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Click to speech あいきょうAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Aikyou

  • Hiraganatip:あいきょう
  • Katakanatip:アイキョウ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 300
  • English transcriptiontip:Aikyou, Aikyo

Kanji Names & Meanings - 5 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Aikyou," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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相京- Aikyou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share相京 - Aikyou - Copy 相京

means "mutual, reciprocal, each other."

  • To See - To look closely and examine in detail.

  • To Foretell - To use divination to predict the future.

  • Form - The shape or appearance of something.

  • To Help - To assist or provide support.

  • Mutual - To be in a relationship with each other.

  • Friends - To be close with someone.

  • Alternating - To take turns with each other.

  • Companions - To be in a group with others.

means "kyoto, capital city of Japan during the heian period (794-1185)."

  • Capital City - A city that is the center of a country and has a royal government.

  • Grand - Large and impressive.

  • Hill - A high elevation.

  • Worried - Feeling anxious or concerned.

  • Number - A million times a trillion.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 200

愛敬- Aikyou -

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means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

means "respect, honor, reverence."

  • Respect, Honor - Showing respect and admiration for someone or something.

  • Reverence - A feeling of deep respect and admiration for someone or something.

  • Humility - Being humble and modest in attitude and behavior.

  • Graciousness - Being polite and courteous in manner.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

鮎京- Aikyou -

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means "ayu, sweetfish."

  • Namazu - A freshwater fish from the Catfish family.

  • Ayu - A freshwater fish from the Sweetfish family.

means "kyoto, capital city of Japan during the heian period (794-1185)."

  • Capital City - A city that is the center of a country and has a royal government.

  • Grand - Large and impressive.

  • Hill - A high elevation.

  • Worried - Feeling anxious or concerned.

  • Number - A million times a trillion.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

藍京- Aikyou -

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means "indigo, blue dye plant."

  • Indigo - A one-year-old plant of the Tade family used to make blue dye.

  • Blue - A color that is a shade of blue.

  • Rags - Pieces of old, worn-out clothing.

means "kyoto, capital city of Japan during the heian period (794-1185)."

  • Capital City - A city that is the center of a country and has a royal government.

  • Grand - Large and impressive.

  • Hill - A high elevation.

  • Worried - Feeling anxious or concerned.

  • Number - A million times a trillion.

  • Householdstip: under 10

相亰- Aikyou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share相亰 - Aikyou - Copy 相亰

means "mutual, reciprocal, each other."

  • To See - To look closely and examine in detail.

  • To Foretell - To use divination to predict the future.

  • Form - The shape or appearance of something.

  • To Help - To assist or provide support.

  • Mutual - To be in a relationship with each other.

  • Friends - To be close with someone.

  • Alternating - To take turns with each other.

  • Companions - To be in a group with others.

means "a place where a monarchy is located. the center of a country."

  • Householdstip: under 10

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