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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
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Japanese boy(male) nameJapanese unisex name Saku
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  • Katakanatip:サク
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    Sakkun(さっくん)Click to speech さっくんSa-kun( さーくん)Click to speech  さーくんSakucchi( さくっち)Click to speech  さくっち

Japanese girl(female) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often male.
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Kanji Names & Meanings - 53 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Saku," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

Introduction to how Japanese names work

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- Saku -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share作 - Saku - Copy 作

means "make, create, produce."

Name ideas examples

  • Create, Make - To create something new and unique, or to make something special.

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To accomplish something great or to achieve something remarkable.

  • Establish, Set Up - To establish something meaningful or to set up something lasting.

  • Behaviour, Action - To take action that is noble and honourable.

  • Work, Product - To produce something of value and worth.

  • Quality, Achievement - To strive for excellence and to achieve greatness.

咲紅- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share咲紅 - Saku - Copy 咲紅

means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

Name ideas examples

  • Red - Symbolizing passion, energy, and life.

  • Pigment - Representing beauty and creativity.

  • Woman - Representing strength and resilience.

  • Silk - Representing elegance and grace.

- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朔 - Saku - Copy 朔

means "new moon, beginning of the lunar month."

  • The first day of the month in the lunar calendar. The first day.

  • The calendar given by the emperor to the vassal states.

  • North direction.

Name ideas examples

  • First Day - It symbolizes the beginning of something new and special. It also reflects the idea of starting fresh and having a new beginning.

  • North - It symbolizes direction and guidance. It also reflects the idea of having a strong sense of direction and purpose in life.

  • Calendar - It symbolizes time and order. It also reflects the idea of having a sense of structure and organization in life.

  • Emperor's Calendar - It symbolizes power and authority. It also reflects the idea of having a strong sense of leadership and responsibility in life.

冴久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴久 - Saku - Copy 冴久

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

冴空- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴空 - Saku - Copy 冴空

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

咲玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share咲玖 - Saku - Copy 咲玖

means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share策 - Saku - Copy 策

means "plan, policy, scheme."

  • Plan - A scheme or strategy for achieving a goal.

  • Tag - A piece of paper or bamboo used to record characters in an era without paper.

  • Whip - A tool used to hit horses or people.

  • Royal Edict - A document used to convey orders from the king.

  • Cane - A stick used for support or as a weapon.

  • Writing Style - One of the styles of writing.

  • Calligraphy - One of the eight principles of calligraphy, which is a stroke that goes up diagonally to the right.

Name ideas examples

  • Plan - A reminder to the child to always have a plan and strive to achieve their goals.

  • Tag - A reminder to the child to always remember their identity and stay true to themselves.

  • Whip - A reminder to the child to stay disciplined and stay focused on their goals.

  • Royal Edict - A reminder to the child to always respect authority and follow the rules.

さく- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Shareさく - Saku - Copy さく

Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

三九- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share三九 - Saku - Copy 三九

means "three, third, threefold."

  • Three - The number three.

  • Three Times - Repeating something three times.

  • Third - The third item in a sequence.

  • Frequently - Doing something multiple times.

Name ideas examples

  • Three - Symbolizing the three aspects of life

  • Three Times - Representing the threefold power of love, wisdom, and courage.

  • Third - Signifying the third generation of a family.

  • Frequently - Representing the idea of being blessed with good fortune and luck.

means "nine, 9."

  • Nine - The number nine.

  • Many - A large number, a lot, multiple times.

  • Gather - To collect, to assemble.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - Symbolizing completeness, a sign of good luck, and a reminder of the importance of family.

  • Many - Representing abundance, prosperity, and a life of abundance.

  • Gather - Signifying unity, togetherness, and the importance of community.

三句- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share三句 - Saku - Copy 三句

means "three, third, threefold."

  • Three - The number three.

  • Three Times - Repeating something three times.

  • Third - The third item in a sequence.

  • Frequently - Doing something multiple times.

Name ideas examples

  • Three - Symbolizing the three aspects of life

  • Three Times - Representing the threefold power of love, wisdom, and courage.

  • Third - Signifying the third generation of a family.

  • Frequently - Representing the idea of being blessed with good fortune and luck.

means "phrase, clause."

  • A Phrase Or Sentence - A phrase or sentence is a unit of language that expresses a complete thought.

  • To Curve - To curve is to bend or turn in a curved shape.

  • To Take On - To take on is to accept or undertake a task or responsibility.

  • A Haiku - A haiku is a type of Japanese poem consisting of three lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively.

  • The Shorter Side Of A Right Angled Triangle - The shorter side of a right-angled triangle is the side opposite the right angle.

Name ideas examples

  • Sentence - A unit of language, consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked.

  • Curve - To bend or turn in a smooth, graceful way.

  • Take On - To accept or undertake a task or responsibility.

  • Haiku - A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.

  • Short Side - The shorter of the two sides of a right-angled triangle.

佐久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share佐久 - Saku - Copy 佐久

means "assistant, help, aid."

  • To Help - To provide assistance or aid.

  • To Assist - To give support or aid.

  • To Recommend - To suggest or advise.

  • Aide - A subordinate official.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

  • Support - To provide assistance or encouragement to someone.

  • Encourage - To inspire someone to do something.

  • Guide - To provide direction or advice to someone.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

佐玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share佐玖 - Saku - Copy 佐玖

means "assistant, help, aid."

  • To Help - To provide assistance or aid.

  • To Assist - To give support or aid.

  • To Recommend - To suggest or advise.

  • Aide - A subordinate official.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

  • Support - To provide assistance or encouragement to someone.

  • Encourage - To inspire someone to do something.

  • Guide - To provide direction or advice to someone.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

佐空- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share佐空 - Saku - Copy 佐空

means "assistant, help, aid."

  • To Help - To provide assistance or aid.

  • To Assist - To give support or aid.

  • To Recommend - To suggest or advise.

  • Aide - A subordinate official.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

  • Support - To provide assistance or encouragement to someone.

  • Encourage - To inspire someone to do something.

  • Guide - To provide direction or advice to someone.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

作久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share作久 - Saku - Copy 作久

means "make, create, produce."

Name ideas examples

  • Create, Make - To create something new and unique, or to make something special.

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To accomplish something great or to achieve something remarkable.

  • Establish, Set Up - To establish something meaningful or to set up something lasting.

  • Behaviour, Action - To take action that is noble and honourable.

  • Work, Product - To produce something of value and worth.

  • Quality, Achievement - To strive for excellence and to achieve greatness.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

作玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share作玖 - Saku - Copy 作玖

means "make, create, produce."

Name ideas examples

  • Create, Make - To create something new and unique, or to make something special.

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To accomplish something great or to achieve something remarkable.

  • Establish, Set Up - To establish something meaningful or to set up something lasting.

  • Behaviour, Action - To take action that is noble and honourable.

  • Work, Product - To produce something of value and worth.

  • Quality, Achievement - To strive for excellence and to achieve greatness.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

作空- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share作空 - Saku - Copy 作空

means "make, create, produce."

Name ideas examples

  • Create, Make - To create something new and unique, or to make something special.

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To accomplish something great or to achieve something remarkable.

  • Establish, Set Up - To establish something meaningful or to set up something lasting.

  • Behaviour, Action - To take action that is noble and honourable.

  • Work, Product - To produce something of value and worth.

  • Quality, Achievement - To strive for excellence and to achieve greatness.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

冴來- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴來 - Saku - Copy 冴來

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.

  • Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.

  • A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.

  • Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.

  • Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.

冴徠- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴徠 - Saku - Copy 冴徠

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "to measure land, to survey land."

  • Come - To arrive or appear.

  • Labor - To work hard or toil.

  • Encourage - To motivate or inspire.

Name ideas examples

  • Arrival - This kanji conveys the idea of someone or something coming or arriving. It can be used to symbolize the arrival of a new baby into the family, and the joy and anticipation that comes with it.

  • Encouragement - The kanji also conveys the idea of encouragement and motivation. It can be used to symbolize the encouragement and support that the family will give to the new baby as they grow and develop.

  • Support - The kanji also conveys the idea of support and care. It can be used to symbolize the support and care that the family will provide to the new baby as they grow and develop.

  • Blessing - The kanji also conveys the idea of blessing and good fortune. It can be used to symbolize the blessing and good fortune that the family will wish upon the new baby as they grow and develop.

冴来- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴来 - Saku - Copy 冴来

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.

  • This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.

  • In The Future - Something that has not yet come.

  • Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Hope - To express a wish or desire for something to happen in the future.

  • Blessing - To wish someone good luck, health, and happiness.

  • Joy - To bring happiness and delight.

  • Courage - To have the strength and determination to face difficult situations.

冴玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share冴玖 - Saku - Copy 冴玖

means "clarity, serenity."

  • Sharpness (of mind or eyes) - Refers to the sharpness of one's mental or visual faculties.

  • To Clear - Refers to the clarity of something, such as a view or a thought.

  • To Chill - Refers to the cooling of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • To Freeze - Refers to the freezing of something, such as a liquid or an emotion.

  • Cold - Refers to the temperature of something, such as a room or an emotion.

  • Frigid - Refers to the extreme coldness of something, such as a room or an emotion.

Name ideas examples

  • Clear Headed - This is a positive connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be sharp-minded and able to think clearly.

  • Cold - This is a neutral connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be cool and collected.

  • Frozen - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be rigid and unyielding.

  • Cold Hearted - This is a negative connotation of the kanji, suggesting that the baby will be emotionally distant and unemotional.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

咲久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share咲久 - Saku - Copy 咲久

means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

咲公- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share咲公 - Saku - Copy 咲公

means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

Name ideas examples

  • Fairness - It conveys the idea of being impartial and just. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be fair and just in all their dealings.

  • Revealed - It conveys the idea of being open and honest. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be open and honest in all their dealings.

  • Government - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • King - It conveys the idea of being a leader. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Official - It conveys the idea of being part of a larger system. It is a reminder to the child that they should strive to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the betterment of society.

咲功- Saku -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

Name ideas examples

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and accomplishment.

  • Merit - This kanji that symbolizes qualities or actions that are worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Strength - This kanji that symbolizes strength and determination.

  • Blessing - This kanji that symbolizes good fortune and blessings.

咲徠- Saku -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "to measure land, to survey land."

  • Come - To arrive or appear.

  • Labor - To work hard or toil.

  • Encourage - To motivate or inspire.

Name ideas examples

  • Arrival - This kanji conveys the idea of someone or something coming or arriving. It can be used to symbolize the arrival of a new baby into the family, and the joy and anticipation that comes with it.

  • Encouragement - The kanji also conveys the idea of encouragement and motivation. It can be used to symbolize the encouragement and support that the family will give to the new baby as they grow and develop.

  • Support - The kanji also conveys the idea of support and care. It can be used to symbolize the support and care that the family will provide to the new baby as they grow and develop.

  • Blessing - The kanji also conveys the idea of blessing and good fortune. It can be used to symbolize the blessing and good fortune that the family will wish upon the new baby as they grow and develop.

咲来- Saku -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.

  • This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.

  • In The Future - Something that has not yet come.

  • Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Hope - To express a wish or desire for something to happen in the future.

  • Blessing - To wish someone good luck, health, and happiness.

  • Joy - To bring happiness and delight.

  • Courage - To have the strength and determination to face difficult situations.

咲生- Saku -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "life, birth, raw, uncooked."

  • To Live - Alive, living, life, living things, life force.

  • To Dwell - Dwelling, living, life.

  • To Give Birth - Give birth, born, produce, create, occur.

  • Innate - Innate, inborn, natural.

  • To Grow - Grow, sprout, cultivate.

  • Unprocessed - Unprocessed, unripe, unskilled.

  • Pure - Pure, Unmixed, unadulterated.

  • Scholar - Scholar, intellectual, teacher.

  • Student - Student, pupil, disciple.

Name ideas examples

  • Alive - Symbolizing life and vitality.

  • Life - Representing the preciousness of life.

  • Living - Signifying the joy of living.

  • To Live - Encouraging the baby to live life to the fullest.

  • To Produce - Inspiring the baby to create and innovate.

  • To Grow - Reminding the baby to keep growing and learning.

  • Pure - Wishing the baby to remain pure and innocent.

  • Scholar - Honoring the baby’s intelligence and knowledge.

  • Student - Encouraging the baby to pursue knowledge.

唆久- Saku -

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means "instigation, temptation, incitement."

  • Entice - To encourage or persuade someone to do something.

  • Provoke - To stir up or incite someone to do something.

  • Encourage - To give someone confidence or support to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Inspire - To motivate or encourage someone to do something.

  • Stimulate - To motivate or encourage someone to do something.

  • Invigorate - To give someone energy or enthusiasm to do something.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

唆玖- Saku -

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means "instigation, temptation, incitement."

  • Entice - To encourage or persuade someone to do something.

  • Provoke - To stir up or incite someone to do something.

  • Encourage - To give someone confidence or support to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Inspire - To motivate or encourage someone to do something.

  • Stimulate - To motivate or encourage someone to do something.

  • Invigorate - To give someone energy or enthusiasm to do something.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

善久- Saku -

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means "good, virtuous, kind."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Having a high quality or being admirable.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or success.

  • Respectable - Having a high status or being honorable.

  • Admirable - Deserving of admiration or respect.

  • Kind - Showing kindness and thoughtfulness.

  • Harmonious - Being in harmony or having a friendly relationship.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

嵯久- Saku -

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means "steepness."

  • Steep - Describes a mountain that is very steep and difficult to climb.

  • Rugged - Describes a mountain that is rough and rugged in appearance.

  • Precipitous - Describes a mountain that is very steep and has a sudden drop.

Name ideas examples

  • Adventurous - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

  • Daring - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

  • Courageous - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

嵯玖- Saku -

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means "steepness."

  • Steep - Describes a mountain that is very steep and difficult to climb.

  • Rugged - Describes a mountain that is rough and rugged in appearance.

  • Precipitous - Describes a mountain that is very steep and has a sudden drop.

Name ideas examples

  • Adventurous - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

  • Daring - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

  • Courageous - Describes a baby who is brave and willing to take risks.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

左久- Saku -

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means "left, left-hand side."

  • Left - The side to the left. To go to the left.

  • East - The direction of east. When facing south, the left is east.

  • Lower - Lower in rank. From ancient China, where the right was honored.

  • Proof - A seal or evidence.

  • Help - To give assistance.

Name ideas examples

  • Left - Symbolizing the idea of going in a new direction or taking a new path in life.

  • East - Representing the idea of progress and growth.

  • Lower - Representing humility and respect.

  • Proof - Representing the idea of being a reliable and trustworthy person.

  • Help - Representing the idea of being a helpful and supportive person.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

彩空- Saku -

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means "color, coloring, paint, variegated."

  • Color - To add color, to mix colors, to create a color scheme.

  • Pattern - A design, a motif, a decoration.

  • Appearance - A form, a shape, a look.

Name ideas examples

  • Colorful - Bright, vibrant, and full of life.

  • Vibrant - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Radiant - Shining with beauty and joy.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

早玖- Saku -

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means "early, fast."

  • Quickly - Acting or happening quickly, early in the morning, or immediately.

  • Young - Representing youth or being young in age.

  • Hasten - To make something happen sooner or faster.

Name ideas examples

  • Quick - Representing the idea of being quick-witted, fast-acting, or having a quick response.

  • Early - Representing the idea of being an early riser, or having a head start in life.

  • Youthful - Representing the idea of being youthful, energetic, and full of life.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

朔久- Saku -

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means "new moon, beginning of the lunar month."

  • The first day of the month in the lunar calendar. The first day.

  • The calendar given by the emperor to the vassal states.

  • North direction.

Name ideas examples

  • First Day - It symbolizes the beginning of something new and special. It also reflects the idea of starting fresh and having a new beginning.

  • North - It symbolizes direction and guidance. It also reflects the idea of having a strong sense of direction and purpose in life.

  • Calendar - It symbolizes time and order. It also reflects the idea of having a sense of structure and organization in life.

  • Emperor's Calendar - It symbolizes power and authority. It also reflects the idea of having a strong sense of leadership and responsibility in life.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

桜玖- Saku -

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means "cherry blossom."

  • Sakura - Cherry Blossom. A deciduous tree of the rose family.

  • Prunus Tomentosa - A deciduous shrub of the rose family.

Name ideas examples

  • Cherry Blossom - This is a very popular name for Japanese babies, as the cherry blossom is a symbol of beauty and renewal in Japan. It is also a symbol of the fleeting nature of life, which is a reminder to cherish each moment.

  • Beauty - The kanji for sakura (桜) can also be interpreted as “beauty”, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that beauty is something to be cherished and appreciated.

  • Renewal - The cherry blossom is a symbol of renewal and new beginnings, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that life is constantly changing and that each moment is a chance to start anew.

  • Strength - The kanji for sakura (桜) can also be interpreted as “strength”, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that strength is something to be cultivated and appreciated.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

桜空- Saku -

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means "cherry blossom."

  • Sakura - Cherry Blossom. A deciduous tree of the rose family.

  • Prunus Tomentosa - A deciduous shrub of the rose family.

Name ideas examples

  • Cherry Blossom - This is a very popular name for Japanese babies, as the cherry blossom is a symbol of beauty and renewal in Japan. It is also a symbol of the fleeting nature of life, which is a reminder to cherish each moment.

  • Beauty - The kanji for sakura (桜) can also be interpreted as “beauty”, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that beauty is something to be cherished and appreciated.

  • Renewal - The cherry blossom is a symbol of renewal and new beginnings, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that life is constantly changing and that each moment is a chance to start anew.

  • Strength - The kanji for sakura (桜) can also be interpreted as “strength”, making it a great name for a baby. It is a reminder to the parents and the child that strength is something to be cultivated and appreciated.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

沙玖- Saku -

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means "sand."

  • Sand - Fine, granular particles of rock and mineral, typically found on beaches or deserts.

  • Beach - A strip of land along the edge of a body of water, typically consisting of sand or pebbles.

  • Desert - A barren area of land, typically with little vegetation, extreme temperatures, and sparse population.

  • Sift - To separate out the good from the bad by washing with water.

Name ideas examples

  • Sand - A symbol of strength and resilience, as sand is able to withstand the elements and remain unchanged.

  • Beach - A reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of taking time to appreciate it.

  • Desert - A reminder of the power of perseverance and the ability to overcome difficult obstacles.

  • Sift - A reminder of the importance of discernment and making wise decisions.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

渚玖- Saku -

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means "anxiety, worry, trouble."

  • Water's Edge - The edge of a body of water, such as a river or lake.

  • Shore - A small island formed in the middle of a river or lake.

  • Waves - The ripples and waves created by the wind or other forces on the surface of a body of water.

Name ideas examples

  • Water's Edge - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty and serenity of the edge of a body of water.

  • Shore - This kanji that symbolizes the strength and stability of a small island.

  • Waves - This kanji that symbolizes the power and energy of the waves of a body of water.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

爽玖- Saku -

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means "refreshing, exhilarating."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Bright - Symbolizing clarity and brightness, a reminder of the dawn of a new day.

  • Refreshing, Invigorating - Representing freshness and energy, a reminder of the joy of life.

  • Different, Divergent - Symbolizing uniqueness and individuality, a reminder to stand out from the crowd.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

爽空- Saku -

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means "refreshing, exhilarating."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Bright - Symbolizing clarity and brightness, a reminder of the dawn of a new day.

  • Refreshing, Invigorating - Representing freshness and energy, a reminder of the joy of life.

  • Different, Divergent - Symbolizing uniqueness and individuality, a reminder to stand out from the crowd.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

瑳久- Saku -

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means "vivid, brightness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Polished - Representing refinement and sophistication.

  • Lovely - Representing kindness and warmth.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

瑳來- Saku -

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means "vivid, brightness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Polished - Representing refinement and sophistication.

  • Lovely - Representing kindness and warmth.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • From The Past To The Present - Refers to the time period from a certain point in the past to the present.

  • Into The Future - Refers to the time period that has yet to come.

  • A Particle - Used in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To motivate or encourage someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Arrival - To come or arrive, often from a distant place.

  • Blessing - To wish good fortune or success upon someone.

  • Encouragement - To give someone support, confidence, or hope.

瑳来- Saku -

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means "vivid, brightness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Polished - Representing refinement and sophistication.

  • Lovely - Representing kindness and warmth.

means "come, arrive."

  • To Come - To arrive or come to a place.

  • To Bring - To bring something or someone to a place.

  • To Allow - To permit or allow someone to do something.

  • This Person - Someone who has been present from a certain point in time until now.

  • In The Future - Something that has not yet come.

  • Particle - A particle placed in the middle or end of a sentence to give it a certain tone. It is usually not read in the kunyomi reading.

  • To Encourage - To encourage or motivate someone.

Name ideas examples

  • Hope - To express a wish or desire for something to happen in the future.

  • Blessing - To wish someone good luck, health, and happiness.

  • Joy - To bring happiness and delight.

  • Courage - To have the strength and determination to face difficult situations.

瑳空- Saku -

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means "vivid, brightness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Polished - Representing refinement and sophistication.

  • Lovely - Representing kindness and warmth.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

皐玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share皐玖 - Saku - Copy 皐玖

means "riverside, shore, beach."

  • Satsuki - The fifth month of the lunar calendar.

  • Shoreline - Land by the water. Shoreline.

  • High place.

  • To call out loudly.

Name ideas examples

  • May - A beautiful name for a baby born in the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

  • Shoreline - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of the shoreline.

  • High Place - This kanji that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Shout - This kanji that symbolizes the power of voice and the ability to speak up.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

皐空- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share皐空 - Saku - Copy 皐空

means "riverside, shore, beach."

  • Satsuki - The fifth month of the lunar calendar.

  • Shoreline - Land by the water. Shoreline.

  • High place.

  • To call out loudly.

Name ideas examples

  • May - A beautiful name for a baby born in the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

  • Shoreline - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of the shoreline.

  • High Place - This kanji that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Shout - This kanji that symbolizes the power of voice and the ability to speak up.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

紗久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share紗久 - Saku - Copy 紗久

means "gauze, thin silk or cotton fabric."

  • Thin Cloth - A thin fabric made of silk.

  • Gauze - A thin, sheer fabric made of silk or cotton.

Name ideas examples

  • Lightness - This kanji that symbolizes lightness and delicacy.

  • Elegance - This kanji that symbolizes elegance and grace.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and refinement.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

紗工- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share紗工 - Saku - Copy 紗工

means "gauze, thin silk or cotton fabric."

  • Thin Cloth - A thin fabric made of silk.

  • Gauze - A thin, sheer fabric made of silk or cotton.

Name ideas examples

  • Lightness - This kanji that symbolizes lightness and delicacy.

  • Elegance - This kanji that symbolizes elegance and grace.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and refinement.

means "work, construction, engineering."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who creates things with superior technique.

  • Skillful - Possessing great skill or expertise.

  • Artisan - A person who is skilled in a craft or trade.

  • Make - To create or produce something.

  • Workmanship - The skill or quality of work done by a craftsman.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a craftsman, and the ability to create something beautiful.

  • Skillful - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a person, and the ability to do something with great skill.

  • Artisan - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of an artisan, and the ability to create something with great care and attention to detail.

  • Make - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to create something, and the skill and expertise of a craftsman.

  • Workmanship - This kanji that symbolizes the skill and expertise of a craftsman, and the quality of work done.

紗玖- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share紗玖 - Saku - Copy 紗玖

means "gauze, thin silk or cotton fabric."

  • Thin Cloth - A thin fabric made of silk.

  • Gauze - A thin, sheer fabric made of silk or cotton.

Name ideas examples

  • Lightness - This kanji that symbolizes lightness and delicacy.

  • Elegance - This kanji that symbolizes elegance and grace.

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and refinement.

means "nine."

  • A beautiful black stone.

  • A character used for nine(九) in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.

Name ideas examples

  • Nine - It is a number that is associated with luck and good fortune. It is also a symbol of completion and success.

  • Black - It is a color that is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a color that is associated with mystery and sophistication.

  • Beautiful Stone - It is a symbol of strength, resilience, and stability. It is also a symbol of beauty and elegance.

  • Agreement - It is a symbol of commitment and loyalty. It is also a symbol of trust and understanding.

聡久- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share聡久 - Saku - Copy 聡久

means "wise, clever, intelligent."

  • Intelligent - Possessing great knowledge and understanding.

  • Acute - Having a keen sense of hearing.

  • Wise - Having sound judgement and insight.

  • Gifted - Possessing exceptional talent and intelligence.

  • Insightful - Having a deep understanding of a situation.

Name ideas examples

  • Intelligent - This kanji conveys the idea of being intelligent and having a sharp mind. It implies that the person is wise and has a good understanding of things.

  • Wise - This kanji also implies that the person is wise and has a good understanding of things. It suggests that the person is able to make sound decisions and has a good grasp of the situation.

  • Perceptive - This kanji implies that the person is perceptive and has a good sense of hearing. It suggests that the person is able to pick up on subtle cues and has a good understanding of the environment.

  • Insightful - This kanji implies that the person is insightful and has a good understanding of things. It suggests that the person is able to think deeply and has a good grasp of the situation.

  • Knowledgeable - This kanji implies that the person is knowledgeable and has a good understanding of things. It suggests that the person is able to draw on their knowledge and has a good grasp of the situation.

means "long time, old, long-cherished."

Name ideas examples

  • Long Lasting - Conveying the idea of a long and happy life.

  • Ancient - Conveying the idea of a timeless and traditional name.

  • To Take A Long Time - Conveying the idea of patience and perseverance.

  • To Remain Unchanged - Conveying the idea of stability and constancy.

采空- Saku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share采空 - Saku - Copy 采空

means "picking, plucking, collecting."

  • Beauty - A beautiful and vibrant color.

  • Harvest - To pick and gather with one's hands.

  • Form - The shape, appearance, and hue.

  • Land - A chosen and bestowed territory.

  • Dice - A cube with numbers used in gambling.

Name ideas examples

  • Beauty - This kanji that symbolizes beauty and vibrancy.

  • Harvest - This kanji that symbolizes the gathering of blessings.

  • Form - This kanji that symbolizes the beauty of form and appearance.

  • Land - This kanji that symbolizes the gift of a chosen land.

means "sky, emptiness."

  • Sky - The vast expanse of the atmosphere above the earth.

  • Loneliness - A feeling of emptiness or desolation.

  • Emptiness - A lack of content or substance.

  • Waste - Something that is not used or is of no value.

  • Void - An empty space or area.

  • To Empty - To make something empty or void.

  • Wide - Having a large area or extent.

  • Hole - An opening or passage through something.

  • Gap - A space between two things.

Name ideas examples

  • Sky - A reminder of the vastness of the universe and the potential for greatness.

  • Loneliness - A reminder of the importance of companionship and connection.

  • Emptiness - A reminder of the importance of filling one's life with meaningful experiences.

  • Wide - A reminder of the importance of having a broad perspective and open-mindedness.

  • Hole - A reminder of the importance of finding one's place in the world.

  • Gap - A reminder of the importance of bridging divides and connecting with

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