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Japanese boy(male) name Sharaku
Click to speech しゃらくAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Sharaku

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:しゃらく
  • Katakanatip:シャラク
  • English transcriptionstip:Sharaku
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Sharakki(しゃらっきー)Click to speech しゃらっきーSharakun(しゃらくん)Click to speech しゃらくんSharatoto(しゃらとと)Click to speech しゃらとと

Kanji Names & Meanings - 3 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Sharaku," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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洒落- Sharaku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share洒落 - Sharaku - Copy 洒落

means "pouring, clean, reverent."

means "fall, drop, decline."

  • Fall - To drop from a higher place to a lower place, such as leaves from a tree.

  • Capture - To take or conquer by force.

  • Lose - To no longer have something or to become worse.

  • Die - To lose one's life.

  • Finish - To be completed or to settle down.

  • Settlement - A place where people or families live together.

  • Wear - To put on or to be connected.

  • Defect - A careless mistake or an omission.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fall - This is a positive name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of falling into a new life and starting anew. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Drop - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of letting go of the past and starting fresh. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Lose - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of letting go of the past and starting fresh. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change, as well as the idea of learning from mistakes.

  • To Die - This is not a suitable name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of death and loss.

  • To Finish - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of completing a task and achieving success. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Settle - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of finding peace and contentment. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Gather - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of coming together and forming a community. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Wear - This is a good name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of being connected to something larger than oneself. It can also represent the idea of taking risks and embracing change.

  • To Slip - This is not a suitable name for a baby, as it symbolizes the idea of making mistakes and not being perfect.

写楽- Sharaku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share写楽 - Sharaku - Copy 写楽

means "copy, photograph."

  • Copy, Duplicate - To write or draw a copy of something in its original form.

  • Remove, Eliminate - To take away or get rid of something.

  • Pour, Flow - To cause a liquid to flow in a steady stream.

Name ideas examples

  • Copy, Duplicate - To represent the idea of making a copy of something, such as a copy of a parent's traits or characteristics.

  • Remove, Eliminate - To represent the idea of eliminating negative traits or characteristics and replacing them with positive ones.

  • Pour, Flow - To represent the idea of pouring love and care into a child's life.

means "fun, comfort, ease."

  • Music - Playing music, performing music.

  • Enjoyment - Enjoying, being happy, liking, loving, wishing, desiring.

  • Ease - Easiness, being free from physical and mental pain, being relaxed.

Name ideas examples

  • Music - Music can be a beautiful and meaningful name for a baby, as it symbolizes creativity, joy, and harmony.

  • Enjoyment - Enjoyment is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes happiness, contentment, and fulfillment.

  • Ease - Ease is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes comfort, relaxation, and peace.

洒楽- Sharaku -

Add to First Names Favorites Share洒楽 - Sharaku - Copy 洒楽

means "pouring, clean, reverent."

means "fun, comfort, ease."

  • Music - Playing music, performing music.

  • Enjoyment - Enjoying, being happy, liking, loving, wishing, desiring.

  • Ease - Easiness, being free from physical and mental pain, being relaxed.

Name ideas examples

  • Music - Music can be a beautiful and meaningful name for a baby, as it symbolizes creativity, joy, and harmony.

  • Enjoyment - Enjoyment is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes happiness, contentment, and fulfillment.

  • Ease - Ease is a great name for a baby, as it symbolizes comfort, relaxation, and peace.

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