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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
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Japanese girl(female) nameJapanese unisex name Reia
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  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:れいあ
  • Katakanatip:レイア
  • English transcriptionstip:Reia
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    Reichan(れいちゃん)Click to speech れいちゃんAcchan(あっちゃん)Click to speech あっちゃんIchan(いちゃん)Click to speech いちゃん

Japanese boy(male) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
For males, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 47 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Reia," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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黎依- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share黎依 - Reia - Copy 黎依

means "black, dark, many, numerous."

  • Dark - Having a dark color or a lack of light.

  • Abundant - Having a large amount or number of something.

  • Tidal - Relating to the regular rise and fall of the sea.

Name ideas examples

  • Shadow - A dark area or shape made by something blocking a source of light.

  • Prosperous - Having a large amount of wealth or success.

  • Timing - The ability to do something at the right moment.

means "dependent, rely on, trust in."

  • Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.

  • Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.

  • Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.

  • As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.

Name ideas examples

  • Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

  • Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.

  • Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.

  • Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.

  • Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.

伶愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶愛 - Reia - Copy 伶愛

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

玲愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share玲愛 - Reia - Copy 玲愛

means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

伶彩- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶彩 - Reia - Copy 伶彩

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."

  • Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.

  • Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.

  • Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.

Name ideas examples

  • Colorful - Bright, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Vibrant - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Radiant - Shining with beauty and joy.

怜彩- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share怜彩 - Reia - Copy 怜彩

means "clever, wise, astute."

  • Intelligent - Having great mental acuity and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment and discernment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

  • Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - Feeling or showing love and affection.

  • Cherishing - Showing great care and affection for someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji that conveys intelligence and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - This kanji that conveys good judgment and discernment.

  • Compassionate - This kanji that conveys sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - This kanji that conveys love and affection.

  • Cherishing - This kanji that conveys great care and affection.

means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."

  • Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.

  • Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.

  • Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.

Name ideas examples

  • Colorful - Bright, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Vibrant - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Radiant - Shining with beauty and joy.

麗空- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share麗空 - Reia - Copy 麗空

means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

伶亜- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶亜 - Reia - Copy 伶亜

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

怜亜- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share怜亜 - Reia - Copy 怜亜

means "clever, wise, astute."

  • Intelligent - Having great mental acuity and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment and discernment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

  • Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - Feeling or showing love and affection.

  • Cherishing - Showing great care and affection for someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji that conveys intelligence and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - This kanji that conveys good judgment and discernment.

  • Compassionate - This kanji that conveys sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - This kanji that conveys love and affection.

  • Cherishing - This kanji that conveys great care and affection.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

怜愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share怜愛 - Reia - Copy 怜愛

means "clever, wise, astute."

  • Intelligent - Having great mental acuity and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment and discernment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

  • Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - Feeling or showing love and affection.

  • Cherishing - Showing great care and affection for someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji that conveys intelligence and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - This kanji that conveys good judgment and discernment.

  • Compassionate - This kanji that conveys sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - This kanji that conveys love and affection.

  • Cherishing - This kanji that conveys great care and affection.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

澪愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share澪愛 - Reia - Copy 澪愛

means "channel, waterway, groove."

Name ideas examples

  • Flowing - Suggesting a sense of movement and energy.

  • Stream - Representing a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • River - Symbolizing strength and resilience.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

鈴愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share鈴愛 - Reia - Copy 鈴愛

means "bell."

  • Bell - A ringing instrument that is shaken or struck.

Name ideas examples

  • Chime - A pleasant ringing sound, often associated with joy and celebration.

  • Harmony - A pleasing combination of elements that create a unified whole.

  • Melody - A pleasing succession of musical notes.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

麗愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share麗愛 - Reia - Copy 麗愛

means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

黎愛- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share黎愛 - Reia - Copy 黎愛

means "black, dark, many, numerous."

  • Dark - Having a dark color or a lack of light.

  • Abundant - Having a large amount or number of something.

  • Tidal - Relating to the regular rise and fall of the sea.

Name ideas examples

  • Shadow - A dark area or shape made by something blocking a source of light.

  • Prosperous - Having a large amount of wealth or success.

  • Timing - The ability to do something at the right moment.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

伶安- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶安 - Reia - Copy 伶安

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "peace, cheap, low-priced."

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.

  • Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.

伶有- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶有 - Reia - Copy 伶有

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

伶逢- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share伶逢 - Reia - Copy 伶逢

means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "meet, encounter, come across."

  • To Meet - To come across someone unexpectedly.

  • To Greet - To welcome someone.

  • To Understand - To comprehend someone's feelings.

  • Big - Having a large size.

  • Abundant - Having a plentiful amount.

Name ideas examples

  • Meeting - It symbolizes the joy of coming together and the hope of a bright future.

  • Reception - It conveys the idea of welcoming someone into the family and the hope of a warm and loving relationship.

  • Understanding - It conveys the idea of being able to understand and empathize with others.

  • Abundance - It conveys the idea of having plenty and the hope of a prosperous life.

励愛- Reia -

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means "encourage, inspire, cheer on."

  • Encourage - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.

  • Urge - To strongly advise or recommend something.

  • Inspire - To fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

  • Motivate - To give someone a reason or incentive to do something.

  • Endeavor - To make an effort to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give the baby support, confidence, and hope for the future.

  • Inspire - To fill the baby with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

  • Motivate - To give the baby a reason or incentive to pursue their goals.

  • Endeavor - To instill in the baby the desire to make an effort to achieve their dreams.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

嶺亜- Reia -

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means "ridge, peak, summit."

  • Peak - The highest point of a mountain.

  • Ridge - A line of mountains or hills.

  • Mountain Range - A series of mountains or hills connected together.

  • Mountain Chain - A series of mountains or hills connected together in a line.

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for success.

  • Mountain Top - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for greatness.

  • Range - It symbolizes the vastness of life and the potential for growth and exploration.

  • Ridge - It symbolizes strength and stability, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Mountain Chain - It symbolizes the interconnectedness of life and the importance of community.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

嶺愛- Reia -

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means "ridge, peak, summit."

  • Peak - The highest point of a mountain.

  • Ridge - A line of mountains or hills.

  • Mountain Range - A series of mountains or hills connected together.

  • Mountain Chain - A series of mountains or hills connected together in a line.

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for success.

  • Mountain Top - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and striving for greatness.

  • Range - It symbolizes the vastness of life and the potential for growth and exploration.

  • Ridge - It symbolizes strength and stability, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Mountain Chain - It symbolizes the interconnectedness of life and the importance of community.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

怜明- Reia -

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means "clever, wise, astute."

  • Intelligent - Having great mental acuity and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment and discernment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

  • Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - Feeling or showing love and affection.

  • Cherishing - Showing great care and affection for someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji that conveys intelligence and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - This kanji that conveys good judgment and discernment.

  • Compassionate - This kanji that conveys sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - This kanji that conveys love and affection.

  • Cherishing - This kanji that conveys great care and affection.

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

怜葵- Reia -

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means "clever, wise, astute."

  • Intelligent - Having great mental acuity and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - Having or showing good judgment and discernment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

  • Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - Feeling or showing love and affection.

  • Cherishing - Showing great care and affection for someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji that conveys intelligence and the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Wise - This kanji that conveys good judgment and discernment.

  • Compassionate - This kanji that conveys sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others.

  • Loving - This kanji that conveys love and affection.

  • Cherishing - This kanji that conveys great care and affection.

means "hollyhock, mallow, althea."

  • Aoi - The name of a plant from the family of Aoi plants.

  • A symbol of good luck and fortune.

Name ideas examples

  • Aoi (葵) - This kanji that symbolizes good luck and fortune, and is associated with the beauty of nature.

  • Aoi (葵) - This kanji that symbolizes hope, joy, and optimism.

  • Aoi (葵) - This kanji that symbolizes strength, resilience, and courage.

玲亜- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

玲安- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "peace, cheap, low-priced."

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.

  • Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.

玲彩- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."

  • Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.

  • Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.

  • Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.

Name ideas examples

  • Colorful - Bright, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Vibrant - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Radiant - Shining with beauty and joy.

玲杏- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "apricot, apricot tree."

  • Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.

  • Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.

Name ideas examples

  • Apricot - A symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

  • Ginnan - A symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.

玲阿- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "ah, oh, alas."

  • Hill - A large hill.

  • Cove - A curved and winding place.

  • Flatter - To flatter or fawn.

  • Eaves - A roof overhang.

  • Approach - To approach or lean on.

  • Endearment - A word used to express affection when used as a surname or nickname.

  • Pet Name - An affectionate nickname used for a woman's name.

Name ideas examples

  • Hill - A strong and majestic name that symbolizes strength and stability.

  • Cove - A gentle and peaceful name that symbolizes tranquility and serenity.

  • Eaves - This kanji that symbolizes protection and shelter.

  • Approach - This kanji that symbolizes closeness and connection.

  • Endearment - This kanji that symbolizes love and affection.

means "gratitude, thanks, etiquette."

  • Respect - Showing respect to others and expressing gratitude.

  • Courtesy - Acting according to the established norms of social life.

  • Gift - Monetary or verbal gifts to express appreciation.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and gratitude.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Respect is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for someone or something. It is also a way of expressing politeness and courtesy.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. It is a way of showing appreciation and respect for the kindness and generosity of others.

  • Courtesy - Courtesy is another important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Courtesy is a way of showing respect and politeness to others. It is a way of expressing kindness and consideration for others.

  • Appreciation - Appreciation is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for someone or something. This kanji can be used to express appreciation for someone or something. It is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the kindness and generosity of others.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "gratitude, thanks, etiquette."

  • Respect - Showing respect to others and expressing gratitude.

  • Courtesy - Acting according to the established norms of social life.

  • Gift - Monetary or verbal gifts to express appreciation.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and gratitude.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Respect is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for someone or something. It is also a way of expressing politeness and courtesy.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. It is a way of showing appreciation and respect for the kindness and generosity of others.

  • Courtesy - Courtesy is another important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Courtesy is a way of showing respect and politeness to others. It is a way of expressing kindness and consideration for others.

  • Appreciation - Appreciation is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for someone or something. This kanji can be used to express appreciation for someone or something. It is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the kindness and generosity of others.

means "peace, cheap, low-priced."

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.

  • Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.

means "gratitude, thanks, etiquette."

  • Respect - Showing respect to others and expressing gratitude.

  • Courtesy - Acting according to the established norms of social life.

  • Gift - Monetary or verbal gifts to express appreciation.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and gratitude.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Respect is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for someone or something. It is also a way of expressing politeness and courtesy.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. It is a way of showing appreciation and respect for the kindness and generosity of others.

  • Courtesy - Courtesy is another important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Courtesy is a way of showing respect and politeness to others. It is a way of expressing kindness and consideration for others.

  • Appreciation - Appreciation is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for someone or something. This kanji can be used to express appreciation for someone or something. It is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the kindness and generosity of others.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

means "gratitude, thanks, etiquette."

  • Respect - Showing respect to others and expressing gratitude.

  • Courtesy - Acting according to the established norms of social life.

  • Gift - Monetary or verbal gifts to express appreciation.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and gratitude.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Respect is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for someone or something. It is also a way of expressing politeness and courtesy.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. It is a way of showing appreciation and respect for the kindness and generosity of others.

  • Courtesy - Courtesy is another important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Courtesy is a way of showing respect and politeness to others. It is a way of expressing kindness and consideration for others.

  • Appreciation - Appreciation is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for someone or something. This kanji can be used to express appreciation for someone or something. It is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the kindness and generosity of others.

means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "gratitude, thanks, etiquette."

  • Respect - Showing respect to others and expressing gratitude.

  • Courtesy - Acting according to the established norms of social life.

  • Gift - Monetary or verbal gifts to express appreciation.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and gratitude.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Respect is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for someone or something. It is also a way of expressing politeness and courtesy.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. It is a way of showing appreciation and respect for the kindness and generosity of others.

  • Courtesy - Courtesy is another important part of Japanese culture and is often expressed through the use of this kanji. Courtesy is a way of showing respect and politeness to others. It is a way of expressing kindness and consideration for others.

  • Appreciation - Appreciation is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for someone or something. This kanji can be used to express appreciation for someone or something. It is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the kindness and generosity of others.

means "ah, oh, alas."

  • Hill - A large hill.

  • Cove - A curved and winding place.

  • Flatter - To flatter or fawn.

  • Eaves - A roof overhang.

  • Approach - To approach or lean on.

  • Endearment - A word used to express affection when used as a surname or nickname.

  • Pet Name - An affectionate nickname used for a woman's name.

Name ideas examples

  • Hill - A strong and majestic name that symbolizes strength and stability.

  • Cove - A gentle and peaceful name that symbolizes tranquility and serenity.

  • Eaves - This kanji that symbolizes protection and shelter.

  • Approach - This kanji that symbolizes closeness and connection.

  • Endearment - This kanji that symbolizes love and affection.

禮愛- Reia -

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means "courtesy, etiquette, thanks."

  • Etiquette - A set of rules for social behavior.

  • Respect - Showing respect and appreciation for others.

  • Gratitude - Expressing gratitude and appreciation.

  • Gifts - Monetary or verbal gifts given as a sign of respect.

  • Books - Written works about etiquette and manners.

  • Bow - A gesture of respect and appreciation.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - Respect is an important part of Japanese culture, and this kanji is a reminder of this. It can be used to name a baby to remind them to show respect to others and to be respectful of their elders.

  • Gratitude - This kanji can also be used to represent gratitude. It can be used to name a baby to remind them to be thankful for the things they have and to show appreciation for the people in their lives.

  • Courtesy - This kanji can also be used to represent courtesy. It can be used to name a baby to remind them to be polite and courteous to others, and to show kindness and consideration.

  • Formality - This kanji can also be used to represent formality. It can be used to name a baby to remind them to be mindful of the rules and regulations of society, and to act in a manner that is appropriate and respectful.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

羚愛- Reia -

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means "antelope, gazelle."

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Antelopes are known for their strength and agility, making them a symbol of power and resilience.

  • Grace - Antelopes are graceful animals, often seen gracefully leaping and bounding across the savannah.

  • Beauty - Antelopes are beautiful animals, with their long horns and sleek coats.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

莉亜- Reia -

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means "jasmine, pear tree."

  • Jasmine - A flowering plant of the olive family, with fragrant white flowers. It is often used in perfumes and teas.

  • Fragrance - The pleasant smell of something, such as a flower or perfume.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, graceful, and delicate.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - A reminder of the beauty and joy of life, and a symbol of purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - A reminder of the beauty of life, and a symbol of grace and elegance.

  • Jasmine - A reminder of the beauty of nature, and a symbol of love and joy.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

莉愛- Reia -

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means "jasmine, pear tree."

  • Jasmine - A flowering plant of the olive family, with fragrant white flowers. It is often used in perfumes and teas.

  • Fragrance - The pleasant smell of something, such as a flower or perfume.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, graceful, and delicate.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - A reminder of the beauty and joy of life, and a symbol of purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - A reminder of the beauty of life, and a symbol of grace and elegance.

  • Jasmine - A reminder of the beauty of nature, and a symbol of love and joy.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

莉杏- Reia -

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means "jasmine, pear tree."

  • Jasmine - A flowering plant of the olive family, with fragrant white flowers. It is often used in perfumes and teas.

  • Fragrance - The pleasant smell of something, such as a flower or perfume.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, graceful, and delicate.

Name ideas examples

  • Fragrance - A reminder of the beauty and joy of life, and a symbol of purity and innocence.

  • Beauty - A reminder of the beauty of life, and a symbol of grace and elegance.

  • Jasmine - A reminder of the beauty of nature, and a symbol of love and joy.

means "apricot, apricot tree."

  • Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.

  • Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.

Name ideas examples

  • Apricot - A symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

  • Ginnan - A symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.

蓮愛- Reia -

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means "lotus, water lily."

  • Lotus - A symbol of purity, beauty, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Lotus Fruit - A symbol of abundance, fertility, and prosperity.

Name ideas examples

  • Lotus - A beautiful and meaningful name that symbolizes purity, beauty, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Lotus Fruit - A unique and meaningful name that symbolizes abundance, fertility, and prosperity.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

鈴杏- Reia -

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means "bell."

  • Bell - A ringing instrument that is shaken or struck.

Name ideas examples

  • Chime - A pleasant ringing sound, often associated with joy and celebration.

  • Harmony - A pleasing combination of elements that create a unified whole.

  • Melody - A pleasing succession of musical notes.

means "apricot, apricot tree."

  • Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.

  • Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.

Name ideas examples

  • Apricot - A symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

  • Ginnan - A symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.

麗安- Reia -

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means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "peace, cheap, low-priced."

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, feeling calm and relaxed.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - A peaceful and tranquil state, conveying a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Reassuring - To make someone feel secure and at ease, conveying a sense of comfort and safety.

  • Joyful - To experience pleasure and satisfaction, conveying a sense of happiness and contentment.

  • Affordable - Having a low price or cost, conveying a sense of financial stability and security.

  • Easy - Requiring little effort or difficulty, conveying a sense of simplicity and ease.

麗彩- Reia -

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means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."

  • Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.

  • Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.

  • Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.

Name ideas examples

  • Colorful - Bright, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Vibrant - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Radiant - Shining with beauty and joy.

麗阿- Reia -

Add to First Names Favorites Share麗阿 - Reia - Copy 麗阿

means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "ah, oh, alas."

  • Hill - A large hill.

  • Cove - A curved and winding place.

  • Flatter - To flatter or fawn.

  • Eaves - A roof overhang.

  • Approach - To approach or lean on.

  • Endearment - A word used to express affection when used as a surname or nickname.

  • Pet Name - An affectionate nickname used for a woman's name.

Name ideas examples

  • Hill - A strong and majestic name that symbolizes strength and stability.

  • Cove - A gentle and peaceful name that symbolizes tranquility and serenity.

  • Eaves - This kanji that symbolizes protection and shelter.

  • Approach - This kanji that symbolizes closeness and connection.

  • Endearment - This kanji that symbolizes love and affection.

麗雅- Reia -

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means "beautiful, lovely, graceful."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance, especially of a delicate kind.

  • Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Line Up - Arrange in a line or in lines.

  • Match - Be equal to in quality or ability.

  • Attach - Fasten or join securely to something else.

  • Hang - Be suspended or fastened from above.

  • Ancient Country Name - An ancient kingdom in the Korean peninsula, also known as Goguryeo.(高句麗)

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful - A word to describe someone who is attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Serene - A word to describe someone who is peaceful, calm, and tranquil.

  • Harmonious - A word to describe someone who is in harmony with others and their environment.

  • Attached - A word to describe someone who is connected to others and their environment.

  • Adorned - A word to describe someone who is decorated and embellished.

means "elegance, refinement, grace."

  • Elegant - Refers to something that is graceful, refined, and tasteful.

  • Proper - Refers to something that is correct, good, and well-ordered.

  • Constant - Refers to something that is unchanging and lasting.

  • Origin - Refers to something that is original and from the beginning.

  • Crow - Refers to a bird of the Corvidae family.

Name ideas examples

  • Refined - It conveys a sense of sophistication and elegance. It is also a reminder of the importance of being well-mannered and having good manners.

  • Proper - It implies that the child will be well-behaved and will follow the rules. It also implies that the child will be respectful and will strive to do the right thing.

  • Origin - It implies that the child will have a strong sense of identity and will be proud of their heritage. It also implies that the child will be rooted in their culture and will strive to uphold its values.

  • Crow - It implies that the child will be wise and will have a strong sense of intuition. It also implies that the child will be brave and will be able to face any challenge that comes their way.

黎逢- Reia -

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means "black, dark, many, numerous."

  • Dark - Having a dark color or a lack of light.

  • Abundant - Having a large amount or number of something.

  • Tidal - Relating to the regular rise and fall of the sea.

Name ideas examples

  • Shadow - A dark area or shape made by something blocking a source of light.

  • Prosperous - Having a large amount of wealth or success.

  • Timing - The ability to do something at the right moment.

means "meet, encounter, come across."

  • To Meet - To come across someone unexpectedly.

  • To Greet - To welcome someone.

  • To Understand - To comprehend someone's feelings.

  • Big - Having a large size.

  • Abundant - Having a plentiful amount.

Name ideas examples

  • Meeting - It symbolizes the joy of coming together and the hope of a bright future.

  • Reception - It conveys the idea of welcoming someone into the family and the hope of a warm and loving relationship.

  • Understanding - It conveys the idea of being able to understand and empathize with others.

  • Abundance - It conveys the idea of having plenty and the hope of a prosperous life.

伶依亜- Reia -

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means "actor, performer, talented person."

  • Intelligent - Having or showing great knowledge or understanding.

  • Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

  • Clever - Having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively.

  • Prudent - Having or showing careful good judgment in practical matters.

  • Actor - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

  • Musician - A person who plays a musical instrument or composes or conducts music as a profession.

  • Dancer - A person who performs a series of movements in time to music.

  • Servant - A person employed to perform domestic or personal services.

Name ideas examples

  • Clever - This kanji implies that the baby is intelligent and has a good head for learning.

  • Wise - This kanji implies that the baby is wise beyond their years and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Intelligent - This kanji implies that the baby is smart and has a good understanding of the world.

  • Articulate - This kanji implies that the baby is able to express themselves clearly and effectively.

  • Actor - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in the performing arts and has a flair for the dramatic.

  • Musician - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in music and has a good ear for sound.

  • Dancer - This kanji implies that the baby is talented in dance and has a good sense of rhythm.

  • Servant - This kanji implies that the baby is obedient and willing to serve others.

means "dependent, rely on, trust in."

  • Rely On - To trust and depend on someone or something.

  • Lean On - To rely on someone or something for support.

  • Follow - To go along with or obey someone or something.

  • As Is - To remain in the same state or condition.

Name ideas examples

  • Dependable - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

  • Obedient - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who follows instructions and is willing to listen and learn.

  • Unchanging - This meaning implies that the baby will remain the same throughout their life, never wavering from their core values and beliefs.

  • Rely On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be counted on and trusted to be there when needed.

  • Lean On - This meaning implies that the baby will be someone who can be leaned on for support and comfort.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

玲以愛- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "by means of, with, because of, in view of, according to."

Name ideas examples

  • To Use - It implies that the child will be used for something important and meaningful.

  • To Think - It implies that the child will be thoughtful and considerate.

  • To Lead - It implies that the child will be a leader and have the ability to guide others.

  • Reason - It implies that the child will be logical and rational.

  • Because - It implies that the child will be the cause of something important.

  • Already - It implies that the child will be ahead of the curve and have a head start in life.

  • Extremely - It implies that the child will be extraordinary and have the potential to do great things.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

玲衣亜- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "clothing, garment."

  • Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.

  • Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.

  • To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.

  • To Perform - To act or do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Clothing - Symbolizing the protection and comfort of a loving family.

  • Covering - Representing the shelter and safety of a loving home.

  • To Wear - Signifying the joy of being dressed and cared for.

  • To Perform - Representing the potential to achieve great things.

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

玲衣愛- Reia -

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means "sound of jewels, tinkling sound."

  • Sound Of Metal Or Gemstones Clinking Together - This is the sound of metal or gemstones clinking together, such as when jewelry is moved or shaken.

  • Brightness - This refers to the brightness and vividness of something, such as a color or an object.

  • Beauty - This refers to the beauty of something, such as a person or an object.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brilliance and sparkle, which could be a great name for a baby who is full of life and energy.

  • Beauty - The kanji also conveys a sense of beauty and elegance, which could be a great name for a baby who is graceful and lovely.

  • Harmony - The kanji also conveys a sense of harmony and balance, which could be a great name for a baby who is peaceful and harmonious.

  • Clarity - The kanji also conveys a sense of clarity and precision, which could be a great name for a baby who is sharp and focused.

  • Joy - The kanji also conveys a sense of joy and celebration, which could be a great name for a baby who is cheerful and optimistic.

means "clothing, garment."

  • Clothing - A garment worn from the waist up, such as a kimono or a shirt.

  • Covering - Something that covers a part of the body.

  • To Wear - To put on or dress oneself.

  • To Perform - To act or do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Clothing - Symbolizing the protection and comfort of a loving family.

  • Covering - Representing the shelter and safety of a loving home.

  • To Wear - Signifying the joy of being dressed and cared for.

  • To Perform - Representing the potential to achieve great things.

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

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