusted and depended on.
Thanks To - Acknowledging something as a result of something else.
To Request - To ask for something.
Reliable - Someone or something that can be trusted and depended on.
Trustworthy - This kanji that conveys trustworthiness and reliability.
Blessing - This kanji that conveys good fortune and blessings.
Profit - This kanji that conveys success and prosperity.
Request - This kanji that conveys a request or wish.
晃 means "brightness, brilliance, clearness."
Bright - Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts.
Shining - Emitting or reflecting light brightly.
Glowing - Emitting or reflecting light steadily and brightly.
Clear - Easily seen, heard, or understood
乃 means "from, therefore, accordingly."
You, Your, Thou, Thy - Used to refer to the person being addressed.
Therefore, Thus, Consequently, For That Reason - Used to indicate a logical consequence.
Finally, At Last - Used to indicate that something has been achieved after a long time.
No(の) - Used as a particle to indicate possession or to connect two nouns.
You - This is a term of endearment and respect that can be used to refer to someone close to you, such as a baby.
Your - This is a possessive pronoun that can be used to refer to something that belongs to someone, such as a baby.
Therefore - This is a word that can be used to indicate a logical conclusion or a result of something, such as the birth of a baby.
Finally - This is a word that can be used to indicate the end of a process or event, such as the arrival of a baby.
At Last - This is a phrase that can be used to indicate the end of a long wait or process, such as the birth of a baby.
理 means "principle, logic, reason."
Pattern - A visible pattern on a surface.
Texture - The texture of skin or wood.
Order - To arrange or put in order.
Reason - A logical explanation or justification for something.
Science - Physical or natural science.
Understanding - To comprehend or grasp something.
Judgment - To make a decision or pass sentence.
Pattern - A beautiful and unique pattern that reflects the baby's personality.
Texture - A soft and gentle texture that symbolizes the baby's tenderness.
Order - A sense of order and structure that will guide the baby's life.
Reason - A logical and rational approach to life that will help the baby make wise decisions.
Science - A passion for science and knowledge that will help the baby explore the world.
Understanding - A deep understanding of the world and its people that will help the baby empathize with others.
Judgment - A sense of justice and fairness that will help the baby make wise judgments.
秋 means "autumn, fall."
Autumn - The season between the beginning of autumn and the start of winter, usually from September to November. In the lunar calendar, it is from July to September.
Fruition - The ripening of crops.
Years - A period of time, usually measured in months or years.
Autumn - A season of change and growth, symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Important Time - A reminder to cherish every moment and to make the most of life.
Fruition - A reminder to strive for success and to reap the rewards of hard work.
Years - A reminder to appreciate the passing of time and to make the most of each day.
Names that have the same gender and start with N.
Sort by Most Kanji Variations
This is the order of names with many variations of kanji.
Basically, names with more variations are more common and familiar to the Japanese.
Sort by Most Viewed
The names are sorted by the number of times they have been viewed on this site. This ranking is based on the behavior of users around the world, including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only.
Please note that just because a name has been viewed more times does not mean it is a famous name in Japan.
What is Hiragana?
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese, which originated from the cursive style of Kanji.
What is Katakana?
Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. Basically, the characters don't have any meaning by themselves, they only represent the sounds.
Japanese try to express the words came from foreign languages with the most similar sounds in Japanese using Katakana.
What is English Transcription?
English Transcription is a term used when translating Japanese names into English. It represents a romanised version of the name with the aim of reproducing the pronunciation as accurately as possible. English Transcription can also be used for name searches.
Japanese Style Nickname
In Japan, nicknames are commonly used to express familiarity and affection. Here are key features and contexts:
Shortened Forms: Names are often shortened for ease and intimacy, such as 'Yuki' from 'Yukiko' or 'Taka' from 'Takashi'.
Suffixes: Terms like 'chan' for girls and 'kun' for boys are added to names among close friends and family. However, 'chan' can also be used for boys during childhood. Additionally, among adults who are very close, like best friends, 'chan' may still be used to convey affection and familiarity. More Details
Usage and Cultural Aspects: Nicknames are typically used in informal settings among friends, family, or close colleagues, and are not suitable for formal or professional environments. The use of a nickname suggests a degree of intimacy and should reflect the nature of the relationship. Young people often demonstrate creativity in their social interactions by crafting unique nicknames.
Note: In Japanese, the long vowel sound is indicated by a special character called a "chōonpu" (長音符), which looks like a horizontal dash (ー). This character serves to extend the duration of the vowel sound immediately preceding it. For instance, in the name "あーちゃん" (A-chan), the "あ" (A) is extended, producing a prolonged "ah" sound, similar to the "a" in "father."
The names are sorted by the number of Japanese households where the surname is used.
The more households there are, the more famous and common the surname is.
About this site's data of last names