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Click to speech ひるまAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Hiruma

  • Hiraganatip:ひるま
  • Katakanatip:ヒルマ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 3,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Hiruma

Kanji Names & Meanings - 11 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Hiruma," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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比留間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share比留間 - Hiruma - Copy 比留間

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

means "detain, stop, remain."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 1,000

昼間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share昼間 - Hiruma - Copy 昼間

means "noon, daytime."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 600

蛭間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛭間 - Hiruma - Copy 蛭間

means "leech, blood-sucking insect, worm."

  • Leech - A type of worm that sucks blood from humans or animals.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 600

肥留間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share肥留間 - Hiruma - Copy 肥留間

means "fertilizer, manure, fat."

means "detain, stop, remain."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

菱沼- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share菱沼 - Hiruma - Copy 菱沼

means "diamond, rhombus."

  • Water Plant - A type of annual grass belonging to the water plant family.

  • Symbol - A symbol of good luck, prosperity, and longevity.

means "swamp, marsh, bog."

  • Pond - A deep pond filled with mud.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

昼馬- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share昼馬 - Hiruma - Copy 昼馬

means "noon, daytime."

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

飛留間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share飛留間 - Hiruma - Copy 飛留間

means "fly, jump, leap."

  • Fly - To move through the air like a bird. To move quickly.

  • High - To be located in a high place.

  • Unfounded - Without evidence or basis.

  • Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in the Japanese game of Shogi, the Flying Chariot.

means "detain, stop, remain."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

晝間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share晝間 - Hiruma - Copy 晝間

means "daytime, daylight."

  • Daytime - The period of time from sunrise to sunset.

  • Midday - The time around noon.

  • Midday Sun - The sun at its highest point in the sky at noon.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

晝馬- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share晝馬 - Hiruma - Copy 晝馬

means "daytime, daylight."

  • Daytime - The period of time from sunrise to sunset.

  • Midday - The time around noon.

  • Midday Sun - The sun at its highest point in the sky at noon.

means "horse."

  • Horse - A hoofed mammal of the family Equidae, kept as a domesticated animal.

  • Metaphor - A large animal used as a metaphor.

  • Chess Piece - The pieces in the game of shogi, such as the "dragon horse(竜馬)" and the "keima(桂馬)".

  • Householdstip: under 10

蛙間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛙間 - Hiruma - Copy 蛙間

means "frog."

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

比晋間- Hiruma -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share比晋間 - Hiruma - Copy 比晋間

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

means "shin: advance, promote, ascend."

  • To Advance - To move forward with vigor and determination.

  • To Progress - To make steady progress towards a goal.

  • To Develop - To grow and expand in a positive direction.

  • To Improve - To become better in some way.

means "interval, space, time, room, pause."

  • Between Two Things - The space between two things.

  • Inside - The interior of something.

  • Time - A period of time.

  • Recently - Recently.

  • A While - For a short period of time.

  • Gap - A gap or separation.

  • To Separate - To create a space between two things.

  • To Spy - To take advantage of a gap to spy.

  • Secretly - Secretly.

  • To Switch - To switch places.

  • To Mix - To mix together.

  • To Heal - To get better from an illness.

  • Unit Of Length - A unit of length equal to six shaku (approximately 1.8 meters).

  • Between Pillars - The space between pillars in a building.

  • Relationship - A connection between two things.

  • Condition - The state of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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